Monday, June 12, 2023

"Thy Can Only Serve One Master...."

 When I hear ah muh fuckin foreigner!

Talkin bout their beautiful country!?

I fuckin smile inwardly!

Cause no matter what yo sorry ass says about yo muh fuckin country Sonshine!

Here yo sorry as is!

In US country!

And I ain't got tah brag about muh fuckin shit!

Ain't evah busted ah move out this muh fuckah!


Look at you?!

Talkin that absurd stupid shit!

"In my country the fruits are sweeter.", "In my country we have fresh seafood everyday!". "In my counry we have such beautiful people!"...

Shut thah fuck up with that noise!

Then, why thah fuck are you 


Thah fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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