Friday, June 30, 2023

Fuck This Race-Bait Shit! The Jews Have Been Turning The Propagandized Racial Screws!

 I don't talk to too many people outside of work!

Not sayin I'm somethin special or some shit!

Far from it!

Just ah choice I guess?

Get in casual conversations with muh fuckahs in grocery stores, auto part stores, fast-food restaurants...every-muh-fuckin-body wants tah talk thah same ol ill shit!

Propagandized spewed conditioned rhetoric!

But thah othah day I got tired!

Muh fuckah wanted tah start talkin bout "evil White people"! And how racist they are and shit! In thah "Wendy's" waitin line!

All I could say tah thah muh fuckah was like I USually say tah some hackneyed bullshit,

'I heard that!'

But unlike me! I put my lil two cents in this ill shit.

'But God damn man! Jordan got all that muh fuckin reported money! That muh fuckah ain't busted one move tah help some niggahs out! I mean shit, can some niggahs get ah "Michael Jordan Local Bank" some shit! At least in Chicago?! I mean God damn!'

The waitin muh fuckah jUSt started bustin out laughin! 

Shit! Then,

I started laughin too!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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