Saturday, June 24, 2023

US's High Time To Erase The Mark of US Beast!

 We've signed up for thah ill shit!

Signed shit! Paid taxes undah thah shit!

Bought and paid for!

"What in the world are you writing about?!"

Buyng and trading?

Goods for evil? 

evil for Goods?

The Book of Revelation?

The Holy fuckin Bible, King James Version?!

Never heard of it?!

God damn!

Then it don't mean shit tah tell yo unknowin one of US that

Yo social security numbah 

Has yah already 


And even has thah masonic ordah of nine digits!

Three divided by three is what?!

And how many threes doth that maketh!?

"But that doesn't make any sense! Three-three-three?"

Three / Three + three!

Three sixes God damnit!

Three muh fuckin sixes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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