Monday, June 26, 2023


 Shit! My ol Black broke sorry ass on ah good muh fuckin void was gettin ah half stream!

Muh fuckin doctah wanted tah prescribe my ass some shit named, "Flomax"!


I'll always take thah drugs and store 'em away! Shit who knows in thah future ah muh fuckah may need some shit?! Anyway...

Read about thah ill shit! Nope!

It's still in thah big ass "Non USed Prescribed Drug Drawer!"

Straight up! 

Started researchin some shit cause thah shit was gettin critical! Sometimes my ol Black sorry broke ass was like, 'Man if I don't go soon! I may have tah go tah thah muh fuckin emergency room!" And that's how I obtained ah prescription for thah shit! Now, mind you! Yo ol ass in so much pain, caUSe yo sorry ass can't piss? You will not care what thah fuck they do! As long as that God damned pain subsides at least ah fuckin lil bit! And when those muh fuckahs stick that catheter up yo urethra?! You will not give ah shit from that pain! Cause that muh fuckin pain givin yo miserable ass some muh fuckin well needed relief! 

But...yo ol sorry Black broke ass don't want tah evah make that painful muh fuckin trip again!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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