Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Trying To Get Clean! CaUSe The evil Muh Fukcin Dirty...Is Sho Nuff Comin!

 I have muh fuckin sleepin problems! my Wife can sleep like ah muh fuckin baby!?

"Well, maybe you need to take some melatonin? Or maybe curb your alcohol intake?"

I ain't feelin yah with thah melatonin bullshit! Tried it! My ass was off for muh fuckin two weeks! I took that shit! With my many supplementations ol Black sorry muh fuckin takin ass! No fuckin sale! Anyway!...

But God damn!

Yo ass sho nuff hit thah nail on thah muh fuckiton head about

"Alcohol Intake"!

And who knows?!

Maybe that 

Melatonin bullshit will finally be effective tah my

Ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Sans inflammatory, now Sobrietal ol muh fuckin Black sorry broke disease causing

Alcohol havin ass!!!???...

(Peace! More to come...)

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