Saturday, June 24, 2023

The entitled Menendez Brothers Are Alien elite Beings!

 My Daughter and I were jUSt talkin bout them entitled muh fuckahs!

Then when thah shit got tah thah point where their sorry asses were goin down!?

Them sorry clueless ass muh fuckahs started talkin bout how their father was fuckin 'em in thah ass and shit!

Did thah father do it!?

Most likely!

Did thah muh fuckin mom know about that ill shit!


Yah see!? 

Y'all sorry incarcerated asses should have started out with that ill ass deplorable shit! 

An afterthought?!


Well, that shit wasn't so muh fuckin traumatic tah y'alls lazy muh fuckin allegedly "bung-holed" incarcerated sorry muh fuckin asses after all!?...

Thah muh fuckin elite and their offspring are not muh fuckin thinkin and are not muh fuckin 


Human Beings!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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