Saturday, June 17, 2023

Today! (Pastor Paul Peterson, Church of The IN Believers, Indianapolis, IN) Fall 2024

 He had informed his parishioners  time and time again,

"Listen saints! It's time to do God's work! Which means we have to get out on the street and preach his word!" What was Pastor Peterson getting? Yeah, grief!

"Have you been out there pastor? It's not safe!" One said. "Yes, Scary!" Said another!

Listen! I'll do it myself! Every Friday! And he saw these mocking eyes looking back at him like, "I hope you seek what you find?"

Oh, he sought! And he found!

Went out his first Friday. Saw some young brothahs just hangin out. Parked his car. Walked casually over to them.

"Yo bro you ah narc or what?"

'No not at all! I'm a pastor at a local church just up the way.'

"Yo, y'all be gettin those tithes and shit!"


"Mostly cash right?"

Pastor Peterson hesitated.

"Hey, pastor? Where'd you say that church is? I'd like tah visit this Sunday?!"

He smiled to himself. Turned and got into his vehicle and drove off. Thinking to himself the scoffing words, "Have you been out there pastor?..." 

Now! And I understand!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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