Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Three Days And Counting...

 What thah fuck was my ol Black sorry ass thinkin when of course I heard,

"Niggah yah need tah quit drinkin! I Love yah Love but our asses are old muh fuckah! Ain't talked tah yah like this in ah long fuckin time, but I guess I got tah get in ah niggah's ass...again! Look at 'em Love?! They pushin alcohol! They pushin pharmaceutical knock out drugs tah reality and shit! Give US legal weed so we never succeed! Vaping! CBD vaping! Crack! Tranq! Ron!...get thah point muh fuckah?! We can't go out like that shit Love! We gots tah start livin real right tah see Our Father's light Love! Remember the stories of the lighthouses Love? How we read in unison, being a Human lighthouse?...Well, I'm glad tah tell yah Love, our asses' about tah burn thah fuck out! We know this! But our asses gots tah keep on  shinin until that time our lights have been taken away, in an instant!"

I Love you too Love! Thank You!

"I hate yo ass when you give up so fuckin quickly cause yo ass knew I was right from jump! That's what I Love about you Love! Yo ass sho nuff learnin!"

Thank You.

"You're welcome Love. Let's take our old asses tah bed?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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