Sunday, April 30, 2023

Freedom From Listening!

 "Well I'm going to tell you this..."

Naw, and yaw ain't about tah tell this ol Black sorry broke ass nothin! Unless thah movies are correct and two burly muh fuckahs with dark pressed suits start makin their way this way! Othah than that!

Yah ain't gonnah tell my ol Black sorry broke ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I mean what muh fuckahs gonnah say?!

"You mean you're not monetized! You're not making money off of your time and shit!?"

First of all. it ain't my shit! Just because thah othah muh fuckahs involved don't want tah write thah shit don't fuckin mean I own shit! Let's get that shit straight? Okay! There are jUSt people behind this shit, that don't remember thah shit, don't want tah write about thah shit, don't want anything tah do with thah shit! Or fuckin dead!...Shit! I don't know!?

All I know Playesses and Playahs!

I go to work!

I arrive blessedly back


And muh fuckin share!...

(Peace More to come...)

Pray?! And The Rest Is Bullshit!

 They can't stop this righteoUS shit!

They can't ever!

"Let me find thy servant Job!..."

God damn!

They will always fail!

But it is...

Some interesting dastardly evil shit tah be witnessin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I'm So Honored To Inform US!

 Everything in this muh fuckah is preparin US for the death that is to 


And for thah miserable lives we have 

Un-righteoUSly created!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Today - Zero 7"

 That's all what this shit is about!


Worryin about tomorrow!

Where thah fuck that got our sorrry broke asses!?


"Today! To still the moment that we stilled away..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Keep US Heads Up!

 Speakin of concussions! I remembah durin practice we had these tacklin drills! Well yah had one muh fuckah that had thah ball and guess what? Correct! Yo ass had tah tackle! Well it was me and this dude named...Sean...McCutcheon! He was thah ball holder I was thah tackler! Well on point of impact we both dropped our heads! Helmet tah helmet occurred! Both heads now pointed about sixty-degrees downward tah whence they were before! I came up first after thah tackle, 'What thah fuck' I was thinking? Sean, rubbing the back of his neck! Coach Grundy makin an ill face and sayin, "God damn!"...

Lookin back on it! Coach Grundy was ah hilarioUS muh fuckah!

Sean if I can remembah correctly was ah senior and I was ah sophomore in high school!

Anyway! That collision!

Taught my ass how tah fuckin tackle,

Without painful reciprocity!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Real Choices

 I remembah startin in seventh grade you had tah show that you had ah physical tah play American football! And thah doctor says, "You're okay to possibly be multiply concussed! Or paraplegic! Chronic loss of memory!... Death?! Sure that may occur?..."

God damn!

For ah silly game that we jUSt fuckin loved!

Was it worth it!?



I only had one concussion that I remember!

Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Be At Peace With Alcoholic Spirits While Visiting!

 They call them "Spirits"!


Like, yeah!

Some kindah supernatural ethereal bullshit!

Gottah respect that shit! That spirit!

"Gin makes yah sin!"

That muh fuckin spirit is all fuckin right with me!

'Gin!? Whad'up Bro'!?'

Yah see?

He nodded tah me! Didn't even recognize


So, that muh fuckah obviously don't like 


(Peace! More to come...)

Tis RighteoUSly Nigh!

 I look back on some shit often! Don't know why, but shit will pop intah my ol Black sorry broke ass head and I'll say tah myself, "Thah fuck else yah doin!? Write this shit down niggah!" So I humbly comply! 

Once US starts undastandin US's individuality but still are unified US!? 

How in thah Holy fuck they gonnah stop that righteoUS shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A.S.K. Our Father!

 It might read strange from ah niggah writin like me?!


Just ah suggestion Sonshines!?

If any of US is confused about this ill shit!




And this ill shit will still be expeditiously revealed tah ungrateful unworthy prayerful


(Peace! More to come...)

Proximal Allies?!

 I meet different people everyday when workin, especially bein located downtown!

I ask new patients all of the time just two questions, "Where were you born?" and "When are you going back to visit?"...

On very rare occasions I'll hear, "Oh! This is my country! I'm an American!" 

Right On!

But lately been meetin a lot of muh fuckin niggahs from Africa! Haiti! Domincan Republic!... Arrogant muh fuckahs!

"When are you going back to visit?"

"Oh, I always go back! I was just there last week!"

Thah fuck kindah money yo broke black sorry diasporic ass got!?

God damn! And on thah

Island of Hispaniola!?

Thah fuck wrong with y'all niggahs! Think it would be niggah Heaven's Haven up in that bitch! Y'all muh fuckahs here! Thah muh fuckin home environment mUSt not be goin too well! Just like White folks, y'all still can't get y'alls Black asses on one accord tah progress!

Muh fuckahs talkin about thah Mexican Border!?

Like Canadiens!

At least them muh fuckahs in the Americas'!

Fuck US gottah do with Africa!? The Island of Hispaniola!? Cuba!?...

Or any othah country not connected tah this

Beautiful shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Omeprazole et al! Dx: Just Watch What You Eat! III

 It's called Human Errored Cross-Pollination! 

That's what's wrong with this grand evil philosophy scheme of ah sorry ass

Global World!

Oft times, we're allergic tah one and another! No racism involved! Yah evah heard of thah fact that ah muh fuckah can eat honey where they live, that was produced where they live, but be allergic as shit tah any othah non-proximal honey?!

Them muh fuckahs on their evil plethora of misadventures! Wiped out whole cultures! With jUSt their presence! Yo sorry broke asses ain't immuned tah thah shit I'm carryin! And welcome tah this new world!...

A lot of thah global influx intah US, them sorry ass muh fuckin pieces of shit!

Needs tah stay right thah fuck where that shit was


Or else US gets ah chronic

Inflammatory Allergic Severe Response Reaction!

Tah thah shatted misplaced shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Omeprazole et al! Dx: Just Watch What You Eat! II

 "Well, how would I know that I'm allergic to something so highly consumed?"

That's thah dick of it!

Yah really don't until yah start listenin tah your body!

Yes, our bodies have voices! Oft times we drown them shit's out until thah pain, discomfort and sometimes death comes along!

But them voices still communicatin to our non-listening asses! Even aftah we think we got thah shit in check! There is something that each one of US are ingesting, willfully medicating, environmental...that's fuckin our shit up! Yah evah wondah why these Oncologists call thah shit 'remission'? Aftah seemingly 'curing' yo cancer shit!? They can't cure cancer until they get rid of all the manmade carcinogens that are byproducts of US's industrial food supply and US Industrial manufacturing! Industrial bein thah key! Controlling US food supply is absurd! Given our US History! The shit was sustainable a long fuckin time ago! Then thah industrialization of US's food supply hit!.. But now y'all evil muh fuckahs wannah talk about sustainability again?! When US had that shit in thah muh fuckin 50's, 60's, 70's, 80' fuckin check! Now y'all evil asses askin US tah go back tah where we were?! How thah fuck is that progress!?...Anyway! I'm sorry?...

 "Well what about Type 1 Diabetes?! How could that child have anything to do with coming out into this world with diabetes?" Excellent questions! I've been prayin on that shit! I guess, all I'm suggestin is tah look at the diet of thah Father and Mother six months up until that child was conceived! Or shit, thah overall health of thah parents involved in this creation! Then look at the diet during the gestational period! During this time one has tah take into the account of any living environmental issues, during while couple living, conceived, gestational period and final birth occurred?! And it will tell you all that you need to know!...

Why do we think all these damn commercials talkin about: plaque psoriasis, proton pump inhibitors, asthma, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, allergies...because they know what them evil muh fuckahs been puttin in US's food supply and into US's environment!...

Key word in body health talk! When them evil muh fuckahs start talkin about ah food that can cause an "inflammatory" response within and outside of the body in rare cases!? 

It ain't fuckin rare! They just makin too much money off of thah shit tah tell US thah real fuckin truth about what that shit causin that inflammatory response is doin tah US's immune system! Try tah fuckin discontinue USe of any food them evil muh fuckahs openly say that ill shit about!?...

"That sounds like some of that conspiracy theory mess!"


(Peace! More to come...)

"Turkey President Erdogan falls Ill, live..." Mainstream Media News Outlets

 Of course! They want that ass! And them evil muh fuckahs gonnah get that rogue ass!

Shit, we all read 'John Perkins' - Confessions of An Economic Hit Man!"

They already tried the coup!


Them evil muh fuckahs, sent in thah many muh fuckin jackals!

Failed again!



Like Perkins' stated in his book, not in these words of course,

"His ass ain't listenin tah global political evil reasonings or evil threats! Time for that hardheaded niggah lookin muh fuckin ass tah die!"...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Omeprazole et al! Dx: Just Watch What You Eat!

 Took the shit for many of years because of GERD! But I don't take that shit no more!


Well! I finally started understanding about what I ingest to live! And researching the biological effects!

Simply put!

We all Human unique muh fuckahs!


Is thah muh fuckin keyword!

Some muh fuckin things I can't ingest like thah multitude without havin major problems within my Human Body!

Simply put!

Quit consumin that allergic shit!

Even though I absolutely love that allergic shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

This Ain't No Laughing Matter!

 I have an excellent sense of humor!

Laugh with thah best of 'em!

But this evil shit we lettin takin ovah round US!

God damn!

My laugh ain't thah muh fuckin same!

It's become ah laugh of pitiable derision!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Coming! II

 I think often, 

'When the shit hits the fan! 

Where are we going to be?'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Look At Me?!

 Once it is all said and done, lookin at "The Indiana State Parenting Guidelines", they're doin thah best that they can! With what US broke asses come tah them with!

"Well I'm going to inform both of you. You brought this in front of this court...."



And here we blessedly still 


(Peace! More to come...)

Clearing Blemishes

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk!

God damn!

Talk! Talk! Talk!...

Shut thah fuck up!...

Well, that's what you think at least!

Civility is the key!

One must listen to said nonsense in order to 


(Peace! More to come...)

Stop The Human Perpetual Cycles!

 Do we undahstand if US don't stop this evil shit,

US gonnah have tah go through all thah shit in The Holy Bible


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 28, 2023

US Are Not Cookie Cutter Humans

 Muh fuckahs be complainin about US!

I jUSt wish they could be...whatevah thah fuck ah muh fuckah's gripin about today!

Muh fuckahs talkin that ill shit that they jUSt wished everybody could be thah same!


US don't want that shit!

Some boring ass shit fo sho!

There'd be no reason tah go tah thah muh fuckin club then!

Same thing yah see at home is thah same thing yah gonnah see at thah muh fuckin club!

Kindah sense that fuckin make?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Decisions! And Muh Fuckin Dreadful Lifelong Decisions!

 "Let's go to...?"

Wherevah thah fuck!? Ain't nothin new there! 'No!' God damnit! Don't you undahstand? US spendin all that hard earned US taxed payin money tah ah muh fuckin

Harlot! Ah strumpet! A prostitute! A Ho! Now famoUS transgendered hos?!...

Ain't shit there yo!


"I'll be fine!"


Well, shit!

Let me get thah fuck out of your muh fuckin way then!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Must Be Nigger Ants!

 Yah evah had an ant problem in your home my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

Before US exterminate thah muh fuckahs!

JUSt ah suggestion?

Watch their activity?!...

They don't give ah fuck!

Shit gottah get done!

And y'all are up in this muh fuckah!


Niggahs gottah get takin care of!

We can't move muh fuckahs! Housing market's terrible!

So...what do you say?

The spray?!

Or you're going to move your Ant operations elsewhere?


(Peace! More to come...)

"Rotting Away - Tooth Decay" September 2024, Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana


So I guess I'm movin on

Cause I hit this fuckin bong

In my way!

The wrong way!

But I guess it's okay,

Cause my teeth are in decay


Do Say!...

X-HH. The End Times of US Futures!

 "Why don't you do more with your family?"

Excellent question!

If yah mean do more inside than yah do outside!

Got that shit covered!

But if yah mean do more outside than yah do inside?!

I jUst ain't that type of niggah!

I'm jUSt suggestin somethin tah US?

In this near future!

US will sit back and cherish

The lil time US spent at Home and remembering hearing thah sounds at US blessed USed tah be quiet



(Peace! More to come...)

Bad Turns To Blessed Reality

 So yo sorry broke ass trust ah muh fuckah!

Go tah some shit!

Get tah thah shit!

Muh fuckahs pattin yah down and shit! Should have realized then! Yo ass in thah wrong muh fuckin place! Extricate forthwith! 

But what yo ass do?! Yeah, stay! "Cause I can handle some shit!" 

I'm sure you can! 

That's with yo fire power and moves! The fp they done confiscated! We in ah maze up in this bitch! Ain't no muh fuckin, "Jason Bourne", "Marty Byrde", "James Bond"...type of shit goin on up in here!

Naw Sonshines I'm so very fuckin glad tah tell US!

This shit 's for real!

Playah! Didn't sign up for this shit!

"Please! You've crossed the Human threshold for the last time! Have a seat!"

And a seat I shall take!

Thank You!...

(Peace! More to come..)

Human Cost?

What does it fuckin take?!


Oh, Playesses and Playahs if that were really what your muh fuckin broke ass was really about, yo ass be rich by now!

Do you really have thah muh fuckin stomach for thah shit yo sorry ass bout ready tah bounce to?!


Then yo broke sorry ass been through some real muh fuckin shit then! Cause knowin those muh fuckahs, as evil as they are! Bro...God damn!...I hope yo soon tah be prolapsed anus havin ass knows what yo sorry broke ass really gettin your ass into?!

CaUSe money ain't evah meant shit tah US!

So what do you really need?!...

(Peace! More to come....)

US Tainted Human Goods

 "I can't believe he would do this to me!? After all of this time in marriage?! My God! Why didn't he just ask for a divorce!?"

It's like this? Yah married him! Yah had tah fuck 'im tah consummate thah shit since y'all avowed Catholics!


Well, shit! Once thah pure has been impurified!

Any-muh-fuckin-thing can fuckin happen!


(Peace! More to come...)

Shit!? Them Evil Muh Fuckahs and Their Magical Words!


Mies (Lousy or Rotten)!



Dies (Well, this speaks for itself!)!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Prolonged REM State

 Take: 500mg cap of Milk Thistle, 90mg Vitamin E sftgel, 250mg Magnesium tab, 2000mg L-arginine, 2000mg Taurine, 500mg Licorice Root and 500mg of Vitamin C?

Just before you go to sleep for thah night! If you're ah person that loves tah write?! Put pen and paper near bedside or keep laptop very close!

The shit is trippy as fuck!

And I can honestly now remember dreams,


(Peace! More to come...)

Talking With Myself Again!

 How can you constantly live with me Love!?

"What?! Niggah!? Listen!...Do we really have an option Love! Without that one stupid absurd option you always bring up!? Just fucking one Love! All I'm Asking! Othah than that stupid shit!? Just One!...Love. Just One?"


Damn! Point well taken Love!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 We don't know shit!

Except what we know!

What we know is thah muh fuckin shit we won't tell any-muh-fuckin-body!

I remembah Mommy tellin me on about three or no more than five occasions during my lifetime with her,

"Somethings, you take to the grave Meredith."


And she was Apostolic!?

But thah oldah my ol Black sorry broke ass gets!

I'm convinced, Mommy was wrong!

Cause those secrets within US all for RighteoUS sake,

Shall be revealed,

Before Our Father calls US


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Fuck AAL! I've Been Drafted By The TQs'!

 Almost ten bucks for ah six pack bottles of American Adjunct Lager!

Fuck beer!

At the local grocer they got "Valeo Silver Tequila", nine fuckin bucks!

"I bet you it tastes like it too!"

It's way bettah than 1800! JC! PT!...jUSt suggestin with US broke ass selves?!

Like thah old sayin goes,

"Don't knock it! Until you've tried it!"

And like with all of thah


"Please drink responsibly!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Towards The End II

 Okay here's where I was goin with that shit!

Well, you put the paint can in this one spot where the top of the paint can would be punctured with a maybe ah one and ah half inch hole! Okay! Stop right there!...

Remembah I informed you that these cans were bases! So, once that can is punctured, there was this distinct smell, "Shit smells like sperm!" Fast forward!

There was this new dude I was instructin on how tah use thah paint mixer!

We put the base can in the puncture slot!

The smell hit me!

Jeff, the new hire said,

"Damn man! That smells like...damn sperm!"

Do you know how hard both of US cried laughin about that shit!?

Tears in our eyes!

Muh fuckah interruptin,

"What's so funny?"

We both looked at each othah and said almost togethah, 


And started laughin again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Towards The End

 I remembah when I spent ah year in "Terrible Haute" at 'Indiana State University'!

 @ 1986!

Worked at 'Sears' in Honey Creek Mall! Worked in hardware/paint/tools...and shit! Interestin as fuck!


Fair question! I guess, I can tell yah one of many stories without borin you! Well, you had to mix paint, in this paint mixer! Well all those cans out in that muh fuckah had tah be mixed with ah fuckin colah! Take that shit back tah our handy dandy paint mixer! Done son! Yah see? All those muh fuckin paint cans had a certain base, matte, satin, gloss...but the handy dandy paint mixer  on thah shelf at thah muh fuckin time would supply the color of yo choice, while shakin thah shit out that paint can!...

I smile often now! JUSt because I'm startin tah remembah some lil muh fuckin insignificant memories!

But maybe them shits ain't that muh fuckin insignificant at-the-fuck-all!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

But...There Shall Be A Brighter Day!

 It's so easy for my ol Black sorry broke ass tah lose ah muh fuckin thought!

Gets on my fuckin nerves somethin terrible!

But that's thah nature of this aging beast!

And US all succumbs!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 So thah muh fuckah said on this shit,

"Squeeze the trigger like you're taking a breath. Buy you a drink when you get back."

God damn!

Killin ah muh fuckah jUSt about

Pullin thah muh fuckin triggah!?

And cheers tah that shit?!

God damn!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Life's Bamming That Ass! Constantly? The Nectar Of Our Padre! Si!

 There is something so fucking humbling about loss! 

Dad dies! Bam!

Mom dies! Bam!

And every loss matters!

Good or fuckin unblessed


But you really don't understand the effect it has on you until later on in life, well...if yah live as ol as me? Is thah fact...

All US broke sorry ass muh fuckahs gonnah die!

Thah fuck US cryin for!?


You don't have tah know thah shit!

Just  respect thah shit!

Take three shots of tequila!

Niggresses and Niggahs!

Nectar of this Eden!

And everything is goin tah be just fine


For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Same Old Shit!

 Don't evah be ashamed of thah fucked up environment US had tah grow up in up until thah age of majority!

But be fuckin ashamed of thah fuckin fact:

Ain't nothin changed!?

With yo majority havin ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"All Inclusive - Pool Boy" II

 Ain't shittin yah!

Thah muh fuckah jUst makes yah wannah jump!



Fuck y'all!

"But I Love all y'all niggahs!"

US is fucking nuts!

And that is...

Ah beautiful muh fuckin thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

From me! To You!

 I'm finite God damnit!

Fuck Methuselah God damnit! 

I'm talkin on thah real!

Not thah evil muh fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

US Opioid Crisis?! The Muh Fuckin Fed Did It!...


Give US all ah muh fuckin check God damnit!

Y'all evil sorry worthless muh fuckahs been knowingly 

Numbing US sorry broke assUS



(Peace! More to come...)

A Human Settlement

 I can see that bright shining light against my sensitive skin! Giving in! The Human ultimate sin! What shall thy even to begin to defend? Win a settlement? For whom did you intend to meant? Oh, US is Heaven sent! Bent of the shining ever present firmament!...

Breath In!

Breath Out!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

We are amongst the blessed living!

US got this shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

Muh Fuckah?!

 Oft times there are visions that come to me! Oh, Lord! Please tell me it isn't so? Thy Lord tells me to, "Go with the flow don't you know?!" I say,

"Fuck that shit you sorry muh fuckin elite evil worthless, did I say evil, yeah, fuck it, evil, sorry ass muh fuckin, did I say worthless? Well if I didn't say worthless, then fuckin worthless! No count muh fuckahs! 

This shit is



Why? Thah Holy fuck!?

"Yeah! Why!?"



Cause US are sadiststs at our core!

We jUSt get off on replayin thah sorry ass muh fuckin many painful



(Peace! More to come...)

Please! Excuse me? But US Talking About US!? Right?!

 Do US not undahstand how our beautiful individual asses are?  Which makes





Is goin tah be jUSt fuckin fine!


(Peace! More to come...)

Who?! me!?

 So what we talkin?!

I mean shit!?

We jUSt talkin right?!


I can definitely feel that righteoUS shit!

But check it?!

Tone that righteoUS shit down ah fuckin tick?


US righteoUS got some shit!

For that evil muh fuckin ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 There ain't gonnah be no happy fuckin ending!

I mean shit!?

Has it evah been!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sardonically Speaking of Course!

 US knows how we hear some shit and start creatin that visual thought of US's thoughts jUSt goin with thah flow! Yeah Playesses I see y'alls fine asses! Playahs?! Fuck it!

US is in this shit!

What thah Holy fuck are US gonnah do thah fuck about this ill muh fuckin 

Dastardly inhumane muh fuckin shit!?



Beautiful muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

"Here In Spirit - Jim James"

 You listen tah some shit!

Shit takes yo ol Black sorry broke ass away!

Far away!...

And yo ol Black sorry broke ass jUSt gotstah admit,

'That's some righteoUS ass muh fuckin shit right there!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Which Color Are You?!

 I don't know if I told y'all this shit before or not, but I often times see colored auras surroundin muh fuckahs!

Trippy as shit!

The first time it happened, it was lil aftah Momma was born, so maybe twelve years ago some shit?

Momma and I were at thah muh fuckin 'Kroger' on 10th and Shadeland. Well she wandered a lil away from me, maybe eight feet some shit. But where she was I saw out of thah corner of my eye this maybe sixtyish muh fuckah goin toward her with this ill blood orange reddish color all around him!

I calmly said to her, "Come over here Momma." She came over to me with a certain puzzled look? The sixtyish fucked up colored aura muh fuckah tracked her with his eyes until his eyes met mine! He casted his eyes down and started walking thah othah way! Thah fuck!?

I told Momma at that point, "If you are with me and do not see me? You are in the wrong place! You can walk around, but make sure you can see me! Okay? And if you don't see me, start yelling at the top of your lungs, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!..." She thought that was funny for some reason. Youth!? "Okay?"

"Kay!" She said with a smile but still with ah puzzled look.

"McDonald's?" I suggested.

"Yes! Can I have a lot of fries today Daddy?" Momma asked.

"I think we can handle that!" I said. Kissed her on the forehead! "Time to get you a lot of fries!"


That was the beginning of the colored auras! Has my ol Black sorry broke ass been imbued with that unique spirit from days pasts! Fuck no! 

US all got that shit! 

JUSt feel this Human electrical positive current!

Negative current be

God damned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Circumlocution!

 Muh fuckahs start tryin tah fuss about some shit!

Fuck that!

Ain't got no time for fussin and arguin bout shit that shouldn't be fussed and argued about!

I shut thah fuck down!

My responses start bein,

"For real?!", "I didn't know that!", "So what he/she gonnah do?", "I undahstand!", "Who you tellin?",

"I don't even know!"...

Fuck it!

Get yo ol Black sorry broke ass back

Home safely!...

(Peace! More to come...)

2024 Presidential Election: More Murders, Thefts, Lies, Pandemics, Emergency Orders, Bail-Ins And More...Stay Tuned?

 That's how US know thah presidency position ain't worth shit!

Beiden runnin again?! Is thah old muh fuckah gonnah make it tah August of this year let alone 2024?!

That sorry ass muh fuckah don't even thah fuck know which way he's goin half thah muh fuckin time!

If that octogenarian wins thah next election?

It ain't gonnah be no voter fraud shit!

Fuck no!

Them muh fuckahs done upgraded tah

Strongarm robbery, B&Es, Murder...! 

Damn, y'all right!

They've been doin that muh fuckin shit!

But it is sho nuff gonnah be an evil ass US hootenanny!

Let the shit start slingin God damnit!

"Go head dance with yo broke asses!"... 


Can't wait!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 24, 2023

It Comes From Thee Eart! No Refining!

 "Thah niggah disrespected me! Yah know what I'm sayin!"

You ah drug dealah muh fuckah!

How can ah muh fuckah disrespect some muh fuckah that doesn't respect their own muh fuckin selves?!

But if yah got that ill weed niggah!

Now that's what I call


Don't make me get "Aretha Franklin" on that ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is No Place Like...

 Yah get ah wrong vibe around ah muh fuckah I'm jUSt suggestin, leave!

"Oh you one of those scared muh fuckahs hunh?!"

I don't know?! Maybe? But not when I was single! Shit! I didn't have shit! It was jUSt me! Muh fuckah one time was tryin tah cut me in line at "Wal-Mart"! I was on thah southside, near Keystone and I65 South! Yah Know?! He cut in front of me and started talking to the cashier! Talkin about there are my groceries you need to ring up! I got all of this straight!" I said, "Oh, no! That ain't happenin! You should have beeen waiting in line just like the rest of US or the manager should have brought you out to cut line like you're doing!" Cashier looking like a deer in headlights! The man said, "Go ahead! Go ahead!" The cashier started checking me out. He said, "I could have just did it you know." I made it a point of making sure he saw me take off my glasses and looked him dead in thah muh fuckin eye and said, "No you could not have." And he didn't do shit! But that's when I didn't have no responsibilities save myself! Anyway...

I'm married!

Have a teenager!..


Shit, I don't know Bro!

I jUSt have people that expects me to arrive home to be with them!...

(Peace! More to come...)

She's Kindah Rough!

 How about jUSt one more shot!

"No sir! We gottah get up in thah mornin Love!"

All right check it!? How about one shot of tequila, and three shots of grapefruit juice more?

"That's still ah shot niggah!"

Well you're gonnah Love this Love! Because you're a health enthusiast and sleep expert! How about Three shots of grapefruit juice! And one shot of tequila!?

"Niggah come tah bed! Stop that foolishness!"

I's be's comin missus! I sho nuff sorry for whatevah else I do tah...

"And you can stop that foolishness too!"

I'm sorry y'all, ah niggah gottah go tah...

"Fuck them muh fuckahs! Let US take our asses tah bed Love! God damn! What's wrong with you?! We old muh fuckah! Eight hours? Yeah! Go to sleep Love!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

While On Vacation! Please? Don't Keep Fucking Driving The Wrong Way?!

 Yo ass 's in unknown territory cause US's vacationin!

JUSt ah suggestin?

Yah know how yah rollin, thinkin yo sorry ass goin thah right way, and slowly thah landscape done turned intah somethin awfully familiar, which tells yo sorry broke lost ass tah go thah fuck that othah fuckin way!


(Peace! More to come...)


 I don't know, maybe it's jUSt me, but I Fatherly doubt it!

I witness real Human beauty oft times now!

Maybe I'm jUSt tryin tah be aware of Life's beauty instead of satisfying their degradation of 


I mean!

Look around US?

Not them muh fuckahs mean muggin!

Yo ass need tah turn thah fuck around!

There we go!


Look around US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 They talk about muh fuckin melatonin!

Fuck melatonin!

1,000 mg to 2,000 mg of Taurine on an empty stomach at bedtime!?

Sleep like ah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Deference: An US Reckoning

 There's ah certain positive human energy with deferring!

Being a servant to humans!


Pious as that shit may seem!

And muh fuckUS know when this shit ain't got shit tah do with whom I've been worshipping!

And it sho in thah fuck ain't no filthy muh fuckah lookin like that!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Non-Producing Human State IV

 I'm witnessin this shit, first hand!

Yah livin off thah government and y'all muh fuckahs keep havin fuckin children yah can't take care of!

That's all some of US know!?

Oh, others of US will say, 



Thah fuck I'm gonnah say tah any of US!

The way yo sorry ass was brought up makin babies and makin US hard earned tax dollars payin for ah muh fuckin hope and ah muh fuckin dream was and is muh fuckin flawed as fuck! That ain't gonnah go well at thah fuck all Sonshines! And no mattah how directly or kindly decided tah say thah shit! Or, what you should have done, shut thah fuck up in thah first muh fuckin place! Ah niggah gonnah say,

'Shit niggah! Who be you?!'

Excellent query!

 And I undahstand!

I ain't shit!

But shit!

Knows othah shit!

Just suggestin playah?...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Non-Producing Human State III

 These evil muh fuckahs can't tell yah thah truth for muh fuckin shit!

God damn!

Them evil muh fuckahs done coined thah shit and laugh at thah shit amongst themselves:


Laugh their evil asses off about that shit! They know thah righteoUS shant be mocked!

Even US evil ass muh fuckahs can't tell 'em what thah shit really is:


Can't tell US that shit!

They laugh every time they hear that shit amongst their evil sorry ass worthless selves!



(Peace! More to come...)

A Non-Producing Human State II


All that US can do well is tah keep bringin lil US intah this miserable world that somehow US thinks has hope!?

My God!...

And muh fuckUS have that nerves tah say,

"Our Father does not exist!"?...


(Peace! More to come...)

A Non-Producing Human State

 If all US doin is makin these lil muh fuckahs jUSt for 

Ah 'some fucks sake'!


US needs tah quit fuckin!

And start figurin this shit goin bad in ah muh fuckin hurry


(Peace! More to come...)

Caffeine Free On US Informational Highway II

Think about how much caffeine they put in every God damned thing now? The fuck is it doin in seltzer water evil muh fuckahs?! 

Not more than three years ago! I forget if I saw thah shit on ah late night informercial, ah news program...anyway, this muh fuckah wrote ah book I think, shit, I would have tah "Google' that shit and now ain't thah muh fuckin time! Anyway...this muh fuckah wrote about, if I can remember, he stopped drinking caffeine for three months and shit!...Well the interviewer, shit I can't really remembah but he was responding to questions, the othah person's voice...nah can't tell yah gendah or thah gendah of thah voice posing questions?...But I do remembah that muh fuckah who was bein interviewed on one question, the question was somethin like, 

'Well, what did you find out after three months of no caffeine?' some shit, close at least.

That muh fuckah responded, cause he talked about his mood swings and shit and thah withdrawal symptoms, bein irritated all thah god damned time...until he became caffeinated again. Anyway...

"We are caffeinated!"

I said to myself, 'Thah fuck he just say?!'

And he said thah shit again because, I guess thah muh fuckah heard ah niggah's thoughts,

"Yes! We are caffeinated!..."

Damn! That muh fuckah said that shit?!


(Peace! More to come...)

But That Was Back Then! Now?! Shit!

 Sometimes when I awake, a feelin of fuckin doom comes ovah my ol Black sorry broke ass! Earlier in my life the many thoughts of suicide would creep in, then I would fire up ah fag, make extra strong brewed coffee with two teaspoons of sugar, a lil half & half. Sit down with nothing on, not even thah muh fuckin lights. Only the ember of thah fag. Drinkin thah delicious strong coffee aftah takin a long pull off of one of thah "Camel Light Wides" with still a half pack left. Noticin that, I would smile, as I smoked, drank coffee...and let thah doom fade away!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Firing Fox Is Foxy!

 These evil muh fuckahs are firin these newscasters and shit for, I'll be God damned, 

Reportin about real news!

Instead of jUSt reading their shit!

"The fuck we tell you Tucker! Who The fuck told you to report?! All you had to do is make your money and read the teleprompter! Like everyone else does! But you trying to do real news! The fuck! We have to let you go!"

And what ol Tucker goin tah be for them evil muh fuckahs!

He'll get anothah show, where muh fuckahs watch him caUSe they think now he tells thah truth against them sorry evil fuckers! Like Alex Jones, Joe Rogan...They all on thah stroll! 

Gettin pimped and gettin fucked! Anyway...

Now, on his new show, like all of thah muh fuckin rest, he'll be most definitely controlled opposition!

JUSt like he was when his sorry ass got fired from


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Thy Daft Creationists!

 Nobody can tell ah muh fuckah how tah act if thah two creators involved in such atrocity refuse tah take ownahship of their ill creation(s)!

At this Human fated crossroads...


US has tah murder thah 


Along with 



(Peace! More to come...)

Caffeine Free On US Informational Highway

 Coffee fucks with me! Bad! Didn't realize that shit before I undahstood that it was fuckin some of my shit up! Well, when yah start gettin purple ugly splotches all ovah yo ol Black sorry broke ass body! And that shit, aftah fifty-six years ain't evah been ah muh fuckin problem! US bettah start givin ourselves pause!? Research Caffeinism?! When it says, "Can mimic bipolar disorder..."?! Why thah Holy fuck didn't I know that real shit!? 

"It was out there!" 

Fuck that shit! A lot of shit is out there until it's not! I mean their evil asses been pushin your mornin cup of coffee since I can remembah! And aftah all these years! I had tah research that shit my damn sorry ass bipolar, Hyperhidrosis, super anxiety...fucked up muh fuckin self! And USed tah drink ah shitload of coffee, especially when I smoked cigarettes! Thah first cup of coffee with Half & Half and two teaspoons of sugar! Fire up the fag! Come on naw!?

But I can't do shit of either of them muh fuckahs now! Cigarettes tore my chest up! Ah shitload of coffee?! Made me lose my real self!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Their evil Asses Still Have Not Broken US!

So, what?! US thinks all of the sudden there are more crazier muh fuckahs than yo sorry broke ass?!

All of US are tryin tah find US's way!

US 's complicit in lettin them lock-step US down!

Shit! They got US asses! You sorry evil muh fuckin...Anyway,

US got muh fuckahs confused! In ah bad muh fuckin way!

PTSD?! Yah damn skippy!... 

US has been there Sonshines!

And here US ungrateful sorry broke asses still


There was such a push-back on their evil ass agenda they had tah give way tah pause! If proceeded with?

"Casualties would not be in our favor, to say the least!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Unneeded Eulogies!

 If thah muh fuckah wasn't shit?!

Put that muh fuckah in thah ground!

Don't even fuck around with prayin!

That's some wasteful life's time!

Our Father knows!

And covah that evil sorry ass up!



(Peace! More to come...)

La Fin Est Parfaite!

 Shit, if yah single with no children?!

Ain't hurt nobody by choice!?

Believe in ah higher power!?

Always gainfully employed or ah business ownah!?

Tryin tah do thah right thing!?

Never married?!...

Great for You!!!

You will sleep well when this shit is finally over!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father! What Have US Become?!

 So I'm watchin this shit on thah 'Food Network' and thah muh fuckah was in thah 'Maryland and Chesapeake Bay' area. Them muh fuckahs went tah this crabmeat purveyor and seller! Had these muh fuckahs in thah sad awhile place called, 'Pickers'! Yeah! Like pickin cotton but proud of it! Kindah muh fuckin shit!? Anyway...Didn't see no white muh fuckahs up in that bitch! US knows thah usual suspects! They don't get paid by thah hour! Oh, fuck no! They get paid by the weight them sorry ass muh fuckahs can 'Pick' thah muh fuckin meat out of ah fuckin crab! Like fuckin cotton! For fucking eight hours or howevah thah fuck long?! Had this niggah woman supposed tah be thah fastest picker of crabmeat! They showin her and shit, she's smilin, proud of this ill shit I'm witnessin! Even havin thah nerves tah say, "Yah make me nervous!" Still smilin, shuckin and pickin! With ah piece of crabmeat caught in her wig!...

Damn Sonshines!


God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Human Fecal Matters, Matter!

 It's thah lil muh fuckin shit!

Not thah big shit!

Thah blessed thing I have acquired knowledge about this life!

It ain't thah big muh fuckin shit!

It's thah big shit made up of lil ol muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

This Shit Ain't About You, Or Lil Ol me!

 US got ah short amount of time with muh fuckahs that we meet on ah daily!

US has tah start maximizing time spent!

Not wasting unforgiving


But oft times my ol Black sorry broke ass findin thah fuck out, thah oldah my old ass gets,

"I guess some time needs tah be wasted!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Incalculable Cover Story

 They call muh fuckahs charming?!

Kind of fucked up adjective is that word!?

When ah muh fuckah has told me ah muh fuckah was,


That shit means nothing tah my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Yeah! But what that muh fuckah like at home!?.


 My ol Black sorry broke ass!..

(Peace! More to come...)

Over Coffee And Beignets

 There is nothing that defines US more than thah muh fuckin way US treats US!

I remember my Wife and I were having dinner at this outdoor restaurant in New Orleans!

Hot and humid as fuck! If it wasn't for that blessed breeze every now and again, We would have been takin our asses inside with the A-C! Fuck that shit! Anyway...

There was this couple older than US having dinner at a table next to US on the left!

The waitress had came to the other couples table for some shit, I guess jUSt doin some waitressing Shit?! Anyway...

The male of the couple dining next to US all of the sudden goes off on the waitress,

"How many times have I told you I needed pepper! How many times?! Are you deaf!?"

And the waitress didn't say a thing, casted her eyes down, and started walking into the indoor seated area!

About ten seconds later, she came out of the door and went hurriedly to the older couples table. Making sure she put the peppershaker next to the male. He said nothing. 

"Do you need anything else right now?" We heard the waitress ask.

The man looked up at her and said, "No we're eating! Now go away!"

I said aloud, 'Damn?!'

He kind of looked irritatingly at me and went back eating along with, I would hopefully deduce, his must needed pepper!

Still remember my wife and I lookin at one anothah like "The fuck wrong with this crazy old ass muh fuckah?!"

The couple had left before our food arrived. 

My wife and I nibbled, not really having an appetite any longer.

Paid the check! Tipped handsomely! Said our , "Thank you ever so much!".

Walked over to 'Café Du Monde'. Sat down, ordered coffee along with beignets. And jUSt started talking about this life....

(Peace! More to come...) 

In Real Human Natural Times

 US jUSt needs tah be ah lil less cryptic with some shit!

Some of  US be talkin and fuckin talkin, you wannah tell them muh fuckahs,

'Listen! We ain't on thah House or Senate floor no bullshit like that! US 's conversing! Get tah thah muh fuckin point God damnit! My old ass time runnin thah fuck out!'

But yah can't do that uncivilized shit! 

Gots tah jUSt listen and say tah my ol Black sorry broke ass self,

"Fuck time!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 21, 2023

Them Worthless evil Asses Own That Shit!

 Muh fuckahs talkin bout polls! Talkin bout research outcomes! Talkin bout percentages of Americans...

That muh fuckin shit, means abso-fucking-lutely 


(Peace! More to come...)

They've Been Taking Advantage of US RighteoUS!

 There is nothing tah be afraid of any longer!

No! Thing!

US has seen what they are capable of!

Yet, still we doubt their evil idolaters driven ill selves ways!


CaUSe US really wants tah do thah right thing not only for US individual selves,

But mostly for


(Peace! More to come...)

Transgenderism And US's Youth?!

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk about bullshit!

Male and female have already been predisposed!

Thah Holy fuck this evil shit up in thah muh fuckin topic of note for!?

Shit, if yah an adult, get some titties, ah muh fuckin dick, ah muh fuckin pussy and while you're at it, ah new asshole!...

None of US gives one solitary fuck!


Y'alls evil asses fuckin with thah children and shit with this transgenderism evil ass absurdity!

 Y'all evil muh fuckahs gottah pay for that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Summer 2023: The Hottest Summer Ever Recorded In US History!

 Don't yah see what thah fuck is goin on?!

Them muh fuckahs slick as shit with their evil asses!

In thah mainstream media which them evil muh fuckahs control, talkin bout three major banks committin suicide! Ain't no thang! 

"The US Banking System is not in any sort of financial trouble! Your money is safe!"

Them evil muh fuckahs successfully staved off 'The Run'!

Oh, it's gonnah be a very hot summer!

In more ways than just literal temperature US heat!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Defining US

 Muh fuckahs talkin that absurd shit,

"I feel normal."

What thah Holy fuck is that given US's individuality!

Does that shit mean, followin thah laws like you supposed to?!

Does that shit mean, I don't feel like I'm gonnah kill ah muh fuckah today?!...

I mean shit if thah muh fuckin rest of US don't know muh fuckah!?

US can't help that lost sorry pitiful ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Support US's Neighborhood Crime Watch!

 Easy as shit!

A malcontent, well, the first kill! 


The next day!

"Murder on the westside of Indianapolis!"

A day after that...



(Peace! More to come...)

The Summer Solstice of 2023

 These evil muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass! We've all been pimped! Willfully! And even swallowed! Thah Holy fuck wrong with US!? Sonshines! Shit's about ready tah get real in about sixty-six more days! And how them muh fuckahs say back in thah day:

"Bah-bah-baby you just ain't seen nothin yet!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Remittance Is Due!

 I know I'm old!

But God damn!

I feel fuckin old 


(Peace! More to come...)

Writing Spirits

 So you start with somethin! "What?" Whatever's on your mind! Just go with the shit! You know? "Yeah. I know."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Real Fucking Hardcore Vegans!?


What them muh fuckahs gonnah come up with next?

Ejaculate of Man, with a squirt of Woman, a pinch of salt, pepper to taste and a dash of sugar! Pour over Baby Arugula!...

God damn!

Really muh fuckahs?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The People In The Middle

 These evil muh fuckahs wannah keep showin how bad US be gettin!


Look around US individual neighborhoods Sonshines?

If this neighborhood started goin down like that shit y'all showin?

I would start killin thah muh fuckin malcontents!

We ain't got no muh fuckin money tah jUSt up and move!?


I've spoken with many of Nap's IMPD!

Yah kill ah muh fuckah ain't about shit, 

You'll be fine! 

They jokingly call it, "The Dexter Effect"!

Just don't admit tah shit!...


Don't fall for their evil sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Lists of "Ingredients" Are There For A Reason

If US has allergies?

It is up tah US tah take care of US damned selves!

Okay, check it?

I've been drinkin these seltzers, yah know low carb, still 5%! Anyway...

My right hip and my right knee started hurtin like ah muh fuckah, especially at night!

The same thing that was happenin with me when I was drinkin all that "Pepsi Max"!

So I get one of thah cans out!

Read thah muh fuckin ingredients!


An artificial sweetener that doesn't like this ol Black broke sorry ass body!

But who thah fuck would have ever thought an artificial sweetener would be in an alcoholic beverage! Is that not too an oxymoron?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Viewing Other Vehicular Activities (VOVA)

 Muh fuckahs wannah sit up here and be hypocrites, me included!

What thah muh fuckahs say back in thah day, 

"No news! Is good news!"?

Damn right about US's conditioned response tah this shit!

So of course these evil muh fuckahs gonnah 'report' on thah abnormal! Exploit thah ill shit! Cause them evil sorry sad awhile muh fuckahs ain't shit! Anyway...

Because it's bad news! Ain't nobody gonnah sit in front of their viewin vehicles tah watch thirty-minutes tah an hour of ah muh fuckah talkin some cheery shit! Make ah muh fuckah wannah gag for real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Beautifully Made Spectacles

 It's not only the things that you read, it's the things that you don't read! I ain't talkin bout no damn television, videos, gaming...Fuck naw! I'm talkin bout jUSt appreciating US! Observing US! I mean don't be starin at no muh fuckin body! Hopefully yah know how tah observe US's behavior without bein caught?! Yah don't? Damn! Okay, if somebody was starin at you for no reason, would you like that shit? "No." Well, yah jUSt told me with your answer that you do understand!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Military Social/Mental Research Budget (No Longer Military Budget)

Talkin bout bleedin thah US economy! If this shit's gonnah be ah 'Global' world, fuck them muh fuckahs! Get ah real job muh fuckahs! 

The US military is nothin but ah huge ass social/mental research institution!

Backed by US's sorry ass hard earned US taxpayin muh fuckin dollahs!


It's high-time tah put an end tah that ill research shit!

Cause that's gonnah be ah hell of vig tah settle when truth be told, 

And that muh fuckin bet against US still ain't paid off!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The New Me!

 I know I'm gonnah die soon!

How soon?!

Only Our Father can tell me that fated day!

But I'm startin tah feel Our Father's spirit engulfing me, overtaking me!

Once absorbed,

Alive or


I will be no more!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Et Tu Vegan?!

Thee Holy fuck! 

Maybe I'm fuckin crazy, yeah I know,

But why thah Holy fuck vegans makin vegan hot dogs, vegan bacon, vegan chicken...!?

Thah fuck kindah  absurd fuckin sense that shit make?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

US Is Looking In The Wrong Places!


Some beautiful shit!

That muh fuckah wore that shit in "The Professional"!

Been introducin that shit tah thah masses since then!

Undahcovah in thah muh fuckin US!

The "Jean Reno Collection by Cendrine"!

Funky ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's RighteoUS Learning Curve

 You think about ah muh fuckin child, and all that you can think of is: innocence!

You witness the smile from various children and can honestly say, 

"I know yo lil ass bein takin care of!"

Then US got these ill muh fuckin children! Goin thah fuck off! Throwin temper tantrums and shit, and gettin away with it! Mommy would have whooped yo ass somethin propah until you got yo throwin ah temper tantrum ass fo no reason off thah muh fuckn floor!

Was Mommy right?! Shit I don't even know!

I can only speak for my damn Ol Black broke sorry ass muh fuckin self!

Them lil muh fuckahs jUSt need time tah learn about this ill shit we brought them into!

And fuck US's adult fast-track shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Literally! III

 But I absolutely love watchin these young muh fuckahs textin on their cellphones!

I just watch their thumbs fuckin fly!

Will you look at that shit!?

Ain't no way,

My ol Black sorry broke ass thumbs will evah reach such



(Peace! More to come...)

US's Commonplace!

 "You think you know everything!"

Don't know where thah fuck that came from!? Cause my ol Black sorry broke ass will be thah first muh fuckah tah tell yah, "I don't know shit! And I'm learnin less everyday!" 

Let me suggest somethin tah yah Sonshines, thah more yo sorry broke ass researches, thah less yo ass undahstands fuckin quickly, how much yah don't know!

Do I research some shit, after which I make an opinion on thah shit, that might seem odd?! 

Fuck yes!

I can't speak for anothah adult!

I fuckin can't!


I sure in thee Holy fuck!

Can speak for my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass self!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Literally! II

 There is a purity in writing! US can say all thah shit US wants about my last statement, but US knows it's true! There are fucking rules! Syntax does fuckin mattah! Spelling thah fuck matters!...there is an order in writing, never informal, always formal! The shit ain't changed! 

Now 'Texting' ain't muh fuckin writing! That shit 's informal all day every day! 'LOL, WTF...'...

That ain't no damn formal writin!

Don't give ah fuck!



(Peace! More to come...)


 Fuck pictures! Fuck videos! Fuck audio books!...

Read that shit!?

After readin that shit!

US will under-fuckin-stand,

Whethah US reads bullshit or not!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Truths

 It is all here for US!

If US wants to partake in it, at all?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Real Loophole

 I don't know if I'm very empathetic or jUSt fucked up!

Yeah, 'The latter'? I agree! Anyway...

There are some things I can't witness!

My mind will play some shit in ah loop whethah I like it or not!

"You watched thah shit muh fuckah! I done told yah! Get some!"

My Daughter watches these "Fail" videos!

I'm watchin thah shit with her, it was cool at first and a lot of them were hilarious!

Then this Parkour muh fuckah did some shit, fucked up his landing and was eatin metal railing!

I said, "Oh! I'm done with this!"

That was probably two years ago or maybe more!

And do you know I can see vividly, till this day, that muh fuckah eatin metal, all thah muh fuckin while thinkin,

"Yo grill is ah grill no more!"

And the shit jUSt pops up any God damned time it wants!?

US sees why I was done with watchin that shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Calculated Evil Displacements!

 I mean think about it? First thing these men do once they get married is to move to another state and city! Why? That muh fuckah don't want his wife tah have no muh fuckin support, especially from family! That controllin muh fuckah wannah control some shit! "I'm leaving!" Fuck on bitch! Your family's in Indiana, we reside in California! Good luck with that shit! 

Think about child trafficking? The first thing them evil muh fuckahs do is tah take them children tah anothah country, tah disorient that ass! "I want my Mommy!" Little muh fuckah go out thah muh fuckin door, and doesn't see one person or child that looks like them! Where thah fuck are you goin tah go!? Cause at this point you thinkin, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma...all in on this shit! Cause if they weren't they'd be right here!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Grooming US For Pat & Turns All Over Again!

 Muh fuckahs goin ga-ga ovah these electric vehicles! Them muh fuckahs were built way back in the day. I think it was Buick?! Shit, it's been a long time! I saw this documentary one time, ovah ten years ago, titled, "Who Killed The Electric Car?" Researched some more shit! Shiiiought! Rich muh fuckahs ain't worth shit! Now look at this shit?! It's all thah muh fuckin rage!?

Have US researched the waste makin those muh fuckin batteries for them shits?

Them muh fuckahs don't have enough raw materials tah make them shits! 

Thah most non-sustainable shit I've researched!

Aftah awhile them muh fuckahs gonnah have US all like back in the real day,

Walkin our broke asses off!

"A vehicle? You live in a fifteen minute city!? Owning a car is so dated anyway!"

Yeah, real muh fuckin US talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Green Give Back Initiative - Black Republican Representative, Rystacion Negra circa August 2024 II

 What I want voters to understand, which I'm sure we do, but I'm just re-enforcing what we all already know! They come up with these 'Green' laws! But make US absorb the horrible insurmountable cost! They think like vultures! "Oh, what carrion can we eat today?" Well not today! Not today God damnit! Or ever!...

"I Pity the Fool! - Mister 'T'"

 Word's from one of US plethora of wizened!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Stella Rosa - Black Cherry"

 Tasted the shit!


Quite solid!

Went on their website!

Guess who my ol Black sorry broke ass lookin at?...

"Brandy" as in "Moesha"!

Thee Holy fuck!

But that shit's tasty as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Green Give Back Initiative - Black Republican Representative, Rystacion Negra circa August 2024

 Well I'll tell US Americans this! If we are going to have to go to work, not in our cars, which we own! But take public transportation, that runs on the publics schedule, obviously, not ours! Why should all Americans not be given our proposal of "The Green Give Back Initiative"!

We are all doing the right thing! By not driving our cars! We care! 

And why not be rewarded for caring about US!?

In yes, green environment!

But travel shall always be 


It Pays To Be Centered

 I think I told y'all my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs I lived in Downtown Indianapolis back in thah day close tah ten years! Let me suggest somethin tah US, If you can afford it now? Do it! I was ah fuckin loner! But loner be God damned! The shit was centrally located as fuck! Walk, hop on ah bus...fuck it! Minimal fuckin cost! Shit, most of the apartments downtown that I rented had hardwood floors! Old type of wood shit! Minimal fuckin cost! I think I was payin at thah most in the five apartments I had back in thah day, no more than...Five-seventy-five with all utilities paid?! Some shit like that? It wasn't ovah six hundred! I'll tell yah that for sho! Whether it was an efficiency or an one bedroom! In downtown Indianapolis! Back in thah muh fuckin day! Try tah rent down in that muh fuckah now!

Get US broke ass feelings thah fuck hurt!....

(Peace! More to come...)


 Ever since I read thah muh fuckin word in ah legal document, I instantly liked that shit!

I mean read some shit in a Philip K. Dick novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" and Deckard had a weapon that was called a Bifurcate?! Anyway...

One of my top one hundred words!

"Who fuckin cares?!"

God damn!

And I undahstand that real shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Alien Me

 I've always felt out of place in this muh fuckah!


Since I can remembah!

Somethin felt thah fuck off!


Heard thah word 'normalcy' later on in life and said tah myself,

"Thah Holy fuck is that!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

A RighteoUS Slave Mentality

 They brought US Black asses ovah here!

Muh fuckahs now talkin that ill shit,

"Why didn't they ever just escape?"

To where?!

Muh fuckahs USed tah African settings and shit! Thah fuck is a fuckin swamp!? US Black asses learned that shit quite ah bit latah! Anyway...

Muh fuckin slave sent tah Mississippi!? Shit, thah fuck thah slave know? Muh fuckah from anothah continent and shit! Disoriented like ah muh fuckah! Digressing...

Escape to where? And they sho thah fuck didn't give me no muh fuckin maps of this shit!

God damn!

When US tired asses displace Human beings!?

Without their consent!

There shall be generational repercussions for said


(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Sell Wolf Tickets Without A Mouth Guard!

 Muh fuckahs talk crazy as shit!

"Fuck that niggah! What! What! Let me go! Let me go! I wish you would!..."

But yah see, weren't no bones thrown!

That's thah kindah outcome ah muh fuckah talkin shit wants!

Cause niggahs start throwin some hard bones, and yo ass forgot yo muh fuckin mouthpiece?!


Ain't nothin worse, presentation wise, than ah niggah with ah fucked up grill!

Young men!?

Get ah mouth-guard! 

Pull that muh fuckah out when shit gets messy!

Muh fuckahs be lookin at your ass with great suspect,

"Did I just see that muh fuckah put in a mouthpiece?"

It fucks 'em up!

"I wouldn't give a fuck! I'd knock that shit right out of your fuckin mouth!"

And if it got tah that point playah,

My ass has been violently concussed any fuckin way!

But at least most of my grill would still be in tact!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Evil Onset Doldrums (EODs)

 It's miraculous how US's brains work!

Them evil worthless pieces of shit tryin tah replace US's shit with AI or, excuse me, Transhumanism!

God damn!

Evil muh fuckahs tryin tah perfect, perfection with software, MANmade shit and shit!

US is witnessin how dumb those evil muh fuckahs really are?!

I mean...all that money!

And them evil muh fuckahs can't even buy measly Human common sense!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tired of Fishing!

 I have tah catch myself oft times!

This world has changed!

And with that,

If I refuse to change with it?

I shall reel my shit in!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Raining Purification

 I told y'all I'm depressive!

And good Lawd bein an ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah still gottah work, and that damn dreaded doom comin ovah my spirit! God damn!

I see thah thunderclaps, lightening...then thah

GlorioUS beautiful rain!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 17, 2023

Then Whom?!

 Muh fuckUS want ah muh fuckin scapegoat! 

Niggahs, Rednecks, Jews,...I just don't give uh fuck!

Cause lil ol me ain't did this fucked up shit by my damn self!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Biscotti Cookie et Les Americains Chocolat!

 One Biscotti cookie.

Five to six squares of "Hershey's" chocolate.

Place one on top of another!


(Peace! More to come...)

Written Human Texts of Humans Logged Many Times

 The Holy Bible tells US sorry broke muh fuckin asses how this shit is gonnah go down if US is disobedient!?

And US has been diso-muh-fuckin-bedient!

US could have solved thah short version!

But US continues tah chose thah muh fuckin tired ass

Long version!

That always




Fucking ends!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Please Tell Us About Your Magnificent Vacation Challenge!

 Go someplace!


Fuck it!

You tell me!?

If I can feel right there beside you?!

You've taken me there!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Je Ne Sais Pas?! II

 Just remembah?!

The more US takes?!

The faster US's bodies


(Peace! More to come...)

Je Ne Sais Pas?!

 So you do pre-test and some shit!

Listen, aftah what our broke sorry asses been through, people got tah talk!

So I let 'em talk!

"I've taken all of the boosters! I want to live! I don't care what people think? We are all here for one and another!"

I heard that!? Now I need for you to put your chin right in that cup? Thank you!...

Fuck that stupid ill ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US WitnUSes!

 Think about the people in US's lives?

Oft times, "Uhmmmm!"

Least of times,


But fuck it! 

At least US witnessed this


(Peace! More to come...)

Hope Incarnate

 I met ah beautiful muh fuckin one of US last week! She came in tah pick up her contacts with her and her husband's seven month old daughter!

Thah muh fuckin child lightin thah dispensary up! And thah patient had that type of vibe! 


Everything is going to work out fucking fine type of vibe shit!

And shit!

I tend tah believe them two happy as fuck muh fuckahs smilin like "There's gonnah be a bright sunshiny day" !

Shine on, you two happy muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Responsibilities. And US Wasted US Tax Dollars!

 You did this shit?! Right?!


"Somebody else got tah pay for yo shit!"

Not their shit!?

"When's the last time you have filed and paid your taxes?"


God damn!


Got some muh fuckin 

Problems tah get muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

A Little Piece/Peace of US's Human History

 I absolutely, positively, love writing!

Can't nobody tell yo sorry ol Black broke muh fuckin ass shit!

The way it was created tah be!

Come on y'all!?

Start writing about real


Or they are once again gonnah be able tah rewrite US 

Human Real History!...

Oh, snap!

The Holy Bible has endured!?

US's cool!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Sacred Oaths: 1) Too Late To Check-Out Now!...

 "But why do you care!? Why are you still alive?!"

Shit! Easiest answers in the muh fuckin world!

I chose to create!

And I chose to marry!

In that exact muh fuckin ordah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Tell Ah Muh fuckah Some Shit!? God Damn! (Thine Secrets Die With The Dead!)

 I'm fuckin tired! Told ah muh fuckah more than ten years oldah than my ol Black sorry broke ass jUSt that and all that muh fuckah retorted was,

"Shit! You young! Just you wait! But, you'll be all right!" with ah knowing wry smile.

God damn

US Black muh fuckin niggahs!

Just tell ah gettin oldah Black broke sorry ass some specifics at least!?

Get thah wry smile Playah!

Pulled it off like ah straight-up OG!

But please share some shit with ah ol Black broke gettin oldah quickah than shit sorry ass niggah?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Can I Get An Operator, For Box Number Ten, So I Can Spend Time In A Bottle With Leroy Browne? II

 Writin about 'Jim Croce'!

My favorite is, "Box #10"!

I can visually see this shit in lyrical prose!

Know every muh fuckin word tah thah muh fuckah!

Be singin right along with ol Jim!

Fuck it!

Bad muh fuckah!

Damn shame!

And parents! Wannah help yo creation out!? JUSt go get that muh fuckah! Bring that ass home...safely!


US will be fine!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Oh No! The Niggers Are Taking Over! (Not!) II

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk about thah level of badness!

"Oh you ain't seen shit until you see that niggah shit in 'Chi'!"

You mean there is hierarchal worthless pieces of shit of badness?!

Well do tell!...

I guraran-fuckin-tee

Wherevah thah ill muh fuckin environment!

In 'Chi', in 'IN', in 'TN'...badass muh fuckin neighborhoods,

Niggahs gonnah be for real and be like,

"I'm tryin tah get thah fuck out of here my damn self! Cops can't handle this wild ass shit! Unless they start murderin a lot of muh fuckUS!"..

But check it?! US don't have tah be no place that US don't wannah be! Which means, co-exist! If yah ol Black broke ass can't? Time tah fuckin bounce!.

But let me suggest something tah US Sonshines!?

US will all... US Blacks...US Whites....and don't give ah US fuck!...

"And don't give ah US fuck! We're Spanish! We've been here since this shit!"

But on thah muh fuckin US census, yo Spanish ass considers yourselves White! Anyway...

We will be jUSt fuckin fine aftah all of the elite are murdered!

And that is...

A beautiful muh fuckin thang!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Oh No! The Niggers Are Taking Over! (Not!)

 Muh fuckahs keep talkin, showin and writin about how bad Chicago is and shit! Showin niggahs actin thah fuck up in 'Chi'!


Then why thah Holy fuck them rich white muh fuckahs still livin in that terrible muh fuckah if that's thah muh fuckin case!?

"Oh, we mean, some parts of Chicago."

Then why thah Holy fuck yo ass say that shit in thah first muh fuckin place! 

Like some parts of any othah muh fuckin major city up in this bitch!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Can I Get An Operator, For Box Number Ten, So I Can Spend Time In A Bottle With Leroy Browne?

 I USed tah listen tah 'Jim Croce' all thah God damned time!

Still listen tah his shit!

Love his wholesome shit!

Some sweet shit!

Some sad sweet shit even!

Real shit!...

US lost yo brilliant ass way too fuckin early Bro!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 There's some shit out here that is some righteoUS ass shit!

Ain't bein done by no church, government entity, because of some shit...naw muh fuckUS puttin this cool shit out here for fuckin free! US got some muh fuckin thinkers on US muh fuckin 

RighteoUS side!


US is gonnah be jUSt fine


Know that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 16, 2023

A Singleton!

 He Used to flick his punches into the wind to, I would deduce only now after forty years, make others understand his striking ability!


He was our high school quarterback! With a big arm! 

But that was the problem with our quarterback!

Is it about the big arm!

Or is it about our fight!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"No one can tell you what you know, Meredith! - Elaine Hopson" circa 2000 II


I mean come on nah?!

Yah see ah niggah or ah white muh fuckah without ah shirt walkin around, feelin free and shit, brings that ass tah thinkin, 

"That's some country ass shit! And where thah Holy fuck does your sorry ass muh fuckin ass work, where ah muh fuckah can go around in public with no shirt on and still bein able tah keep ah muh fuckin real job?!"...

'Is this you mister Hopson going into the 'Dinner Bell' with no shirt on?!'

God damn!

What muh fuckahs!?

Them grown ass niggahs don't work!?...

'(clears throat) Yeah! That's be me!'

God! Damn!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"No one can tell you what you know, Meredith! - Elaine Hopson" circa 2000

 No, I don't go on the eastside only unless I have to?

"What? You're scared?! What?!" James asked it condescendingly.

James? Please tell me you live on the eastside?

"Fuck no!"

Then you have no right questioning me about what I know! I used to live on the eastside! 217 Shortridge Road for three years! Scared? What?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Human History

 Everything about this shit is real!

Got muh fuckahs sayin, includin my ol Black sorry broke ass, 

"I can't believe what I'm seeing!"

Believe that shit!


Then own


(Peace! More to come...)

Lindsey Graham (R), Senator, South Carolina

 How thah Holy fuck this muh fuckah gettin away with his shit!?

Got gay rights, LGBTQ...all this shit!?

And this muh fuckah with his gay ass,

'Flying under the Gaydar!"

Why hasn't this tired of injustices LGBTQ community say to ol sorry ass homo

Lindsey Graham,

"It's time for you to help our caUSe!"

Thah sorry ass muh fuckah obviously has said,

"Fuck no you Sissies!" every fuckin time! And they still protectin that gay sorry muh fuckin ass!...

This is how US knows,

Y'all jUSt talkin that same tired ass evil agenda bullshit like thah rest of US have been USed!

US remembah James Traficant with that horrible hairpiece?! Came out he was gay! After which they threw his gay US House of Representative ass in prison! Now that was before this current agenda commenced! But still...

Lindsey Graham still smellin like ah muh fuckin rose!?

Thah Holy fuck is this ol Black sorry broke ass niggah missin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Whistleblower

 They make my ol Black sorry broke ass smile in derision!

Oh, yes them evil muh fuckahs do!

Fuck Snowden!

Do US not undahstand how many muh fuckahs tryin tah do thah right thing for US and got murdered because them muh fuckahs said tah themselves, "I didn't sign up for this ill shit! I've got tah bounce! And we all need to know about this shit!"

And it ain't that muh fuckin easy cause yo broke sorry ass has been privy tah thah muh fuckin real truth,

 "You see that clause which you signed. Mister Hopson contractually not to tell this company's privileged information?!..."

See what I'm suggestin?!

Even thah right muh fuckin thing in ah company!

Can be a bad thing at thah same muh fuckin time!

And my Black young ass at thah muh fuckin time was



Cause my Black young sorry ass, as before, failed tah read thah fine muh fuckin print! And I electronically signed thah muh fuckin shit, cause fuck it, I don't have time tah read, Terms And Conditions, Privacy Policies...ah niggah needs ah muh fuckin job!...

But shit, I can tell US this!

They got me once!

They ain't gettin my ol Black sorry broke ass again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Right Time? Is The Write Time!

 There is nothing I can write tah change ah muh fuckah!

No thing!

"So why do you write then?"

Cause it might change jUSt one of US readin this shit in thah muh fuckin near

Future of US!

None of US! 


Writes for the presents of


(Peace! More to come...)

US Should Stay Home This Spring And Summer?!

 Sorry muh fuckahs reportin there's a Passport Backlog!

That's jUSt tellin US sorry broke asses,

"Stay your happy US ass 


(Peace! More to come...)

US CacophonoUS Mental Variances of Chosen Asps

 Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!

"It's Sunday again muh fuckah! Come on!"

Sunday, Monday...I don't really give ah fuck!

Click off this muh fuckah, cause here this ol Black sorry broke ass niggah goes in three, two, one...

Got muh fuckahs talkin that ill shit,

"I can't believe after everything that is happening, people are still getting vaccinated!"

I can believe it! It's called hope for US!

Ain't no shame in it!

US jUSt wants tah be always doin thah right thing!

For collective


Believe it or not?!

That's all!

And that would be an awesome wondroUS muh fuckin thing!

If...evil muh fuckahs weren't tellin US thah 

"Right" muh fuckin thing tah do!

But shit,

At ah certain time in my Black broke ass life, not now of course,

I'd be another one of their evil ass experimentational pincushions gettin strokes, bleedin out of thah anal area (God damn!), Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, myocarditis, gettin boils all ovah the body, malformations with my newborn...

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 15, 2023

US's Tribulatory Penance...Again!?

 Oh, US ain't gonnah get out of this shit unscathed! I mean it was kind of complicit! Well, shit! It was complicit!

Don't give ah fuck bout no ill ass advertising, promoting, propaganda...type of nonsense!


Ain't said shit until it's too late!

Just keep being silent Sonshines!

US has always been alright!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Lovesong - The Cure"

 RighteoUS muh fuckin shit!

That muh fuckah on thah drums?!

Tearin that shit up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Dust In The Wind - Kansas"

 Remembah that joint!?

Prophetic righteoUS shit!

Them muh fuckahs were preachin tah


(Peace! More to come...)

HRT: US Ain't Gonnah Age The Fuck Well!

 Look at these muh fuckahs?!

'Madonna', 'Nicole Kidman', 'Diane Keaton', 'Barbra Streisand', 'Bette Mitler', 'Halle Berry', 'Cameron Diaz', 'Viola Davis', 'Brooke Shields'...

We can go on with this shit ad nauseum! 

Them MTF muh fuckahs ain't agin well at thah fuck


Fuck thah muh fuckin clowns! Send in thah muh fuckin




(Peace! More to come...)

Fucking Sore evil Ass Worthless Losers!

 So yo sorry broke Black ass gots tah read thah mainstream's electronic 'news' and shit!

US undahstands, tah check out thah pulse of this ill shit goin on!


Like I thought!

Not doin too well with that ill agenda against


I wonder the Holy fuck 


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Still Just Fucking Shit! II

 I hate shittin anyplace but Home!

Think about ah public bathroom!?

And what goes down in that muh fuckah!?


Pick yo poison muh fuckUS!?

But fuck that shit! Bettah tah shit in ah public toilet than havin tah try tah hold that shit until I get my ol Black sorry broke ass back Home! When I was young, shit, ain't no thing! Hold that shit until I got my young Black broke ass Home! Now, Bro'esses and Bros? Just suggestin? USe that public bathroom now Playesses and Playahs when badass nature calls! That's if US 's ah ol Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah like me! 

Or yah gonnah have ah lot of shit tah clean off you and your car's interior!

If yah young, unlike me?!

Holdin thah shit!

Ain't no thing!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Fucking evil Sorry Ass Lazy Muh Fuckin Losers!

 I smile oft times thinkin of this shit them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs puttin US through!

All that God damned money!

And y'all sorry worthless evil rich asses still can't get thah shit


They will never fucking win!


I smile even more from that acquired knowledge!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 14, 2023


 What thah Holy fuck US think US is doin?!

Con(against)-form (natural)!

Oh,, they got US's assUS!

But US is tired of fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

The Bad, With The Fucking Beautiful Good!

 I remembah talkin tah ah White business optical lab co-owner of Northwest Optical, named Larry one time!

You know? He was ah likeable dude! Muh fuckah made sense!

He said to me,

"Meredith! Let me tell you something buddy! Don't let any-mother-fucking-person tell you how to be a parent?! I mean fuck that shit man! You're not going to tell me all the shit I went through was wrong?! Fuck that shit! There is no such thing Humanly possible man!? I knew what I liked! And what I didn't like about this mother fucker! Trying like Holy fuck to mitigate this fucking Human pain man!"...

US sees why I liked talkin tah that muh fuckah!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Can Speak For Our-God-Damned-Selves! Thank You! II

 We're responsible for this shit!

"Well, what about their influence!? Their rule?!"

That shit ain't got shit tah do with


(Peace! More to come...)

US Can Speak For Our-God-Damned-Selves! Thank You!

 They can't speak for US!

Got muh fuckin British muh fuckahs late night on US's shit makin fun of US's shit!

And obviously,

US's watchin that ill muh fuckin shit!?

And allowin that bullshit tah be aired on 

US's muh fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Eve II

 She was tired of playing games. She wanted to take her known visions to reality. He wasn't having any of it! Well? We'll see about that? So, not uncommon, she had dressed in her less than modest clothing. After all, she was manhunting!? There was a junction, a diversion that he would take in his many paths home at a certain point! And she knew those given points through her many observations of him. And it became so, before he had gotten to the various paths home, she met up with him!...

Adam II

 He had seen her from time to time in the market. Or just walking about the familiar roads in the Eden when he had time off from working. He had noticed her. Light brown curly lox flowing because of the sun being more intense during this time. 

"Come on Adam! Come on! Look at this?..."

And so he went....

It's Still Just Fucking Shit!

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk about ah muh fuckah tearin ah muh fuckin bathroom up!?


It ain't called ah shitter for good old muh fuckin for fucks' sake!

So thah othah muh fuckah before this tearin up muh fuckah's shit was more tolerable!

Ah little less shittier?!...

Thee Holy fuck is ah ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah's missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Well Needed US Respite

 "I remember dad when you would make those kind of 'McDonald's' sausage 'McMuffins in the morning! They were so good!"

Yeah! We can make that happen again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ex-Drug Addict, Dale Devers (Live on 'Indianapolis! Wakeup!') Circa Jun2024

 So what is the process?

Man listen please.

If you're asking that question dude?

There is nothing I can really tell you?!

Watchoutd'ere Now! II


Thah fuck muh fuckahs!

My ol Black broke sorry ass ain't got time for that muh fuckin wasted bullshit divertin time!

This is me!

God damn it!

And this is where my ol Black sorry broke ass 



What else yah got?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Watchoutd'ere Now!

 There's some type of demarcation shit happenin in my mind!

Muh fuckah tells my ol Black sorry broke ass, 

"Warning! This zone is off limits! Please divert to another entry!"


Bro! I'm bout tah breakthrough!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 She looked down at herself. Modestly dressed. But dressed. She remembered him, "He who will be known for his bedeviled personal evil introducing snake." She remembered he was so cute! She saw him look at her for a long moment. Then he looked away, orienting himself. Then looking back at her and she still looking at him.

She would run her fingers through her hair while looking into a black pail of water. After finished dressing, she would look into that same black pail of water to make sure she looked, proper....


 They didn't wear too many clothes back then. Modest apparel to say the least. I mean there was no rain? What was rain? The mist came from the firmament. Rain? Perfect humidity. Perfect weather. And things move....  

He being the second youngest of the twenty-six children at the time! Twelve boys and Fourteen girls! He was known for some reason throughout his life, before he met Eve. 

He, who was going to be the one bedeviled by his personal evil introducing snake!...

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hierarchical Evil Is Oxymoronic II

 I'm evil! What thah fuck am I goin tah have ah muh fuckin respect for ordah!

In my evil ass muh fuckin sorry ass world?!

"We will skin you alive! Then you will understand our evil order!"

Naw muh fuckahs, not really!

I didn't sign up for this lame ass bullshit!

I thought y'all muh fuckahs was talkin real evil,

Not givin ah fuck!

Especially about order!

"Do what thou wilt!" Type of shit! 

Now y'all tellin me there's an order to "Do what thou wilt?"! That shit's not ah statement any longah with us evil muh fuckahs? Just ah marketin gimmick? I can't wilt any longah without yo sorry evil ass muh fuckin approvals?!...Thee Holy fuck! I should have jUSt stayed with the 


(Peace! More to come...)

Hierarchical Evil Is Oxymoronic

 So thah muh fuckah talkin this Hell shit!

Said that there were 5 Demons In Hell:

AsthadeUS; Leviathan: Lilith; Baphomet: And


Excuse me muh fuckah!?

Yah meanin tah tell my ol Black sorry broke ass that evil has


Then that shit ain't evil!

It's jUSt an alternative ill lifestyle!

Evil my ass!

How thah Holy fuck evil gonnah have muh fuckin ordah!? That's an oxymoron right there! Chaotic is what thah powers that evil be, shouldn't have order! It should be forever disorder!

Or what's thah fuck is them evil ass muh fuckahs problems!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Rehoming of Adopted Children"

Thee Holy fuck!

God damn! 

And US wonderin why pedophilia is runnin rampant?!

Read about thah shit?!


It's jUSt legal child trafficking!

Thah fuck wrong with US?!

And US worryin about some othah muh fuckin stupid ass bullshit!?

Thah shit's terrible!

And in most cases  muh fuckin


And mainstream media ain't said shit about thah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father, Thank You!

 Shit's nevah finished!

Always ah muh fuckin blessed

Work in progress!

And I am not worthy!

But still

Here my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass still


And I can't stand this muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to com...)

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Schumer! Feinstein! Pelosi! Graham! McConnell...Get! The! Fuck! Out! You Old Ass Worthless Pieces of Shit Muh Fuckahs!

 Muh fuckahs talkin that crazy ass shit,

"We need to get the young people involved in the political process!"

And ain't one muh fuckin politician!

Lookin like their young adult sorry non-enthusiastic asses about fuckin old ass muh fuckahs in politics!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"All Aboard?!"

 You watch this bullshit of media conditionin!

Hypnotizin US broke sorry asses!

Yet, still US 's transfixed!



And ready tah drop US's


(Peace! More to come...)

Makes Ah Fuck No Sense At All! II

 Pure evil!

Begat jUSt regulah muh fuckin sorry ass 

Human evil!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Makes Ah Fuck No Sense At All!

 I mean shit!

US's shit is muh fuckin deep!

Got all these muh fuckahs in charge of 


Worshippin the devil!

And US has thah nerves tah worry about who done moved into

US's prized White,

 USed tah be pristine ,



(Peace! More to come...)

The Many Positives of Variances

 "He's stalking me!"

That's because yo sorry broke ass has ah strict muh fuckin schedule!

How much yo sorry broke ass makin ah month?!


Change it up a lil bit!

Tah fuck 'im up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

JUSt Say No!

 All of you muh fuckahs still fightin thah good muh fuckin fight against these ill doctahs goin along with their evil elite muh fuckin agenda?

Good lookin out!

How much those no-count sorry ass muh fuckahs havin thah nerves, thah muh fuckin license tah practice, made, out of tellin US trUStin stupid muh fuckahs, from US's ignorance, "To get vaccinated"?!

Thah nurses and staff didn't come out too bad eithah!

But damn y'all!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Corny Life Becoming Non-Corny Life- circa 2005. And "On Writing by Stephen King"

 "Niggah you corny! Has anyone ever told you that Love!"

Not in those exact words, but sure!

"Well! I don't give ah good fuck! You're corny! You're hackneyed!...The shit I'm readin, anybody can purchase and read that fluff! That shit's not helpin anybody Love!"

Shit! Nobody wants tah read that kindah bullshit Love!

"And ain't nobody reading our shit now! We both know we don't do this for ah muh fuckin popularity contest! We do it because we need to! For US!"

Love you!

"And I Love you too Love!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Et Tu NoUS?!

 We ain't had shit goin on ovah here like these othah muh fuckin countries!

These evil muh fuckahs invitin thah shit!

US is

Virgin territory!

Urgin these othah countries that hate US tah

Come impurify this last only 



In this


With, obviously,

Their innumerous dregs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Adam and Eve II

Them muh fuckahs knew before it was time for their sorry now condemned asses were to know!

 So that leads US tah thah muh fuckin deduction:

Multiplying is not good for US or this muh fuckin Eden! 


"Unless what?!"

It is absolutely necessary for US!

And when yah got muh fuckUS runnin roughshod in this bitch,

Yah got's tah reel that shit thah fuck



"Unless what?"


(Peace! More to come...)

Adam and Eve

 Muh fuckahs talkin that conditioned shit! Fuck that shit, I read shit literally! Don't give ah fuck what yo sorry broke ass talkin bout! Puttin ah certain spin on thah shit is called theoretical, 'Legalism'! And US ain't tryin tah go down that sorry muh fuckin road! I mean! God damn! Yah can't sell me shit, when I fuckin know personally, on ah regulah, what shit smells and looks like!? 

Them two muh fuckahs were naked and was fuckin! And got caught! Thah fuck they get this apple and shit from?! 

And thah serpent?!

Was Adam's dick!

Thee Holy fuck's ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Get The Fuck Out of US's Eden!

 That's what US got in this US is too many muh fuckin serpents!

And them muh fuckahs strikin thah fuck hard!

Time for US tah  rid thah Eden of all these bothersome



(Peace! More to come...)

Savory Tequila Pickled Cocktail III

 I mean think about it?!

Alcohol is sugar anyway, so thah worst muh fuckin thing you can do is to put something sweet with it!?

With savory you get that sweet-sour umami thing goin!

Savory with alcohol

Balances the many 


US consumes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Perpetrator! II

 It's thah only voice US only hears! 

Every single one of US has that voice that no one can hear



(Peace! More to come...)

The Perpetrator!

 You write thah shit because of your voice inside of your head! 

Got tah let that muh fuckah let thah shit thah fuck out!

Don't pay any attention tah thah muh fuckah start tryin tah revolt and shit!...Anyway,

Reread some shit?

Fuck it!

That's that muh fuckah's voice in print!


(Peace! More to come...)


 Love thah muh fuckin word!

Look thah shit up?

Yeah, thah shit means exactly 

Thah muh fuckin definition of that shit!

With jUSt one fuckin word,

Yo broke ol Black sorry short of time havin ass done said all of those words in thah muh fuckin definition!

With jUSt one of US's many beautiful words!

Our Father!

Blessed US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I love that shit!

Don't know why!? Thah muh fuckin shit fascinates my ol Black sorry broke ass! 

They call thah contestants/players, "Pilots"!

It makes me smile for some damn reason!

I love watchin thah drone races!

But not when they show thah shit POV!

Makes my ol Black sorry broke ass nauseous as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Evil Elite Social Experimentations

 I don't believe in this race-bait shit them evil muh fuckahs been successful with all these years!

Showin these straight up niggahs doin all types of ill shit!

White muh fuckahs talkin that shit, "They bring down the property value of our homes!"

Y'all sorry muh fuckahs done drank that race-bait laced 'Kool-Aid" too!?


Them niggahs that jUSt moved in yo shit are niggahs US Black muh fuckahs don't even wannah live 


Fuck naw! 

But y'all White muh fuckahs blamin the wrong muh fuckin people!

It ain't them ill niggahs that jUSt moved in!

It's your White political figures that are allowin these kind of sick, twisted and dangerous

Social experiments that are still bein carried out!

With US's taxpayin hard earned dollahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Shit Could Be Way Worse!

 We have 465 near where we live in Indianapolis.

They have these cement walls that are to buffer the traffic noise!?


What if them buffers weren't there!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Pimping of Our Father!?

 US evah notice that muh fuckahs goin to ah perspective church knows certain chapters, passages in The Holy Bible that is conditionally preached in that church!?

Them sorry muh fuckin MANmade churches callin that ill shit theologically,



Whethah its Baptist, Pentecostal, Christianity...harp on thah same muh fuckin passages!

Like in Malachi 3:8!

Them muh fuckahs gonnah talk about some muh fuckin tithes and offerings!...




(Peace! More to come...)

Quel Dommage! II



Are goin to be required of the


But after it is all said and done!

The un-righteous will be no more!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Quel Dommage!

 It's hard sometimes conversing with US!


And oft times...

Damn near muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Duality Cocktail

 Two shots of Tequila

Two shots of pickle juice (preferably "Claussen")



(Peace! More to come...)

Circa Summer 2023: US's Cruelest Summer

 Wait until this summer!

Power outages in abundance! Grids shuttin thah fuck down!

Thah US dollah collapsing like ah muh fuckah! 

Muh fuckahs suckin thah state and federal titties gonnah find out in ah sad ass way that:

The Milk Done Dried The Fuck Up!.

But fuck it!

I'm severely lactose intolerant any-muh-fuckin-way!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Confirmations

 "Are you for real?"

Fuck yeah I'm for real!

Thah Holy fuck! 

This written shit's ethereal!

Thah fuck I got tah fuckin hide with my ol Black sorry broke ass!?

It's like thah last hoorah!

Until Our Father takes my breath!

Ah niggah's gottah write

US written 


(Peace! More to come...)

Savory Tequila Pickled Cocktail II

 "Why a savory cocktail?"

Why not!?

Them sweet drinks are in fuckin abundance tah say thah least!

No, this shit is ah niche market!

And "Bloody Mary" 's tearin that savory market up!

Along with thah dirty martini!

It's time tah take ah hike you ol ass hackneyed




"The STPC 's In Your City!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Savory Tequila Pickled Cocktail

 Three shots of Tequila, nothing fancy

Two shots of pickle juice

A Tablespoonful of fresh squeezed lime juice

Two shots of pot liquor (optional)

A light dash of fish sauce

Two heavy shakes of Worcestershire sauce

A splash of hot sauce

Black pepper to taste

Shake vigorously with pellet ice cubes, if available

Strain into your favorite highball glass with

Three meaty Queen Anne olives dropped in?!

Throw in an apropos dill pickle spear


(Peace! More to come...)

US's Some Grown Asses!

 Nothing can fool US!

Unless US wants tah be fooled!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Irony

 I've nevah worked for an optical department, optical private practice...

That wasn't severely


(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Thing!

 Kickin rocks!

That's what most of US are doin!

I love watchin that real life drama type of shit!

Oh, it's ah real life drama fo sho!

With ah bad muh fuckin endin!



US has been there before!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Lucifer's Lost Children

 Maybe I'm fuckin crazy with my ol Black sorry broke ass, okay yah busted me! Okay I'm crazy!

But is it thah fuck jUSt me that "Kathy Griffin", "Carrot Top" and "Andy Dick" look like brothers and sisters? 

Now who thah fuck thah real brothers are or thah real sisters are...fuck it,

Flip ah coin Sonshines!?

Them shits ain't right!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Ending Era of Hope

 I don't take too many pictures! 

I ain't shit tah remembah!

But I abso-fuckin-lutely 


The Beautiful smiles all around


(Peace! More to come...)

US Writing Revolution!

Muh fuckaUS wannah talk all thah God damned muh fuckin time!

Talkin ain't worth shit!

Words go to thah winds!...

 But writin some shit about US!?

Now that's what's up!..

(Peace! More to come...)

They Can Run...But...

 Once them evil ass worthless muh fuckahs takes away US guns!

Them evil shits gonnah have some real fun!

I mean these muh fuckahs and these PSYOP school shootings and shit!

Oh, got muh fuckahs shootin up thah damn malls!...

Come ohn naw!

Y'all evil sorry ass muh fuckahs know y'all pieces of shit are in fucking



(Peace! More to come...)

Let US Get This Shit Straight!

 Once upon a time I was smitten with status quo!

"Don't rock the boat if you are in it!"

I get it!

I really do!

But sometimes My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

This muh fuckah shall be rocked!

By US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Can See Just Fine?

 Muh fuckUS are nuts! 

Muh fuckahs comin in there twenty-years old talkin bout they didn't know?

Niggah, you two whole diopters muh fuckah! And what yo ass doin drivin?! With a shitload of astigmatism!

"Well shit! Bro! I ain't even gonnah lie! We ain't even gonnah talk about in thah day! Shit! Especially at night! Good Lord! Do you know how many niggahs I done just missed by car or by feets!? My ass damn near tryin tah climb out thah muh fuckah cause of some close muh fuckin calls! Shit! But when are they gonnah be ready?!"

Fourteen working days!

"Bet! If not before!!"

Hopefully before!

"I heard that!"...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I'll jump my ol Black sorry broke ass out of bed in ah second if ah fuckin thought I think that makes sense tah


Like now!

Fuck it!

What else my ol Black sorry broke ass got left but


(Peace! More to come...)

US Doesn't Want To Be Free!

 Oh, sometimes I can't stand us niggahs!

God damn!

Got ah muh fuckin 'Minister of the Unions...' some fuckin shit I don't give ah fuck about in South Africa!  Shit I don't know if thah shit is true or not cause shit, I'm jUSt readin thah shit! But what I read about apartheid was that there was one white muh fuckah tah twenty thousand niggahs! And they control that now White conditioned black broke nigger ass! Anyway...thah black muh fuckah talkin bout how South Africa was such ah great nation with white rule! (British! Rule!) 

Yo sorry no count black broke lazy nigger ignant ass talkin that bullshit of that muh fuckin money makin bullshit of worthless...

MANmade fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

Et Tu Dalai Lama?!

 So them evil muh fuckahs report, which I have no doubt them evil muh fuckahs tellin thah muh fuckin truth on one of their evil ass own!

Cause yah gottah mix thah truth with thah lies!

That's thah nature of their ill sorry worthless evil beast!

It's up tah US broke sorry asses tah 

Determine thah shit!

I mean, fuck it!

Though US sorry asses witnessin it right in front of 

US's sorry broke ass eyes!...

(Peace! More to  come...)

What Else Do You Possibly Want From Me Our Father?!

 I'm tired!

Been tired for ah long ol Black broke sorry ass weary life!

Thee Holy fuck?!..

(Peace! More to come...)

'Netflix' "Ozark - S1-Ep5" On The Real!

 Have US seen this shit!?

At my job thah muh fuckahs went gah-gah ovah this shit!

I'm thinkin, 'That shit ain't that good! Don't give ah fuck!'

Like 'Forrest Gump'!


Thah shit is excellently scripted and muh fuckin excellently casted God damnit!

Wifey and i peepin that shit?!

Yah think this so-called financial advisor tellin yo broke Black ass lies!?

Hidden in plain sight!

God damned skippy!

I'm like, 

God damn!

This is some real solid thinkin drama ass series shit here!

Even, preachin some shit tah US broke sorry asses!

Good lookin out y'all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 9, 2023

US, IN "No Turn On Red" Proposal? II

So what does US IN undahstand what's comin next?!

Oh, like when US broke asses walkin on thah sidewalk, ah muh fuckah parkin in their muh fuckin driveway, which extends tah thah street! And every fuckin time they got four cars in thah bitch that was only meant for two! Guaranteed now thah rich and middle class muh fuckahs are in thah muh fuckin mix, will finally make it unlawful tah impede freely thah progress of our highly prized taxpayin citizens! Which includes snow removal of any sidewalks in front of, surrounding...said IN homeowners property!...

"Well they have that now!"

They didn't fuckin enforce it before! But they sure as shit are goin tah enforce that shit now!

My broke Black ass can't tell yah how many times I had tah walk in thah muh fuckin Indianapolis Streets because ah muh fuckah was not only not snow removing, but had two cars blocking the sidewalk in front of their muh fuckin driveways, with those othah two vehicles that weren't meant tah be there in thah first muh fuckin place!...

Ain't that ah bitch!...

(Peace! More to come...)