Sunday, April 23, 2023

Caffeine Free On US Informational Highway

 Coffee fucks with me! Bad! Didn't realize that shit before I undahstood that it was fuckin some of my shit up! Well, when yah start gettin purple ugly splotches all ovah yo ol Black sorry broke ass body! And that shit, aftah fifty-six years ain't evah been ah muh fuckin problem! US bettah start givin ourselves pause!? Research Caffeinism?! When it says, "Can mimic bipolar disorder..."?! Why thah Holy fuck didn't I know that real shit!? 

"It was out there!" 

Fuck that shit! A lot of shit is out there until it's not! I mean their evil asses been pushin your mornin cup of coffee since I can remembah! And aftah all these years! I had tah research that shit my damn sorry ass bipolar, Hyperhidrosis, super anxiety...fucked up muh fuckin self! And USed tah drink ah shitload of coffee, especially when I smoked cigarettes! Thah first cup of coffee with Half & Half and two teaspoons of sugar! Fire up the fag! Come on naw!?

But I can't do shit of either of them muh fuckahs now! Cigarettes tore my chest up! Ah shitload of coffee?! Made me lose my real self!...


(Peace! More to come...)

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