Sunday, April 30, 2023

Omeprazole et al! Dx: Just Watch What You Eat! II

 "Well, how would I know that I'm allergic to something so highly consumed?"

That's thah dick of it!

Yah really don't until yah start listenin tah your body!

Yes, our bodies have voices! Oft times we drown them shit's out until thah pain, discomfort and sometimes death comes along!

But them voices still communicatin to our non-listening asses! Even aftah we think we got thah shit in check! There is something that each one of US are ingesting, willfully medicating, environmental...that's fuckin our shit up! Yah evah wondah why these Oncologists call thah shit 'remission'? Aftah seemingly 'curing' yo cancer shit!? They can't cure cancer until they get rid of all the manmade carcinogens that are byproducts of US's industrial food supply and US Industrial manufacturing! Industrial bein thah key! Controlling US food supply is absurd! Given our US History! The shit was sustainable a long fuckin time ago! Then thah industrialization of US's food supply hit!.. But now y'all evil muh fuckahs wannah talk about sustainability again?! When US had that shit in thah muh fuckin 50's, 60's, 70's, 80' fuckin check! Now y'all evil asses askin US tah go back tah where we were?! How thah fuck is that progress!?...Anyway! I'm sorry?...

 "Well what about Type 1 Diabetes?! How could that child have anything to do with coming out into this world with diabetes?" Excellent questions! I've been prayin on that shit! I guess, all I'm suggestin is tah look at the diet of thah Father and Mother six months up until that child was conceived! Or shit, thah overall health of thah parents involved in this creation! Then look at the diet during the gestational period! During this time one has tah take into the account of any living environmental issues, during while couple living, conceived, gestational period and final birth occurred?! And it will tell you all that you need to know!...

Why do we think all these damn commercials talkin about: plaque psoriasis, proton pump inhibitors, asthma, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, allergies...because they know what them evil muh fuckahs been puttin in US's food supply and into US's environment!...

Key word in body health talk! When them evil muh fuckahs start talkin about ah food that can cause an "inflammatory" response within and outside of the body in rare cases!? 

It ain't fuckin rare! They just makin too much money off of thah shit tah tell US thah real fuckin truth about what that shit causin that inflammatory response is doin tah US's immune system! Try tah fuckin discontinue USe of any food them evil muh fuckahs openly say that ill shit about!?...

"That sounds like some of that conspiracy theory mess!"


(Peace! More to come...)

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