Sunday, April 16, 2023

Lindsey Graham (R), Senator, South Carolina

 How thah Holy fuck this muh fuckah gettin away with his shit!?

Got gay rights, LGBTQ...all this shit!?

And this muh fuckah with his gay ass,

'Flying under the Gaydar!"

Why hasn't this tired of injustices LGBTQ community say to ol sorry ass homo

Lindsey Graham,

"It's time for you to help our caUSe!"

Thah sorry ass muh fuckah obviously has said,

"Fuck no you Sissies!" every fuckin time! And they still protectin that gay sorry muh fuckin ass!...

This is how US knows,

Y'all jUSt talkin that same tired ass evil agenda bullshit like thah rest of US have been USed!

US remembah James Traficant with that horrible hairpiece?! Came out he was gay! After which they threw his gay US House of Representative ass in prison! Now that was before this current agenda commenced! But still...

Lindsey Graham still smellin like ah muh fuckin rose!?

Thah Holy fuck is this ol Black sorry broke ass niggah missin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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