Sunday, April 16, 2023

A Whistleblower

 They make my ol Black sorry broke ass smile in derision!

Oh, yes them evil muh fuckahs do!

Fuck Snowden!

Do US not undahstand how many muh fuckahs tryin tah do thah right thing for US and got murdered because them muh fuckahs said tah themselves, "I didn't sign up for this ill shit! I've got tah bounce! And we all need to know about this shit!"

And it ain't that muh fuckin easy cause yo broke sorry ass has been privy tah thah muh fuckin real truth,

 "You see that clause which you signed. Mister Hopson contractually not to tell this company's privileged information?!..."

See what I'm suggestin?!

Even thah right muh fuckin thing in ah company!

Can be a bad thing at thah same muh fuckin time!

And my Black young ass at thah muh fuckin time was



Cause my Black young sorry ass, as before, failed tah read thah fine muh fuckin print! And I electronically signed thah muh fuckin shit, cause fuck it, I don't have time tah read, Terms And Conditions, Privacy Policies...ah niggah needs ah muh fuckin job!...

But shit, I can tell US this!

They got me once!

They ain't gettin my ol Black sorry broke ass again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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