Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Don't Sell Wolf Tickets Without A Mouth Guard!

 Muh fuckahs talk crazy as shit!

"Fuck that niggah! What! What! Let me go! Let me go! I wish you would!..."

But yah see, weren't no bones thrown!

That's thah kindah outcome ah muh fuckah talkin shit wants!

Cause niggahs start throwin some hard bones, and yo ass forgot yo muh fuckin mouthpiece?!


Ain't nothin worse, presentation wise, than ah niggah with ah fucked up grill!

Young men!?

Get ah mouth-guard! 

Pull that muh fuckah out when shit gets messy!

Muh fuckahs be lookin at your ass with great suspect,

"Did I just see that muh fuckah put in a mouthpiece?"

It fucks 'em up!

"I wouldn't give a fuck! I'd knock that shit right out of your fuckin mouth!"

And if it got tah that point playah,

My ass has been violently concussed any fuckin way!

But at least most of my grill would still be in tact!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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