Tuesday, April 18, 2023

A RighteoUS Slave Mentality

 They brought US Black asses ovah here!

Muh fuckahs now talkin that ill shit,

"Why didn't they ever just escape?"

To where?!

Muh fuckahs USed tah African settings and shit! Thah fuck is a fuckin swamp!? US Black asses learned that shit quite ah bit latah! Anyway...

Muh fuckin slave sent tah Mississippi!? Shit, thah fuck thah slave know? Muh fuckah from anothah continent and shit! Disoriented like ah muh fuckah! Digressing...

Escape to where? And they sho thah fuck didn't give me no muh fuckin maps of this shit!

God damn!

When US tired asses displace Human beings!?

Without their consent!

There shall be generational repercussions for said


(Peace! More to come...)

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