Sunday, April 16, 2023

US CacophonoUS Mental Variances of Chosen Asps

 Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!

"It's Sunday again muh fuckah! Come on!"

Sunday, Monday...I don't really give ah fuck!

Click off this muh fuckah, cause here this ol Black sorry broke ass niggah goes in three, two, one...

Got muh fuckahs talkin that ill shit,

"I can't believe after everything that is happening, people are still getting vaccinated!"

I can believe it! It's called hope for US!

Ain't no shame in it!

US jUSt wants tah be always doin thah right thing!

For collective


Believe it or not?!

That's all!

And that would be an awesome wondroUS muh fuckin thing!

If...evil muh fuckahs weren't tellin US thah 

"Right" muh fuckin thing tah do!

But shit,

At ah certain time in my Black broke ass life, not now of course,

I'd be another one of their evil ass experimentational pincushions gettin strokes, bleedin out of thah anal area (God damn!), Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, myocarditis, gettin boils all ovah the body, malformations with my newborn...

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

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