Sunday, June 30, 2024


 Watch these stupid ass Hollywood/CIA predictive programmin US bullshit!

OJ Simpson trial for example! Talkin bout Heparin, gloves, expert testimony...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!

Simpson! And Goldman! Uhm! Didn't undahstand thah ill shit back then! But shit! Nicole probably in Naples, Italy and shit livin her best muh fuckin MTF life!

OJ?! Shit! That niggah's dead! Anyway....

Fuck all that noise!

Did thah sorry ass no-good for nothin niggah do it?!



And thah US jury says?...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil Agendas', Global Thievery

 Membah thah movie, "Battle Royale" where "The Hunger Games" just muh fuckin plagiarized thah shit out of it?! Replaced Japanese folks with mostly White folks?! 'Membah that shit?

Them Japanese muh fuckahs still ain't got paid for that plagiarizing sorry ass shit!

And ain't nobody said shit


"Yeah! Katniss!"

Kindah fuckin US sorry ass evil global shit?!

It's jUSt one of thah plethora of muh fuckin many valid reasons the

Japanese fucking



(Peace! More to come...)

Historically, The evil elite Are Sorry Ass Whiny Losers!

 Their evil sorry assUS still don't have ah muh fuckin  


Shit! Battin ah thousand in thah adverse direction and shit in this conjured and corrupted evil muh fuckah!

Remembah in thah movie, "Body Heat", my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?

Where thah ex-imprisoned arsonist Mickey Rourke character was tellin thah William Hurt character about doin somethin wrong?! In this case, Arson?!

Mickey told ol William somethin like this tah my ol Black sorry ass losin my mind broke muh fuckin ass's recollection, 

'Man listen don't do it! I mean?! You can think of everything that can happen or go wrong, one-hundred-and-one ways!? And you can still fuck up!' Or some shit like that?! I ain't search enginin no shit like that! It's on thah muh fuckin fringes of my old ass thoughts! Fuck it! Ah niggah's jUSt rememberin tah his best recollection in this written scenario! Anyway...

Well shit! That's thah stupid ass muh fuckin evil elite!

No matter how many times

Humanity has tah go through this tired

Hackneyed sorry ass evil fucked up dumbass God damned shit!

All thah muh fuckin money and power in this firmament has historically Humanly shown,

You sorry ass nasty evil muh fuckahs have 




Or have not

Won jUSt




I mean, shit!

Talkin bout some muh fuckin sorry ass evil



And they published and backed Freud's evil written psychology and fucked up "scientific" tests!

God damn!

Dumb evil stupid ass nasty fucks!

What thah fuck is this old Black tired broke ass muh fuckah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Time Has Come Upon US!

 US can't hide any-fuckin-more!

That shit's 

Dead as muh fuckin

Dead shall possibly be!

But shit!

US can still find that muh fuckin

Closet and

Pray to 

Our Father for 

Tick or


US...are goin tah be fine my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

I mean, shit! Them evil dastardly nasty ass degenerates talkin bout ah muh fuckin sorry ass


US's RighteoUS muh fuckUS talkin bout anothah muh fuckin


So be it!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Rita Laibow, MD 2005

 Don't do it much my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! But stumbled across this shit some eighteen years ago!

Then thah awakening began in my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin tired ass!

The shit is US solid information! Go on WHO and check thah shit out?! Talkin bout ah blast from thah past for US's broke muh fuckin assUS'! Anyway... Just suggestin some shit!?

'Nutricide' - Codex Alimentarius (

I mean shit! I opened that ill evil curtain wide as fuck aftah witnessin this enlightenin shit! And said tah myself,

"Yeah! What thah fuck you doin back there evil Wizard?!"

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Modern Day Interviewers: Shut The Fuck Up! Let US Watchers, Watch And Let US Listeners, Listen!

 What my old Black sorry broke ass has noticed watchin and listenin tah interviews with experts, in their given field of study, is that interviewers do not muh fuckin interview! These sorry ass pseudo-wannah be muh fuckUS won't shut thah fuck up for shit!

These muh fuckUS wannah talk more than thah muh fuckin expert/interviewee! Got multiple long ass statements with finally aftah ah minute or more gonnah ask ah muh fuckin question!? Then with their sorry assUS keep interrupin thah muh fuckin expert/interviewee...guest!?

Thah fuck!

Like yeah muh fuckUS, I got this expert on here and I'm goin tah prove how much I know with this muh fuckin expert! 

Shit! That's some sorry ass narcissistic shit! 

God damnit!

Shut thah fuck up and let thah muh fuckahs speak their grip!

And thah civilly perplexed experts just kind of look and respond, tah thah very few questions, like, 

"Thah fuck yo sorry ass ask me on this muh fuckin interview for?! If thah fuck yo sorry ass knows it all?!"!

God damn sorry ass

Muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

"John Deere announces mass layoffs in Midwest amid production shift to Mexico - FOX BUSINESS"




And who thah fuck is now Mexican president elect?!

US God damned skippy! Muh fuckin Mexican president


my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass still gigglin bout that ill ass shit! Can't make this US Fed produced shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



But, shit!

Fuck it!

May thah evil corporate conjured


Exodus spell



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 "With high dosages it may cause liver damage."

That muh fuckin shit works for fuckin arthritic pain God damnit! Don't give ah fuck! But!?...

US sees? This is thah kind of nonsense US has tah put up with in thah US physicians' anti-supplement, pro-pharmaceutical paid for muh fuckUS! These are thah same muh fuckUS that prescribe some of US 1,500mg of Meformin BID! Thah Holy fuck! 

I mean, shit!

Have US researched thah muh fuckin side effects on that sorry ass shit!? Thah fuck's wrong with US?! Anyway...

Ain't nobody gonnah be takin no 4,000 mg or more of thah shit that will cause that liver damage effect!

And even if US does,


1,000mg Milk Thistle BID

400mg Burdock Root Daily BID

400mg Yellow Dock Root Daily BID

400mg Dandelion Root BID


600mg Lion's Mane BID for

Thirty days



Thirty days 


(Peace! More to come...)

Eerie Past Photographs

 I look at photographs a lot now!

Maybe becaUSe my old Black sorry ass is about tah check out? Maybe becaUSe I'm more appreciative of ah millisecond of thah flip of the aperture.. and with jUSt one picture taken! One has captured perpetual time! 

Now, I bow tah time!

And oft times cry at the memories.

Humbling, to say the muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Frequent Voices In my Head II

'Thah fuck y'all muh fuckUS worryin about!? Without me! There are no, You!'

"Well, will you jUSt listen tah this ungrateful niggah?! Yeah! I got this, again! Listen son. Without US? Your old ass soul would be empty!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Should Just Pray

 my ol Black broke ass jUSt suggestin somethin tah US, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!


Every chance US gets!

Thah Holy fuck does US sorry broke assUS have tah lose?!

US is fuckin 


And it's muh fuckin


And tomorrow shall be ah 

Brighter US

Our Father's blessed


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

NWO/Global World...And Whatever The Fuck! Is Just Modern Day Biblical, Tower of Babel.


Our Father's and

Human infused 

Righteous words of muh fuckin


 my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

That's where US is now!

In thah indoctrination phase to this

NWO/Global world/Tower of Babel

Fuck up!


Thee Holy fuck!

Fuckin evil plagiarists!

And US do know how that ill

Tower of Babel shit went down for them sorry ass evil muh fuckUS?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cash, Shall Always Be, The Best For US!

 Got muh fuckUS out here that carry

"No cash" and shit!

Ain't my ol Black sorry broke ass livin in muh fuckin


I mean not even five fuckin US dollahs hidden away in their carryin shit!?

US, don't have at least five fuckin dollahs of 

US currency on 

US's person!?

I mean, shit! Ah US business can be "Cash only"! But for right now in US! Them sorry evil muh fuckahs can't be "Credit Only"! Anyway...

Then don't US broke assUS in 'Nap, go tah 

"Long's" then! And don't dare take yo happy ass ovah across thah street at that ATM! 

White muh fuckUS! Or Black muh fuckUS!



Have cash thah next muh fuckin time!

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck's wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

Question To The US Federal Government: Where Are US's InnumeroUS Children Who Are Being "Missed"?

 I mean shit! US got judges, child welfare systems, law enforcement collusion tah traffic all these muh fuckin enslaved children!

There is no fucking way in 2023 more than, 600,000 children go missin, in thah US alone, without these 'legal' obviously corrupted institutions bein involved in this sick shit! And that statistic ain't even about thah non-reported cases! 

Over 1600 Children go missing every God damned day! And thah ill shit ain't bein talked about at thah fuck at all! 

Over 1600 

US Children 

Every day!

Now US talkin thah Greatest Serial Abductor of All Time and shit! And ain't no muh fuckin agency lookin for 'im!?

I mean, God damn!


US Children still can't get no muh fuckin US love!

God damnit!

And thah evil propagandists' minions want tah write about some sorry ass 'Ye', 'JL', Stupid ass Biden, Stupid ass Trump...fuck all that noise!

All these muh fuckin pitiful 

Children goin missin daily and these supersilly "Willy Wonka" muh fuckahs still doin that race bait bullshit!?

Thah Holy fuck is happenin with all of





evil Federal muh fuckahs!!!???


I mean, shit!

Thah fuck is an old ass niggah missin and shit?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 28, 2024

Just Call 'im BOBB! II

 Thee Holy fuck!

Thah fuck them stupid ass evil propagandist's minions thinkin and shit! Ain't no way BOBB should have been put intah ah sorry ass position like that!



But them evil muh fuckahs did! And everyone of those sorry ass muh fuckahs need tah be fired expeditioUSly! "Don't Pass Go"! Don't collect $200! None of that shit! Fire thah fuckin lot!

I mean shit!

So, who's really runnin this now, 

US evil bitch!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Call 'im BOBB!

 Babbling Old Bastard Biden!

God damn!

I'm thinkin last night,

This US shit is embarrassin 

As fuck!

US's current president?!

A shame in 

Our Father's


And muh fuckUS still gonnah vote for that out of his old mind muh fuckah?!

I mean, shit! That's, if thah old evil ass muh fuckah makes it tah November and shit?!

Trump tore BOBB ah new one!

When Trump said, "I don't know what he's talking about. He probably doesn't even know, what he's talking about." my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass, bout died!

God damn that was inhumane! But fuck that shit! That Fed pedo deserved that evisceration! Fuck! That! And Trump held back on sorry ass muh fuckin BOBB!

Some pitiful US shit!

What thah fuck is wrong with


(Peace! More to come...) 

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Equilibrium - 2002"

 evil Predictive Programming at its



(Peace! More to come...)

"Paris Hilton tells Congress how she was 'sexually abused and forced-fed meds' during child welfare - INDEPENDENT"

Paris Hilton?! Of thah hotel muh fuckin Hilton's?! 

God damn!

Them evil nasty muh fuckahs are desperate as fuck!

US got that evil sorry muh fuckin nasty asses, worried as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"West Virginia couple charged with trafficking their adopted Black children to be used as 'slaves, authorities allege - CNN"

 At least them no-count muh fuckahs took those lil Black muh fuckahs in!

And none of these propagandists' minions have said dick about


Momma and

Daddy of these 

'Enslaved' sorry ass 


(Peace! More to come...)

The D.R.!

 Muh fuckin patient always comin in, his main residence is the D.R.,

"When I swoop inta town! I have to visit y'all. My people!"

my old Black sorry broke ass can dig that shit! 

But the eyes don't lie!

That's an evil sorry ass muh fuckah!

Looked up thah Dominican Republic!

Top five of Child Trafficking in this bitch!

And number one of makin

Snuff films!


An old Black broke ass niggah can't make this Fed fucked shitshow up, on my best day!



(Peace! More to come...)

This Firmament Is Flat As Fuck!

 Don't give one US fuck!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is tired! Fuck it!

Spinning, spherical planet!?

Really, evil muh fuckahs?!

I mean back in thah 'educated' public grade school, high school, old school, university... conditonin y'alls' sorry asses done put US through! With all due US complicity of course! I mean, Shit!

US shall take culpability in this elected


Fucked up



But God damn!

Can't US correct this majorly

Fed Luciferian US muh fuckin

Fuck up!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Human Truth Is Out There my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

 I mean, shit!

What thah fuck US puttin in thah search engine and shit,

"I don't know?"

And that's thah muh fuckin problem with this Human RighteoUS Knowledge shit!

US muh fuckUS don't undahstand dick about muh fuckin


Searches and shit!

I mean if US sorry muh fuckin assUS lookin for this 

Human Firmament's Truth?!

US has tah start 



No mattah thah muh fuckin colah, thah muh fuckin political affiliation, no mattah thah religion...don't give one US fuck!





Shall always


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Fresno police chief resigns after investigation into alleged affair with officer's wife - Los Angeles Times"

 Beer went flyin and shit! 

Funny as fuck!

Oh! Shit! Yo sorry muh fuckin caught ass gonnah tell my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass,

Out of all thah muh fuckin willful pussy out here in this muh fuckah!

Yo sorry ass had tah have one of yo tired ass 


Piece of 


Kindah fuckin sorry ass US shit!?

God damn that's some cold sorry ass pathetic muh fuckin shit!

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"The Logical Song - Supertramp"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Do US undahstand how much I have always loved this muh fuckin


God damn!

my ol Black sorry broke fifty-eight-year old ass life condensed in ah muh fuckin four-minute and some change muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Forget US's PrecioUS Beautiful Umbrellas

Fuck it!

It's going to get


This I surely hath




Come on?

Take a walk with me living in



Peons with liquid

Freons running through their cold hardened cyanotic



Feigned dismal US



(Peace! More to come...)

An US Sojourned Ill Broke Ass Truth!

 US has been here before!

Done it!

Witnessed it!

Fuck it!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What The Fuck Are US Going To Do?!

 Shit! US is solely responsible for this 

Fed fucked up shitshow

US is all witnessin!



Check it?!...

(Peace! More to come....)

The Power of US Is Infinite!

 Do US overstand how much individual US impacts



I mean, shit! I watched this twenty-two years old muh fuckah with ah tick and ah fucked up lip!

Change thah whole office serene muh fuckin



Thah fuck done happened tah


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

If I Died In This Millisecond! my Old Black Harmless Sorry Broke Ass Would Be Cool With That RighteoUS Shit!

 My senior last year in college Track and Field athletics taught me a lot.


If I would have known about the advantages of supplements! The advantages of weight training...I mean I got intah thah weight room! But I never worked on my core! Anyway...

my old Black ass dreamin of anothah 

Genesis of my known failed sorry youthful broke ass life!

And it's time for 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

'Point Well Taken'

 What did US expect?

A dialect tah

Circumspect the

Agenda 'd Firmaments'

InfectioUS ill evil nasty


(Peace! More to come...)

US! American People!

 Don't give ah good solid US fuck about this Republican, Democrat...pieces of US crap! my old Black sorry broke ass don't give one US bit of fuck!

And its thah nature of this evil destroyin beast thah evil muh fuckahs are creating! Their 

Credo's battle cry being

"If you're not with Luciferian us! Fuck! US!"

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with


(Peace! More to come....)

US IN Human Mores

 Aftah yo ol Black broke muh fuckin ass lives in ah muh fuckin city, yo old broke Black sorry ass 



My Black ass knows,


Is in ah shitload of evil trouble!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

How Do I Live? (Thirty-Three Years Old, JaLynn Jennings, Dental Technician) @ January 2025

 Wasn't any other man she could have thought of that was like this fine


I mean married!? But,...okay?! 

Ain't stopped thah numeroUS muh fuckin males, Black or White, that would ignore some properly placed fine ass pussy!

Ain't seen nothin like thah shit!

I mean drop dead gorgeous women wantin tah tap that shit with his old ass! Droppin all kinds of hints and shit!

Unbeknownst tah his fine ass, of course!

And ain't none of 

US beautiful muh fuckUS got an

Ill ass 

Story about that fine ass old ass niggah!...

If US Wants To Survive! US Shall Believe And Be Less Broke!

 There is nothing to be scared of any longer my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!






It's ah muh fuckin

Our Father's




RighteoUS muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Leaveth and Thy Gifteth Thine Written Soul To Thine Future Youth

 I have ah task I'm working on.

I'm going through backup thumb drives and othah shit US saves shit on!

And making sure I've saved all these muh fuckin blogs!

On different shits!

Ovah six-thousand of those bitches!

But shit! I got them bitches saved all ovah thah place!

"Well. Why? You wrote the Internet shall be shut down!"


But personal computers won't!

As long as my sorry broke ol Black ass can keep thah generator on long enough tah print some shit again! Cause two copies shall not be enough!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Regular, Midgrade or Premium?! And Listen To US's Vehicles

 That's why their sorry asses give US broke assUS certain cents off for USin their 'Kroger Card" and shit! Their 'Regular' gas ain't worth shit!

I mean, shit! 

Buy midgrade octane or

Premium octane at that bitch!


Regulah will have US needin ah fuel filter or dreaded fuel pump within 25,000 miles and shit!

Well, shit!

Unless US puts some fuel treatment shit in thah tanks every 3,000 miles or so!

"Well how thah fuck do I know I'm really gettin

Midgrade or

Premium octane?!"

Shit! If US buys anyone of thah two!

If yo ass has had your car long enough,

Thah muh fuckin vehicle speaks shit tah US!

I mean, shit!

That's if US's listenin tah thah muh fuckah!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

FrivoloUS Unneeded Cellphones

 Lookin at these obviously paid muh fuckin immigrants in thah grocery store and shit! Most of'em always on thah muh fuckin cell phone and shit! 

Get up tah thah checkout, still on thah muh fuckin phone! 

Aftah transaction completed!

Still on that muh fuckin phone!...

And ain't said one statement yet tah thah othah sorry ass muh fuckah on thah othah line and shit worth ah good US fuck!

Not fucking 


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Seth Binzer Dies: Lead Singer Of Crazy Town Was 49 - DEADLINE"

 Thah muh fuckin shit is named:

DEADLINE!? Anyway...

I mean, shit!

"The Rolling Stones" are still thah fuck around!

That muh fuckah ain't did more drugs than them old ass wrinkly evil ugly ass muh fuckahs! Ain't no muh fuckin way!

So, shit!

What thah fuck murdered that muh fuckah!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come....)

Frequent Voices In my Head

'Thah fuck y'all want from my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass?! I mean God damn!'

"I got this! Hey niggah! I mean, shit! Look around muh fuckah! Thah fuck else yo old sorry ass got poppin except tired ass, work?!"

'Shit! I undahstand that RighteoUS shit!'

"Right! Right! We say some shit! You write some shit! You expound on some shit! Bam!"

'And what thah fuck is "Bam" s'posed tah mean?'

"Shit! Like we co-authors and shit! Like we get ah lil bit of thah bootay!"

'This shit ain't monetized niggUS!'

"Thah fuck!?" They all say in unison.

'And even if it was?! Only two or three muh fuckUS droppin by every week some shit?'

"Thah fuck!?" Again, they all say in unison....

(Peace! More to come...)

HRKs: In An US Time! In An US Space! @ 2066

 It's funny about the Human RighteoUS Keys. 

All spread out throughout this firmament. Most of them

Safe from evil.

Some being compromised now.

But the evil shall never be in possession of 

All of


Weather "Supercell"!?

 Kindah fuckin shit!

It's called



Weather modification!...



Muh fuckin sorry ass evilly propagated


You, evil elite propagandists' sorry ass muh fuckin minions!

Kindah fuckin US absurd shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Straight Up Medicaid Muh FuckUS And The evil Nasty Medicaid elite Muh Fuckahs!

 my ol Black sorry muh fuckin ass ain't talkin bout no muh fuckin HIP, HIP shit like that!



I'm talkin bout muh fuckUS ain't got


And US is payin for their shit! That trickle down broke tah broker theory!

I observe shit! Been like that most of my sorry broke ass life! Anyway...

I've noticed that Medicaid broke ass muh fuckUS are becomin like,

Thah sorry ass nasty, no-good, entitled...evil elite!

I mean, fuck!

Both of them sorry ass muh fuckahs 


Work for


But get muh fuckin paid for fuckin doin 


How thah fuck that shit 


(Peace! More to come...)

RINO: TexAss Governor, Greg Abbott II

 All muh fuckin Texas has tah do is tah pull thah muh fuckin 

Fed trigger!

Secession would be complete! They are able tah sustain! Thah muh fuckin Fed couldn't 

"Deny" thah shit!

Prime US muh fuckin secession position!

And sorry ass TexAss muh fuckin Abbott!?

God damn my broke Sweet SistUS and BrothUS Longhorns!

Get that muh fuckah out of office!


And watch thah US muh fuckin 





BecaUSe of

The Country of Texas!

Now, don't that shit gottah ah lil ring tah it?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Masks Are In?! Again!!!???

 Black old Sistah came in today. 

She with her walker, hat on, dressed for this excessive fuckin miserable heat! And sweatin buckets! With ah sorry ass muh fuckin mask on!?

Look like she was ready tah fall ovah with her masked sorry ass conditioned about tah fall out self! 

And shit! With her mask wearin ignant Black ass!

She got her Black ass togethah aftah ah time and sat herself down.

But shit, if that shit would have happened an ol niggah would have hollered,

"Timber!" And got thah fuck out thah muh fuckin way expeditioUSly! my Black sorry old muh fuckin ass ain't lyin tah yah my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! Tired as fuck! Broke down niggUS wearin masks?!

I would have gotten all in her face, after fallen, have failed and said like 'Doc' said tah 'Ringo' aftah puttin ah bullet intah his head,

"You're not a daisy at all!"

Now my old Black ass is jUSt goin through an alternate scenario ah niggah saw formulatin and preparin for?! That could be altered given thah professional environment and shit! But fuck it!

Shit! Smilin jUSt thinkin about that ill ass shit!

Somethin's wrong with 


Overweight! Fuckin around in ah muh fuckin walker!

With ah muh fuckin 

Mask on!

I mean, 

God damn


Broke thah fuck down!

And wearin ah fucked up mask for fuckin


Tah live thah fuck longah!?

Now that's some selfish fucked up

US shit!

Thah fuck's wrong with US!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Athing Mu?!

 Thee Holy fuck!

These evil propagandists' minions want my ol Black sorry broke ass tah give one good 

US fuck about ah muh fuckah with ah non-US name of

Athing Mu?!

What thah fuck



I mean, shit!

Let an ol broke ass muh fuckah 

Hit thah fuck out that


(Peace! More to come...)

The US Prophylactic Has Breached

 This shit doesn't seem real tah me my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! Feels like I'm in a bubble. The whatevah fuckin reality my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is witnessin, is startin tah touch my skin and shit!

With only ah minutia of its 


Now, slowly




(Peace! More to come...)

"The Covid summer wave is here - NBC NEWS"


Them evil muh fuckahs jUSt won't give up!

I mean, shit!

God damn!

And thah bad part about this ill ass shit,


Are still fallin for this evil ill propagandized shit!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Presidential Debate?

 Them evil propagandists' minions talkin bout, Trump gonnah punk out and shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

Punk out?! Like not show up!?

God damned skippy!

Shit I wouldn't debate shit!

Shit! US already knows this bitch is a 

Fed fucked-up


And I don't give one 

US cent,

Who thah fuck is responsible for this ill ass fuckin ongoin

Fed absurd mess!

Secession has tah be immediately!

And stupid ass states, like US IN, still hangin on tightly tah that tired, sorry ass, evil, haggard...


Fed fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, June 24, 2024

"Jimmy Carter's long stay in hospice dispels myths about end-of-life-care - UPI"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Writin about absurdity!

Fuckin evil idiot minions!

Stupid as fuck!

I mean, shit!

Muh fuckah got excellent ex-US President 

Healthcare and shit!

Paid by US tax muh fuckin premium dollahs and shit!

Now this!

Is ah muh fuckin evil ass muh fuckin stretch tah US's imaginations!

Shit, of course them muh fuckahs gonnah take 

"Good care of President Carter!"

But shit! That old ass sorry muh fuckah needs tah get off thah US taxpayers 

Dime and shit, and fuckin die! God damnit!

I mean, shit!

Thah Holy fuck 's ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saccharomyces Boulardii And Other Gut Friendly Nasty Human Probiotics

 US are made up of every muh fuckin God damned

Beautiful dirty, disgustin thing in 

Our Father's firmament!


Got Saccharomyces Boulardii and shit, like that all in US individual gut biomes with all this othah CFU shit! But they say this shit, is found in waste! Categorize thah shit cure tah yeast! And they say takin this shit is good for US's Human gut biome!?

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Shit! I can tell US this, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! 

If you have ah gut dis-biome shit happeinin with yo shit!

Take this shit for four to six weeks BID on ah muh fuckin empty stomach!

Get yo shit flora right in no time!

my ol Black sorry muh fuckin broke ass is here as ah muh fuckin 

Witness aftah takin that shit! 

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Truth

 What did ol 

'Happy Harry Hard-on' say in 

"Pump Up The Volume -1990" and shit?!


Truth is a


Damn muh fuckin skippy!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US evil Conditioned Sorry Ass Apathy!

 Thah fuck, 


I mean, shit! 

When less than one percent of US,

Has taken ovah ninety-nine percent of 


And what my ol Black sorry broke ass hears on a regulah in personal US conversations,

"But Meredith? Really? What can you do about it?" my retort all thah muh fuckin time is,

"And I understand." Shit! Fuck it!

But what my ol Black ass 



Even rich people hate to be publicly written or publicly spoken

Illy about!

Don't give ah fuck!

Rich, Poor and every-sorry-ass-muh-fuckah in between!

Does not like to be


So, shit!

I ridicule them nasty, no-good for nothin, evil, sick...sorry ass ugly muh fuckahs

Whenevah I can squeeze in thah muh fuckin time!

And please do thah same my Dear Sweet SisUS and BrothUS!?

Fuck them evil nasty ass ugly muh fuckahs!

Fuck 'em!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....) 

"Netanyahu appears to walk back remark rejecting Biden cease-fire deal - THE HILL"

my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is on thah muh fuckin flo' God damnit!

Funny as fuck!

Bibi talkin that real shit, now!


I guess thah price for thah perpetual US blowjob shit got


Then business as fuckin usual!

"Get on those knees bitch! Open wide! And say, 'Ah'!"

God damn!

And thah muh fuckin US ejaculated scum keeps thah fuckin ill shit


Can't make this Fed US shitshow up Sonshines!



Fuck wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Balanced US Perpetual Human RighteoUS Harmony

 It's that Yin-Yang shit!

The balance in this muh fuckah!

They've murdered and are murdering 



So too shall ye evil sorry ass muh fuckahs be


(Peace! More to come...)

"Biden-Trump first presidential debate could change everything... - yahoo!news"

 I mean shit!

This Thursday!

At 9-muh-fuckin-pm!

my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gonnah watch this shit!

Gonnah be some funny muh fuckin absurd shit!

And don't even have tah pay ah muh fuckin admittance sorry ass US fee!?




Scored with my Black broke ass!

my Black sorry broke ass gonnah be treatin this shit like thah "Super Bowl" and shit!

Don't give ah fuck who wins or sorry ass loses, God damnit!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is here for thah comedic entertainment God damnit!

Gonnah be some funny muh fuckin sorry ass US shit for US's broke assUS fo show!

Can't wait!

But, shit!

Pick US poisons muh fuckUS!

I mean, shit!

Trump gonnah kill most of US

Quick, fast and in ah muh fuckin hurry!

'Operation Warp Speed' on US's sorry broke muh fuckin assUS

Still in effect! Aftah ah murderin four year hiatUS!


But, shit!

Biden gonnah take his old sorry ass sweet, pedo, shittin on himself, muh fuckin



God damn!


RFK Jr. is thah only 


Way! Them reptilian undahground evil muh fuckahs gottah soft spot for US

Beautiful firmament's Humans! Anyway...

Thee Holy fuck's wrong with

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What...thah Holy...fuck!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Souls: Mental Human Electrical Presence, from This Beautiful Firmament's Past...And Present

 my old Black sorry broke ass takes this information! 

No matter thah form of the Human mental ingestion! Print!? Podcasts!? Radio!? Television!?...US gets thah picture?

I scramble that shit up in my old dead ass mind!



The voices come.

And I begin tah blog about some shit!

I just wish them muh fuckUS would quit hollerin, screamin and yellin at ah muh fuckah!?

God damnit!

Shit 's gettin old as fuck!


So too am, I!...

(Peace! More to come...)

COVID Lockdowns: And US Are Still Flying Over That Sorry Ass Shit?!

 Yah see?! Here's thah type of my soon tah be dead ass be thinkin about these last four years and shit!

How thah Holy fuck!?

Are these evil hypocritical muh fuckahs wannah talk about social distancin and shit,

And thah muh fuckin 

Airplanes all ovah this firmament, were nevah muh fuckin


How thah fuck does that shit fuckin US scan?!

And airline seating still thah fuck, thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Aliens Among US!?



Not from outah fuckin space!



Never fuckin shall be in our 

Father's firmament!

Thah evil muh fuckahs have been livin in 

DUMBs and shit!

God damn!

Ain't no muh fuckin 

Aliens from absurd evil manmade sorry ass 

NASA conjured up outer


Them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs have always been right thah fuck here, in US's beautiful muh fuckin highly corrupted



(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The evil Luciferian End Game

 "What it is?! Old ass Black muh fuckah?!"

What it fucked up!

Them evil slothful degenerates can't stand 


Are goin tah murder 66 percent of 


The rest of thah 33 percent of US,

Are goin tah be for their ill ass

Food, for their nasty ass

Sex and for their sorry ass

Labor !

And productionally, to be evilly USed for more of their food, for more of their sex and for more of their labor!

Like now! Instead of the innumeroUS 

Human choices!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Candace Owens & George Farmer?

Can't even listen tah her evil USed nigger ass no more! Somethin said, "Niggah look her ass up and check out some shit!" Listened tah her a lot in the past and recent past, just today in fact. Just had ah fuckin feelin for some fucked up reason. Anyway...Bio don't make one Black US fuck bit of sense at thah fuck all! Unless US sorry muh fuckin assUS still believin in those sorry ass fairytales and shit?! Anyway...

"George Farmer is a 'British born businessman', (which means he didn't have to work for shit because he was born tah be lazy), and the son of a member of parliament!"

Parliament!? British Born businessman!?

Married tah ah niggah?!


Something wrong is 

Thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

US Shall Save US!

 There is nothing stopping 


Save for


(Peace! More to come....)

Stupid Ass evil Technology

 Technology isn't worth dick!

And thah reason why that thah shit will never be about shit!

Is because evil thinks in power and monetary tangibility's!



Old shit ain't worth shit because them evil muh fuckahs make money off of the new shit!

So, they perpetually get rid of thah muh fuckin old time muh fuckUS!

And new time muh fuckahs has ah very muh fuckin short amount of time before it, too, is



I mean, shit! That 

Idiot evil ideology is fucking 



(Peace! More to come...)

US Cannot Have Two Masters!

 Got muh fuckahs ovah here now just wildin out and shit,

"There is no place greater than Israel!"

"Oh! I love the Ukraine! That is my homeland!"

"Oh! I love Jamaica! That is my home!"

"I love the UK!"...and thah foul ass shit, goes on and on with these so-called now 'US' citizens or these real sorry ass muh fuckahs that have dual citizenship or ah stupid ass workin visa and shit!

my ol Black sorry broke US ass can't stand that muh fuckin shit!

I mean, them sorry ass muh fuckahs think that shit's fair game and shit, tah talk about US right in front of US tah witness and shit?! Shit! 



my ol Black ass eithah interrupts them muh fuckahs by excusin myself for some fucked up reason!

If I'm listenin tah some shit, I turn it thah fuck off!

Or even watchin some shit! I hit thah kill switch like ah muh fuckah on that ill ass shit!

Fuck it my Dear Sweet SisUS and BrothUS!

Shit, like most of US,

This here is thah only muh fuckah there is tah muh fuckin live! If US don't feel that fuckin way? Then shit! Get! The! Fuck! Out this bitch! Thah fuck!?

And shit, I undahstand about how proud yo sorry asses are about yo uninhabitable country and shit! But God damn!

Where thah fuck are yo sorry asses livin, shittin and makin bank?...


(Peace! More to come...)

"Kendrick Lamar Reportedly Shooting Music Video In Compton, Increases Security On-Site - VIBE"

 Anothah "street" Hip-Hop Black ass rapper scared of his



Kindah fuckin sorry evil ass niggah shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Michael Jordan" Black Ass Nothingness to US Humanity!

 Niggah ain't did shit but played basketball and sold ah shitload of overpriced


Fuck what muh fuckahs talkin bout this sorry ass muh fuckah!

Selfish as fuck!

And thah Blackah than charcoal muh fuckah ain't worth



Thah muh fuckah's so-called 

"Greatness" is only on thah stage of 

Entertainment and marketin!

As far as US's


Or for US Black broke ass muh fuckUS?!


He's just anothah very Black ass controlled evil entertainment plethora of muh fuckin US


"Oh, that's because yo old ass is hatin on ah successful Brothah!"



my Black old broke sorry muh fuckin ass jUSt tryin tah write some truths before my ass checks thah fuck out! 

No mattah thah sorry ass muh fuckin color of ah muh fuckUS'

Skin tone!

Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Paris Olympics 2024 and Munich Olympics 1972 II

 If any of US muh fuckUS are thinkin about goin tah this ill ass Olympic year event?!



Stay thah fuck safe in


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Paris Olympics 2024 and Munich Olympics 1972

 Thee Holy fuck!

And who thah fuck are in thah news in 2024,


God damned skippy!

September 05, 1972 when that ill shit went down back in thah day with some so-called 

"Palestinian" terrorists! Is thah same stupid shit the evil muh fuckahs gonnah execute thah fuck again times nine!

Thah muh fuckin evil idiots can't help themselves! They're dumbasses! Their evil philosophy has always been toward US,

"Well shit! It worked before on these simpletons!"

But this time! The evil silly asses gonnah shut thah internet down! Talk about Russian influence!... 




Start anothah evil ass absurd


Kindah fuckin ill ass muh fuckin shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 21, 2024


 Why thah fuck did them stupid evil nasty muh fuckahs let thah 


Internet shit 

Hit thah muh fuckin


my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass shall tell 


BecaUSe they are some muh fuckin


'Oh, yeah! We can control that shit!'

And they can't control dick!

Not this evil Internet 




Them evil muh fuckahs gots tah shut this evil manmade shit 


But shit! Even then,

It's gonnah be

Hell tah 

Pay for you silly muh fuckin evil idiots,

Eithah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The evil Gathering of US Cells

 "Welcome to America everyone! You will find in front of you a large packet. Reach down to retrieve it, please? Please open it now? And we will go over what is contained in your US packet! Never lose any of its contents! They are very important to your future American citizenship!" The facilitator of the Handlers was announcing. A Spanish facilitator started to speak the same message to the high school stadium holding now 3300 viable cells. After which, the French facilitator stated the same....

(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Muh Fuckin 'Peace in the Middle East'! Fuck 'em!

What did ol Patti Labelle sing so long ago,

"I'm on my own. 

Why did it end this way?"...

US skippy God damnit!

 Nevah gonnah be! and nevah has been no muh fuckin peace!

I mean shit!

Maybe once the 

Human bottleneck effect has

Concluded and shit!

Then aftah that...

It's still ah muh fuckin,


Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Preach About This Ill Ass Overtaking Muh Fuckin "RighteoUS" Global World US Shit!

 Before thah fuck




(Peace! More to come...)

"Netanyahu and White House continue public disagreement over claim US withholding weapons amid Israel's war with Hamas - abc NEWS"


Complainin like ah muh fuckin 

Whore that didn't get paid enough money for ah muh fuckin perpetual



(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Obama! With His Sorry Muh Fuckin Ass! II

 I remembah in the movie, "My Little Laundrette - 1986",

Daniel Day-Lewis fucked himself in this movie! Just my ol Black ass broke opinion, for what it's worth! He had ah great run in Hollywood! But he couldn't out act this one! Like Will Smith in, "Six Degrees of Separation"! Anyway...

There was this scene towards the end of the movie. The owner expressed some shit like this:

"I am not Indian! I am a businessman!"


Fuck that nigger! 

You fucking evil, pedo, sorry ass...muh fuckin Luciferian owned



Thah fuck's wrong with US!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Princess Eugenie is a summer dream in hourglass sleeveless dress - HELLO!/Yahoo"

 You-genie?! Ain't no wishes gonnah come true or come out that ugly muh fuckin sorry ass,


MTF muh fuckah!



Shit! Y'alls sorry evil propagandists' minions can pump that 'Exquisite', 'Dreamy'...or whatevah thah fuck about thah busted evil rich!

But like 'Gomer' said about his upcomin date aftah ol 'Andy' tried tah soft-shoe,

"So, how does she look Andy?!"


Put any expensive adornments y'all muh fuckahs want tah on those fucked up lookin muh fuckahs!


Thems still will be, 

Some evil ugly muh fuckahs!

Don't give ah US fuck!

I mean, shit!

Fuckin busted as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Chyorny Muzhchina?

 I mean think about these evil muh fuckahs that got more interests in their 

Homeland than them evil muh fuckahs do tah their elected, shittin place in


Thee Holy fuck!

How thah fuck that ill shit work?!

I mean, shit! I loves me some 

Russia and

President Vladmir Putin! 

But if I took my ol Black broke ass ovah tah 

Russia, tryin tah run for some shit



Even President Putin, with his not wantin tah smile let alone laugh Russian ass,

Would be bustin out in laughtah in thah muh fuckin


Thee Holy fuck done gone wrong with



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

US Has Got US Selves In A Fucking Global Mess!

 Don't hit


To try to 

Split thah 


Forceful entry

Leads tah 



"My last name is Murphy! 

And fuck your

US bloody infirmary! 

I shall call!"

And shit, tah current US shit!

That thah fuck

US says it


(Peace! More to come....)

"So Be It"!

 When thah muh fuckin

US proverbial 

"Light" clicks on tah ovah

Sixty-six percent of


Tis nigh!


Them evil degenerate, vile...muh fuckahs are in ah 

US heap load of 

US bloody muh fuckin


Can't wait!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Ukraine's 'Frankenstein' tank will put the fear of God in Putin - The Telegraph"

Stop it! Just stop it!

Fuckin absurdity!

 How thee Holy fuck y'alls evil sorry muh fuckin asses gonnah put the fear of

God in 

President Putin!?


President Putin is full of




(Peace! More to come...)

Stop The US Human Production Line! Forthwith!

 my ol Black sorry broke ass does pre-tests on muh fuckahs every day of thah work week and shit!

So, I'm talkin tah this Mom of this beautiful child! Thah muh fuckin child is always happy and shit! And I've always thought tah myself, "You and Dad are doing a great job raising this beautiful child" The child is always respectful. Says their anecdotes about what's goin on and shit! Very intelligent lil muh fuckah! Anyway...

I asked Mom, 'And when is the last time has she seen her primary care physician?'

"Oh...when was that honey? Oh, it was in August. She received her booster and flu shots. Yeah." The child smilin beatifically and shit!

God damn!

I wanted tah hug that child and tell thah child she would be fine! But, shit! I'm an ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin male! Can't be doin that ill ass shit! 



But if I was ah female? I would have hugged that child and said tah her, "You are so cute! You're going to be fine Sonshine!"

But shit! Gettin boosted and shit

Chosen by Mom and Dad!?

Fuck that shit!

Bein, Male or Female!

I would be lyin my sorry broke muh fuckin ass


(Peace! More to come...)

"Florida plastic surgeon arrested after wife died following procedure - CBS News"

 Thah fuck was that bitch thinkin?!

I mean God damn!

That sorry ass muh fuckah lookin at healed BBLs, healed breast augmentations...all thah fuck day long! Even takin blowjobs, titty fucks...and just plain old-fashioned US fucks for muh fuckin monthly payments and shit!

Yo stupid ass gonnah go undah thah evil knife with ah muh fuckah that has envisioned and created his manmade awesome female anatomical lifelong fuck mates!

And it nevah would have been yo muh fuckin female sorry ass no mattah thah muh fuckin, fucked up sorry ass augmentations!?



Shit! That muh fuckah had tah 



(Peace! More to come....)

The Heavy USe of Exclamation Points In This Joint!

 There are these voices in my head that hollah and scream at me! 

What thah fuck my ol Black sorry broke ass supposed tah do?

Write thah shit with muh fuckin periods?!


That's not how these mindful muh fuckUS are sayin thah shit tah my ol Black broke sorry muh fuckin soon tah be 

Dead ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Worthy!

 Every-muh-fuckin-thing is 

Relative tah US!


Every-muh-fuckin-body is

Relative tah


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pedophiles, Shall Kill Themselves, RighteoUSly! With A little Help From US RighteoUS Muh FuckUS!

 Once sentenced!

Yah torture them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs for 24 fuckin hours, of course by muh fuckUS that know what they doin and shit! Oh, no! Can't have them sorry ass muh fuckahs dyin from thah trauma and shit!



Got tah get these muh fuckUS that get off on that sadistic shit! Know just how much tah inflict tah keep thah sorry ass muh fuckah with thah livin for howevah long! Anyway...

After which, you put a .38 revolver with one bullet in it, on thah ready, in thah muh fuckin cell with thah degenerate muh fuckah!

If thah stupid muh fuckah don't use that bitch on himself/herself! 

Shit! I guess yo ass feels you have not paid enough penance for yo abhorrent shit!

Let thah sorry ass disgustin muh fuckah rest, think, eat...for 24 hours.

Ain't even looked at thah revolvah! Okay?

Based on your observation of thah sorry ass muh fuckah, you go in and get thah revolver.

And get him/her ready for round muh fuckin 24 again!

Until eventual 

Suicide is

Selected by thah nasty



(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Broke and Scared?!

 Kinda fuckin sorry ass US shit!


Broke muh fuckUS bein 

Scared of losin...


Thah Holy fuck is wrong with 

US broke ass muh fuckUS!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sandy Hook Is Full of Fucking Crooks! II

 Think about muh fuckUS that are tryin tah be so relevant in this US, that thah whole muh fuckin town says, 

"Fucking yes! We love our town so much!"

Even tah go tah thah evil depths of ah Federal Sandy Hook paid sorry ass



(Peace! More to come...)

Sandy Hook Is Full of Fucking Crooks!

 Alex Jones! One-point-five billion!? One-plus-five = six! With yo controlled opposition sorry muh fuckin ZJ ass!?

Thee Holy fuck! Like thah sorry ass Indiana "Delphi Murders"!

Shit makes no muh fuckin

Human bit of good muh fuckin US


I mean shit,

Judge Judy is ah muh fuckin ZJ!

But God damn!

The US 


Is thah muh fuckin 


And like thah ugly bitch says,

"If it doesn't make sense! It's more than likely. Not the truth."

Thee Holy fuckin shit,

Is wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

US Free Speech? But What About The US Written Prose?!

"Oh you can't say that!"

Or rarely these muh fuckin fucked-up illiterate US days,

"You can't write that!"

Why thah fuck not!?

Muh fuckah!

Why thah 




God damnit tah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Isle of Man TT Races" II

 All right my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS,

I'm goin tah talk tah thah wifey!

And let 


Meet on the

"The Isle Of Man",


That's if...shit... thah muh fuckin evil

"Disease X" factor and subsequent evil lockdowns don't fuck thah shit up?! Anyway...


US will watch this wild shit in anothah 



Pray for US's safety!

Drink plenty of "Guinness"!

And "Jameson's" muh fuckUS!...

Come back tah


And be ready tah kick some major evil sorry muh fuckin asses!

Yeah! Some 






But shit!

I mean,

That's ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is still 'round this bitch?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Fuck Obama! With His Sorry Muh Fuckin Ass!


Shit! I'm one of US Black ass muh fuckUS!

That sorry ass niggah ain't muh fuckin US




That sorry ass niggah is just anothah sellin of thah soul muh fuckin bein used




No fucking more!

No fucking less!

Fuck that nigger!

A fucking shame before

Our Father!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thy End of evil Rich Days Arriveth Nigh!

 Thee Holy fuck! 

I want to drive a "Mack" truck,

Into their evil perceived solemnity!

Smile at the blood thirsty matter

splatter of

Nothing to see!

As I ride out into infinity;

Of course,





(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Some Beautiful Muh FuckUS!


US gots tah start loving


God damn!

Them evil ass sorry muh fuckahs got 




Come onh y'all!

Say, "Cheese!"

And let's take this

Handsome ass



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Modern Day US Circumstances

There is ah muh fuckin time!


And thah muh fuckin


Is mothah fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, June 17, 2024

Working In evil Adverse Unto Our Father's RighteoUS Human Spiritual Steps

 There is one muh fuckin absolute that my ol Black sorry broke ass knows for certain! my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

There is ah next level for 


These evil reptilian, unearthly muh fuckahs are fuckin stuck in this firmament! 

Fuckin stuck! Because that's all their evil materialistic simple minds can believe in,

The tangibles!

And them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs will always be stuck here


In this beautiful firmament!

In their evil underground


Never to ascend past thah blessed



(Peace! More to come...) 

United States Secretary for Health Since March 26, 2021 or (3-66-33 (3-66-6))

 Rachel Levine!

I mean, shit!

Lucifer wouldn't even claim this ugly evil degenerate muh fuckah!

US wannah get ah good US ol fashioned muh fuckin


Shit! Look at that sorry ass muh fuckah's images! Shit! Busted, don't even come thah fuck close!

Thee Holy fuck!

And them propagandists' minions gots thah nerves to use:


Shit! That's ah muh fuckin man that threw on ah muh fuckin wig, and said,

"Fuck it!"

God damn! What thah fuck wrong with US?!

Can't make this fucked up Fed

Shitshow up my 

Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thee Holy Fuck, my Dear Sweet Indian Brethren and Sistren?! US, All, Are Some Broke Ass Muh FuckUS!

 Thah second time I got flagged for some shit!

Then I look at thah stats!


Thah past two times,

Three muh fuckahs in India!

Come ohn y'all!

Y'all muh fuckahs are some broke asses


Shittin in thah streets and shit!?

And US broke ass muh fuckUS ain't judgin! But that's some nasty ass shit! From one broke ass muh fuckah tah anothah! Anyway...

I mean,



Them evil rich muh fuckahs are y'alls muh fuckin enemies!

Not lil ol Black ass US broke me and lil ol broke


I mean,


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

Blogger Censoring Human Truthful Content?! II

 Well, shit! That sorry ass surgeon general shit they gave ah muh fuckin pass?!

Good lookin out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Blogger Censoring Human Truthful Content?!

 So US supposed tah live in ah free country and shit!?

Post some shit on "Blogger's" shit!

They Block my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

With ah muh fuckin quickness!

I don't know if this shit will escape or not!


my sorry ol Black muh fuckin ass will quickly find out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Horribly Played Out evil Times!

"Surgeon general calls for social media warning labels - The Washington Post"

And what thah fuck is thah muh fuckah's name:

Vivek H. Murthy!?

And where thah Holy fuck was this sorry evil ass muh fuckah born:

Huddersfield, Yorkshire!

Thee Holy fuck!

That show thah fuck ain't in no muh fuckin 


Kindah fuckin shit?!

Fuck that non-US birthed muh fuckah! Fuck 'im! Fuck im! Fuck 'im!

God damnit! 

What thee Holy fuck is wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

What Book, Chapter and Verse? Uh...

 Simplifications brings about


Beautiful Human

Manifestations to

Our Father's




Sans ill

Mans' evil



(Peace! More to come...)

The US Truth Shall Always Be: Gratis! II

 I'll write thah sorry ass shit again!

If US is telllin or writin thah muh fuckin 



US cannot

Charge for that


Free beautiful muh fuckin 

Truth shit!

Chargin US muh fuckUS?!



It's not this muh fuckin

Pure US Human beautiful

Truth shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What Thah Fuck Is My Old Black Broke Sorry Muh Fuckin Ass Falling Into?!

 Something is wrong with me!

Graspin at handles, ledges...whatevah thah fuck! And can't grab on tah


Gets on my ol Black sorry broke ass nerves somethin terrible!

I can only equate it to,

US remembahs in thah movie, "Get Out"!?

And that Black ass British muh fuckah's fallin into thah abyss, and this small portal of light tah thah real world was gettin smaller and shit!?...


That's where my old Black is


(Peace! More to come...)

"I'm an Economist: Here Are My Predictions for The Job Market If Biden Wins Again - GO BankingRates"


Didn't even have tah click on thah sorry ass shit!

Ah muh fuckin sorry ass job is thah last thing 

US is goin tah be worried about if that cheatin shit happens!




US muh fuckUS will be worried about:

How thah fuck US gonnah survive thah muh fuckin evil US chaos and evil US murders subsequently!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Global Truth

 What thah fuck would this "Global" muh fuckah be like without

US fine assUS!?

And these evil supersilly "Willy Wonka" muh fuckahs tryin their fuckin degenerate

Damnedest tah muh fuckin implode


Kindah fuckin evil stupid US shit?!

Them evil muh fuckahs gots tah 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

"This part of the US is at highest risk for a devastating tsunami - CNN"

 US needs tah


Thah fuck 

Out of


Them evil muh fuckahs along with

HAARP got some future US

Blues for that broke sorry

US assUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Niggers Are The Symptom, Jews Are The Disease - #IncitementToHatred"

 This sorry ass muh fuckah got ah Rumble account with this fucked up title!

God damn!

What's US niggUS gots tah do with any of this evil manmade God damned fucked up firmament and shit?!

I mean, shit! 

US niggUS don't own shit!

US niggUS ain't got shit!

US niggUS are broke as fuck!

So...why thah Holy fuck are US always in thah muh fuckin evil fucked up

Equation and shit?!

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Beiden!

 Got ah sorry ass son that ain't about


Beau was murdered! "Brain cancer"?! Them evil muh fuckahs sacrificed that ass!

Hunter?! Ain't worth thah typin for this shit!

The two Daughters ain't causin no muh fuckin problems!

Sorry ass muh fuckah has ah fifty-percent success rearin rate!

Thah muh fuckah's 

US's president!?

Kindah fuckin US sorry shit!?

And shittin on himself on ah muh fuckin regulah!...

Thah fuck is wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kate 1st public appearance since cancer diagnosis - GMA" II


"Orphan Black", "Boys from Brazil", multiple episodes of "The X Files"...predictive programmin like ah muh fuckah! 

And shit, "Operation Paperclip"... et al!

Them evill degenerates been clonin since thah early forties and shit!

And that's thah stone cold firmament 


"Good day? Kate 2!"

Ding-dong! Alas;

Prime Kate 1 sorry ass, royal bitch/bastard is still fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...) 

"Isle of Man TT Races"

Fuck, "IndyCar"! Fuck, "NASCAR"!...and whatevah thah fuck!

Talkin bout thah Greatest racing event in this firmament!

That's this shit!

And these evil muh fuckahs don't pump this bad ass shit up for shit!?

Thah fuck wrong with them evil muh fuckahs?!

my old Black broke ass loves watchin this crazy ass shit!

White men are fuckin nuts!

They show this on-board camera with them crazy ass muh fuckahs and shit!



my old ass heart be racin just witnessin these ill ass men with two wheeled machines fuckin,

Hittin it!

Their crazy asses best not have ah muh fuckin hangovah doin this wild propah shit!

But fuck it!

I love watchin this shit!

Fuckin fascinatin as fuck for some fucked up reason!

If I'm still around this muh fuckah in 2025?

I might try tah coax my wife in takin ah trip tah fuckin


Experience this bad ass shit in thah fuck


And drink innumerous pints of


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

'Ain't No Way!?' And The USRRE!

 Kindah fucked up shit before I started down thah muh fuckin

US RigteoUS Road to Enlightenment!

US 33, God damnit!

I ain't no damn sorry ass scared muh fuckin


It's ah muh fuckin righteoUS 

Human beautiful thing! 


Now, shit!?

my old Black sorry broke ass be muh fuckin sayin:

Them evil nasty ass muh fuckahs are at it 


(Peace! More to come...)

"UFA (Ultimate Frisbee Association), The Indianapolis Alley Cats"

 Yeah NiggUS and Nigresses!

Internet surfin! Came across this oddity!

It's fuckin absurdly real!

And shit, I must say with my ol Black sorry ass broke muh fuckin self,

Quite weirdly entertainin and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Katte 1st public appearance since cancer diagnosis - GMA"

But check it my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

Thah story broke on June 15, 2024?!

Six-six and guildin thah muh fuckin lilly 2 (6s)! I'll be God damned! 

Ding! Dong!

Got ah muh fuckin sorry ass clone not



Kindah fuckin shit!?

Can't make this fucked-up shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...)

Early Conditioning of US

 my Daughter.

She's pretty!

"Well everybody says that about their given daughters! Old ass Black muthah fuckah!"

I undahstand!

But shit! I mean people don't use, "Pretty"!

Them muh fuckahs be usin thah terminology,

"She's gorgeoUS!"

And Momma still thinks she's

"I'm ugly, Dad!"?!

And ain't shit my ol Black carin Fatherly ass can tell her tah thah muh fuckin


Kindah fuckin US fucked-up shit!?

What thah Holy fuck is wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

US Proximity! C'est Tout!!! III

 Then them evil stupid ass muh fuckahs gonnah put intah thah sorry ass 


"Fifteen Minute Cities"!

Kindah fuckin stupid shit!?

Most of US lives!

In fifteen minute cities!

"But without surveillance!"


Y'alls evil nasty muh fuckahs got an ol Black ass muh fuckah on that


But even still!

US 'll be jUSt fine


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Crack In Space - Philip K. Dick"

 Don't know what thah Holy muh fuckin shit that muh fuckah was on while he was writin some shit!

But, believe



Thah muh fuckah was on some 

Good shit!

Thah shit's playin out in real 




God damnit!

Our Father's speed,



(Peace! More to come...)

Thah Fuck my Black Ass Missin?!

 One of my co-workers said to me,

"Meredith. You're getting too thin."

I told my wife today about what my co-worker said. She stated,

"Yeah man! I didn't want to say anything to your wasting away Black ass! But I have tah agree with Stephanie! Shit. I understand. Weight will cause all types of problems with an arthritic hip. But once that hip gets better. Yo ass needs tah eats some bon-bons and sandwiches and shit!"


I mean, what my old Black sorry muh fuckin ass gonnah say about some truthful, loving shit like that?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Proximity! C'est Tout!!! II

 Thah real danger about this Global World shit,

Is what US has already 've been witnessin!

US cannot witness!

From fuckin


And US,

"Let us take care of our own garden. - Voltaire (translated)"

"Paris Olympics 2024"! 


Je pense...


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"That's All Folks! - Looney Tunes"

 I forget this muh fuckah that was ah so-called "Conspiracy Theorists" way back before US muh fuckUS got semi-woke and shit! 

That muh fuckah said somethin like:

"Money? If you want to know what money is about? Just look at who God gives it to?"

One of thah muh fuckin most profound statements my Black ass had evah heard!

And still till this muh fuckin 

Our Father's 


That statement reverberates from thah fuckin innumerous past

Hearings and





Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Perpetual, Wrongful, Un-American...: Age Discrimination

 I mean, shit!

Aftah thah age of majority, 

Why thah fuck!?

Are US worryin about what age ah muh fuckah is and shit?! 

All US muh fuckUS gots tah know is:

US is some grown ass muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nature's Pick US Up Smoothie!

2oz Blueberries

2oz Blackberries

2oz Strawberries

1 Banana, sliced

2 tsp Beet Root Powder

A good nugget of Fresh Ginger Root

1/4 tsp of Fenugreek

1/2 tsp of Taurine powder

1/4 tablet 500mg Therapeutic Caffeine

2 tsp Turmeric

1 tsp Moringa Powder

1 tsp L'arginine powder

2 tsp Ceylon Cinnamon powder

Put all in blender. Add almond milk, regular milk, oatmilk...whatevah thah fuck? Blend while pouring milk of choice into blending ingredients until individual consistency satisfaction is achieved.


Be feelin US natural good, in no fuckin time at thah fuck all!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Proximity! C'est Tout!!!

 That's all this muh fuckin shit's about!

Don't give ah good flyin fuck what's happenin in thah next county, state, othah muh fuckin US states, thah global fucked up world...!



It's what's happenin in Indianapolis, Indiana and in the state of Indiana are what thah fuck my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass's talkin bout!

Who of US gives ah good God damned what thah fuck is goin on in thah next state, othah country...? Thah fuck them evil muh fuckahs force feedin that bullshit down US's IN throats for!? Thah fuck that gots tah do with US IN God damnit! Shit! US still have thah opportunity tah secede from this evil US Fed fuck up!

But shit! Aftah awhile my fellow muh fuckin beautiful 


Oh! US IN gonnah feel thah same evil excruciatin pain like thah rest of US!


JUSt US don't dare tah complain about thah sorry ass prophetic muh fuckin ill ass painful future US shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Future US Communism Country!


Free Nation?!


Kindah fuckin sorry US propaganda shit?!



This muh fuckin

US is about sixty-nine percent of bein completed tah be ah sorry ass



CC = 33 = NWO!

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with US?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Revocation of US Federal Muh Fuckin Sorry Ass Taxes! Yes!

 I watched this muh fuckah's vlog talkin bout this ill ass shit!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass has always undah-fuckin-stood

State, city, county and local taxes!

But thah muh fuckin 


Fuck 'em!

Them evil bastards givin US's shit tah non-Americans by the muh fuckin 

Hundreds of billions and shit! 

Kindah fuckin sorry ass US shit!?

Once I pay them sorry ass muh fuckahs what I agreed tah pay for this year!

I'm sendin them ah lettah and revokin my muh fuckin contract with them evil dastardly nasty 

Fed sorry ass muh fuckahs,


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

What Are US To Believe?

 my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass can tell



And muh fuckin



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 "It's only because they have been running, shooting baskets, passing, shooting free-throws, guarding... that their shoulders are like that! Their waist because they are female athletes! I mean, over so many years, that's going to happen to a woman!"


(Peace! More to come...)


 "WNBA" my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Thems some

Trans muh fuckahs!

Ovah eighty percent,


(Peace! More to come...)

Let US Tweak This US Ill Ass evil Muh Fuckin Shit!

 I remembah watchin "Glengarry Glen Ross"!

Alec Baldwin states tah these evil degenerate salesmen,

"A-B-C! Always-Be-Closing!"!

God damn!

Predictive programmin at its fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

No Comment!?

 Thah muh fuckin US Human righteoUS 


"Let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. - Matthew 5:37."

And what these evil muh fuckahs been respondin and shit?!

"No comment!"

Kindah fuckin US evil shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What Thee Holy US Propaganda Fuck?!

 General information is 

evil to 


That evil

General information even

Moreso to


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tell-Tale US Ill Smells

 my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass can't stand when ah muh fuckah just asks,

"Do you smell that?!"

Thah fuck ah muh fuckah wants my sorry ass tah say tah thah shit!

"Do you smell macaroni and cheese being baked?." "Do you smell Lavender?," "It smells like rain?"...

I can answer them shits!

But askin ah muh fuckah some generalized fucked-up question as,

"Do you smell that?!"

Smell what?!

Muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"All the rain in Miami and Fort Lauderdale did that?...- Miami Herald"


All Global insurance agencies are

Absolved from any

Flooding claims in this 


Flood Zoned



(Peace! More to come...)

"Louder Than Love - TKA" II

 'Membah these muh fuckUS?!

"That shit 's gay!"

Shit! I ain't nevah been gay!

Fuck what yo sorry ass spittin?!

Shit! I'd put thah cassette in of these handsome Black men!

"Handsome Black men? I thought you've never been gay?!"



Fuck what yah talkin bout! But what I'm writin bout is thah muh fuckin truth! Gay or not? Were they handsome? Or not?! Anyway....

In my 1973 4bbl Oldsmobile Omega passed down from my Brother Kirk!

Hittin 65 South goin tah Louisville, Kentucky tah pick up...yeah,

Three dozen of "Krispy Kreme" doughnuts!

Down three of those melting delicious muh fuckahs at thah muh fuckin counter, along with unsweetened creamer infused coffee, at the one off of Waterson Expressway?! Shit! Munchin!

Head thah fuck back tah


And share thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

Same Old US Muh Fuckin Shit! JUSt Anothah Muh Fuckin US Blessed Our Father's Day!

 Oh the evil snow will blow hard 


Swoon clandestinely into every

Households varioUS



(Peace! More to come....)

US Has To Stop This evil Trained Human Cyclical Fatal Crash!

 Muh fuckUS talkin bout this sorry ass monetary shit!?

Thee Holy fuck!

When evil elite nasty muh fuckahs can dictate how much that sorry ass monetary vaporish shit is worth?!

Kindah fuckin sorry ass muh fuckin shit?!


US broke assUS ain't got

Pussies or


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

US Still Has A Few More RighteoUS Moves for Them evil Worthless elite Degenerates

 Don't sink into this US pinkish goo

US is!


Whom for this vile 


MurderoUS confidence game of ill



(Peace! More to come...)

President Vladmir Putin: "Whaddup, my Brothah from Mother Russia?!"

 I wish that intelligent muh fuckah was

US's President!

That muh fuckah be lookin at these evil sorry ass degenerates with ah look like,

"You nasty ass perves speakin ill on me?! Puhleeze!" Actin like he can't speak muh fuckin English and shit! And his sly ass was in thah muh fuckin KGB?! God damn!

And thah muh fuckah is ah muh fuckin niggah! Or at least ah lil muh fuckin bit!

Muh fuckah 's cool as shit! Speaks this Russian language in ah certain cadence! Shit I don't know what that muh fuckah's sayin, but that muh fuckah 's confident as fuck about what he's sayin! Fuck what US talkin ill about 'im!

Smirkin at them evil dumbass degenerates!

Lookin at US while shakin his head,

"Them sorry nasty muh fuckUS finally fell for that ZJ shit! And we kicked that sorry muh fuckin Luciferian asses thah fuck out this bitch! Now we thrivin without them evil bitches!"

But I do love that muh fuckah!

Down for his muh fuckin righteous people and shit!


Ye, here US sorry muh fuckUS


Bein takin ovah by thah same evil sorry ass muh fuckahs that

Russia kicked thah fuck



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Whatever Is US Clever!?

 I slowly blink my eyes languidly at ill ass muh fuckUS!

And it fuckin US works!


Muh fuckUS be like:

"Thah fuck was that shit?!"



One with


Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs cannot evah stop

US unique muh fuckin

Beautiful fucked-up'd



(Peace! More to come...)

Speak on this US Ill ass shit!

 US's strong immutable 




Voice the illegitimate beautiful bastard

US Children

Left behind.

Uprooted many 

US cultures;

Dreaming to be what 

They ultimately are so


Blind to 


(Peace! More to come...)

The US Truth?

 Idiocracy brings about

Bureaucracy in this

Fallacy of 



(Peace! More to come...)

US IN Black Ass Love

 I love this muh fuckah!

This is thah muh fuckin 

Country of



I've lived in Indianapolis, Indiana all my ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin life!

No mattah where I have been in this US! Whatevah muh fuckin place

US all wants tah call





This muh fuckah!

There is no place in this muh fuckin US righteoUS firmament!

Where my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass,

Would rather be!

I'm already muh fuckin 

Home muh fuckUS!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fine Ass US Alcoholic Spirits! Well?...

 Beer, Wine and Spirits!?

Interestin as fuck tah my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!


Ain't no thing!


Shit, US muh fuckUS can have that shit! Upsets my ol Black sorry broke ass stomach up somethin terrible! Anyway...

Muh fuckin evil ass


Writin on that shit right thah fuck now!

She introduced her solid

Mexican fine

Self tah me about an hour ago!

She whispered in my ear just now, exclaimed then asked,

"You like! My name is, 

Tequila! Where would you like to go?!"

Shit! Like "Oliver Twist" would have said,

""More. Please?!"






(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

The 2024 US Paris Olympics?

 Ain't gonnah happen!


But my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass serioUSly muh fuckin doubts that shit!

Macron, done fucked that shit up royally!

And maybe not?

US civilized muh fuckUS are tired of this evil 




New World Order 





(Peace! More to come...)

GAMFUSM (Grown Ass Muh Fuckin US Men) & GAMFUSW (Grown Ass Muh Fuckin US Women)!

 Muh fuckUS wannah sit up there and cosign for grown ass muh fuckUS!

Thee Holy fuck!

Fuck 'em!

"Why? Mister old ass heartless muh fuckah!?"

I ain't muh fuckin heartless!

These evil muh fuckUS are way past thah age of muh fuckin 

Majority God damnit!

And my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass don't have tah 


Cosign for any of these evil no-count sorry muh fuckin 

Grown ass muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Al Roker Announces Devastating Family Loss - Parade"

 Thee Holy fuck!?

Ah fuckin sorry ass dog!? Callin thah quadruped ah fuckin 


What done happened tah US niggUS!

Done lost US niggUS' rabid ass minds and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

US sorry broke Black ass muh fuckUS done drank thah muh fuckin tainted

Kool-Aid fo


(Peace! More to come...)

Silly Muh FuckUS Chanting: "Just Say No To Trump"

 Kindah ignorant muh fuckin shit?!

Trump talkin strong about puttin these evil elite and evil propagandists' minions in 'massive camps' and shit! Got them muh fuckahs worried caUSe them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs lied about these harmful vaccines and shit that's killin US on ah daily!

Shit, them sorry ass muh fuckahs should be worried!

Once encamped!

Guillotine every last one of those sorry ass evil muh fuckahs!

Show thah shit on modern media and shit with 

Scheduled execution schedules and shit!

Shit! my ol Black sorry broke ass ain't gonnah miss Soros, The Clintons, The Bidens, The Obamas, The Bushs'...beheadings!



Fuck it!


Popcorn anyone?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, June 10, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Ron Paul

 Thee Holy fuck!

Both them muh fuckUS soundin like 

Katherine Hepburn and shit!

What's up with that shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Anthony Bourdains 5-Ingedient Sandwich Is My Favorite - It's So Delicious - SIMPLY RECIPES"

 my White Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

It's ah muh fuckin fried Baloney and cheese sandwich!

Everyone of US niggUS know how tah make this simple tasty shit!

Mortadella?! Just Baloney with chunks of more fat in thah shit!

Fuck that shit!

Two thick slices of "Eckrich" Garlic Bologna! Fry them shits up with some buttah, with ah perforation in thah muh fuckin center, And four equal inch slits ah quartah made in and around that bitch! US already knows?!

And ah muh fuckin Kaiser Roll!? Ain't no broke muh fuckah got no $5.99 for four fuckin rolls?! Thah fuck!? US niggUS broke!



Two slices of soft

"Sunbeam" or "Wonder Bread"!

Ah muh fuckin slice of American cheese between them two hot and fried baloney slices!

Spread some mayonnaise on one slice of bread!

Spread muh fuckin mustard on thah othah slice with chopped up sport peppers and chopped up sweet onions!

Put those shits togethah!

And go tah fuckin work!

Yah heard may?!

Thah Holy fuck 's wrong with 

US broke ass muh fuckUS?!

Done lost US's rabid ass muh fuckin broke ass


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

"CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - FOX NEWS"

Thee Holy fuck! 

The bitch's shocked!?


Send all them illegal sorry ass muh fuckahs packin God damnit,


And thah sorry hatin US bitch got thah nerves tah be married tah ah muh fuckah with ah name 

Yado Yakub!?


Deport that non-US nigger muh fuckah 


US got sorry ass propagandists' minions, like this sorry ass bitch/bastard, that hate


Kindah fuckin sorry ass shit!?

God damnit!

Thah fuck 's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

evil, Rich and Stupid as Fuck!

 Oh them evil elite dastardly nasty muh fuckahs rampin some shit up ain't they?!

Got all types of irons in thah muh fuckin US and Global fires!

Tryin tah implode this beautiful firmament with this ill ass evil shit!

And thah fucked up thing about thah ill ass evil shit!

All across this firmament,

Muh fuckUS goin against this

Luciferian fucked up planned agenda!

Reminds me of ol stupid ass "Biff", in "Back to the Future II", when he became mayor and shit! City lookin like shit! Ain't no muh fuckin sane civilized muh fuckah goin along with that fucked-up chaos of evil!...

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Again, they are some dumbass muh fuckahs!

God damn!

Even if successful?

Their evil shit will only last ah sorry ass muh fuckin short ass




Keep prayin and

US will be fine my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, June 9, 2024

"First case of rare, sexually transmitted form of ringworm reported in the US - NBC NEWS"

 'Membah when them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs reported in Global history,

The Naive Native Americans suffered great loss tah thah diseased muh fuckin immunized White explorer Men tah thah shit them explorin muh fuckahs was immunized with! Without thinkin of ah muh fuckahs that only has some pure shit! An isolated biome?!

Then them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs wannah avow,


And not grounded one muh fuckin sure to be 

Speading the



And evilly 

Carried out,




 Muh fuckin comedic as fuck!

All these illegals comin in this bitch!

Of course, US gonnah witness some fucked up muh fuckin


Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Non-Reading Simplicity

 No mattah what my sorry old Black ass is muh fuckin writin!

It is muh fuckin written!

Not spoken!

Can it be spoken?!



Will it be read?!



(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 8, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

"7 Democrats who could replace Biden if he drops his reelection bid - INSIDER"

 Thee Holy fuck!

That shit's funny as fuck tah my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Old nasty 

Pedo Joe!

God damn nasty muh fuckah!

Thah evil muh fuckah is 

Regularly shittin himself!

Kindah fuckin US sorry ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"...Biden Leads for 1st time in"

 And y'all some lyin ass evil elite muh fuckin progandists


Kindah fuckin stupid ass shit?!

Thah old muh fuckah shittin on himself on ah muh fuckin regulah and shit!

Secret Service so very fuckin tired of cleanin up his old pedophile nasty ass


Ye!? Biden leads in thah sorry ass muh fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 7, 2024

Ain't One Muh Fuckin Male Has Been Through More Than Thah US "Free" Biological Female!

Ain't no fuckin way! Thah US biological female still bein fucked! Even by their own muh fuckin Beautiful Tribeswomen and shit!

I mean! Read true US History!

"What about European History? Japanese History?..."

Couldn't give one fuckin US flyin fuck! I'm in thah muh fuckin US! Fuck all you othah sorry ass muh fuckahs! I don't need tah know yo sorry ass history?! Why?! Just in case y'all muh fuckahs take ovah this shit! Fuck that shit! If I'm thinkin that kind of nonsense? my ol Black sorry broke ass ain't proud tah be an American!

Kindah fuckin ill ass US shit?! 

NiggUS wannah talk about niggUS!

Jews wannah talk about Jews!

White muh fuckUS, shit...wannah talk about White muh fuckUS!

But othah than US niggUS based on that melanin shit, all thah othah shit is 


Save bein very abhorrently historically fucked ovah

US biological


(Peace! More to come...)

Unexpected US Beautiful Fuckups

 I write this shit becaUSe it's from my heart! I remembah watchin thah movie, "Pump Up The Volume" and Mark said, "Fuck it! I'm tired of being ashamed!"

I said tah my young ass self, 'Damn skippy! Fuck it! I am ah byproduct of this muh fuckin evil induced life God damnit! Deal with this evil byproduct shit!'


It's thah little muh fuckin things in this oft times fucked up life! That I have honestly witnessed, is some fucked up Beautiful shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Drowning my Ol Black Ass Self Out

 I write tah music mostly. Don't know why. Never really thought about it until I started writing this shit! And I would have to say the reason is,

'The music that I play while writing, drowns out the other voices I so deperately try to, 

'Shush'! Or,

'Shut thah fuck up!'

"Fuck you! You ol Black sorry broke ass niggah! What you gonnah do! 'Shush' US up?! Fuck you old muh fuckah!"

'Okay! You asked for it!' I plug in the earpieces into the computer. "Youtube-Music". "Follow Your Line - Heiko Voss". Hit, enter. Put left earbud in. Put right earbud in....

"Come on Bro! We were just kiddin some shit! Punk ass muh fuck..."



'Like I said, 'Shut thah fuck up!''...

(Peace! More to come...)

me? Maybe Most of US! Shall Be Murdered! By The evil elite Slothful Dumbass Muh Fuckahs!

 I mean think about this shit 

Biblically and shit!

Always has tah be ah 

Sacrifice for thah 

Greater good for 


US done been caught slippin!

Now, bein mad and shit about thah ill ass shit!

"Chickens have come home to roost!"!



Whatevah thah Holy fuck!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

The Hardcore Drinkers' Almanac: US Just Needs To Clean The Shit Up!

 "Alcohol. It doesn't even affect me the same way anymore!"

Shit! Been doin this shit ah long muh fuckin time Sonshines!

Ain't fuckin braggin!



Yo ass jUSt needs ah good ol fashioned liver cleanse God damnit!

Just suggestin some shit!

An hour before drinkin, howevah much gets that ass there, take:

Burdock Root 500mg capsule

Dandelion Root 500mg capsule

Yellow Dock 500mg capsule

L'Arginine 500mg capsule

Milk Thistle 500mg capsule

Taurine 500mg powder.

Then drink whatevah thah fuck that gets yo broke ass there!

And I guaran-fuckin-tee three fuckin 5.0% ABV 12oz beers are gonnah make US's assUS respect alcohol!


Then aftah all of that alcohol shit?! Take:

1,000mg of Activated Charcoal on an empty stomach post drinkin!

"But I eat to get rid of thah alcohol that I've consumed"

Yo ass ain't doin thah shit muh fuckin properly, in my humble ol Black ass muh fuckin opinion! Whatevah that 's worth?! Anyway...

Next mornin?

US 'll feel quite propah


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Gots Tah Get Tah Fuckin US Work! III

 "Our New World Order friends. We welcome you with open arms! We are dreadfully sorry of the many laborious paths that got you here! In this New World! We also understand have nothing! But never mind that! We are all friends now. But, since you are not working? We must ask all of you in safety now. To keep all of us safe. Every day you will have to take a vaccination shot. I mean, it's to help us. To help all of you!"...

Yeah! Them evil muh fuckahs are muh fuckin

Nervy like that ill ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Gots Tah Get Tah Fuckin US Work! II

 CaUSe here in lies thah muh fuckin ruse!

Been suckin on that voluptuoUS sweetest milk ladened US titty, US Black assUS have evah tasted! Shit! My Black assUS are hooked! God damn? God damn!

Always ah muh fuckin caveat tah free shit! Fuckin always! Muh fuckUS talk that free shit! No, Thank you! Keep that shit! Ain't nothin in this bitch free! Don't give ah fuck! Always labor involved! Or deaths to be evilly accounted for!

And I'm gonnah suggest my lil vision of this here US global future!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Gots Tah Get Tah Fuckin US Work!

 "You know? Can't work! I got this problem!"

NiggUS Translation:

"Othah niggUS told me how tah work thah Indiana and Federal system. And that shit be all right!"

Kindah fuckin US Black niggah shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Don't Speak Truths

 There's this imaginary fucked up Human wall that goes up when US start speakin truths about this ill ass US fucked up takeovah of US!

Interestin as fuck!

Let's take, "The Godfather"! Fuck it! Excellent shit!

But did US read thah muh fuckin book?! Then compare thah shit tah them CIA/Hollywood cinematic fucked-up production?

In the movie, Tom, went tah see thah big Hollywood producer and shit! He's talkin about this girl that Johnny done fucked and it was thah best pussy he had evah had, cause his sorry ass done had it all ovah thah world! And did US witness this female child he was speakin of? Interestin? And even Johnnie done fucked this age of minority, child!

Well, In Mario Puzo's book, he never describes this big shot Hollywood producer as ah nasty pedophile! But he gave thah reader othah clues tah this shit! And thah movie too, briefly....

(Peace! More to come...) 

Conquer The Holy See - Vatican! You Would Rule This evil Global Firmament!




Fuck those muh fuckin countries and shit!

If I had a billion dollahs! I would conquer one muh fuckin country! 

The Holy muh fuckin See!


I would commandeer three battalions of thah baddest muh fuckahs in this firmament!

Pay them 33 million dollahs apiece!

We'd take that bitch ovah by any means necessary!

And shit!

This world would be back in 

RighteoUS hands once

Again, in no time at-thah-fuck-all!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bird Flu? Swine Flu? FLiRT Flu? COVID Flu? Flu?...Fuck! You!

 Them evil muh fuckahs still comin up with shit tah inject some shit intah US tah kill US sorry broke assUS!

I mean God damn simply, sorry, evil, pathetic...muh fuckahs!

Let me tell y'alls sorry worthless evil elite asses somethin that Mommy told me 41 years ago in high school some shit,

"An idle mind is the devil's workshop! Get a job!"

And talkin, readin emails, havin zoom meetins, tellin muh fuckUS what tah do, doin live scientific Human studies and shit...all fuckin day?

Ain't no muh fuckin real ass




(Peace! More to come...)


 This life is as of vapor!

I witness it forming around me constantly!

I try to reach out and grasp it,

Just a little touch.

It languidly moves apart,

Leaving a chill to its


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 6, 2024

"Exclusive: Biden tells Muir US weapons will not be used to strike Moscow, Kremlin - GMA"

 Shit nasty cloned Joe?!

Your evil handlers do just have ah wee bit of

Common muh fuckin

US sense!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth Shall Always Be: Gratis!

 Creating ah monetary means tah preach thah muh fuckin US truth with 


Commercials...and whatevah thah sorry ass ill fuck?

About thah muh fuckin


"Let's take ah pause for the cause. Be right back?!"

Thah fuck niggUS 

US don't got time for that slovenly shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs are serpents and shit!

Smell the US fear!

Smell the US virginal blood!


Them evil muh fuckahs bout tah muh fuckin 



Well...that's some muh fuckin lethal shit!

And yes!

Gonnah be some serioUS

US muh fuckin pain Sonshines!

But shit! US did it tah

US damned muh fuckin selves!

But check it Sonshines!?

US Humans shall always be fine 


Fuck these evil ugly reptilian sorry ass muh fuckahs!

I mean shit!

US is thah muh fuckin


And this truthful upliftin shit didn't cost US broke assUS not one God damn muh fuckin


US's truth 


Never be about


Material muh fuckin shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Alive - Panama & Satin Jackets"


US is



Fuck this US evil shit!

And let US start finally doin some shit

About this ill ass

US shit!

"Feel the way; You're everywhere..."

God damned US


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Poor Old Pedophile Nasty Ass Joe!

 That evil sorry ass pedophile is reapin some shit ain't he?


If it was old US muh fuckin anybody else?!

Shit! I would call it: US blatant abusive inhumane actions on thah muh fuckin pitiful US elderly! And some-sorry-ass-US-body needs tah go thah fuck tah prison for ah very long muh fuckin time! God damnit!

But shit! It's Joe muh fuckUS! Fuck Joe! If that nasty muh fuckah had ah legacy? That is for fuckin shit now! Uhm!

Them evil muh fuckahs feedin off his already dead ass!

And makin fun of his last clone and shit!

God damn!

Them evil muh fuckahs ain't called


For muh fuckin 






(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Sheinbaum: Mexico's President? Thee Holy Fuck? II


Mexico has ah muh fuckin 150% increase in violence!


37 candidates assassinated in this election cycle!


Sheinbaum is ah muh fuckin 

Transgendered sorry ass evil ZJ! 


Sheinbaum is ah muh fuckin former "climate" scientist!...

And howevah y'all wannah add it up?! It's some fucked up muh fuckin math bein manipulated!

How thah fuck my Dear Sweet Mexican SistUS and Sweet Mexican BrothUS?!

Y'all broke assUS think this shit in thah muh fuckin six month future is goin tah go for



God damn!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Can't make this evil elite global shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed 

my Dear Sweet broke Mexican SistUS and BrothUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"In The Fast Lane - Jean-Luc Ponty"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

Have yo typin fingahs goin ah hundred miles an hour and shit!

Makin that violin


In muh fuckin musical pleasure of course!

Makin that muh fuckah do what it do, 

Quite properly!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Vibrant, Beautiful...Muh Fuckin, US


God damned skippy

Lush greenery!

Just because these evil muh fuckahs killin thah US


US shall muh fuckin always

Remember whence 






(Peace! More to come...)

"Heartburn - Vandelux & Panama"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

Don't know what thah muh fuckahs are spittin!

Sounds like they mumblin incoherently some shit!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass be mumblin incoherently right along with this

RighteoUS soundin muh fuckin 


"Thi so fah fo so li..."! Whatevah thah fuck!

Them muh fuckahs be jammin!

Fuck it!

(Peace! More to come...)

"J.Cole Was Apparently "Ignored" By Tesla Salesperson While Shopping For Cybertruck - VIBE"

 Whaddup J.C.?!

But shit niggah!

If I was ah White ass muh fuckah!?

Yo muh fuckin Black ass would get fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

"Wonder Woman Lynda Carter Shares a Throwback Swimsuit Photo... - Celebrity-Sheknows"

 Them evil nasty degenerates got all these old ass muh fuckUS back on thah muh fuckin


Knees, jaws, ass, feet...hurtin and shit for all thah shit them sorry ass muh fuckUS had tah do tah get where there 'd eventually gotten?! 

Got these old ass entertainahs gettin naked and shit for thah evil cause! Go sit y'alls old tired assUS thah fuck down! God damnit! But y'all can't do that shit can yah? Gots tah make it happen cap'n! Y'all chose that ill ass shit! Fuck?! Or walk?! And y'all got and still gettin muh fuckin, 


Kindah fuckin shit?!


Lesson well learned supersilly muh fuckUS!



Sell yo muh fuckin 


God damn


CaUSe y'all's sorry assUS are show nuff


What y'all tired assUS show nuff thah fuck have



(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Robert Kennedy, Jr.

 I'll take this Katherine Hepburn soundin muh fuckah in ah 

US second!

Ovah any of these othah sorry ass pedophilic nasty muh fuckahs!

Those evil elite subhuman Kennedys' have always had ah soft spot for



Yah got my ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin vote!

But shit!

It won't last muh fuckin

Long God damnit!

Cause them evil dastardly nasty muh fuckahs got

Agendas tah keep!

And muh fuckin evil time tah sad awhile 


And y'all Kennedy elite reptile muh fuckahs

Gots some badass fucked-up muh fuckin 

Luck in 



God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A US Flash RighteoUS Flood Shall Commence Soon!

 Contaminating evil men's


Pins of


For their very unattractive



(Peace! More to come...)

"Arby's Re-Introducing 5 for $5"

 And them righteoUS muh fuckUS are about tah get


I ain't shamed thah fuck at all! With my ol broke Black ass! Fuck! That! Along with some "Arby's Sauce" or 'Horsey-Sauce'! US already know! Fuck whatcha talkin bout! Grubbin! But check it?...

Shit! Five "Arby's roast beef sandwiches". Go to the local supermarket, fuck ah convenient market, and buy two 9 oz of some muh fuckin bodies chips on sale 2 for $5 some shit! Take it back tah work where only five of US muh fuckUS work there? Shit yo Black broke ass jUSt fed five muh fuckin righteoUS muh fuckUS, includin yo ol Black sorry broke ass self, for ten-fuckin-dollahs!

"Well what about a drink?"


What about a drink?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Pregnant at 54: 'Boy Meets World' Star... " - sheknows"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckUS fallin for this stupid ass muh fuckin shit?!

God damn US are some gullible muh fuckUS!

It's called ah muh fuckin


So fuckin tired of this absurd evil US propaganda bullshit! Anyway...

Then thah muh fuckah will adopt ah muh fuckin infant aftah so-called "birth"!

It's all thah rage with these trans muh fuckahs! And most of US broke muh fuckUS still fallin for this ill ass shit!

Supersilly muh fuckUS!

Kindah fuckin absurd shit?!

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, June 3, 2024

The MurderoUS Vaccines Are A Major Problem For Democrats...And Republicans!

 "Operation Warp speed"?! Trump can't get around that shit!

Kindah fuckin shit?

"Get vaccinated. Now!"?! Biden can't get around that muh fuckin ill ass shit!

"The vaccines are killing people!" Though soundin like Audrey Hepburn and shit?! 

Robert Kennedy Jr.! Can get around that ill ass muh fuckin US ill shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Rep. Maxine Waters says Trump supporters should be investigated: 'Are they preparing a Civil War?' - Fox News"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Shut thah fuck up you sorry, muh fuckin very old ass, evil, entitled... nigger bitch!

US niggUS!?

God damned!

Shut thah fuck up! And keep gettin US's fine undeserved hard earned taxpayers' muh fuckin

Welfare check!

You simple nigger fuckin old ass evil elite sorry muh fuckin


Thah fuck 's wrong with US?!

Even US niggUS talkin crazy and shit?!

Kindah fuckin US absurd niggah shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Thousands of Mexican nationals in Chicago turn out to vote, some waiting over ten hours - Chicago Tribune"

 Fuckin their own Mexican country's broke 

Mexican countrymen and  

Mexican countrywomen, while dancin on thah streets of



Kindah fuckin sorry ass US Mexican shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Biden says only Hamas stands in way of cease-fire, but questions about Israel remain - ABC News"

 Yeah! Nasty evil pedophile sorry ass muh fuckah!

Yah best side with thah muh fuckin


Them evil muh fuckahs own that old sorry nasty, repugnant, pedophilic...old busted ass!

And them evil ZJs got visually unaltered, unedited


Kindah fuckin US sorry ass muh fuckin shit?!

What thah Holy fuck is wrong with 

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

What thee Holy fuck!

God damned!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)