Monday, June 24, 2024

US evil Conditioned Sorry Ass Apathy!

 Thah fuck, 


I mean, shit! 

When less than one percent of US,

Has taken ovah ninety-nine percent of 


And what my ol Black sorry broke ass hears on a regulah in personal US conversations,

"But Meredith? Really? What can you do about it?" my retort all thah muh fuckin time is,

"And I understand." Shit! Fuck it!

But what my ol Black ass 



Even rich people hate to be publicly written or publicly spoken

Illy about!

Don't give ah fuck!

Rich, Poor and every-sorry-ass-muh-fuckah in between!

Does not like to be


So, shit!

I ridicule them nasty, no-good for nothin, evil, sick...sorry ass ugly muh fuckahs

Whenevah I can squeeze in thah muh fuckin time!

And please do thah same my Dear Sweet SisUS and BrothUS!?

Fuck them evil nasty ass ugly muh fuckahs!

Fuck 'em!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....) 

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