Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Masks Are In?! Again!!!???

 Black old Sistah came in today. 

She with her walker, hat on, dressed for this excessive fuckin miserable heat! And sweatin buckets! With ah sorry ass muh fuckin mask on!?

Look like she was ready tah fall ovah with her masked sorry ass conditioned about tah fall out self! 

And shit! With her mask wearin ignant Black ass!

She got her Black ass togethah aftah ah time and sat herself down.

But shit, if that shit would have happened an ol niggah would have hollered,

"Timber!" And got thah fuck out thah muh fuckin way expeditioUSly! my Black sorry old muh fuckin ass ain't lyin tah yah my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! Tired as fuck! Broke down niggUS wearin masks?!

I would have gotten all in her face, after fallen, have failed and said like 'Doc' said tah 'Ringo' aftah puttin ah bullet intah his head,

"You're not a daisy at all!"

Now my old Black ass is jUSt goin through an alternate scenario ah niggah saw formulatin and preparin for?! That could be altered given thah professional environment and shit! But fuck it!

Shit! Smilin jUSt thinkin about that ill ass shit!

Somethin's wrong with 


Overweight! Fuckin around in ah muh fuckin walker!

With ah muh fuckin 

Mask on!

I mean, 

God damn


Broke thah fuck down!

And wearin ah fucked up mask for fuckin


Tah live thah fuck longah!?

Now that's some selfish fucked up

US shit!

Thah fuck's wrong with US!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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