Sunday, June 9, 2024

"First case of rare, sexually transmitted form of ringworm reported in the US - NBC NEWS"

 'Membah when them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs reported in Global history,

The Naive Native Americans suffered great loss tah thah diseased muh fuckin immunized White explorer Men tah thah shit them explorin muh fuckahs was immunized with! Without thinkin of ah muh fuckahs that only has some pure shit! An isolated biome?!

Then them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs wannah avow,


And not grounded one muh fuckin sure to be 

Speading the



And evilly 

Carried out,




 Muh fuckin comedic as fuck!

All these illegals comin in this bitch!

Of course, US gonnah witness some fucked up muh fuckin


Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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