Friday, June 7, 2024

The Hardcore Drinkers' Almanac: US Just Needs To Clean The Shit Up!

 "Alcohol. It doesn't even affect me the same way anymore!"

Shit! Been doin this shit ah long muh fuckin time Sonshines!

Ain't fuckin braggin!



Yo ass jUSt needs ah good ol fashioned liver cleanse God damnit!

Just suggestin some shit!

An hour before drinkin, howevah much gets that ass there, take:

Burdock Root 500mg capsule

Dandelion Root 500mg capsule

Yellow Dock 500mg capsule

L'Arginine 500mg capsule

Milk Thistle 500mg capsule

Taurine 500mg powder.

Then drink whatevah thah fuck that gets yo broke ass there!

And I guaran-fuckin-tee three fuckin 5.0% ABV 12oz beers are gonnah make US's assUS respect alcohol!


Then aftah all of that alcohol shit?! Take:

1,000mg of Activated Charcoal on an empty stomach post drinkin!

"But I eat to get rid of thah alcohol that I've consumed"

Yo ass ain't doin thah shit muh fuckin properly, in my humble ol Black ass muh fuckin opinion! Whatevah that 's worth?! Anyway...

Next mornin?

US 'll feel quite propah


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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