Monday, June 10, 2024

"Anthony Bourdains 5-Ingedient Sandwich Is My Favorite - It's So Delicious - SIMPLY RECIPES"

 my White Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

It's ah muh fuckin fried Baloney and cheese sandwich!

Everyone of US niggUS know how tah make this simple tasty shit!

Mortadella?! Just Baloney with chunks of more fat in thah shit!

Fuck that shit!

Two thick slices of "Eckrich" Garlic Bologna! Fry them shits up with some buttah, with ah perforation in thah muh fuckin center, And four equal inch slits ah quartah made in and around that bitch! US already knows?!

And ah muh fuckin Kaiser Roll!? Ain't no broke muh fuckah got no $5.99 for four fuckin rolls?! Thah fuck!? US niggUS broke!



Two slices of soft

"Sunbeam" or "Wonder Bread"!

Ah muh fuckin slice of American cheese between them two hot and fried baloney slices!

Spread some mayonnaise on one slice of bread!

Spread muh fuckin mustard on thah othah slice with chopped up sport peppers and chopped up sweet onions!

Put those shits togethah!

And go tah fuckin work!

Yah heard may?!

Thah Holy fuck 's wrong with 

US broke ass muh fuckUS?!

Done lost US's rabid ass muh fuckin broke ass


(Peace! More to come...)

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