Saturday, March 11, 2023

'Steve Sent' Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana Circa 2003

 I worked with this muh fuckah once. He was kindah out there! But not so much I would say to myself, "I'm going to stay away from yo ass!" He just looked at things a little differently! That most felt were offensive! Offensive meaning, he said whatever he fuckin wanted, howevah he decided tah say it! Ergo, offendin muh fuckahs! It didn't bothah me! Because I dig that shit! Shiiiought! But don't yah dare call my broke sorry ass ah niggah! Think it all yo happy ass wants to! But this prideful niggah has his limits! And he never did! Anyway...

I was workin at a company named, "Safeco", as ah customer service representative. He and I smoked cigarettes at thah time! People talk bad about smoking, but if yah want tah learn thah real scuttlebutt, hang with smokers! Anyway...

"Meredith listen man! You don't want to stay on these fuckin phones man! You want to get the fuck off those bitches as quickly as you can man! It'll drive you fucking nuts! Ninety-days in! Boom! Start applying for other positions in this company that gets you off these fuckin phones man!"

I laughed! 'Man I ain't bein up in this bitch for that long!?'

"Oh? So what're you gettin into this weekend! Trace and I have this thing early Saturday! Wannah hang out Saturday night?!"

And as USual! We drank that Saturday night! And we had ah good ass time!

There're jUSt some muh fuckahs yah fortunate enough tah meet in yo sorry broke ass life, who are like you: You know how tah have ah good time without thah muh fuckin toxic bullshit! 

And I for one shall say, "Thank You!"

And he was one of those muh fuckahs!

So, Thank You muh fuckah!

Hope all is well!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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