Thursday, July 13, 2023

US Perpetually Reconstituting Spirits II

 Don't evah choose tah be cremated my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Cremation is a now choice by fire!

No regeneration for your sorry lost chosen path ass, now lost to thah evil winds!

"But what if a person cremates you after you die and you didn't want to be cremated?"

Excellent muh fuckin retort! All I can say at that point, that ain't on thah non-cremation muh fuckah! And they shall be regenerated! Anyway...

It is important tah be broken down into US's core being intah this beautiful firmament!

No caskets needed!

Put my ol Black broke sorry ass in thah ground!

Six feet undah ah muh fuckin watermelon field!

Sans covering!

Butt ass 


Whence I began!

Producin some of thah sweetest watermelons evah in 

US's Human History! 

God damn!

Our Heavenly



(Peace! More to come...)

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