Wednesday, July 12, 2023

US Multiple Migratory Periods

 Yah evah looked at thah migratory shit of US?

I mean it's kindah of interesting tah me! How thah migration was from east tah west!

And go into any fuckin city in thah muh fuckin US and ask ah muh fuckah:

"Where is thah worst part of the city?"

Nine chances out of fuckin ten!

Thah muh fuckah will usually say,

"The eastside!"

"Well what about Chicago? That would definitely be thah



Now yah talkin bout ah whole different migratory circumstance within US!:

The migration of US niggahs from thah muh fuckin

South period!

We talkin bout niggahs flighting periods from muh fuckin slavery;

Which came aftah the so-called 'Initial' migration within US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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