Saturday, July 1, 2023

Declination of Canvas

 I've never gotten tattoos!

Some of thah shit is nice that I view on varioUS Human canvasses!

But thah fucked up thing about thah shit!

Aftah awhile,

The fuckin varioUS convasses start degradin,

Lookin old and putrid as fuck!

I remembah ah property managah of mine named, 'Bud'! He was old. Maybe seventy somethin some shit! He had this tattoo on his now creped bicep! Couldn't make thah shit out for shit! So shit I asked him,

'Hey Bud? What's that tattoo of?" I asked pointing at his left upper arm.

He stretched his skin, to make it smooth, so he could see it himself, then I saw what it was too, "Oh, that's a sexy woman dressed in a Navy uniform!"...

But US realizes? 

It was a stretch!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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