Sunday, March 5, 2023

A Collective

No fucking way US could even make it tah fuckin work every fuckin day if it weren't for millions of US havin tah do thah same muh fuckin day every fuckin day, tah drive tah work! And every othah damn place where US must go tah subsist! Drivin muh fuckin responsibly! At least more than eighty percent of US!

 "I've never been in a wreck in my life!"

And US thinks that has everything tah do about US individual excellent vehicular drivin skills!?

Yet, has nothin tah do with thah thousands of vehicles US traverses with when US individual excellent drivin muh fuckin asses need tah be some place by having to drive!? One lil US! And thah rest of US drivin tah US's destinations! Yet...yo drivin skills tops thah muh fuckin hundreds of millions on thah US's roadways too!?


(Peace! More to come...)

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