Friday, September 30, 2022

Governor "Ian" And HAARPs NWO Revengeful Wrath!

 They sent ah surly message tah that muh fuckah 


He's lookin beaten thah fuck down!

Y'all remembah 

Governor Abbott talkin shit in Texas @ 2017

And they sent that muh fuckah ah 

Cordial remindah!?


Play ball muh fuckahs!

Or forfeit!?

These elite muh fuckahs are out of their 

God damned ever lovin


(Peace! More to come...)

Finally, A Beer To Hold Properly!


I absolutely love thah slim cans that

"Heineken" selected in their

Slim Cans 

Twelve pack!

It gets cold quickah!


Everything don't have tah be close tah three inches wide

And five inches tall tah be


No niggah!

Yah evah heard of "Four Loko"!?

Don't fuckin do it!

Feel queasy just thinkin bout that fucked up malt liquor high!

And that's more than ah tall boy!?

Cloyingly sweet!...


Our Holy Father!...

Fuck that noise!

2 x 6 inches holds in yo thirsty sorry ol Black broke ass hand



(Peace! More to come...)

Scarborian, Nancy Downse , 33 Years Old - Lifelong Scarborough Native

 Men in Canada?!

Are nothing but evil useless 


Especially that worthless 

Justin Trudeau!

Now he's true


Now that's

Top left!...

Thursday, September 29, 2022

"Castle Crave Italiano"

 I told yah!

I send them this shit!

From ah certifiable ol broke crazy Black sorry ass man!...

What about a standard Slider, with a 2x2 slice of mozzarella cheese, a little oregano, a little fennel seed, three to four slices of pepperoni and a teaspoon of "White Castle Marinara Sauce"?!

The drive-thru:

"Let me get three CCIs please?"

"That will be $6.57. Please, drive around...."

Kill me please!?

(Peace! More to come...)

We Have The Power To Flip The Switch At Any Time! And The Real HBCU!

 When yo gainfully employed muh fuckin ol Black sorry broke ass is talkin tah ah fellow employee!?

Yah bettah start recognizin in this 

Newly created

Firmament Human Altered Electric!?

The Human Beautiful Current Unchanging... 

Has woefully been


(Peace! More to come...)

You! Are Not Crazy!

They're sorry elite muh fuckin

Lazy asses most definitely


(Peace! More to come...)



Niggah what!?

You know what!...

Quit Playin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Walking And Talking Greater Jesuses!

 These muh fuckin preachers are greater than 



Obviously so!

Yah got bodyguards that yah payin tah save yo sorry asses from harm...or



What did 

Jesus have?!


The Apostles!?

And them muh fuckahs ain't evah physically fought for shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Defining A Useless US And We Are All Truly Equal!

  Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!


Damn skippy, "Shit!"

Yo ass the One readin this shit!?

So hear I go...

These Secret Services, security agents, bodyguards, law enforcement officials...muh fuckahs

Are fucking sorrowfully willin tah:

"Guard anothah muh fuckah with their own fuckin muh fuckin life's ass worthless pieces of death!?"

That shit 's some laughable and hilarioUS as fuck shit tah my ol Black sorry broke ass!

Yo sorry ass ain't worth more than thah muh fuckin 

"Sticker Price"

Stamped obviously on yo guardin sorry broke asses?!...

God damn!

You 's some stupid muh fuckahs!

Talkin bout 


Bein absurd!?


I can't even fathom what I can equate with that sorry ass muh fuckin stupid ass otherworldly type of fuckin non-Human, thought, type of shit!

And outside of US


Who thah Holy fuck is worth US muh fuckin one-time of ah muh fuckin get-a-fuckin-grip type of...




Or for

No fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

"'Jeopardy' Champion Aimee Schneider Marries Fiancee Genevieve Davis" Well At Least They Married WithIn Their Same Tribe!

 So yo sorry ass is ah muh fuckin biological male!?

And decides tah marry ah female!?

Now that you are ah transgendered


Not ah muh fuckin male any longer?!...


God damned!

Talkin bout Holy fuckin absurdity!?...

Yah can't make this shit up


(Peace! More to come...)

Unrealities! Gets A Niggah Paid!... Fuckin Lazy Ass NASA Employees!

 These muh fuckahs makin $80,000 or more ah fuckin year of taxpaying dollahs for acting!?

With Our taxpayin dollahs!

And did I say, Our muh fuckin taxpayin dollahs?!

Yes, Sonshines!

Our muh fuckin hard earned taxpayin dollahs!


And Our sorry broke US asses makin less than $30,000 ah muh fuckin year

Just bein ah fuckin hardworkin taxpayin sorry ass muh fuckin Human!?

And workin ah muh fuckin real fuckin job!?


How in thah Holy fuck!

Do US really think ah muh fuckah gonnah choose thah muh fuckin

Realities of

Truth to their

Make believe sorry ass shit!?

While gettin paid hellah fuckin


For not doin shit!?

But tah just be throwin their given dicks and pussies all up 



(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

"Castle Crave Cubano"?

 So I just sent some shit tah 

"White Castle"!

Don't know why I do the shit but shit pops intah my Ol Black sorry ass mind and I have tah get rid of it!

Good or bad!

I send shit tah these businesses!

Whether it makes sense or not!?

Fuck it!?


What about a slider , already having pickles, onions and a hamburger (the hamburger being the pulled pork), and top it off with a 2x2 slice of swiss cheese, a 2x2 piece of ham and mustard!? For a $1.99?!

Can you imagine the feedback in the drive-thru?

"Let me get three of thah C to thah third powah slidahs! Times three son!"

"So, that'll be nine "Castle Crave Cubanos". Your total will be..."

"Nine!? I just want three!"

"Oh? I'm sorry for the miscommunication.? Three "Crastle Crave Cubanos". That will be

Six-dollars-and-fifty-seven cents please drive around?...

(Peace! More to come...).


 Aftah researchin some shit of what I still just undahstand ...


I think about Jim Jones and that shit!

I remembah mommy would say,

"That ain't nothin but the devil! That man could preach!"

Mommy was Apostolic and...


Jim Jones came from thah same sorry ass tired 

ReligioUS background!...


Yah know he was from Crete,


Had ah church right here in Indianapolis, Indiana

Near 16th and Central Avenue!


I ponder and read certain shit now in my current mindset!?

And I can only think in my Father's ol Black sorry broke ass mind's eye:

That shit was nothin but ah well orchestrated


(Peace! More to come...)

"Biden's Student Loan Relief Program Will Cost Taxpayers 400 Billion Dollars Over 30 Years"


$13,333,333,333 per year!

And muh fuckahs yackin bout that measly figure!


Fuck yeah!


US gives more than 


Per year in foreign aid!


So let US look at that shit aftah 30 years:




Is very 


(Peace! More to come...)

"NASA Craft Hits Asteroid (Indianapolis' Fox 59)" And NASA Please Fuck Off!

 Thee Holy fuck Sonshines!

Thah Holy Fuck?!

They showed ah fuckin still picture of gravel rocks on the ground and called thah muh fuckin mission:

"A success!"

Fuck wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

It Won't Be Too Long

Got most of 

US kickin fuckin rocks and shit!

I used tah shake my ol Black broke sorry ass head, but that shit was makin my neck hurt somethin terrible! 

Now I just take shit in without 

Gesticulating at all!

Fuck it!

I'm too fuckin old for useless movement!

Muh fuckahs ain't scared until it's beyond time tah get fuckin scared!

Now in a panic and shit, 


Deriding muh fuckahs wannah say some shit like,

"People have been talking that end of the world stuff since the beginning of time!"

No, this world is not gonnah fuckin evah end!


But when thah nigh shit starts pummeling Our sorry broke asses with intense pain and wailing!

Oh, it ain't gonnah end shit!

But Our sorry ol broke asses gonnah fuckin 


That it will


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, September 26, 2022

Finding Something To Live For?!

 I'm dying!

"We're all dying mothah fuckah! What chou wake me up for niggah!"

I didn't mean too really. I just didn't need to be alone just now.

"I'm sorry can a bitch get some coffee or some shit!?"

I'm sorry. Go back to sleep. I won't do that again.

"Hold up! Somethins really wrong?! Hunh!?"

Ain't feelin right! Tired Lady. My mind 's gettin tired!

"I'm sorry Love. Please forgive me. I really didn't know. I didn't really feel it until you just awakened me. You usually have some bullshit and that's what I was expecting. Please. Let's talk Love."

Nothing really to talk about really. I'm feeling different? Feeling close to you and I finally going home?!

"Oh Love. I Love you. Always have. But you have to quit doing this to the both of US. We've always been through worse.... You remember the time Zoe's Mother told you she was pregnant. And how you and I almost did sprints of Joy because We finally had someone other than Ourselves to live for? 

We were that close then?... 



Yeah. I remember, starting to smile.

"I see You Love! You see Love!? There are markers in Our lives that keep Us here for a reason Love? We've set those markers Ourselves Love! Don't you see Love?...Come on?! And quit bein ah dick Love!?

Give Us anotha chance Love?"

That's why I woke you up.

"Oh, You! I Love you niggah! My Black ass goin back tah sleep!"

I Love You 


Sleep well!

"Good night!...Niggah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

If You Ain't Paid For The Shit! Don't Fuck With The Shit!

 How thah Holy fuck can you arrest and sentence taxpayin Americans for tearin up their own shit!?


As, ah collective,

If We wanted tah go to thah muh fuckin 

White House and 

Burn that bitch 


Then We can burn that bitch down!...

We fuckin payed for that shit!

Them politicians sho in thah fuck didn't!

We paid fo that stupid shit y'all fronted with Our hard earned taxpayin dollahs tah get that shit built!

Fuck I'm missin?!


If yo ass 's in that damn government/American building tearin shit up!

And not payin yo muh fuckin taxes!?

Yo sorry broke triflin ass is dead fuckin wrong Sonshines!

And a criminal charge and sentence

Shall be


Cause technically,

It ain't yo shit ya 

Tore thah fuck up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Meet Death With At Least Adorning White Heavenly Attire!

 Why thah Holy fuck do We wear 

Black tah ah fuckin 


The fuck!


Give that muh fuckah at least ah last chance tah

Jump up out that muh fuckin casket!

But We don't!

We wear fuckin 


Sorry ass muh fuckah jump that ass out of that casket and see all that 


They thinkin then,

"God damnit! 

The Holy fuck I do Lawd!?

 I done died and went tah niggah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, September 25, 2022

WHO - Codex Alimentarius And "Soylent Green"

 Do you have any thought of 

How much power of

This fucked up division of


Has on


And them muh fuckahs

Is gonnah reek fuckin havoc toward 



Fuck that vaccine!

I'm bout ready tah control what

Yo sorry broke 




(Peace! More to come...)

"Deciphering Halloween - L-Mentor with DJ Blank Period" ) 31Oct2022Mon, Single Dropped/ Goes Viral With 666,000,000 Plays 01Nov2022Tues


 It's Halloween!

Don't mean

To be obscene!

"But it's original!"

Don't mean to be so


Don't mean to be so


"But It's criminal!"

Don't mean to be so


Don't mean to be so fuckin


"But it's Satan Yo!"...

Choose Beer! "Cause Three...It's A Magic Number! - (Schoolhouse Rock)"

 "Studies have shown now, that drinking a six-pack of beer, is equal to eating a loaf of bread!"


Have you evah read thah ingredients includin stabilizers and shit of yo grocers loaves of bread that they market!?...

"Wonder", "Aunt Millie's," "Colonial,"...and of course their own grocer's shit!

No less than fuckin 


Thee Holy fuck!?

Ain't bread made with just three essential ingredients?...

Fuck that noise!

I'll tell yah this!?

Three ingredients muh fuckahs!


Three fuckin ingredients:



And Hops!

Thee Holy fuck I'm missin?!

"Well what about yeast?!"


I can tell yo sorry broke ol ass ain't evah been no real

Beer drinker

With some absurd shit like that!?...

(Peace! More to come...)"

Halloween (Hallow Ween)! Fucking Satanic Marketing Genius!

 You evah looked up the definition of thah shit?!

Then break thah word down?

Research some more shit?

Interestin as all fuck!


God damn!...

"All Hallows Eve"?!...

All sacred evening?!...

Thah Holy fuck We done gotten Our now


Broke sorry asses into?!

And why ain't Vegans up in arms bout some hopeful

Gluten-free candies that muh fuckahs 're givin


Dentists sayin,

"Quit giving these children all this sugar this 


Cause them muh fuckahs gettin paid!

"Rot your teeth out fuckers! And we get paid in the end!"


Some evil dark shit?!

A complicit

US ubiquitous 


Ritual!? ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 24, 2022

"Screamers1995" And NASA Fuck Off!

Philip K. Dick rules!


It's all relative.

"Berynium" is just the shit these elite muh fuckahs sprayin in Our firmament skies:

Barium. Strontium and aluminum!

"Hidden in plain sight!"


"Oh you are one of those flat earthers?!" 

Yo sorry broke ass may deride?!

God damned skippy!

There ain't no fuckin space!

And NASA can kiss my ol Black sorry broke ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is Plenty Of Work To Do That Will Always Need To Be Done For Our Future!

 We're stupid!

That's all!?

Fell fo thah 


We've hopefully learned from


"Labor Takes care of three great evils: idleness, want and vice. (Voltaire-(Translated))"

These muh fuckin elite need tah be


And If they don't comply?!

"Injection is futile!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Indianapolis, Indiana 68 Degrees And Sunny

 I went out to get thah mail.

The breeze slightly blowing.

Looked up into the Heavens.

Nothing but clear blue unadulterated


It's a mighty pretty 


(Peace! More to come...)

Racism With 20/15 Optically Enhanced Visual Acuity

 Did you evah see "Serena" or "Venus" with a Black ass coach?

Yeah Richard, their Daddy, but they got rid of that muh fuckah ah long time ago!

Or, Francis Tiafoe with a Black ass coach?

Michael Jordan with a Black ass agent!?

Patrick Mahomes with a Black ass agent!?...

Any of these Black sports "stars" with ah muh fuckin Black ass agent or coach!?...

Okay We buy Mercedes Benz, 

Yah evah see ah niggah in their commercials!?

Evah see ah niggah bein advertised in a "Bentley" commercial?!...

I'm glad tah tell yo Black broke sorry muh fuckin asses that,

"You are not their demographics!"


Get ah muh fuckin clue!?

But Our sorry Black broke asses still want tah possess them shits!

And they don't even have to market toward Our Black sorry broke asses!

Had ah Black ass broke sorry patient thah othah day lookin at "Kate Spade and Tom Ford" eyeglass frames avowing,

"I'm a name brand whore!?"

Yo Black sorry ass evah heard of "Coco and Breezy Eyewear" right next to thah "Tom Ford" bullshit yo sorry ass been hawkin?! Them muh fuckahs dropped some of 

"Prince"'s joints! 


Fuck naw! 



Optical is ah white muh fuckin world!


Thah Holy fuckin 



God damn!... 


Our Black broke sorry asses gots thah nerves tah shout,

"Racism" at some 




(Peace! More to come...)

Their Lies Cease With Every Single One of US! White Elite Lies! (WELs)



Everything these elite muh fuckahs have told US and have written tah US about 





Human history!?...



Has always been, 

A muh fuckin





(Peace! More to come...)

Manicuring Your Manscape Is A Shall!

 About once every four months I have to shave my ol Black sorry broke ass body!

I don't get crazy with thah shit! I use electric barbering clippers, not as smooth, but my ol Black ass just doin some regularly scheduled needed trimmin!


I hate doin thah shit!

I don't mind doin it I guess, but as yo ol Black broke sorry ass gets oldah, yah can't bend and shit like you used to!

Tryin tah get behind your knees, in between yo butt cheeks...while still trying to keep the mirror right, yo readers on...Damn!...

But yah can't be gettin naked with yo wife lookin like ah muh fuckin bear!

Fuck that!

I wouldn't like that shit if I were my wife!


"Cut that shit niggah!


Fo sho! Pas de probleme!

She's nevah said that shit tah me, and I 

Thank Her for that shit!

Hear women talkin that crazy shit,

"I think hair on ah man's body is sexy as hell!"

And I undahstand!

But this man

 Ain't tryin tah hear that muh fuckin noise!

The shit's gross as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Future Is Indeed, At Hand!

 Anyone of US can tell the muh fuckin 


That shit don't mean shit!

The gift is when yo sorry ass



Our Father's gift of thah shit!

Given to 




If We are willing to tell!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Be Proud...Americans!

 What irritates the Holy muh fuckin shit out of me with my ol Black sorry broke ass!

Is when these no count foreigners talkin proudly about "their" country!

But makin their muh fuckin livin in US!?

This is, like Yuri Bezmenov once said,

"The US is the last bastion! Once this falls! Look forward to a boot in know?!"

Like I said before!

I ain't evah had tah bust ah move to anothah country tah feed me nor mine!

What about You!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Eating Out?! Thee Holy Fuck Sonshines!

 I hate to go out to eat!

I see what mothah fuckahs ordah and I be like

"The fuck niggah! They chargin yo sorry broke ol Black sorry ass a fuckin dollah tah put a funky slice of American cheese on that muh fuckah! And I can buy "Kraft American Cheese" all day long for

$4.49 for sixteen muh fuckin slices!

And thah shit 's not even on muh fuckin


And they gettin ah cut rate buyin in bulk!

Not even US sale price!?...

You do thah muh fuckin math!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"White Castle" Information

 So I sent some shit to "White Castle" about some shit just now.

I hope you know My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

I loves me some "White Castles"!

And fuck "Harold and Kumar"!...

Don't give ah fuck bout flatulence and shit!

And that's for real!

But check it...

What about?...

A "BLT Slider"?

With all thah othah regular shit ah slider would have but with 

A smidge of Mayonnaise,

A 1/4 of a piece of bacon (crumbled and distributed evenly)

A 2x2 piece of lettuce

And a slice of a Roma tomatoe!

Now I was thinkin a regular slider checkin in Our beautiful state of 

Indiana at

86 cents.

"The BLT Slider" comin in at sixty cents more at $1.46.

Want cheese?


That'd be 20 cents more. 

Which brings Our lil slider tah a hefty


If yah loosin just a lil bit on that lil muh fuckah?

Yah makin it up with the small drink comin in at ah deplorable



I'd buy that shit!

But fuck that drink!

Yah know?!

A niggah 's broke!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Milk Thistle, Dandelion and Yellow Dock (FFF)

 Thah fuck would an American fuckin do without alcohol!?

And thah shit 's legal!?

Who doesn't want tah get numb aftah ah very long day now dealin with US?!

Alcohol might seem tah be a panacea fo this fucked up shit!?

But thah shit has its drawbacks in ah big bad fuckin way!

When yo sorry ass is young?

Well shit, yah got ah young liver!

As yo sorry broke down ol Black ass gets oldah!

Alcohol is not broken down thah muh fuckin same in yo now failin


If yah want tah keep self medicating!?

Yo sorry ass got tah do some shit!


If yah sorry ol Black broke ass wants tah keep breakin down thah shit so it won't affect yo sorry ol Black ass health?!

Supplementation is thah only fuckin answah!


Codex Alimentarius is tryin tah put an 

End tah that shit,

Given tah US as ah gift, from


Father's Friendly Firmament


Natural shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The "Real" Kanye Has Been Missing Since 2016

You remembah when that muh fuckah got out that hospital aftah his "Exhaustion" diagnosis!?

Takin that sorry ass photo-op with Trump?

Lookin like, 

"Where thah fuck am I?!"


That was "Ye"'s synthetic,

Learning his newly acquired


Cause the real "Kanye"

Has been silenced!



(Peace! More to come...)

CC (33) And Cloning Clinics

 It's real Sonshines!

Them elite muh fuckahs been doin this shit for decades!

Their sorry lazy putrid asses given US

"Dolly" the sheep back in the day!?

Remember that shit?!


If they gave US that lil anecdote?

And that shit was back in 1996!?


What thah Holy fuck y'all really fuckin

Hiding from


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Real "Voldemort"!

 Overstand some shit!?

If We!?


Would just start ovahstandin Our muh fuckin 

Powers ovah this firmament!?

This shit 'll get fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Oh..Shiiiought! We've Always 've Been Ready!?

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk that crazy shit!?


This shit 's bout tah get intah some real


Type of shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"John "Bones" Jones"

 That muh fuckah is bad!

He'll turn yo strengths intah ah muh fuckin weakness fo sho!

There's something wrong with thah muh fuckah!

He's thah only MMA fighter I 'll watch!

His precision is off thah fuckin charts!

He said.

"Winning came so easy."!?


I have a nephew

Whatevah yah smoked ovah thah fuckin plate!

Or didn't smoke ovah thah plate!?

That muh fuckah would whack that ass deep in left, center or right field!

Whatevah was clevah!

I said.

Eric!? You do undahstand you could get a scholarship for this shit!?

He said,

"Unc! It's too easy! It's boring Unc!"

Now, Lil Eric got five tah seven

Children and some shit!?



(Peace! More to come...)

They're Just Waiting To Go Underground And Play D.U.M.B.asses!

 They want Putin tah bail their sorry asses out!


Them elite muh fuckahs like,

"Please President Putin! Drop those nukes this way too! Save us!?"

Cause those muh fuckahs in trouble!

If Putin drops the shit?!

They'll all just play


(Peace! More to come...)

"You've Got Five Seconds!..."

 I remembah back in the day at the University.

Butler that is....

Tryin tah sound like these muh fuckahs talkin bout University of Cambridge and shit!

Like it was so fondly remembered?!

Negroes please!

Yah payin for that nonsense tah this very fuckin day!

But anyway.

There were some bright spots.

Professor McPherson had a 300 level class named,

"Marketing for Broadcasting"!

That professor made shit so...


He told US to write a commercial and to use whatever company was topical at the time.

"But remember? You have the first five seconds to slap them in the face. After that, they've already changed the channel."

He was a weirdo fo sho!

But he knew what his ass was talkin about!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Real Necessities of Life

 US can look at thah shit and blame the elite for thah horrible happenings now 

And thah most certain horrible happenings in Our near future!?

What they say,

"The mirror never lies!" ?

Cause if yah look at thah fucked up shit in an unbiased sort of way?!

Maybe it is for a greater good!?

Cause when yo sorry ol broke Black ass 's fasting,

Shit becomes crystal!

Deprivation cures many of wants!




With yo hungred ol Black sorry broke ass...

What do you need


(Peace! More to come...)

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 KJV


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 I undahstand!

 I really thah fuck do!?

"Gonnah take yah highah!...(Sly & The Family Stone)"!



How high yo sorry broke Black asses needs tah really


(Peace! More to come...)

"3 Doors Down - Kryptonite"

 Y'all really think he's speaking tah anothah human sensient 



(Peace! More to come...)

"R.E.M. - Losing My Religion" Fucking Bleak! But Worthy Of More Than A Billion Views!


Everything ah muh fuckah needs tah undahstand about thah sorry ass



(Peace! More to come...)

The Elite As A Collective...Ain't Worth An US Penny!

"A Post Modern Family"?! 

Kindah fuckin double talk kindah of fucked up shit is


Showin two men raisin children!?...

Y'all know those two gay muh fuckahs don't have ah dog in thah fuckin fight in that shit!?


Fuck no!

What those muh fuckahs gonnah do with those two lil male babies is to groom those pitiful innocent children! 

With some fucked up nonsense that had nothin tah do with their origin 


When yo sorry ass is thah biological Father along with thah biological Mother,

That's what they call Sonshines

"Having an honest bet on some shit"!

Two Mommas and 

Two Daddys 

Don't make ah mentally stable child!

Don't give ah real fuck what anyone of 

US believes!?

If there was no point in

Male or


Why thah Holy fuck Our sorry Female and Male sorry asses got different



We'd be all just be like monkeys fuckin each othah in thah muh fuckin ass!

With no procreation in 



God damn!...

What the elite ugly asses 

Fondly call

"Gilding The Lily"!

Cause procreation should stop with those fucked up,

Ugly no count lazy sorry ass

Mothah fuckahs!



Gild that fucking 


(Peace! More to come...)

Talking Is Not Even Worth An US Penny!

 "But Meredith Why are you always talkin shit!?"

I don't talk shit!

I write shit!

Writing is civil!

One can stop reading at any muh fuckin time!


Is most cetainly


Cause yah can't tell One of US that's talkin all crazy and shit tah

Shut the fuck up!

Unless yo sorry ass wants tah be 


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Black And White American Niggers

 These politicians say, 

"The American People",

Like muh fuckahs say the term


Like, I can't be apart of them muh fuckahs!

"The American People..."

Y'alls sorry lazy asses say the shit with such odd fucked up


(Peace! More to come...)

It Is Not Wise To Cage US


Our Human Energy ain't hummin

Correctly at thah fuck all!

Somethin's thah fuck off in ah bad muh fuckin way!

Muh fuckahs don't give ah good Holy fuck now!

Done went nutsy-bobo for real!

Lock muh fuckahs down for two fuckin years and this is what Our sorry asses get!


Think about muh fuckahs gettin out of thah pen aftah 

Five, ten, fifteen...years!

And We had at least

A lil mobility!

We have to learn how to trace that Human manufactured duress of placating altered Human electricity

Back to it's radiating source!

And unplug that muh fuckah!

Cause We way bettah than thah fucked up way

We actin toward each Other

Aftah bein


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, September 19, 2022

New Muh Fuckahs Are Playing With US! "Passports & Visas Are Fucking Denied!...Until further Notice!" You're Either With US?! Or Against US?!

 Ain't no fuckin way!


You've been here in this US of fuckin A

And still gottah foreign indigenous accent

From thah Fuck where 

You are thah fuck are from in this 



Yo ass ain't even tryin tah be ah




I heard some of US muh fuckahs only livin, two fuckin years!

Livin in Ireland!

And their sorry asses only been back for two fuckin months!

And they have not ah fuckin

American clue

They're sayin some shit with ah muh fuckin

Irish accent

That would say some shit

Without an American accent!?...




(Peace More to come...)

Our History Against The Elite. US Has Always Slept Well!

 Don't cha dare worry bout how this shit's gonnah play out!?


It's gonnah play out

Fuckin solely and icily by

Our Father!


Just fuckin


Love you all!

And keep thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Veracity with mRNA by PFIMODZEN Pharmaceuticals (December 30, 2022)

The three pharmaceuticals came togethah!

Coming up with what they marketed toward Diabetics as,

"The God Shot!"

It was touted:

"Just one shot will drop your A1C level four percentage points per dose/vaccine taken every three months."

What they didn't tell yah was,

After the second dose

99.9 percent of the diabetic people when they chose to take the second shot,

Were dead!


With their overall deceased A1C being below


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, September 18, 2022

A Lone

 Yah see!?

Yo muh fuckin truth may not be someone else's!

That yah sorry broke asses dearly 


What then?...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Different "Playground"

 I don't give a fuck!

I did what y'all told me tah do!


God damnit!

Listen 're!

Ain't no real 


Goin back on their words!

Is that what's really happenin


(Peace! More to come...)

An Unfinished Human Puzzle? And Entertainment Television (The Real ET).

 Yah remembah that ugly muh fuckin alien hidin in thah fuckin closet and shit in thah movie 


Thah Holy fuck!?

Why didn't I see some shit!?...

Back Then?!...

"Everything is broken."

You remembah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs when lil young ass sad awhile Hushpuppy said that shit in 

"Beasts of the Southern Wild"?!

Or in 

"Pump Up The Volume"!?

When Happy Harry Hard On was speakin tah his Ham Radio audience and said some shit like,

"There's nothing to look forward to! Nor is there anyone to look up to!...Whew! That was deep!..."

And thah muh fuckah had thah nerves tah belch subsequently!? Puttin ah fucked up period on that muh fuckin thought! Whispering into the fleeting winds type of shit!?...

Or when Howard Beale said some shit in thah movie, "Network",

"Turn your televisions off! Turn them off!... Just turn them!..."

Membah that shit!?

Well I do for some damned fucked up reason that is starting to matrix in my mind culminating into:

What thah Holy fuck


That's why I'm writin this shit!

Who knows?!

Maybe the "Cloud" will not dissipate?

But ah niggah got Hope!...



Operators in 

Entertainment Television,

Is where this shit has been headed!?...

But shiiiought!

It's ah 

God damned


It's taken me this fuckin long,

in my fuckin ol Black sorry broke ass life, 

Tah finally start puttin the diabolical pieces of this 

Fucked up shit

They call :

"A New World Order," 


And they've been doin thah shit all out in the muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Real Women Wield US Real Humans' Existence!


I don't agree with it!

But shit!

I'm an ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin biological 


A man makin laws on some shit cause they don't have tah deal with thah shit is fucking 




Male to Female transgenders have no fucking reason on Our Father's Green Earth should be makin decisions about some shit they will never know! 

Being a biological female, with equipment tah boot!...

God damn!



Have been beaten thah fuck down for so fuckin long!

Severely so!

So much so them muh fuckahs done got thah

"Stockholm Syndrome" and shit!

"Fuck it!

Why fight it!?"

Conditioned pitiful responses.




You do overstand?



There is no



(Peace! More to come...)

The "AOC" Is Not A She! Real Women Stop This Madness!?

 Thah fuck wrong with women!?

Man has hated y'alls formidable asses since thah muh fuckin 



Them sorry ass elite lazy muh fuckahs

Propping up ah

Wolf !

In ah



And y'all ain't said shit

As an




(Peace! More to come...)

The Ukraine And The Blame Game

"Torture chambers where civilians were abused found in areas in the Kharkiv region recently liberated from Russian occupation."

The Ukraine have documented BIOLABS out thah ass!

But Russia in this short amount of time built those 



Recently liberated from those muh fuckin



We mUSt have thah word


Written in bold fuckin beautiful Calligraphy lettahs on our sorry ass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The Blame Game Starts From Within Never From Without

 Got muh fuckahs out here actin crazy and shit cause their Mommas didn't give 'em enough breast milk when they were babies and shit!

Mad at thah fuckin world!

"My Momma and Daddy neglected me!"

"The fuckin cops don't like me!"

"My coworkers don't like me!"...


Just how old did yah say yo ol sorry broke ass was?!...


Old enough tah 

Know bettah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Big Problem With US History And Hollywood!?

 I've got ah problem!


Watchin these horses on these movies and television shows lookin as well fed as when  they started that 1500 mile journey!

 That's gonnah take yo sorry well rode ass, at thah very fuckin least 50 days of travel!

That's if...everything works out as it should!?

Their cowboy asses lookin like they done had ah muh fuckin shave every day, if not every othah!

Sleepin undah thah stars those fifty some odd days with mosquitos, snakes...and thah like! 

And yah lookin fresh as shit!?

And aftah some fifty some odd days!?

You's gonnah smell fuckin terrible!

But I guess...

Mosquitoes, snakes...and thah like!

Don't fuck around with somethin that smells like shit!?...


Thah Holy fuck I'm missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"SAFE-T (Safety, Accountability, Fairness And Equity-Today)" Act In Illinois Is RighteoUS!


Yah got 48 hours muh fuckahs tah make the damn case! Now!

Law enforcement officials got tah do their fuckin job, real fuckin work! They're used tah chillin, actin like their bustin their hump tah solve ah damn crime! Puh-leeze!

Muh fuckahs all up in a tizzy cause law enforcement ain't gonnah be able tah utilize their power over potential and "needed" snitches!

Or their bail bond buddies now got tah get ah real fuckin job!

Or they can't hold a niggah for "Just because of some shit" awaiting trial, or whatevah thah fuck they decide tah do with thah niggah?! Because they got ah hunch?! Or ah fuckin tip...from an awaiting trial O-R'd snitch?! ...

That thah jailed niggah did thah shit!

So we gonnah keep his sorry ass jailed, with taxpayers' money, because thah muh fuckah can't pay the cash bail and sooner or later thah muh fuckah will eventually "cop" tah thah shit! Or some lesser shit charge!

Evil shit!


What about rapists!?

What about murderers!?

What about pedophiles!?..."


They let them rich rapists, rich murderers, rich pedophiles...

Out just because they can handle thah measly cash bail weight!?

They get the fuck out and keep doin thah deplorable shit that they've been doin!?...

So fuck it!

Why thah fuck




(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, September 15, 2022


 No one in this firmament can fool


No fucking One!


Our sorry broke asses wants tah be


(Peace! More to come...)

"Favre Welfare Money Scheme?" And For Real CTE!

That Muh Fuckah Has Paid The Ultimate Price For Another Season!

Ain't ah fuckin scheme at all!

And that muh fuckah ain't got shit tah do with it!


It's what they call 

"Taking advantage of a disadvantaged muh fuckah!"

Cause that muh fuckah is the poster man for


He don't know what thah Holy fuck is even goin on in and around his


Jilted ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The IRS Is Not Lenient To Voluntary Taxpayers...US!

 I remembah thah time them muh fuckahs put ah lien on my checking account! I fucking panicked like ah muh fuckah! 

I had filled out thah withdrawal slip. Pulled up to a drive thru. Sent it through the pneumatic tube. On a fucking Friday! Pay-fucking-day!

And the Teller saying to me, "Mister Hopson. You probably will want to come in to speak with one of our accounts personnel. I can't send you the amount requested." 

Okay, I said to her with my heart pounding. I drove around to the front of the bank. Parked. Went in! There was instantly an Account Personnel waitin for ah niggah lookin like, 

"What the fuck!?"

 And that niggah was me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

GEWRs And Just US Broke Asses Try To Fight The Damn Power!?

 Yeah, thah shit is 


Taxes are unlawful when 


In this US!

But just yo sorry broke ass try tah send ah muh fuckin lettah tah thah muh fuckin IRS statin,

"I am Meredith Hopson! And I do not consent to these voluntary taxes imposed unlawfully!"


That's what's happenin now 

God damnit!

Them rich elite muh fuckahs loosin hundreds of billions of Taxpayers' booty!

Them some Generational Entitled Welfare Recipients pieces of shit right there!...



My ol Black sorry broke ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen"

 "Shorter waits for taxpayers..."

You historically old dumb ugly stupid ass mothah fuckah


Y'all muh fuckahs ain't cared about US

Taxpayers for fuckin 


Sendin an honest US Taxpayer ah fuckin lettah statin,

"If you do not contact us within thirty days we will be forced to..."

Call thah muh fuckahs in a panic!

Waitin two fuckin hours or more on hold,

So yo sorry taxpaying ass won't get liened upon!...

What's thah fuckin rush now hunh!?

Thah muh fuckin jig is up!?

US findin out that taxes are fucking voluntary!?...


Y'all ain't shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


 I love you!

Don't y'all undahstand that factoid?!

We're goin tah be just fine


Please undahstand?!

My ol Black sorry broke ass just writes!

That's all!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck The DMZ?

 Whatevah it takes to get by!

That's all you need!

This othah shag they 're spittin!?...

It's just muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

You! Matter!

 You are the God of this firmament which 

You are living and 

Who you 


Whatever thah Holy fuck you think is the truth?!

So be it!

Since you came out of yo Mama's holiest of holies!

This earth has been defined by 


No-fucking-body else!

Just lil ol 



(Peace! More to come...)

"Best And Worst States For Pollution"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Our grand state of Indiana is fuckin 


Nevada comin in at 49!

And Louisiana comin in last at 50

With y'alls sorry asses!

Louisianans talkin that sorry broke ass shit

"The best shrimp and oysters in the world come straight out of Our backyard!"

That's why niggahs, includin me, loves chittlins!

Cause they used tah be filled with shit!

Fermentin those muh fuckahs!

Addin that "Umami" flavah We all can't get enough of!


God damn!

There's only 50 states in this muh fuckah!

The fuck y'all lettin outside influences put intah Our water supply?!

Intah Our air?!

Intah Our already miserable fucked up broke ass


In thah fuck 


For real?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Daily Laborious Acting Class

 "What you so mad about Meredith!?"


And every fucking


But shiiiought!

My anger comes through the 

Written prose!

But if yah ever meet me?!

You'll say to yo sorry broke ass self,

"Who the fuck is this niggah?"

Cause outside these walls I humbly call

My Home!

As soon as I cross Our Home's threshold

Going out, 

Not in?!

I hear the voice of Our

Father kindly suggesting,


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Elite Are Straight Jack-O'-Lanterns!

 This shit is real!

Too real!!

The elite are too fuckin ugly tah be worried about gettin hit in thah fuckin face!

What cho sorry broke ass do then?!

Make 'em uglier!?




Just fuckin up and breakin yo broke sorry ass knuckles on yo hands fo no fuckin rational US reason!

Hands yah fuckin need tah fuckin work!

Fuck all that nonsense!

Give ah shit how hard you hit those ugly muh fuckahs!

Ain't gonna fuck up their terrible innate fucked up ugliness!

Believe me Sonshines!

And We ain't even gonnah talk bout those muh fuckahs fucked up



You gotstah murder those muh fuckahs!...


They'll keep bringin their ugly fuckin asses 


With their ugly fucked up genes!

And with their God awful ugly fucked up


(Peace! More to come...)

Shall US Play By Their Rules!

From US
Is the dissatisfaction
From the elite's faction.
Sans justUS!...
(Peace! More to come...)

JRGMs (J..... Ritual Goy Murders) And Wrong Ain't Fucking Right For US!

"Most of US don't practice that horrible shit!"

So most means: some still do?!

"Fuck you! You anti-Semitic bastard!..."

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk about 


There's some real shit coming to ah neighborhood near yo broke sorry muh fuckin

Asses real fuckin soon!


It's already there!


But shiiiought!

The fuck I know?!

I'm just an ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah!

Whom shall die soon!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Cloudless Sky

Yo ass can put all that shit all in thah muh fuckin sorry ass "Cloud" if you choose to!?

I research and see muh fuckahs wannah write and talk about

"The Great Reset"!

But what We talkin bout playahs!?




Cause nobody can serve

Two fuckin 


And a cloud...

Fuckin dissipates!

They never name shit:

For the fuck of it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Crisis "Act-Whores" And False Flag "Act-Whores"

 Have yah read and seen some of thah muh fuckin shit out there about these muh fuckahs!?

Scary fucking shit!?

Thah Holy fuck!

Y'all know  good and God damned well what yall doin tah ruse US for


Them muh fuckahs excuse:

"I'm an actor damnit!? It's what I love! It pays the bills!..."


(Peace! More to come...)

"F/X (1986)" / Our PSYOP Propagandist US...A! And Yes, "Hollywood Is Indeed! Misunderstood!"

 I've watched that movie maybe five times or more!


Just hit my ol Black sorry broke ass on the 


Viewing yesterday evenin!?


In fucking plain sight!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"61% of US Are Not Even Meeting Basic Financial Needs." Thee Holy Fuck!...

 Did you hear that no count sorry mumbling mothah fuckah, 

Mitch McConnell,

Say that abhorrent shit!?

So if they tell US


Yo sorry ass knows thah fuck well

It's in the middle to upper


That's some shameful leadership right there!


And they never say 


Don't We pay those shiftless sorry no-count muh fuckahs?!...

Always some shit like,

"61% of Americans today can't even..."

You see My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!


Are not even

One of


(Peace! More to come...) 

Monday, September 12, 2022

The Importance of US!

 The elite doesn't care what We fightin about!

As long as they got



Against one anothah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, September 11, 2022

"The Adjustment Bureau" II

 "And I choose Her.

Be what may!?" 


That's some shit 

Right there!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Adjustment Bureau"

 And Our sorry broke asses think that joint

It's just a movie!?


(Peace! More to come...)


 Well, why would your individual Human morality, less madness?! 

Would risk your own life for the sake of US all?!

Do you have an answer?!

"Thine actions and thine speak for thine 



But sir!?

You are not making any sense!?


(Peace! More to come...)

"Cannons - Golden" Thee Holy Fuck!?

 Loved 'Pac!...

But as my Ol Black sorry broke ass gets oldah...

Fuck it!

Yah like!?

What yah like!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The xx -Crystalised (Official Video)"

 Them muh fuckahs


Look at thah shit!?

Them muh fuckahs on 

One accord!

On their own muh fuckin 

Human Made


(Peace! More to come...)

"Staind - It's Been Awhile (Official Video)" And Critical Consequences Aft!

 If yah watch some shit, yah start undahstandin thah reason why ah woman is around his hurt sorry muh fuckin ass!

If yah watch 'im, his sorry ass has tah finally exact thah muh fuckin past!

If yah watch 'im, his sorry ass has undahstood!

"Yah got One shot!

Often times!?


Tah make thah shit right!"

And yo sorry broke pitiful ass 


(Peace! More to come...)

Nobody Will Ever Give A Fuck Unless...!?

 Whatchou think gonnah start this muh fuckah?



Oh, shit

My ol Black sorry broke ass sho nuff forgot,


Fuck all that noise!

It starts with


(Peace! More to come...)

Purity Of Genes Always Denature

 I don't care bout the shit yo blood got!?

Really thah fuck don't!

Nor should any of US!?

Cause the muh fuckin purity is always suspect!?

Most often than not a King or Prince gonnah say,

"I've never fucked a peasant in my entire life!

Nor ever would! On my Mum's honour!"

Then ah muh fuckah come ontah thah scene lookin like "Opie" Taylor and shit with some big ass fuckin Ears and shit!

Muh fuckahs still tryin tah play dumb,

"I'm telling you Mum LizBeth and Darling Diana! It's a trick I tell you! A mean evil



(Peace! More to come...)

Fictional Life Will Never Beat Down Non-Fictional Life

 My ol Black broke sorry ass laughed horribly so,

"UFC Tried To Pay Tribute To The Queen Was Met With Boos and Chanting: USA! USA! USA!..."

Now that headline was funny enough!

Let me tell yah somethin Sonshines if yah didn't already know!?

Read thah muh fuckin comments on that muh fuckah!

Have yo ass fuckin rollin!

One muh fuckah expressed, 

"Just classless!"

My old Black broke sorry ass was on the floor with that double entendre!

Firstly, ain't nobody with any type of "Class" from the dead sorry ass bitch's bloodline gonnah be in that mothah fuckah!

Secondly, these muh fuckahs are gettin ready to watch matches of men being exploited to beat the living blood out of one another!

Come ohn now!?

Ain't nobody on this muh fuckin firmament able tah write fiction bettah than this non-fiction shit,

We all 're witnessin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Indianapolis Police Department's "Officer Friendly" Program


I love Law Enforcement Officials!

And I'm an ol Black ass broke sorry muh fuckah!

I's gives ah good fuck what anyone of US says about my affinity!

When I was lil, shit I wanted tah be a police officer!

And it was because of their "Officer Friendly" program at the time!

Those police officers would come and talk tah Our lil Black broke asses!

We could ask them questions and shit!

The Officers were kind but with an authoritative presence!...

Can some of them muh fuckahs be fuckin dicks!?


But shiiiought!...

So too can 


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, September 9, 2022

Natural Cloud Formations! Not Sylphs!

 Oh my Lawd!

I smiled today at the Heavens!

For what seems like many months!

Of ah ol Black sorry broke ass like me tah have finally witnessed:

True Clouds in 




(Peace! More to come...)

Remittance Is Due!

They don't owe themselves a God damned muh fuckin thing!


They owe US

Everything under Our muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Likes?! The Fuck!? Disable That Comment Shit Now! III

Ah muh fuckin "D" for US is bettah than ah muh fuckin "F"!

But just barely!

I mean shiiiought!

Really think about it Sonshines?!


Muh fuckahs payin fo muh fuckin knowledge of 


And for the muh fuckin benefit to


Thah Holy fuck that shit's about?!

Ain't We all here tah help One anothah!?

Educate One anothah!?

Care fo One anothah...


One anothah!?

Ain't US in this shit togethah?!...


So why in thee Holy fuck!

Should US evah to have had tah pay!?

Fo thah betterment of 




Our sorry asses are ah


Fuckin student of this here sorry ass



Naw niggahs,

Y'alls asses just been dickin thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Killing Time Is Nigh!

 When the shit hits the fan!

Do not allow Yourself to stand

In front of another human

With a pistol in their hand!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Likes?! The Fuck!? Disable That Comment Shit Now! II

 I mean


What my ol Black sorry broke ass gets?

Maybe two hits ah month on this muh fuckah!

Comments be damned!

In my humble ol Black sorry broke ass opinion, 

Yah don't do this shit fo no fuckin sorry ass muh fuckin

"Likes" or some sorry ass money!

Fuck that noise!

Yah do it fo Our profound

Love of



(Peace! More to come...)

Likes?! The Fuck!? Disable That Comment Shit Now!

 Thee Holy fuck wrong with US?!

"Here this niggah goes again?!"

Damn skippy!

Grown ass mothah fuckahs gots thah nerves tah have comment sections on their shit

Talkin bout, 

"If you like what you see? Please, hit the "Like" tab below?"

What's this shit?! 

Grade school?!

High school?!...

We writin notes tah one anothah like we did as when we were in the age of minority,

"If you like me circle "Yes" or "No"?

Kindah juvenile sorry shit We done got Ourselves back into!?


We's some grown ass mothah fuckahs still lookin fo affirmations tah feel good bout Our sorry broke adult asses?!

We too old fo this bullshit!


God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, September 8, 2022

"Martha Stewart Strips Down To Just An Apron"

Eighty-One years old with s'hims stupid ugly ass!

Thee Holy fuck!

Don't nobody wannah see yo ol cobwebbed junk! 

You ugly no-count 

Old dumbass he-bitch!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Prepping? Fuck All That Useless Noise! Learn How To Be Blessedly Hungred! You Are Going To Die! And Why The Fuck Not Die The Fucking Way You Righteously Choose To Die!?

 How thah fuck long yo sorry ol broke Black ass thinks yah gonnah lasts once thah muh fuckin shit hits thah proverbial fan?!


Not too fuckin long!

I'll confess tah that shit!

I gives ah fuck what kindah outdoors shit yo sorry ass perfected!

Or what kindah shit yo sorry broke ass has stored up!...

Thah sorry ass elite fuckin up Our environment!

Tainting everything in this firmament with it's air assault aerosol poisonous sprays!...

This is a battle of attrition!

Attrition in this day means fuckin money!

Alas, We have let it come to pass!


So, again!?

How thah fuck long yo sorry ol broke Black ass thinks yah gonnah lasts

Once thah muh fuckin shit hits thah proverbial fan?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

NWO? Has A Very Historical Supreme Optimal Fail Rate!


Them muh fuckahs just some dumbass ugly muh fuckahs! 

It's been tried before over and over again you elite no-count sorry ass muh fuckahs!

God damn!

Y'alls sorry asses will nevah become

Our Father!


Get ah fucking job!

And please 

Quit fucking


Y'all just makin shit worse for US!

Leave US the fuck alone!

Or else!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Queen Elizabeth II Dies @ 96"

 "Ding-dong the witch is dead...(Wizard of OZ)"

How bout 'Ding-dong the bitch is dead!"

S'him wasn't murdered!

But it's ah glorious muh fuckin


Tah purging these worthless elite muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Elite Doesn't Have One Fucking Human Characteristic! Not! Fucking! One!... Thee Holy Fuck Wrong With US!?

 Kindah fuckin God damned sense do the elite ugly low-life's make?!

I mean they are busted ugly!

They have no morality!

They are narcissists!

They are child rapists!

They are rapists period!

They are mass murderers!

They are cowardly!

They don't work!

They steal trillions of dollars in welfare, 

Their entitled booty for being fucking ugly and worthless because of their horrible genetics!

Even with ten-thousand dollars suits and dresses adorned, 

They still are quite unappealing!

Did I mention they are ugly as fucking sin!?...

Thee Holy fuck!

But US are thah muh fuckin 


And US are the ones that need tah be culled!?...

I am fucking


As fuck about


Cause all these elite muh fuckahs need tah be fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

MIMO (Massive In Massive Out) & SMART (Secret Military Armaments In Residential Technology)


US talkin bout that bullshit "Just say no to drugs!"

Fuck all that noise!

Just say no to these muh fuckin SMART meters they tryin tah put in all Our 


Them muh fuckahs will give you and kill you just as quick as


Just suggestin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

Just fuckin suggestin!?

And don't fuckin let 'em put that shit in, near or around your 


Place of living


Them shits cause a living


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, September 5, 2022

It's All In Your Ugly Elite Very Tainted DNA! You Ugly Fucked Up Wretched Looking Muh Fuckahs! God Damn! Y'alls Some Ugly Mothah Fuckahs! II

 They having thah fuckin nerves tah tell US tah 


Thah Holy fuck!

We are


Human beings!

It's y'alls muh fuckin very ugly asses bringin thah 

Ugly Meter

Up thirty-three thousand



(Peace! More to come...)

It's All In Your Ugly Elite Very Tainted DNA! You Ugly Fucked Up Wretched Looking Muh Fuckahs! God Damn! Y'alls Some Ugly Mothah Fuckahs!

 Klaus Schwab, Maria Shriver, The Rockefellers, The British Royalty, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, The Podesta Brothers, The Bush's...

Them mothah fuckahs are strikingly ugly!

I mean butt-fucking ugly!

God damn!

All that money!?

And y'alls sorry rich asses lookin like that!?

Ain't no long standing line of y'alls DNA done left yah not one chance of one of y'all lookin at least

Pleasant looking!?

Thee Holy fuck!

And y'alls sorry ass muh fuckahs wannah continue that butt fuckin ugly ass 



Please!? Look in the fuckin mirror just one time!

Even at ah fuckin glance?!...

Now you super-silly sorry ass muh fuckahs!?

Yah pickin up what my very broke ass 

Layin down fo that elite rich putrid lookin sorry muh fuckin asses!?


I'm ah fuckin broke sorry ass ol Black man!

And I look ten times bettah than the best lookin of y'alls


Now! That's some fucked up shit!

For real!

You ugly fucked up lookin muh fuckahs


And God damnit!

Quit being so fuckin angry about that shit!

And please quit breeding!


Ugly fucked up lookin muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Indianapolis Scarborough Peace Games. Thank You All For The Lifelong Precious Memories!

 I loved that shit!

I remember when I first went to Toronto-Ontario, Canada via commercial bus circa 1986!

Took US thirteen hours and some change.

I had never witnessed so many good lookin people in my twenty years old life being ah lifelong Hoosier!

I remember I felt so at home in Canada!

There was Enver Carolissen (Like Denver without the 'D').

I remember Nancy Downse, one fine Canadian Sistah!

I remember Greg Hollness' family the first family I had ever billeted with....

And I remember thinkin, 

"Thah fuck is billeting?!"...

It's all dissolved now.

And that's ah

God damned muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, September 4, 2022

An Open Letter To "Subway"!

 How thee Holy fuck can "McDonald's" sale, to Our sorry broke asses, fo any fuckin soft drink on their menu fo One fuckin dollah!?

And y'alls sorry asses are askin close to two dollahs or more!?

Y'alls sorry no count havin asses spent close tah 459 million on advertising in 2019 alone!?

With "Stephen Curry", "Charles Barkley" (who can't even speak the English language properly!) et al...

We ain't even gonnah talk about thah Pedophile Jared Fogle shit!

And ain't evah apologized fo Fogle's sorry sick muh fuckin no-count havin ass deplorable shit!...

It's what they call hubris! 

Y'all ain't doin thah damn thing like that!


And aftah all thah fucked up business shit y'alls sorry asses have fucked up!

 Y'alls sorry asses still can't give ah niggah ah fuckin "Coke and a smile" fo ah fuckin buck?!

"John Chidsey"! Y'all can shove all those twelve inch subs up yo muh fuckin sorry very brown, leaking

Asses! But cha kindah like that vile shit?! Don't y'all?

And" Chidsey" you's ah stupid muh fuckah!...

Thah fuck wrong with corporate America?!

Fuckin dumbass marketing!

And muh fuckin dumbass business practices!

Fo sho!

Oh, It won't be long!

Befo that twelve inches becomes

Ah foot in that ass!


(Peace! More to come...)

"Dave Chappelle"?

 They cloned that ass!

The new Dave!

Only has two chromosomes of the

Real Dave!...

Oh, Shit!...

Muh fuckah!...


I guess that's enough!...

(Peace! More to come...)

We Can't Hurry Their Damnable Fate!

 We'll find jocularity to their ruse!

Their obtuse

 Approach to Our Father's given humanity!

When all of US have settled down,

Centering the insanity!

Elite Clowns,

From the various evil undergrounds!

Making inhumane sounds

When, Righteous wretchedness


Then a call will be filled

To seal the deled! 

From Our Father's 


Then, it will be time for US to be finally


(Peace! More to come...)

Now That's Some Magical Shit! If...We Want To Believe It!?

 Thah numbah one thing I look at now is when thah muh fuckin media interviewin these no-count muh fuckahs is, when thah interviewees "medical" experts, have tah be adorned in ah fuckin white "doctor's" jacket!

If thah muh fuckah is ah "doctor"!? 

They're ah muh fuckin doctah!


Wearin that "conditioned" doctors' jacket just makes all of US understand,

Y'all tryin tah fool 

US broke sorry asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chipped "SMART" Sports' Balls...Chipping At The Bit, To Control Outcomes!

Why in thee Holy fuck would One put microchips in various athletics playing balls?!

I wonder thah fuck why?

Not really!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Our Broke Asses Need To Start Casting Our Father's Historical Spells Of US Truths!

 Muh fuckahs wannah call thah shit "Word Magic"!

Ain't no damn magic!

Fuck no!

No muh fuckah can casts muh fuckin Luciferian inspired spells on Our sorry Righteous broke asses if We are not susceptible to the shit!

As long as...

We don't believe in their evil sorcery!?...

(Peace! More to come...)