Monday, September 5, 2022

It's All In Your Ugly Elite Very Tainted DNA! You Ugly Fucked Up Wretched Looking Muh Fuckahs! God Damn! Y'alls Some Ugly Mothah Fuckahs!

 Klaus Schwab, Maria Shriver, The Rockefellers, The British Royalty, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, The Podesta Brothers, The Bush's...

Them mothah fuckahs are strikingly ugly!

I mean butt-fucking ugly!

God damn!

All that money!?

And y'alls sorry rich asses lookin like that!?

Ain't no long standing line of y'alls DNA done left yah not one chance of one of y'all lookin at least

Pleasant looking!?

Thee Holy fuck!

And y'alls sorry ass muh fuckahs wannah continue that butt fuckin ugly ass 



Please!? Look in the fuckin mirror just one time!

Even at ah fuckin glance?!...

Now you super-silly sorry ass muh fuckahs!?

Yah pickin up what my very broke ass 

Layin down fo that elite rich putrid lookin sorry muh fuckin asses!?


I'm ah fuckin broke sorry ass ol Black man!

And I look ten times bettah than the best lookin of y'alls


Now! That's some fucked up shit!

For real!

You ugly fucked up lookin muh fuckahs


And God damnit!

Quit being so fuckin angry about that shit!

And please quit breeding!


Ugly fucked up lookin muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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