Sunday, September 18, 2022

An Unfinished Human Puzzle? And Entertainment Television (The Real ET).

 Yah remembah that ugly muh fuckin alien hidin in thah fuckin closet and shit in thah movie 


Thah Holy fuck!?

Why didn't I see some shit!?...

Back Then?!...

"Everything is broken."

You remembah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs when lil young ass sad awhile Hushpuppy said that shit in 

"Beasts of the Southern Wild"?!

Or in 

"Pump Up The Volume"!?

When Happy Harry Hard On was speakin tah his Ham Radio audience and said some shit like,

"There's nothing to look forward to! Nor is there anyone to look up to!...Whew! That was deep!..."

And thah muh fuckah had thah nerves tah belch subsequently!? Puttin ah fucked up period on that muh fuckin thought! Whispering into the fleeting winds type of shit!?...

Or when Howard Beale said some shit in thah movie, "Network",

"Turn your televisions off! Turn them off!... Just turn them!..."

Membah that shit!?

Well I do for some damned fucked up reason that is starting to matrix in my mind culminating into:

What thah Holy fuck


That's why I'm writin this shit!

Who knows?!

Maybe the "Cloud" will not dissipate?

But ah niggah got Hope!...



Operators in 

Entertainment Television,

Is where this shit has been headed!?...

But shiiiought!

It's ah 

God damned


It's taken me this fuckin long,

in my fuckin ol Black sorry broke ass life, 

Tah finally start puttin the diabolical pieces of this 

Fucked up shit

They call :

"A New World Order," 


And they've been doin thah shit all out in the muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

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