Thursday, September 22, 2022

"You've Got Five Seconds!..."

 I remembah back in the day at the University.

Butler that is....

Tryin tah sound like these muh fuckahs talkin bout University of Cambridge and shit!

Like it was so fondly remembered?!

Negroes please!

Yah payin for that nonsense tah this very fuckin day!

But anyway.

There were some bright spots.

Professor McPherson had a 300 level class named,

"Marketing for Broadcasting"!

That professor made shit so...


He told US to write a commercial and to use whatever company was topical at the time.

"But remember? You have the first five seconds to slap them in the face. After that, they've already changed the channel."

He was a weirdo fo sho!

But he knew what his ass was talkin about!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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