Thursday, September 29, 2022

Defining A Useless US And We Are All Truly Equal!

  Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!


Damn skippy, "Shit!"

Yo ass the One readin this shit!?

So hear I go...

These Secret Services, security agents, bodyguards, law enforcement officials...muh fuckahs

Are fucking sorrowfully willin tah:

"Guard anothah muh fuckah with their own fuckin muh fuckin life's ass worthless pieces of death!?"

That shit 's some laughable and hilarioUS as fuck shit tah my ol Black sorry broke ass!

Yo sorry ass ain't worth more than thah muh fuckin 

"Sticker Price"

Stamped obviously on yo guardin sorry broke asses?!...

God damn!

You 's some stupid muh fuckahs!

Talkin bout 


Bein absurd!?


I can't even fathom what I can equate with that sorry ass muh fuckin stupid ass otherworldly type of fuckin non-Human, thought, type of shit!

And outside of US


Who thah Holy fuck is worth US muh fuckin one-time of ah muh fuckin get-a-fuckin-grip type of...




Or for

No fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

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