Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Willingly! Not Unwillingly!

No one wants to be forced to challenge their conditioned beliefs! 


They’ll fight against thah shit tah fuckin grim death! 

Shit don’t work! 


Not with fuckin US!

No Ma'am!


No sir!

Fuck naw!

What ah muh fuckah does that's forced is change the firin mechanism of those now tryin tah be altered brain synapses! 

And thah shit just keeps misfirin and them muh fuckahs start gettin angry and shit! 

And US knows how that shit goes!...


If yah challenge those beliefs on yo fuckin own!?


It’s ah lifetime journey oft times tah find what thah 

Holy fuckin truth

Really is!

No mo muh fuckin misfirin and shit!...

And that is 

Ah Beautiful muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

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