Saturday, June 4, 2022

"Dredd" Street Justice

 Thee Holy fuck!

Them muh fuckahs only gots tah be twenty-one in Our Beautiful city of Indianapolis!

Twenty-fuckin-one, carryin ah lethal weapon, handcuffs...oh, and lets not forget ah twenty-fuckin-one year old judgement based on their experiences! From Russiaville! Now livin in Marion County!

Read it for yo damn selves:

Along with some othah bullshit minah requirements!

When yo sorry asses get pulled ovah by one of Our Beautiful states LEOs: IMPD, ISP...

Do what thah Holy fuck they tell yo sorry broke ass tah do!

You ain't gonnah stop nothin they're goin tah do subsequently if they have some type of ill intent!

What yo narcissistic ass gonnah do think, "It's all about Me?" 

"There's a conspiracy against Me?"...

You that muh fuckin important and I ain't heard shit bout cha! 

And I fuckin read!...

Shut that fuckin noise up!

Shiiiought! You think them muh fuckahs that fuckin bored that they gonnah stop that ass cause, "I with my slovenly ass don't have enough tah do but tah fuck with people not doin shit!?!" 

Shit, them muh fuckahs just like the rest of US, they don't want tah do any more work than what is required!

And fo whatevah reason aftah it's all said and done they say, "Get out of the car Mister Hopson. Put your hands on the hood. You're going to be arrested."

Okay?! You can talk that shit bout knowin yo sorry ass "rights", blah, blah, blah...and



Don't do it! 

Believe You me!

Out on Our streets they like "Dredd" muh fuckahs! 

Fuck it!

When yo sorry ass goes tah court, if it even gets that far!?

Now muh fuckahs!

We talkin bout thah muh fuckin

 "The Law"!

Yo ass is alive!


Thank Our Father,


(Peace! More to come...)

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