Sunday, June 5, 2022

There's Time For Niggah Shit! And There's Time For Business Shit! Yo Ol Black Sorry Ass Don't Know That Shit?!

 You tell yo Boy or yo Girl,

Just get me in thah door mothah fuckah!


I'll get ah job up in that bitch!

And you'll get cho five hunard dollah referral fee!

Even if I don't like thah shit! 

I'll stick it out at least ninety-days so you can get yo shit!

Yeah, you hear my broke Black sorry ass naturally!

They ain't gonnah get thah Natural niggah!

Come ohn naw!?

And what they do?!

Still doubt yo muh fuckin unemployed ass!

" Now come ohn naw! Massah can't know I fraternize with real niggah folk!?"

Even though they talkin tah yo sorry Black without ah job havin ass

Just like yah talkin tah their sorry, 

On the fence maybe vouchering fo yo sorry broke Black ass, 

Employed Black ass!



(Peace! More to come...)

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