Sunday, June 12, 2022

An Elite, Just For A Season!


We will always have those that escape the various penalties, persecutions and Ultimate justice for the Crimes against US!

Like ah fuckin lottery,

Yo ass was in the right time and the right place, on ah beautiful Saturday mornin and asked,

"One Quick-Pick please on the Hoosier Lottery!"

Saved that ass!

But shit done changed Sonshines!

In ah bad muh fuckin way!

And nobody is lucky enough for the generations who will come aft!

Cause this Human Life shit

Never fucking changes!

 It fuckin ebbs and

It fuckin flows!

Our History, if correct, informs US of that fact!

You do wrong unto US!?


And, things get reconciled!

You do right unto US!

Ye will have sought and findeth 

Ye Kingdom Of Heaven 

Which Our Father spaketh!

And if Our history, religion and success are


You lazy, shiftless, sorry ass and non-workin muh fuckahs gonnah be just fuckin


And you's ah lucky muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

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