Sunday, June 19, 2022

Querulous Queries For Political Public Servitude.

 You see how these no count havin asses "tryin tah fix some shit!"

Ain't no worries tah those muh fuckahs!

They gots thah muh fuckin time!

Still gettin at least three squares ah day?!

Sending all their suits and shit still bein sent tah the muh fuckin cleaners!!

Eatin free all thah fuckin time?!

Well...unless they have othah welfare guests to host. Then they gotstah cater thah shit and pay muh fuckin Feeders tah come intah their home...Why thah fuck can't We have these events someplace else!?

Hospitals refusin tah send y'alls sorry asses EOB's and gettin their shit paid that yo insurance didn't pay, but since you in the political Big Three, yo ass gets ah pass, so yo sorry asses get free-free health care!? And copays be God damned!?

Breakin away

Flyin First Class without ah dollah goin outcho sorry lazy ass pockets!

And if it did, US will surely pay fo that shit!?...

Thah fuck kinda of real Bank y'alls sorry lazy asses

Really bankin!?

But most of all with y'alls sorry asses!...

Turnin on US!?

In Hindsight!

Wasn't really worth it was 


(Peace! More to come...)

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