Sunday, June 12, 2022

Our Father's Universal Language And The Holy Bible. "Arm Thyself" With The Perfection Of This Life! We Owe It To Ourselves!

 I grew up in an Apostolic/Pentecostal family.

Them muh fuckahs were/are wrong bout a lot of fuckin shit!

I don't know what thah Holy fuck them muh fuckahs'  sorry ass Holy Bible thumpin muh muckahs were/are readin!?

But then latah on in my sorry broke Black ass life I researched about,

"Legalism" in ah perspective church and its perspective vision!

Not Our Father's!?

But Their perspective interpretation of "The Word"!

We ain't even gonnah get intah that stupid shit! That shit's fo anothah day and anothah blog!



Some of those muh fuckahs can't even read shit!

And if they can!

They fuckin don't!

That's what Bible Class,

Church and shit is about.

I'm too lazy to research and arm myself with my faith!?

And fuckin pray tah my Father for answers if I have queries of what I read tah be true!?

In othah words, for sorry ass mothah fuckahs that can't read and for those most sorry ass mothah fuckahs who can,

To lazy too!

Yo sorry broke Black ass don't have tah "Fellowship" with no damn body tah have ah fuckin universal relationship with yo one and only...


Fuck no!

No what they do,

They just go tah Bible Class and Church cause

"It's what I was taught! What I believe! And what a good Christian s'posed to do! It's in the Bible!"

And ain't read a God damn muh fuckin thing in that muh fuckin so-called

Holy Bible!



Come ohn now?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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