Friday, June 17, 2022

An Enigma

 That's what I think you s'posed tah be!

Everybody don't need tah know every nano-second of what's happenin in yo perspective individual lives!

Some things need tah be researched!

I.E. speakin tah muh fuckahs bout some shit!

We grown!

God damnit!

Do you know, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

I didn't really understand my Daddy until two years before his passing!?

Cause of listenin tah othah folks in thah muh fuckin "Family" bout my Daddy!?


A personal relationship with 

Our Father!

That's all Sonshines!

And you don't have tah tell wonderers or doubters ah God damn thing!

Just live the words!

And We will assuredly


In One peace!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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