Thursday, June 30, 2022


 Do what chou wannah do you sorry lazy muh fuckahs!

I smile and oft times laugh at challs sorry lazy asses!



Y'all have always fuckin


And will! 

Always fuckin


Until you sorry lazy, shiftless.. asses do 

Right by fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)


 Do yourself ah real favor My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Watch thah shit!

The shit is on point like ah muh fuckah about 


And We talkin 1976!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Welcome To Our Father's Quandary!

 They are Your Creations!


Our Father didn't have shit tah do with yo sorry broke Black sorry asses when you decided tah fuck that othah muh fuckah tah create!

Yo muh fuckin choice or choices!

You do remembah the Garden of Eden shit!?

Oh, you do!?


Then what yo creation or creations makin sorry asses gonnah do bout 

Your problematic

Creation or Creations

Shit then!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


He'd fell for her as soon as his interview was over. Good lawd, that was a fine ass woman. He thought oft times while he being a subordinate to her. He was sure she had not a clue. He worked. That's what he was, a worker. But when he knew no one was looking, he looked at her carefully. Shit, he had to. One of your coworkers saying that you did in fact creeped a muh fuckah out! Well..."Hey Water-boy!? You're fired!"...

(Peace! More to come...) 


 Start from right fuckin here Sonshines!

For real!

Aftah this muh fuckin second of right thah fuck


Fuck whatcha sellin!

My Black broke sorry ass got very finite time in this bitch!

Show me some 

Proof of what cho sorry rich asses been 


And, maybe!?

Or, like yo sorry rich asses been doin,

Just talk and show my Black sorry broke ass 



I shall say!




(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Thy Covet Thine Spirit!

 My wife makes my ass smile like you wouldn't believe! 


Sometimes! I just have to admit to the two of you My Dear Sweet Sistah and brothah, I look at her in her sleep and ask her without asking her,

"You are with me right? Listening to these telepathic thoughts that I'm sending you while you sleep and you have not moved one bit while I still send thoughts without response. How do you do that?"...

 There is no way I could not be aware that a stupid mothah fuckah was looking at me. as was I, and without wakin up and sayin tah a mothah fuckah, 

"Stop that shit!"

Close my eyes and go back to 


(Peace! More to come,,,)


 Corporate's end of the plethora of queries, Query?

Does it not?!

Trips my ol Black sorry broke ass out!

Check it?

Time out niggahs! Yah done fucked up!

Can't tell no intelligent Black man in a diversity setting that, We understand!?


Y'all mothah fuckahs will nevah undahstand!

Quite cool!

Copacetic in fact!


But check it!?

We don't have to agree...

To agree!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Purple Son!

 Same thing. Man I don't know what's wrong with my ol Black sorry broke ass but when that muh fuckin Cannons song, Purple Sun, comes on?! 


Feels like my body been takin ovah! Goin tah ah happy grave and shit! Thah Holy fuckin shit that shit bout?! ...


Shit's Still thah fuckin jam!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thine Light Speaks For Thee!

 You see on "Phantogram - Black Out Days" @ 23 seconds intah thah video, 


She looks slightly to her right at him then starts gettin into it! 

Time Tah shine!

Pay thah muh fuckin bills!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Be Blissed!

 When it comes down to it!

Real standard living is ignorance!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Thresholds: Psychologically Motivated Are US! But By Whom?!

 "Netflix" on the QT tellin on these muh fuckahs!

John Wayne Gacy was ah muh fuckin Mason!

Jaycees my ass!

So too were Jimmy Savile, Warren Jeffs...

Fucking CIA lower degreed Masonry


Nobody can get away with thah Holy damnable shit 

They got away with for so fuckin long without some help from anothah higher 



I gives ah fuck what chou tryin tah sell!...


 When Our broke Black sorry asses gonnah get ah documentary about thah muh fuckin:

Elite mores,

Temple Of Set,

The Satanic Temple,


Zionist Jewry...!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The True Breadth Of This Firmament Has Yet To Be Witnessed! II

 Well I'll tell yah what not tah do!

Don't fuckin get scared and just poke ah small fuckin hole! 

Yah gotstah give that ass enough air tah breath once yo sorry still broke Black sorry ass breaks through!

Like ah Band-Aid muh fuckahs, 

Just split thah fuckin bubble in half!

Believe me!

Nothin tah worry about Sonshines!

And say to One and to all of US:

"Here I am muh fuckahs! 


What can my ol broke Black sorry ass do fo 

US broke muh fuckahs!?"

Cause US humans are only measured by Our


Othah than that...well...


You're just one of them!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Slipping By

 You remembah back in thah day Parliament put out that muh fuckin jam:

"Getting To Know You"!?

People slept on that shit! 


Still sleepin on that solid shit!

And of course, 

In my humble ol Black broke sorry ass


"Turn around, Back up and Hit me with it!?"

Come ohn naw?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Only For A Fucking Season!

 Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black broke sorry ass!

"Oh shit!? Here dat niggah goes again!?"

Yah damn skippy!

Muh fuckahs wannah live forevah and shit!

Oh, I'm sorry...I see...with mo time You's gonnah get this shit in propah ordah!?

I miss anything?!...

Thah fuck you thinkin Sonshines!


Thah only time yah s'posed tah cry is when anothah One of US is


(Peace! More to come...)


Their sorry asses tryin tah create ah God like atmosphere;



And that manmade shit 

Shall forever fail!

God! Damnit!...

I told yall before!

Them elite evil muh fuckahs got too much God damned time, fo some bullshit, on their sorry lazy no count havin


At hand!


Give US ah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Marjorie Taylor Greene", She Is A He!

 How thah fuck if yo ass is ah fuckin woman

Sportin ah neck that looks like a professional football linebackers'?

Shouldahs lookin like a male bodybuilders'?!

Thin waistline?

Walkin masculine?

Three children?!

And thah muh fuckin kicker:

"wikipedia: Greene was born in Milledgeville, Georgia, on May 27, 1974, the daughter of Robert Taylor..."

Hold up! Thah muh fuckah don't even have ah fuckin Momma?! 

A test tube baby?!...


Thah fuck I'm fuckin missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Individual Specificities Be God Damned!

 The same muh fuckin impact I have on this side of the spectrum?

Is the same muh fuckin impact I'll have on this othah side of the spectrum!

Doesn't really mattah whatchah fuckin do!?

It only comes down tah two muh fuckin questions:

Whether I do good by US?


Whether I do evil by US?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just The Cost Of Living Around US Humans! II



You think We really can surpass what

Befell US


With this US nonsense We 

Puttin up with?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 24, 2022

"Bring On Ghislaine!"

Fuck Amber Herd and Johnny Depp!

Fuck Roe v Wade revisited!

Fuck the muh fuckin Ukraine!...

Thee Holy fuck goin on with thah

Ghislaine Maxwell trial!

And fuck the 

Rest of this featherweights bullshit!

We grown!

We want tah tune into the Heavy



(Peace! More to come...) 

You! Just Be You! Unless? Well...Then, Stay The Fuck Home!

 Now if you one of those muh fuckahs wannah cuss yo fellow Human up and down when yo sorry Black broke asses go outside yo fuckin stoop!? This shit ain't got shit tah do with You!

Fuck naw!

We talkin bout civility, Humans being proper with one anothah...when yo sorry broke Black ass goes out yo given abodes' door! 

Don't take much!

Believe me!

That's if...

Yah even know how tah treat othah muh fuckahs that look just like 


Befo yo sorry ass passes that muh fuckin 

Threshold of hopeful


(Peace! More to come...)

Replicative Bio-Hazards


If!? My muh fuckin Black broke sorry ass always havin ah terrible time bein Human!?

Thah Holy fuck them Clones psychologically goin through!?

Oh, it has been 

And is bein done!

"Westworld" The Series,

Kind of gives US ah lil


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Reckoning Is Nigh! II

 I mean think about it?

Yo muh fuckin Creator gonnah tell yo sorry broke tired havin ass, on top of all thah othah shit,

"You were an experiment. Nothing more."

And with ah four year lifespan tah boot!?


Then yo sorry ass gonnah die ah horrible death right alongside my

Nothing more than an experiment havin muh fuckin sorry



(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Reckoning Is Nigh!

 I don't know if yah watched thah shit or not? But if yah haven't give ah few minutes of yo time tah see if it did for me, what it might do for you? 

"Blade Runner". 

I watch thah shit at least twice ah month. 

Read Philip K. Dicks, 

"Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep," at least once ah month. 

Why? Cause thah shit was on tah somethin way back then!? I've seen interviews with Dick! Dick was a lil looney, and I don't think Dick had too many friends. Anyway...

There's this scene in the movie where Roy Baty confronts his creator, Tyrell. Roy's a stone cold trip! Roy demands, "I want more time Father!"

Well Tyrell didn't undastand these muh fuckahs got on the human tip and was now thinkin like humans. Well Tyrell is clueless bein one of those Howard Hughes, George Soros...type of muh fuckahs! Which fucked 'im. Havin thah fuckin nerves tah say, "I've made you as best as I could." Wrong fuckin answah! God damn!...

But, so too are We in the same state of being of decay


(Peace! More to come...)

Innate! (Elaine Hopson Circa 1983)

 "Don't you ever discount the natural. Never do that. The natural...that's the only thing that's true 


(Peace! More to come...)

"L.A. Too Much For The Man" - 'GK&TP'

 Too much for every damn body!

Mattah of fact!

Get thah Holy fuck out of politically fucked up psychological operations driven horrid fuckin 



Y'all evah heard the song

"I Saw The Sign by Ace of Bass"?


Y'all 've been warned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 23, 2022

"The Stylistics - Children Of The Night"

 Way before its time!

One of the best songs ever!

A Beautiful strange eerie empathetic song!


Of course, in my broke Black sorry ass opinion!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The True Breadth Of This Firmament Has Yet To Be Witnessed!

 We all live in a fuckin bubble!


Some biggah than othahs but

Whatevah's clevah!

Most of US gonna die in that fuckin bubble!

And praised thah muh fuckin Devil cause you've been able tah stay ignant until yo sorry broke ass died!


But for a very few of US

That shit ain't cuttin it!

Fuck naw!

We's gots tah see what's on the othah side of this thin innah layah of viscose?!


So We start goin up tah thah thin interior of Our created realm,

And begin to think:

"Now how shall I break through!?"

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 "The world's only democratized search platform."

Thah Holy fuck!

So yo sorry ass starts fuckin with some shit in thah search engine. Some off thah wall bullshit!'

Now that's some interestin shit! 

You might be sayin tah yourself, "The fuck niggah? That last post didn't make any fuckin sense at thah fuck all! Muh fuckah!?"


(Peace! More to come...)

YOU?! (@ 3.333 Billion Followers and Counting) August, 2023

 Undahstand some serious shit Sonshines!?


Y'all in complete control of your individual lenses Sonshines!

So show these sorry lost muh fuckahs

What life really looks like!?...

Sunday, June 19, 2022

As A Child



Come ohn naw!?

Upper cut fo the sorry ass already broken soul!

Children are nothing but mirrors of US


Yah keep makin me You selfish Muh fuckahs!

And Yo sorry asses have nevah respected Me!

You've hurt future US!




(Peace! More to come...)


 There is a certain perceptive entity in each One of US!

Just ah lil piece of this

Human Puzzle!

We've been kindah jagged


Time tah start squarin that shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Querulous Queries For Political Public Servitude.

 You see how these no count havin asses "tryin tah fix some shit!"

Ain't no worries tah those muh fuckahs!

They gots thah muh fuckin time!

Still gettin at least three squares ah day?!

Sending all their suits and shit still bein sent tah the muh fuckin cleaners!!

Eatin free all thah fuckin time?!

Well...unless they have othah welfare guests to host. Then they gotstah cater thah shit and pay muh fuckin Feeders tah come intah their home...Why thah fuck can't We have these events someplace else!?

Hospitals refusin tah send y'alls sorry asses EOB's and gettin their shit paid that yo insurance didn't pay, but since you in the political Big Three, yo ass gets ah pass, so yo sorry asses get free-free health care!? And copays be God damned!?

Breakin away

Flyin First Class without ah dollah goin outcho sorry lazy ass pockets!

And if it did, US will surely pay fo that shit!?...

Thah fuck kinda of real Bank y'alls sorry lazy asses

Really bankin!?

But most of all with y'alls sorry asses!...

Turnin on US!?

In Hindsight!

Wasn't really worth it was 


(Peace! More to come...)

Father's Day? II

 Ain't nobody tryin tah tell yo sorry Black broke ass what tah evah do!

Best believe that noise!

Now, suggestin?!

Fuck yeah!

Why not?! 

Now yah nevah gonnah be able tah 

Overstand thah muh fuckah!

That's fo damn sho!

He ain't forcin 



Tah be like Our Father!?

Don't work like that, in my humble Heathenistic opinion.


Just try tah be thah very best muh fuckin person

Every fuckin day that yo sorry ass can mustah on 

Any given sorry ass day!

That's all!

Happy Father's Day!

I know. I know...

And Our Father's Prayer,

"Our Father which art in Heaven..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 18, 2022

"LaMDA"? Jamais!

 Y'all muh fuckahs will nevah!

Recreate ah sentient human beings' mind!

Howevah yo Human engineering sorry asses think that you


(Peace! More to come...)

Reverent Memories

 I knew a guy once in Basic Trainin. He was from someplace in New York, forget the city but most definitely I remembah thah state. Had ah soft Brooklyn accent so maybe from there. But it wasn't a hard accent, cause if it were hard I wouldn't be talkin tah thah muh fuckah. Cause those muh fuckahs talk tah yah like they mad atcha all thah damn time and shit! Then gots thah nerves tah scoff atcho sorry Black ass with thah sorry ass excuse statement, "You just soft son!" Fuck that shit! 

Uh, please tell me where thah bathroom is?! Cause ah niggah

Gots tah go!...

Anyway... thah muh fuckah couldn't say more than five words without sayin, 

"You know what I'm sayin."

Made my fuckin skin irritated! Leg hurtin and shit! All I'm thinkin is, "Niggah just finish thah muh fuckin story! Cause I can't take one mo fuckin "You know what I'm sayin?"! Shit!"

Well he was on one of his many loquacious stories about his life. Cool. But I started hearin "You know what I'm sayin?" for, cause I counted, thah tenth muh fuckin time in less than two muh fuckin minutes! God damn! 


So I abruptly interrupted! 

"Listen Jaheem? I can't take too many more of those "You know what I'm sayin?" periods, question marks or exclamations you got with that statement? But Jah, yo ass says that shit way too fuckin much talkin bout some shit!"

"Aw Hopson man, you know what I'm sayin..."

And I fuckin lost it! Laughed until my ass was on thah fuckin floor! 

God! Damn! 

That was some funny ass shit tah me! 

Even fuckin now bloggin about thah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Father's Day?

 Y'alls asses do know the shit was an afterthought,

"Oh, by the way?", 

kindah shit!?

But muh fuckahs still be smilin from ear tah ear with this

Manmade bullshit!

It doesn't mean fucking shit!

Until all Dads


Our Father!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grown Asses, Don't Need A Muh Fuckin Sorry Ass Human Cosigner!

"He's a good guy."

And I'm supposed tah listen tah you!?

Tattoos every damn place that I can see on his arms with his sleeveless professional basketball uniform on!

Hair in some kindah fucked up "cool" young hip style!?

Lips dark and black as hell, lookin like thah muh fuckah eithah smokes crack!

Or smokes ah shitload of fuckin good ass green!


Thee Holy fuck!

Yo ass can't cosign for fuckin shit


(Peace! More to come...)

An Enigma

 That's what I think you s'posed tah be!

Everybody don't need tah know every nano-second of what's happenin in yo perspective individual lives!

Some things need tah be researched!

I.E. speakin tah muh fuckahs bout some shit!

We grown!

God damnit!

Do you know, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

I didn't really understand my Daddy until two years before his passing!?

Cause of listenin tah othah folks in thah muh fuckin "Family" bout my Daddy!?


A personal relationship with 

Our Father!

That's all Sonshines!

And you don't have tah tell wonderers or doubters ah God damn thing!

Just live the words!

And We will assuredly


In One peace!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Change Is A Beautiful Thing!

 I hate tah hear that ah muh fuckah is thah same muh fuckah that they used tah be some ten, twenty, thirty...years ago!

That shit hurts my heart so!

Cause all I can tell yah is:

That's ah narcissistic muh fuckah!


That's fucking sloth!

And their sorry asses ain't learned!

Nor wannah learn!

Bout shit!

But bout their damn muh fuckin sorry muh fuckin

Selfish asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Human Antennae

 When yo sorry ass lives ah long time in this shit!

Yo ass starts connectin to some type of Human Electricity that is

Off the fuckin grid!

Some type of quelled attenuator that yo sorry broke Black ass was fortunate enough tah tap into!

That's if you're tryin tah connect some shit aftah all yo life's time?!...

But once tapped!



Now that's a whole nothah Human life in


Of itself!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Where The Fuck Is...Here?!

 I feel alien. 

I've always felt that way in my core soul. 

I've always felt like I don't belong 


Somehow, uprooted, traversed and replanted...


But what thah fuck is really


in this firmament?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Just The Cost Of Living Around US Humans!

They tryin tah put ah prophylactic around each one of US!

Not really!

But that's their sorry lazy ass story and

Them muh fuckahs gonnah die with their lyin asses

With the shit!

Best believe those words!...


I smile my ass off at these muh fuckahs

Wearin masks!

Gettin ah shit load of boosters!

Usin ah gallon of hand-sanitizah ah fuckin day...

I smile Sonshines!

And oft times laugh my muh fuckin ol Black sorry ass off!


I gives ah Holy fuck!

You tellin me with yo sorry broke asses like me, 

Likes tah fuck, 

Female or Male,

With ah God damned muh fuckin 

Rubbah on!?...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Phennis Lloyd (Fifty-Six Years Old, Recently Diagnosed Eczema/Psoriasis Patient, After The First Rail Of Prednisone Failed) "IU Health Clinic", Indianapolis, Indiana Thursday August 25, 2022 8:37am

 Fuck growin hair!

You know how much yo sorry ass could make if yah come up with some shit that would help a mothah fuckah quit itchin!?


Atopic Dermatitis, or whatevah yo sorry doctah havin ass wannah call it!?

Just make this shit stop the fuck




 I remembah when I was in tenth...maybe eleventh grade I didn't like this muh fuckah at thah fuck all! Don't know why? Still have problems with this shit! But for now, my ol Black sorry ass is grounded! Until some natural or some unfortunate incident kills my bein. 

Anyway...I started throwin out all these trophies, ribbons...I had attained through the various sports I had participated in. Shit, I was young. I didn't know how it was gonnah go down but it was gonnah go down! I hated this muh fuckah! 

My Mother knocked on my bedroom door. Opened it up. And had all of the trophies, ribbons...I had just thrown away?! She layed them on the bottom of my bed and said,

"Let me tell you something Meredith. I don't know what I would do if something happens to you."

She closed the door.

I'm fucking stuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Oft times in this life My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs...


There's been some really fuckin bad fuckin days!

Then I think what Mommy used tah tell me all the damn time when she would witness my many frustrations with this life,

"A grain of sand Meredith. You're nothing but a grain of sand!"

And that shit set thah fuck in ovah time!

Maybe it took too fuckin long fo that shit tah finally sink in!?

But fuck it!

It did!

And what if she had nevah told her truths to me that I hold so dear tah this fuckin day since settlin intah my confused fuckin sorry ass soul!?...

But she did!

And that My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

At least tah me,

Is a Beautiful muh fuckin thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out Of My Head"

 Somethin bout this song My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!


Thah damndest thing!

I start listenin tah thah shit,

And even while typin this shit my shouldahs goin up and down with the weird hypnotic beat!

Thah Holy fuck!

Somehin's wrong with this shit!


Look at my shouldahs rockin, torso goin from side tah side involuntarily...

And my muh fuckin head noddin...


The fuck!? 


(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father's Universal Language And The Holy Bible. "Arm Thyself" With The Perfection Of This Life! We Owe It To Ourselves!

 I grew up in an Apostolic/Pentecostal family.

Them muh fuckahs were/are wrong bout a lot of fuckin shit!

I don't know what thah Holy fuck them muh fuckahs'  sorry ass Holy Bible thumpin muh muckahs were/are readin!?

But then latah on in my sorry broke Black ass life I researched about,

"Legalism" in ah perspective church and its perspective vision!

Not Our Father's!?

But Their perspective interpretation of "The Word"!

We ain't even gonnah get intah that stupid shit! That shit's fo anothah day and anothah blog!



Some of those muh fuckahs can't even read shit!

And if they can!

They fuckin don't!

That's what Bible Class,

Church and shit is about.

I'm too lazy to research and arm myself with my faith!?

And fuckin pray tah my Father for answers if I have queries of what I read tah be true!?

In othah words, for sorry ass mothah fuckahs that can't read and for those most sorry ass mothah fuckahs who can,

To lazy too!

Yo sorry broke Black ass don't have tah "Fellowship" with no damn body tah have ah fuckin universal relationship with yo one and only...


Fuck no!

No what they do,

They just go tah Bible Class and Church cause

"It's what I was taught! What I believe! And what a good Christian s'posed to do! It's in the Bible!"

And ain't read a God damn muh fuckin thing in that muh fuckin so-called

Holy Bible!



Come ohn now?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tower Of Babel? II

 Acts 2:4 KJV

Yah see what I mean?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tower Of Babel?

 Muh fuckahs keep talkin this physical structure and shit!

But we talkin bout writin and the

Written prose with ambiguity all in Our

Biblical shit!

And that's tah be commended!

Muh fuckahs up in this bitch gettin bored like ah muh fuckah! 

Ain't nothin gonnah be succinct given the extent of Our Human existence!

That would make ah lazy muh fuckah!


We don't wannah be like them!

Hell naw!

Maybe the "Tower of Babel" is all about


If one aspires and is able tah communicate to and with every single one of


In Our various native individual tongues!?


We'd get this shit on the right 



One can only 


Or just fuckin believe!?...

(Peace! More to come..."

An Elite, Just For A Season!


We will always have those that escape the various penalties, persecutions and Ultimate justice for the Crimes against US!

Like ah fuckin lottery,

Yo ass was in the right time and the right place, on ah beautiful Saturday mornin and asked,

"One Quick-Pick please on the Hoosier Lottery!"

Saved that ass!

But shit done changed Sonshines!

In ah bad muh fuckin way!

And nobody is lucky enough for the generations who will come aft!

Cause this Human Life shit

Never fucking changes!

 It fuckin ebbs and

It fuckin flows!

Our History, if correct, informs US of that fact!

You do wrong unto US!?


And, things get reconciled!

You do right unto US!

Ye will have sought and findeth 

Ye Kingdom Of Heaven 

Which Our Father spaketh!

And if Our history, religion and success are


You lazy, shiftless, sorry ass and non-workin muh fuckahs gonnah be just fuckin


And you's ah lucky muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

"Vkusno-i tochka" Et Tu Putin?!

 Still the same shit!?

Thee Holy fuck!?

Thah ball and two backslashes tells yah all yah need tah fuckin know!

Looks like ah fuckin "M" muh fuckahs!

It's called "diversification"! 

Sorry weak lazy muh fuckahs!


Playin fuckin childish muh fuckin games with Our sorry asses!

Thah Holy fuck wrong with them muh fuckahs!?

Y'all just don't have shit else tah do?!

With all that damn money and power!?


"A Global Agenda"?!

Damn right bout that shit!

If the articles are really


Cause I don't know 

No damn body livin in fuckin

Russia tah verify!?

And my ol Black sorry ass sho nuff can't speak or undahstand one bit of fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Ephesians 4:28 KJV

Elites are sorry ass fucking


It's high-time fo those sorry ass lazy muh fuckahs tah


And thah only one thing that can reconcile their abhorrent deeds?!

Is for all of them muh fuckahs tah get tah work and commit

Mass timely graceful suicide!

Othah than that...


Ye will be surely


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 11, 2022

"Because Three/ It's A Magic Number" 'School House Rock'

 Ain't nobody in ah conspiracy tah steal yo shit!

Ain't nobody in ah conspiracy tah kill yo sorry ass!

Ain't nobody in ah conspiracy tah have you fuckin fail!...


There're only three muh fuckin differences between US all!

1)The parents who created US!

2)The environment in which we were reared!

3) And Our own sorry ass muh fuckin choices therein!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag..."! And Our Shortcomings!

 "...Under God..."!



Our Father!

We need your graceful merciful


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Future Is Now" For Future Marketing!

 Them sorry ass muh fuckahs learned thah shit from "Disney" ah long fuckin time ago!

Get consumers "bought in" while they're young!

Ain't no muh fuckin "5G" happenin in this firmament now!

Hell fucking no!

"5G" capabilities in the 


Is what's up! 


(Peace! More to come...)

The HIL! Next!!! II

 I mean shiiiought!

At thah muh fuckin grocery sto

They sellin raw chicken wings fo $3.29 ah sorry ass pound!?

Thah Holy fuck!

And muh fuckahs still buyin them shits!?

Then thah muh fuckin chicken producers have thah fuckin nerves tah say,

"Well a chicken only has two wings."

And two thighs, two legs, two breasts...them shits don't cost nearly as much with plenty mo muh fuckin meat proteins than those sorry ass wings! 


I gives ah fuck what yo sorry tryin tah hustle an ex-hustlers' havin ass markets!?

I really thah fuck don't!...

And based on that stupid ass absurd argument!

Why in thee Holy fuck can I get

Gizzards, Hearts and Backs sometimes less than fo $2.49 ah fuckin pound!

And each perspective chicken only got 

One each of those muh fuckahs!?

"Whatever the market will bear!"

Fuck right bout that shit!

And as far as my Black broke sorry ass is concerned?

You can stick those raw chicken wings far up that ass!


Gottah start drainin the muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The HIL! Next!!!

 Every fuckin body wants 

Every fuckin body else tah suffah!

People talkin that shit like they're the only ones gettin 

Royally fucked by the system!

And if this shit ain't hit that sorry ass yet!?

It sho nuff thah fuck will!



But the Beautiful thang about that shit

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Yo sorry ass don't even have tah pull a numbah!


Or wait in that long muh fuckin 

Sorry ass

Human Infinite Line!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 10, 2022

It Is! What It Fuckin Is! Sonshines!

 We can sit up there all We fuckin want Sonshines!

Doubtin, debatin and shit!...


The fuckin truth!?


The muh fuckin truth!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Muh fuckahs always want tah punish thah muh fuckin messengah and shit!


Chop off the head!

And thah body 'll sho nuff...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ranger KO's Lightening

 You see that bullshit!?

Straight up criminal behavior!

That wasn't even ah sucker punch!

That was fuckin ugly, stupid and

Absurd shit!

Could have killed that Lightening fan!?

Ranger fan walked off like shit didn't happen!?

But they got that ass!


That muh fuckah needs tah be



And sued enormously!

If I was that Lightening fan I'd sue 

Madison Square Garden for not having enough security

Or medical staff on hand!

Cause yo sorry ass sho nuff didn't deserve that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 9, 2022


 This shit We livin Sonshines!

Is some scary muh fuckin 


But Beautiful

All the same!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck!!! There Ain't No Fast Lane!?

 You watch most of these muh fuckahs out here thinkin they fuckin 



Thah muh fuckin ShIT!

I wish I could talk tah yah Sonshines!

And fo yo sorry bout tah be woke ass tah

Fuckin actually listen tah me!?

But shiiiought!

When I was young,

Wasn't no ol broke Black sorry ass niggah

Gonnah tell my 

Stupid young Black sorry ass shit 


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

You Fucking Matter! Because You Are A Crucial Witness To This Human Fucking Abuse!

 Understand some shit Sonshines!?

When it's all said and done!

Yo sorry ass unique identifying lenses are the fuckin 

ONly ONes that fuckin mattahs!


And fucking 


And when yo sorry ass goes tah fuckin sleep fo the very last fuckin





Fucking be


And how'd you see this fucking future

Play Out?

Because there's always a 

Muh fuckin


For US!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 These sorry tryin tah control sorry ass elite muh fuckahs wastin their muh fuckin lazy ass money fo sho!

The fuckin Human brain you dumb shits!

Ain't got shit tah do with the things that you try tah promote!

Not in it's fuckin pure Beautiful essence!


Always fuckin fail with that fuckin 

Cavalier approach!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 We have always failed!

But maybe that's a good thing!

Keeping US humble!


But their comes a time!

Where we grow the fuck up!

And stop being cyclical!

And start being




(Peace! More to come...)

"Good lookin Out!" (Bambi "BAM" Wilson, Flight Attendant, SWA) Summer 2022

 So the passenger came up to me and shit! 

And says,

"Excuse me? Can I get an open coffee packet, please?"

Five hours til LAX?!

Fo sho!


That's what's up!...

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Thah Fuck Done Happened In This US!?

 Has yo sorry Black ass evah driven through Our neighboring state


Them Ohio State Troopers mothah fuckahs be stoppin that ass!

But what thee Holy fuck!?

Mothah fuckin cyclist's gets popped on the clock,

147 miles per hour!

And they let thah muh fuckah off with a citation!

He got back on his two-wheeler

And was able tah continue down thah muh fuckin road


Thah Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sobriety Tests!

 Yah say tah yo God damned sorry ass self all the God damned time,

I got ah quit drinkin!

But every fuckin day yah fail!

Cause self medicatin is ah muh fuckah!

Othah sober sorry muh fuckahs gots the nerves tah say,

"You drink everyday! You're an alcoholic!"


You's ah fuckin lie!

I ain't evah drank on the fuckin job!...

Unless permitted!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, June 5, 2022

You're Here For A Reason Other Than Yourself!

 I'm tired Love. Real tired. Just sayin.

"I know Love! But everybody is. Like you. They're tired."

You don't understand! I'm tired! I don't want to be here!

"I do understand Love! But;


You have to be here!

We decided to create Love!"


Thank you Love!

"Your're welcome. Love!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

There's Time For Niggah Shit! And There's Time For Business Shit! Yo Ol Black Sorry Ass Don't Know That Shit?!

 You tell yo Boy or yo Girl,

Just get me in thah door mothah fuckah!


I'll get ah job up in that bitch!

And you'll get cho five hunard dollah referral fee!

Even if I don't like thah shit! 

I'll stick it out at least ninety-days so you can get yo shit!

Yeah, you hear my broke Black sorry ass naturally!

They ain't gonnah get thah Natural niggah!

Come ohn naw!?

And what they do?!

Still doubt yo muh fuckin unemployed ass!

" Now come ohn naw! Massah can't know I fraternize with real niggah folk!?"

Even though they talkin tah yo sorry Black without ah job havin ass

Just like yah talkin tah their sorry, 

On the fence maybe vouchering fo yo sorry broke Black ass, 

Employed Black ass!



(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 4, 2022

The Known Secret's, Secret!




Wants you tah fuckin fail Sonshines!



What chou gonnah do bout


(Peace! More to come...)

"Todd Rokita For President Of The United States!" II

 Come ohn naw!

He was SOS from 2002 to 2010 in 

Our Great State!

Research the muh fuckah!

This Great country needs some muh fuckin body like 'im the next fuckin time!

You can read what I'm layin down!

If yah don't believe me?

My fellow Hoosiers!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Twelve Steps To Recovery From The Manipulation Of US"

Aftah mo than two fuckin years!


Ain't even at numbah 


"Are you sure you don't wannah anothah hit?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Help US! Even To Ad Nauseam! Cause US Knew Better!

 Oft times now!

When talkin tah othah muh fuckahs!

I shut the fuck up!

Listen tah muh fuckahs and the sorry ass shit We all goin through!

I know my shit!

There'll be time enough fo my shit tah be heard by outside!

What did We expect!?

They kept US away from each othah fo ovah two years!


My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, for the

 Disbelievin, the hurtin...muh fuckahs tah just muh fuckin 


While keepin yo shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Querulous Fo Sho!

 There's this natural sweetness to a friendship when I've had a friend that was a female.

I don't know what to tell you. I liked bein around them. I liked them as an individual. I like their spirit....

I like them or maybe to the point of


But, for some reason I never saw them in a sexual manor.  Not saying that the women were unattractive, not my of the time just the opposite.


Because I bought into the bullshit of:

If you are attracted to a woman your man self shall take it to another level. Because that's just the way it is with feelings that you have for the opposite sex and in particular this female!

I can tell you wholeheartedly!

That's some straight-up bullshit!

Whatever, to me, I'd do with a male friend!

Is the same 'whatever' I'd do with a female friend!

And my fellow humans argue that.

But the damndest thing I think?!

One will eventually state and most will agree, 

"I see no skin color! People are people!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Dredd" Street Justice

 Thee Holy fuck!

Them muh fuckahs only gots tah be twenty-one in Our Beautiful city of Indianapolis!

Twenty-fuckin-one, carryin ah lethal weapon, handcuffs...oh, and lets not forget ah twenty-fuckin-one year old judgement based on their experiences! From Russiaville! Now livin in Marion County!

Read it for yo damn selves:

Along with some othah bullshit minah requirements!

When yo sorry asses get pulled ovah by one of Our Beautiful states LEOs: IMPD, ISP...

Do what thah Holy fuck they tell yo sorry broke ass tah do!

You ain't gonnah stop nothin they're goin tah do subsequently if they have some type of ill intent!

What yo narcissistic ass gonnah do think, "It's all about Me?" 

"There's a conspiracy against Me?"...

You that muh fuckin important and I ain't heard shit bout cha! 

And I fuckin read!...

Shut that fuckin noise up!

Shiiiought! You think them muh fuckahs that fuckin bored that they gonnah stop that ass cause, "I with my slovenly ass don't have enough tah do but tah fuck with people not doin shit!?!" 

Shit, them muh fuckahs just like the rest of US, they don't want tah do any more work than what is required!

And fo whatevah reason aftah it's all said and done they say, "Get out of the car Mister Hopson. Put your hands on the hood. You're going to be arrested."

Okay?! You can talk that shit bout knowin yo sorry ass "rights", blah, blah, blah...and



Don't do it! 

Believe You me!

Out on Our streets they like "Dredd" muh fuckahs! 

Fuck it!

When yo sorry ass goes tah court, if it even gets that far!?

Now muh fuckahs!

We talkin bout thah muh fuckin

 "The Law"!

Yo ass is alive!


Thank Our Father,


(Peace! More to come...)

"Todd Rokita For President Of The United States!"

He would fucking win the next election!

Todd Rokita is thah shit!

Read some of his shit!

Rokita don't give three shits if its lawful!

Unlawful! The muh fuckah's like a pit bull!

Holcomb and all the rest in Our beautiful state gots tah deal with his 

Pro-Indiana Constitutional ass!

The muh fuckah knows the law!

Holcomb ain't no damn Republican!

Holcomb's a straight up Democrat!

The way Holcomb handled the two years that Indiana suffered along with othah states, with this Trumped up bullshit of a pandemic!

Just shows even more he is in fact a Demo!

I'm glad tah tell yo sorry asses, Trump is a Demo too!

Trump, Holcomb... are what's called "Ringers"!

Rokita and the Indiana State Constitutional law still got some maneuvers before Holcomb goes down just like all the rest of these sorry ass so-called Republican Governors will fall! 

That lead US intah this corporate dastardly, monetary and depopulation malfeasance

Absurdity agenda!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 3, 2022

A Jess-imony

 He heard his cellphone ring. It didn't ring very often. That's the way he lived his life. Not saying that his cellphone number was some type of National Security issue? He liked it like that. So, when his phone rang he knew that the individual calling was usually only one of three individuals: the wrong number, somebody begging for money or Jess. Who's Jess? You may ask? And I will surely tell. Jess, is a woman twenty years his junior. He's almost seven years away of being a senior citizen. Single. No children. Not even one wife to tell tales. And most of his life people who lived, worked...around him thought him being gay; ergo, Jess....

Writing Prose And Fictional Tales. (RIP: Mr. Vachss, Mr. Diehl, Mr. Kakonis, Mr. Montecino...)

 I love thah shit!

Tom Kakonis with his Timothy Waverly novels is one of the best! 

Mitchell Smith! This muh fuckah will make yo ass feel some shit with "Stone City". Took me three months tah finish the damn novel, gettin too involved with Bauman's plight. And we ain't even gonnah get intah the "Snowfall" Trilogy! Shiiiought!

I would say Lee Childs too, but sometimes that muh fuckah gets a lil too verbose fo my likin! But yah got tah read "Make Me"! Childs, like Stephen King oft times describes some shit too damn long. 

I get it muh fuckah! Move thah fuck on!

Andrew Vachss with his "Burke" novels is one of the best at bein succinct! "Flood", "Blue Belle"...take yo ass on ah ride quick and to the point!

James Lee Burke, with "Neon Rain" et al, with his "Dave Robicheaux" novels.

William Diehl. "Sharky's Machine". Read thah shit! You'll appreciate Burt Reynolds directorial vision that did the novel ah lil justice! Diehl's "Chameleon" is worthy of your individual precious limited readin time!...

Oh, and Sonshines! Marcel Montecino! "The Cross-Killer" and "Big Time" are must fuckin reads!...


Just thinkin bout them muh fuckahs who brought me so much joy durin some very bad times in my early life. 

Kind of like an homage tah those solid muh fuckahs.

Allowed me to escape, if just for a little while, from my fucked up life.

And that is...

A Beautiful Thang!

Thank You All!

See all of you down thah road...

At peace!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Our Father's Comforting Promise!

 I'll nevah undahstand muh fuckahs!



What cho sorry broke Black asses want?

Ah fuckin cookie?!

Some kindah alms that will make yo sorry ass feel...


If yah didn't already know!?

You've always been loved!

And yo sorry no-count havin ass don't have tah convince no-fuckin-body!

'Cept yo own damn self!

You have and will always be worthy of


Father's Love!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sex! Without The "Y"!

 "I got thah ill nah-nah!"


Yo sorry broke ass got ah dick!


Ah fuckin pussy!

Big, small and everything in between!

When it comes down to it!

"Are you worthy of real Human Love?"


"Can you undahstand and appreciate thah shit?"

Once posed?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Boyfriend allegedly dumped woman and stole $13,000 while she was on vacation: 'Don't trust boys'" 'Yahoo Homepage"

 Simply put!

"My pussy wasn't worth keepin thah sorry ass obviously broke muh fuckah!..."

But don't be mad Sweetness!

Yah picked 'im!

We've all been there!

In one bad way or anothah!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Okee-The-Fuck-Dokee! You'll Be A Witness!

 Let the muh fuckin effulgent Human light shine on yo sorry broke asses

Sonshines fo ah minute or two!

Feel its comfortin warmth!

Feel its worth!

Feel its innate essence!

Feel how it overtakes yo fuckin soul!

Yo fuckin bein!...


We'll be all fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Eczema! Tu Es Commes Toi!? Meredith?! Mon Dieu!

 "Atopic Dermatitis"!

It's funny how much yah start researchin some shit when you've been,


Diagnosed with thah shit!

All yo broke Black ass thinkin is:

Thah fuck wrong with my muh fuckin skin?!

Shit itchin so muh fuckin bad yah want tah cut thah muh fuckin shit off!




It'll be way bettah than this itchin bullshit!!!

I undahstand now,

I can take pain!

Way bettah than I can take  thah muh fuckin sorry ass godawful 



(Peace! More to come...)

You are Perfect! (Psalm 134:14)

 Niggahs and Nigresses!

You're fine Sonshines!

Just thah fuckin way 

You muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

US Is Free?

 When they shut US down durin thah heightened "COVID" shit!

It gave me some very bad fuckin blues!


And my whole broke Black sorry ass fuckin life's been painted dark blue!


Powder Blue!

Fuck it! 

It is what it is and what it has always been!...


But if they can do it once!?


Yo sorry ass thinks yo broke ass is free until eventually they tap that ass on the




Sorry! (Not really.)

Muh fuckah!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nuku Hiva

 If yah ah broke ass!

Don't cho sorry ass dare travel there!

You'll be anothah blip


Off this 

Human Firmament 


"Meredith Hopson? No!? She never arrived 


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Willingly! Not Unwillingly!

No one wants to be forced to challenge their conditioned beliefs! 


They’ll fight against thah shit tah fuckin grim death! 

Shit don’t work! 


Not with fuckin US!

No Ma'am!


No sir!

Fuck naw!

What ah muh fuckah does that's forced is change the firin mechanism of those now tryin tah be altered brain synapses! 

And thah shit just keeps misfirin and them muh fuckahs start gettin angry and shit! 

And US knows how that shit goes!...


If yah challenge those beliefs on yo fuckin own!?


It’s ah lifetime journey oft times tah find what thah 

Holy fuckin truth

Really is!

No mo muh fuckin misfirin and shit!...

And that is 

Ah Beautiful muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)