Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It Starts With A Time...And The Time Is Now! (Forty-Eight Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Saved) 2013

Oh, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! There used tah be a time...and the Time is now! I stand before you naked in this Eden and before judgement. Why? Because. Because why hide yourself from so many when this Eden needs some truth! When this Eden is longing for something that has been missing since Your God casted out the ones who started this mess, Adam and Eve. Oh, this Eden needs some long awaited Truth! People speak of their God being the Lord of Hosts and without flaw. Well, I hate tah tell yah with your dirtay faces, the entity was in error with us! Oh, yes he/she/it was!

People avow the trite statement, "The Lord don't like ugly!" Really? Is that the truth? Or some perception thy Nicolatian hath made up? Which I would so humbly have to suggest is the latter. Cause everything I read in The Holy Bible quite assuredly your God made everything which lives and breaths under these Heavens which I and you stand in judgement under? And yes, this Eden is replete with its share of ugliness, the dreaded asps. Millions upon millions of asps now in this Eden. And we; alas, must deal with so many enticements, so many asps and so many evils. But what be you?

You see, the Tree of Knowledge is an analogy. An analogy set forth to make one understand it was nothing more than your God's imperfections. The first being, giving human beings choice. The knowledge humans' could procreate; therefore, create. The second being, with that choice came the evil of, "Creating in our own image." Thus, being your God, a creator oneself. Oh, there was a Time...and the Time is Now!

What I did, and what people do, was shelter myself. Making this elaborate defense system around myself, keeping my given truths to myself. But what be ye reward whence thou seek? One must have witnesses to ones life, the real truth to the said life whence one lives or again, what be ye reward? If no one knows thine heart, then how does one find the truth in thee? So who will be thou witness to this life which thy lives? And through thy individual truths is the only way this Eden, Earth and Heaven will be saved. But it starts with a Time...and the Time is Now!

In order for the evils to diminish, one has to address those very evils to abate and eventually smote them. If problems or evils are never addressed, then those same problems or evils never get solved or subsequently resolved. Quite simple really. Then one may asks oneself, what are the evils for which you speak? Well, that is simple too because in all of us there is innate goodness. And we know, not show, those given evils. And it doesn't take pontificating or being dogmatic of another. No! No! No! Because with consistency comes trust. With understanding, comes humility. And with knowledge comes salvation of this here human race! It starts with a Time...and the Time is Now!

Voltaire once said in Candide, "Let us take care of our own garden." Because the truth lies within. Not looking without and judging. But it starts with every single one of us to tell the truth within our selves and express those said truths without, "I am imperfect! And I stand before ye in this Eden in judgement...naked!"

And like the hackneyed phrase goes, "The truth? The truth will set you free!" The Now! And that My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! Is a Beautiful Thang! Oh, yes it is!

Peace! More to come...

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