Thursday, February 23, 2012

Niggas (Elaine Hopson II, Tribes Person, Aspiring Writer) 2019

He was so hyped. Nerves on edge. Ready to kick someone’s ass. Gettin crunked. And what do you know? Here his boys were, blaring out that shit, “I don’t give ah fuck! I don’t give ah fuck!” His favorite song when he got fucked up. Hypin’. Give me your money bitch, he would say to the mothah fuckah he was robbin at the time. Rememberin the rush of the whole episodes as the song continued in his mind and he seein all these fools again he had jacked on many of occasions. Could jack someone right now, or at least shoot a mothah fuckah. He was just lookin for some wrongdoin tah go down or to get into. There it was. Black ass mothah fuckah lookin straight up at'im playah hatin his ass off. Well, mothah fuckah, I saw you lookin for trouble and by god you definitely found it. As he smiled at his imminent quarry. The guy smiled his smile showin one shiny gold left front tooth.

He took two quick steps toward the gold tooth brotha and cracked him square in that damn gold tooth. His fist feeling the impact and being as one. Crushing teeth, bone, fuck it, matter. There was matter after he was through. No discernible parts and you know “parts is parts” as he laughed to himself about the old advertising line from one of the fast food chicken sandwiches or chicken nugget commercials. “That’s all folks!” as porky pig would have said. And as the mother fucker on the movie "Friday" would have said and he said just like the mother fucker too, jumped all in his face after his head hit the floor, “You got Knocked the fuck out!” He said into the gold tooth niggas mouth and felt the music and began to dance feeling like he had not felt like until now, tonight.

He thought maybe he should have yelled in his face, “You’re not a daisy at all,” as Doc said to Ringo on the movie "Tombstone" as Ringo was falling to the ground after Doc Holliday had shot him in between his eyes. Maybe he would say that the next time he knocked a fool out.

“Sing that shit! Where’s the other mothah fuckah tah hit!” He said to himself scoping the crowd and his boys just shaking there heads. Let a nigga learn some Martial arts and a nigga goes foul every time. He saw their looks. He didn’t give a damn. He’d hit them too if he had to. Fuck it! Another motha fucka down don’t mean a damn thing. Just another motha fucka critical. Then he came up to this bitch. Who in the fuck does she think she is? He thought to himself. Shit the way he felt tonight and the action he wanted , shit he wasn’t against knocking a female out. She just looked at him with this smile. Kind of set him aback a little. Fuck that little fine bitch. Oh, don’t get it twisted, she was fine. But damn. A nigga gots to do...” He thought as he leaned over and squeezed that ass after he had told this disrespectful bitch with the nicest ass he had ever seen and looking the way she was challenging him? Oh, the next grope would do it for him and put this bitch in her place. Shit, that shit had him hyped like a motha fucka. He reached out and grabbed that luscious ass, squeezed hard and then everything went black.

He came to in the brightest environment he had ever been in. What in the hell? With the tremendous amount of weed he had smoked and just as much booze he had consumed, now waking up and his thumb feeling as though it were swollen. What in the hell, he thought to himself then a slight pain went up his arm then one of his boys came into focus then another and another. “That bitch damn near killed you nigga. I could have told you to not fuck with that bitch. That bitch don’t play. You see any of us laughing? We know. You just didn’t know. Do not. Do not fuck, I'm tellin yah, with Angie nigga. Big old mistake, with a capital B. The fuck wrong with you? We know you know some shit, but that bitch knows some real shit.” B Lo had said looking at his other two boys that were in the room with him. They nodding in agreement. “Look nigga,” B Lo had told him pointing at his heavily bandaged right hand. Michael looked at the direction of B Lo’s index finger and he realized he was injured some kind of way. Michael’s haze was gone, orientation finally setting in and understood now the cause of his discomfort in his right hand. Then the memories of the event started up and he remembered the woman, shit who wouldn’t. And saw himself reach out and she reacting and then there was no more he could recollect. It was all lost in the lost time after. He didn’t know what had really happened, he figured he had blacked out. Would not have been the last time he had passed the fuck out. Marijuana and Hennesy will make a motha fucka think he can do and get away with anything. But the thing about the passing out before he had vodka and other shit on top of the Hennesy. So he never would have drank anything else, because he knew what that combination would have brought about. Sure he would do it over his boys or at the crib but never out in a club.

“The fuck happened man? I remember feeling on that fine sisitas ass then nothing. That motha fucka I knocked the fuck out get up and cold cock me or something? Cause if he did that mah fucka can take a hella punch because I thought a nigga broke his hand for real. Oh, that’s it. Did I pass out and then realized my hand was broke after the buzz wore off?”B Lo just listened to Michael talk. Whatevah motha fucka he thought to himself. Shit I’d get amnesia too. But shit he didn’t know why Michael was trippin’, shit he the only nigga that wasn’t hip to Angie but a mah fucka had to learn some way. Had told the mah fucka to stop shit like that in the first place. Did that shit all the time. Told him, “Mah fucka look. You go out with us nigga you got to start chillin out man. Shit we don’t want to get in no shit. We got enough to worry about than you wanting to start some shit all the time and feeling on bitches asses. Do that shit again, I don’t know about these other mah fuckas but I know I can’t roll with you no more unless we all chill at the crib. I’m gettin too old for that type of drama.” Nigga didn’t listen for shit. But Angie had taught that ass a lesson. And she being a lawyer too and this nigga thought he was going to get away with that shit? He better recognize. And if he didn't from that encounter. Angie had her way of persuadin a hard mah fuckah like Michael. But you can't tell niggahs shit. That was for damn sure.

The club was rocking. Victor and Angie had just gotten there. Angie just needed to get out of the house and get loose, as she would call it. They had hit a joint before they left the house and they were still feeling the effects when they entered the club which was nice because they instantly hit the dance floor. Song after song they had been out there. Then Victor had to relieve himself and told Angie and she didn’t care, she said she’d be right where he had left her. So she continued to dance. All of the sudden there was a commotion somewhere in the club and she knew it but she did not respond because that was niggas. Couldn’t get together for shit without somebody acting up. So she kept vibing, waiting for Victor to return. Then this motha fucka, kind of handsome but thug all the same was coming her way so she looked at him and he gave her a condescending look, so she never being one to back down accepted the challenge and stared back at him with contempt understanding now this was the genesis or part of the aforementioned commotion, given the fact people were looking and pointing at him as he walked through the people on the dance floor. She continued to stare at him and she saw his hand and was surprised to be the recipient of a grope. Right on her ass. He was saying something but she could not hear him over the music so she yelled don’t do that again, not caring if he heard her or not, he had been forewarned. She was shocked to see his hand come out again and there, his hand, the squeeze. Angie had just as easily had taken her left hand, found his right hand which was still firmly grasping her round ass, adeptly took his hand in hers felt for his thumb, located it and did one quick jerk and inverted it and heard the crack and saw her previous assaulter drop hard on the floor, not moving. She didn’t care. She was just about to follow up with inverting his elbow and breaking it when she realized the music had stopped, then orientation finally came upon her. She was mad. Real mad. Angie had a very bad temper. She looked around and saw one of Victors friends, Tops, looking at the guy on the floor just shaking his head and for some reason he looked up and saw Angie looking at him Tops smiled at her, winked at her and nodded just behind her, she turned to see Victor coming her way looking at the unconscious body on the dance floor. “Uh, I think we should go,” Victor suggested. He knew whatever happened was not Angie’s fault. Though Angie had a bad temper she gave a nigga a little leeway so he knew this nigga probably took the leeway as she being easy or too nice and tried to take advantage of the situation, thinking Angie was like a lot of other women that let things slide with just a cussing out or at the worst a slap. The silly mah fucka in a heap at Angie’s feet didn’t know Angie for shit. That’s why he was incoherent on the floor motionless.

She looked at Victor and said, “Niggas and flies man. Niggas and flies.”
“I hear ya,” Victor responded knowing the very familiar phrase that had been around since he was a young buck growing up, when they were young people in the hood people had been saying the same phrase, “Niggas and flies I do despise. But the more I hang with niggas, the more I like flies.” He smiled at the statement after she had said it. Angie often times was hilarious when she wanted to be. Even in times like these. Angie never worried about too much. She was at ease with herself. He would sit back and just watch how people reacted to her. She could move a crowd without physically moving it, as if it parted for her. Her presence, the certain way she carried herself, plus she was not hard on the eyes at all. And a body to die for, literally, which that mah fucka at her feet certainly almost did. He was just lucky. And, he knew for damn sure, just fuckin stupid. (to be continued...)

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