Monday, February 6, 2012

Thinking Of Daddy (Fifty-Years Old, Tribe Person) 1977

I was sitting in my apartment. Looking out the window and thinking. Thinking about all the absurdity of humans. I had read a lot of Albert Camus' writings and I had instantly bonded with the philosophy of the existentialist. The French author changed my life. I used to take everything at face value. Believed what was said and what had been presented to me given the source of the information notwithstanding. But today everything is different. Nothing makes sense to me any longer.

I remembered my Father, when we were getting ready to go some place and I would ask my Father, "So. You ready to go?" My Father, always responding with that smile that he would put on his face just before he was getting ready to answer, would say, "Boy! We were born ready! And that includes me too!"

It was I and my Father's little fun with one another. I could have altered the question to my Father, but for some reason I never did. I knew my Father was speaking some truth that my Father was trying to convey to me. And I also knew, that when something is repeated over and over again it became instilled into one's being oft times clandestine through the sands of time.

And when my Father was on his death bed, I asked him with a sad countenance, "Daddy. So, you ready to go?"

My Father, not missing a beat, smiled his smile though he was very ill, and said weakly, "Boy. We were born ready. And that includes me too."

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