Friday, February 10, 2012

Respect Doesn't Come From Your Looks, From Your Dick Or From Your Pussy! Goddamnit! (Broke Black Prophet, Pre-Salvation) 2008

Mah fuckahs always talkin shit. I hear women talkin bout how many men come onto their sorry asses and shit. I'm thinkin, I could go out right now buy some shit tah look like a woman and within an hour of goin out this fuckin door tah this apartment there will be at least two mah fuckahs tryin tah come on tah me. Sad awhile. But for some reason women are impressed with themselves by this traditional behavior of men. Or you have in the adverse, men goin around comin ontah women and they feelin all good about themselves by women either takin them home or givin them a number or takin their drink...I don't really give a fuck. Whatevah mah fuckah. Yah see how fucked up the cycle is? But yo sorry ass has tah break that mah fuckin cycle. Yah got tah not Love yo damn self, but yah have tah be at the very least comfortable within the skin that yo sorry ass is in. Cause, believe me Sweetness, that shit ain't gonnah change, with that mah fuckah fo life Son! Belee dat kid!

Because if yah really look at it, in your core being, exterior ain't shit! Shiiit! Look at ugly mah fuckin Donald Trump or Eddie Murphy. Oh, there're the doubters out there right now sayin, but they got money. That don't have shit tah do with the point I'm makin. They made the money because they were respected in their craft or profession. Let's take for instance on the women side of things, Madonna, lets face it, is whooped! With a capital "W!" I don't give a goddamned whether yo sorry ass is a Madonna fanatic or not, the woman is busted. Or Gweneth Pawltrue, or howevah yah spell her damn name, I don't care how the media has hyped that woman up, all I see is an ugly woman. Damn that! Digressing, all four of them have a big ass flaw, they are severely unattractive but they are respected. And they're not respected by how good they can fuck. They are respected in their given talents. Maybe fuckin is one of them, but I don't hear the shit on TMZ or no shit.

People always talkin like looks are so important. Looks don't mean a damn thang if yo sorry ass ain't respected. You might be a drop dead gorgeous mah fuckin fly ass woman, but if yah givin it up tah every goddamn body, respect gets thrown out the fuckin window and all yo ass becomes is a fuckin Ho! Because respect comes with a certain sense of standards, one of them being, restraint. Controllin yo shit. Or if you are a man, (and I ain't even goin tah say handsome cause I don't know why in the fuck women fuckin most of these overweight, ugly, misogynistic, arrogant assholes? Cause I don't give a fuck how much money Oprah got, there is no way my dick could get on hard for that ugly woman! Unh-the-fuck-unh! But back to my point.), fuckin every damn woman yah damn well please, respect gets thrown out the fuckin window, and all yo sorry ass will be known as is a fuckin Ho!

And why does this happen My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs? Because whether you be male or female that shit shows signs of weakness; ergo, a flaw in the perception of respect an individual has for the one that used to be respected, unless yo sorry ass just wantstah be known as a great Ho or a great Whoremonger. But I'm glad tah tell yah, yo ass has one hundred million or more of competitors. So go knock yo sorry, no count havin ass out! For real! Shiit! Dogs can fuck! Monkeys can fuck! So can the rest of the animal kingdom!

Now, mah fuckah thinkin, why the fuck you stuck on sex? If a mah fuckah wants tah have multiple partners I don't see the problem? And here in lies the problem with yo stupid no count havin ass! Since gestating in yo Momma's Holiest of Holies and springing forth intah this world, the only thang yo mothah fuckin ass will evah own is your body, yo sacred temple. And tah let mah fuckahs stick in or stick on the only shit you will evah own, is disrepspectful and quite negligent to the only priceless thang yo ass will evah own in yo short good fo nothin life, your Holy Temple of your body! The fuck wrong with you? The fuck wrong with US? In my forty-three year sorry ass life I have known eleven women. Of course the word 'known' is used in the Biblical sense as a euphemism for, having sex with anothah. Don't know why I used the term but I did. So, there...on the othah hand I guess I do know why I used it because it is prudish and I am not a prude by any means so I used it as a means of incongruity from the written prose prior to. But anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, eleven women. Might sound like a lot for some, but not shit tah most. But it is what it is. But again, the last sixteen years I have only known two. And I don't really give ah good goddamn whethah you believe that shit or not. Yah heard may? Again, it is what it is?

And why did I tell you all this My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs? Cause, it's ol' school which should be new school too and year round school. What-the-fuck-evah yah want tah call it mah fuckah! How yo sorry ass treats yo body is in direct correlation of the respect you have for yourself and the respect others have for you. I may not like myself a whole hellofalot of the time and I might be a broke Black ass mah fuckah. But I sho the fuck respect myself goddamnit and I don't need or want to find that respect in various vaginal areas! And that makes all the difference in the world. Best belee dat shit! And it is...A Beautiful Thang! Oh, yes it is!

Peace! More to come...

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