Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Am A Gentle Breeze (Fifteen Years Old, High School Student's English Creative Writing Story) 1981

Don’t you miss me? Didn’t you miss me? How I touch you so softly, like butterfly wings on your skin, I send a fresh sense of air and cool you just enough, to even make your body scream out in the universe the sensations I give to them. I am a gentle breeze, feel me move. Soaring ever so high. Letting myself take control and dip and dive to depths unknown. Sometimes I wonder why I can not go into the water and feel its solids? Only being able to touch the surface but that is like all other entities I come about. Sometimes I wish. I wish I could go through any matter staying there for awhile and letting myself understand what it is like to be that entity. That state of being. I am a gentle breeze, feel me move. I have feelings just like any other entity. I often feel under appreciated except in the summer in Florida or some other humid state, I come past and I see the smiles of all the humans I brush and breath life into. But they never utter a word of thank you to me. I have feelings too. I am a sentient being also. DO all of you think that just because you are human and you rationalize that you are the only feeling entity on this earth? It is because you all are elitist? Thinking that only entities that have your language should be addressed or on the same level as the oh so superior human. Oh how I could tell all of you stories of where I have been, the other entities I speak to. All I’ve ever wanted was one of you all to address me and appreciate me in your language to say as I go bye and fill you with soft, warm emotional feelings and in an instant so many memories rush through your mind the instant I brush bye you, Thinking you are on an exotic island and looking at the clear blue sky or Seeing a person of the opposite sex the most beautiful person you have ever met and seeing them in that vision slowly jogging toward you and you know and you wait and just watch this most beautiful person you could possibly imagine , flashes, endless of flashes go through your mind in seconds, and you say not a , Have a good day. I am just saying all of us, if you humans would start just thanking us audibly you would see how many of us are sentient beings. We stay quiet around all of you because of your arrogance, only finding yourselves and your language and interactions amongst one another palatable. We all speak as we go past one another. I am a gentle breeze, feel me move. Address me as in passing and maybe you will learn my language and other entities. We have always been and always will. Maybe we can speak to one another and find a solution to your imminent problem. I am a gentle breeze. Feel me? Feel me!

I have brothers and sisters too. You didn’t know that did you? Of course you didn’t you have never stopped to speak with me, to address me, or any of my siblings. We all do what we do, some of my brothers: Tornado and Hurricane they are messes. So mischievous but they are really kind at heart. Then there are some of my sisters: Gale and Wind…I love going out on adventures with my sisters, we have so much fun. Tornado and Hurricane go out by themselves, we’re not into that kind of misbehaving. Mother, Mother Nature that is, oft times because of them keeps all of US inside, where we can’t go out and play, not being able to play with all of you. Mother grounds us for awhile because of the things Tornado, Hurricane and some of my other brothers do. Just have to have more attention than any of the rest of us. But that’s some of our nature I guess. And everyone has one, nature that is.

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