Sunday, March 31, 2024

A Rhetorical Question.

 "So! I've noticed mother fucker! Your ass posts as early as 8am and shit! Does that mean you're drinking beer then?"


(Peace! More to come...)

The Coming Eclipse

 So thah muh fuckahs absurdly writin,

"Have two weeks of food, water and other provisions by Monday April 01, 2024!"

'April Fools'!


Now that's...

Some evil ass disgustin muh fuckin shit!

Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

The End Of The Days As US Knows It. Pray! Ain't Gonnah Be No Thing!

 I'm goin tah leave US with this my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. BecaUSe I's gots tah get Easter dinner ready! Shit! God damn! I know! I know!

"Have you ever read about Easter?! And why we absurdly celebrate it?!"

I thah fuck undahstand! Shit!

But once yo ass gets married, your partner knows...too! Yo broke Black male ass really goin tah take that on?! Okay. I undahstand! Anyway...

I have tah get Easter dinner started. 

Please remember my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

When this shit goes 



There is goin tah come ah muh fuckin time!

US assUS gots tah 

Rely on 




Or shit!

All will be 


Happy Easter God damnit!...

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

1913! "All! By Design"! And US Shitshow Fucking Continues...

 What organization has evah been formed in 

US Human History tah really solve

Why thah fuck they were fuckin formed!

US thinks that thah

"American Cancer Society" really wants tah end 

Cancer, formed in 1913?!


The "Anti-Defamation League" really wants tah end

Anti-Semitism, formed in 1913?!


The "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People" really wants an equal Human field, formed in 1913?!...

What thee Holy fuck!...

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

US: A "COVID" Precedent

 US let them sorry elite degenerates do this tah 


Once successful?! Shit our elite disgustin asses don't have shit else tah do but tah fuck with these silly imbeciles! I mean? Why not?! 

It's an amusing way of passing our idle time! The children and that adrenochrome shit is startin tah bore me! And the Blacks are getting involved. No! Fuck! No!... Now, this Global World shit and how it's formin and shit! I could really find myself ensconced in this,

Languid productive curiosity!?...


And thah muh fuckin 


Gonnah keep on comin!

Until US.....

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Grassroot "Fuck That Shit" Campaign: RFIDC? Just say, "Fuck That Shit!" (23 Years Old, Genesis Reverend) Circa May 2024

Science is thah worst muh fuckin thing that happened tah


Remembah durin thah sorry muh fuckin lock-downs thah phrase of thah fuckin day, everday, was:

"I believe in the science!"


Science has nevah been 


Quite fuckin thah adverse! Uhm! Anyway 

It's comin my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!!!

And thah only muh fuckin query subsequently shall be:




P-P Diddy Done Fucked Up! Or Fucked Down?! III

 What now playboy!?

Yo ass got them nasty ZJs and them nasty White muh fuckin elite on that black sorry ass!

Thinkin yo ass gonna fly off with thah evidence, tah an undisclosed location!?

Bury thah shit for future use and everything is gonnah be fuckin


"Enh-enh! Enh-enh!" Thee Holy fuck!

Niggah! They know where yo sorry ass went! Right now they're collectin all of thah shit yo ass thought yo black sorry ass pedophile ass hid! Once all is collected!?

Yo ass will be in handcuffs within thah next thirty seconds, supersilly "Willy Wonka" black stupid ass muh fuckah!

Can't wait!!!!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Nasubi"/Tomoaki Hamatsu Revisited And US's evil elite Future Witnessed, Live!

 Yeah! That's what them evil degenerates got in store for 


Thanks tah those weird sorry ass 

Japanese muh fuckahs!

Don't give ah fuck!

Them Japanese muh fuckahs are weird as fuck!

And thah muh fuckin elite has always taken noticed of that sorry ass muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Human Herding


US IN IndianapolUS and shit!?

US IN INDpls are fucked!

Well, that's if US IN INDpls works downtown and shit!

Them evil city, state...muh fuckUS cut off downtown from the Westside on 30th Street!

Well, shit! How else ah muh fuckah gonnah get in and shit from thah westside, workin in downtown Indianapolis and shit?

Well yo ass got 65 South. And with all of these paper plates and newly acquired muh fuckin immigrants that don't seem tah know dick about drivin in US IN! Yo broke Black ass before gettin on that muh fuckah, like me, says ah muh fuckin prayah and fuck it!

56th Street tah Michigan Road or Meridian Street tah take yo ass US IN in?! But that shit ain't cool at thah fuck at all!

I mean shit! US IN INDpls can take 16th street all thah way tah work? Even stoppin by historical and delicioUS "Long's Donuts" tah make thah drive in ah little more bearable and shit!...

I mean?! Shit! God damnit!

Thirtieth street bridge is maybe one hundred feet max!?

And look how long they have shut that shit down?

And them evil muh fuckahs still talkin at thah least 

Fall 2025?!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

No Thing To Fear!

 "You shouldn't write that type of shit! For real!"

What?! The Truth as I write it, think it, feel it and shit?!

"You do know they're always watching?! Just saying!"

Watchin what?!

Readin what?!

An ol Black broke sorry ass thoughts before his ass is soon tah

Perish and shit?!

And tired of this shitshow them evil muh fuckahs runnin with impunity, like nobodies


i mean! Shit!

I's gonnah die soon!

If them evil muh fuckahs want it 




(Peace! More to come...)

Please!? White Muh fuckUS!? Stop! The US White Sorry Ass Muh Fuckin Guilt Shit! For US's Future Sake? Yeah! I'm Blamin You White ZJ Conditioned Muh FuckUS!

 I guess it's comes down to

"What thah Holy fuck US want out of this muh fuckah!?"

I mean! God damn!

Now, my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass ain't givin one more fuckin

Cent tah thah muh fuckin plethora of 

Non-US beggars in this muh fuckah!

Don't give one fuck!

Then my ol Black broke sorry ass witnesses their black broke sellin sorry ass muh fuckin spiel tah White ass muh fuckUS! 

Them White muh fuckUS feelin all that guilt and shit! Witnessin them takin out their wallets and shit for these sorry ass lazy foreign niggahs and shit!?

Them White muh fuckahs I've winessed, givin them sorry non-US citizens ah dollah or more!

I'm muh fuckin thinkin?

If y'all White muh fuckUS stop givin their broke asses shit!?

They'll eventually take their starvin, can't make ah livin in thah muh fuckin US...sorry broke asses back


And US 'd still have ah muh fuckin




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Central Asian migrants face xenophobic backlash in Russia after Moscow terror attack. - CNN"

 Agree with muh fuckin 


Beat those sorry muh fuckin foreign asses!

Muh fuckahs y'alls asses are muh fuckin visitors and shit!

Tryin tah fuck US's 

Shit up!?


Beat all unmercifully


Murder all 

Who doth this ill ass muh fuckin shit to


Fuckin up

Other Human beings'


Kindah fuckin shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus"

"Miley Cyrus" is a MTF! Sad really! They blame Miley for her actions yet, it has been proven time and time again, those hormone blockers/undertakers, takes there toll on thah psyche of thah one ingesting said Hormones daily. Anyway...

I always liked Miley. Probably because my Daughter loved her some Miley Cyrus back in thah day. Had this cute, "Hannah Montana" shirt and shit! Put it on her. She'd smile all thah while. She'd look down and say, "Hannah Montana"! Every time! I smile at that shit! I don't think she thinks one thought about Hannah Montana at all now. Maybe Miley Cyrus! Uhm...Them evil degenerates done gave Miley ah propah adult make-ovah and shit! And Hannah Montana? Thah fuck?! Ah propah burial and shit!... Big ups! Anyway... 

Fuckin troubled!

On ah muh fuckin ball connected tah ah muh fuckin chain!

And Miley sittin on one muh fuckin ball hangin on tah ah fuckin chain! Not two balls. But one! Got's tah give up thah muh fuckin sorry ass perpetual 

Ghost! And lose that othah muh fuckin ball! Then yo sorry ass won't be suspended! Hangin on ah muh fuckin ball and chain and shit! Thah muh fuckin male shadow of yo individual muh  fuckin fucked up past! 

Thah muh fuckin chain and ball bein representative of her biological male birth! Anyway....

Head thrown back!

Showin not one,

But two protuberances in her thin neck!


Can't make this pitiful shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

"Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal - Netflix"

 (Murdah) Murders?!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Thee Holy fuck!

Thah muh fuckah's last name says it thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

"Lizzo says, 'I quit' in emotional Instagram post... - USA Today"

 God damn fat muh fuckah!

Bout time yo big ass started focusin on thah muh fuckin shit that yo fat ass is eatin!

I fell for thah sorry ass headline! Clicked on thah shit!

Six sentences in and shit!

God damn!

The big bitch still eatin whatevah thah fuck!?

She talkin bout some othah bullshit!


(Peace! More to come...)

P-P Diddy Done Fucked Up! Or Fucked Down?! II

 Niggah showin back up like, "What?!"

Yo pedophilic nasty black ass goin down fool! Yo black sorry muh fuckin ass can't exercise yo legal right tah "Law of Return" muh fuckah! You's be ah niggah! Not ah muh fuckin ZJ! Anyway...

All this pedophile nasty shit Epstein, Biden, Obama, Pedestas, Clintons, Alefantis...done got away with!

Yo black supersilly "Willy Wonka" ass show thah fuck goin

Down for all of


Nasty ass transgressions and shit!

"Well that's not fair!"

I undahstand.

But that black nasty ass muh fuckah should muh fuckin know:

US niggUS are fuckin 

USed for such ah nasty ass muh fuckin


Especially if absurd NiggUS got that sick piquancy for that fucked up ill ass shit!

With ah plethora of

Future nasty ass muh fuckin

NiggUS, like yo nasty ass, which

Shall be muh fuckin

Blamed for this deplorable nasty child fuckin, child eatin, child traffickin, child adrenochrome drinkin...sorry ass shit! 


 Thah evil ass muh fuckin degenerate elite too! Anyway...

And I don't give one flyin fuck!

black nasty ass muh fuckah!?


White nasty ass muh fuckah!? 

As long as some-muh-fuckin-body goin tah prison or bein murdered for this ill ass evil

Child rapin shit and 

Child cannibalizing shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, March 29, 2024

Beware of The Eclipse 08April2024 @ 3:06pm EST IV

 "Well why don't you go someplace where you and your family will be safe?"


my Family and my old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass are already


(Peace! More to come...)

Lahaina, Hawaii Revisited

 It's called muh fuckin

Herding and shit!

US broke assUS don't belong there!

Too much beauty tah see with yo 

Broke assUS!

Beauty is for thah muh fuckin evil elite! Not one of your kind! Not one! Doesn't even believe in cannibalism!? Anyway...


Time tah burn that ass


And due!

Thah God damned muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Beware of The Eclipse 08April2024 @ 3:06pm EST III

 Now jUSt remembah my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs in 

US's beautiful Hoosier land!

Thah muh fuckin emergency ordah is in effect until

Tuesday 09April2024 23:59!

"Well how do you know this shit is even going to happen?"

Uhm. Like I was sayin.

That's forty-eight hours of fuckin with 

US's broke muh fuckin 

Hoosier assUS!

God damnit!










(Peace! More to come...)

Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced? And The "Law of Return"! Again!

"Mister Bankman-Fried is exercising his legal right to

"Law of Return". Thank you."

That's why his evil ZJ ass always smirkin in photographs and shit! His ass just bein sent back 


Kindah fuckin shit?!  

Them ZJs' got it goin on!

Fuck up ovah in US here!?

Send yo sorry non-US muh fuckin ass back ovah 



Like some second chance at muh fuckin

Life some shit?!

But when they send them pederast back tah


Shit them disgustin muh fuckahs start fuckin their

Supposed childly


Now ain't that some shit!? Anyway...

Them some evil degenerate muh fuckahs!

Get thah fuck 


Hook!? Or


Don't give ah fuck!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Beware of The Eclipse 08April2024 @ 3:06pm EST II

 "You've totally lost it Bro! Yo ass is crazy!"

Well shit!

Thank you!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Beware of The Eclipse 08April2024 @ 3:06pm EST

 Thee Holy fuck!

Holcomb, ol muh fuckin Luciferian, gonnah sign this emergency ordah and shit, talkin bout thah shit may fuck with US Indiana muh fuckUS 


It's ah muh fuckin eclipse God damnit!?

Thah fuck y'all talkin bout this doomsday shit?

Reportin that NASA gonnah fire three rockets at thah muh fuckin eclipse?! Thah fuck for?! Then got thah nerves tah write some more shit about the electrical dome and shit?!Thee fuck!?

Havin at least two weeks of water, food and provisions? Oh, and make sure yo sorry ass fill the muh fuckin vehicles up before April 8th too?!...

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Thah fuck them evil degenerate muh fuckahs know that US show thah fuck don't?

Shit! Save for stayin yo sorry broke ass at home all day,

Monday April 8, 2024!

Just suggestin some obvioUS

US shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Sorry Ass US Muh Fuckin Plethora of evil Temptresses

 Many muh fuckUS wannah give up on

US and shit!

Fuck that noise!

US has shown that evil muh fuckin degenerate sorry ass throughout US's Human History God damnit!:

Y'alls sorry muh fuckin asses shall always play on thah losin muh fuckin evil pitiful


And get ah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Drug Free Zone Rehabilitation And Recovery Centers (Thirty-three Years Old, Jason Saint Nicholas, Meth Addict (Would settle for marijuana now)) Circa June 2024

" So where would you ultimately like to begin?"


On some straight



"Sex in a Pan - Bela Fleck And The Flecktones"

 "Listen mother fuckers! I'm going to start a band. Called Bela Fleck And The Flecktones! And of course, you will be the mighty, Flecktones! So... You want in? Or not?!"

And them muh fuckahs bought in!

Tearin some shit thah fuck


But my broke Black ass would say, if I was one thah Wooten Brothers,

'Shit! I still don't like tah be called uh muh fuckin

Flecktone muh fuckah!



From one Flecktone tah anothah!

Good lookin out!

Cause yo ass knows how tah get ah niggah paid!

With some wild ass fucked up shit! Damn...

Banjo? Uhm.

God damn! Good lookin out!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

The "Vax" (Twenty-Three Years Old, Corporal Noel Simpson (Future DINFOS, Fort Benjamin Harrison, 46Romeo) Dead. During Crucible Activities.) USMC @ June 2024

 I got ready for 

The Crucible.

Always calm!

I had the swag.

I swung my hips over the first obstacle.

Wasn't anything! All the pushups, jumping jacks, flutter kicks, burpees...I had done over the past nine weeks!

I relished in it!

In about six days I'd be at my


Shit! This was jUSt the beginning of my bright long

Military career....

"Welcome to The New World Order - Blinded By The People" Breezeway Park, Indianapolis Indiana, Sunday 08August2024 @ 0222



Shot into US!


Are for the



Are for the


US's Beautiful Human Differences? The Real "Me Too" Movement!

 US gots tah appreciate this shitshow them evil degenerates have created?!

Oh, fucking 


Them evil degenerates have doth created! Not fuckin broke ass 


I mean!? God damn!

They don't give ah Holy fuck about




And shit!...

I would muh fuckin have tah deduce God damnit!...

US don't give ah Holy fuck about 

US sorry broke muh fuckin assUS


(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Spirits: Ain't Got No More Time For, "I Don't Know?"!


Or muh fuckin


That's thah fuck all!

Eithah US



US don't give ah

Holy Fuck!?

Pick ah muh fuckin side muh fuckUS! And let US get this shit movin howevah it goes!

Fuck it!

But, Oh!

Our Father!

There is ah muh fuckin

Our Father's




Flowing through



Choose into 

Our Father's 


And fuck that evil degenerate muh fuckin

Sick shit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Japan BANS all COVID mRNA Shots - Excess "Sudden Deaths" - World"



Don't take anothah muh fuckin

Shot of



my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil Human Conditioning of US's Minds!

 Shit! I'm fifty-fuckin-eight years old and shit!

Thah light went on when I was almost forty-years old and shit!

Aftah about ah score later of researchin varioUS shit!


Still tryin tah deprogram from that evil ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil Sique elite Minds!

 Come on my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

Can't no muh fuckah!

Fuck some shit up like 


Unless muh fuckUS wannah fuck


Nasty and muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Zombie Apocalypse?!

 Muh fuckahs please!

God damn!

Them ain't gonnah be no God damned 

US Zombies comin at US's broke assUS when this 

Tired evil shit goes 




They gonnah be broke assUS jUSt like 

You and i!

But them now maniacal, USed to be enslaved, sorry ass muh fuckUS have been granted their muh fuckin sorry ass

Freedom with thah

SerendipitoUS offah taken with


With evil degenerate US FED

Impunity of fucking course!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US FUBAR!: The evil Degenerate Lazy Ass elite, Supersilly "Willy Wonka" Muh FuckUS!

 Thee Holy fuck!

US gots thah muh fuckin evil elite strategizin, conjurin up... some more evil shit!

Tryin tah see their evil plan come tah muh fuckin fruition and shit!


Them some sorry hardheaded evil muh fuckahs!

Please tell an old broke ass niggah?!

How their evil shit is evah goin tah be

Well or good!?



Kindah fuckin shit!?

How thah fuck that shit


Their sorry evil degenerate muh fuckin shit shall forevah be

Fucked up and/or 

Fucked up beyond all recognition and shit!!!!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US: Invitation Migration Facilitators (USIMF)

 Got sorry ass muh fuckahs comin ovah here that don't got






Even got families back in their own country and shit!

Them sorry ass muh fuckahs done said,

"Fuck em! I gots tah go with my hopes and dreams!"

Think about that tired sorry broke ass muh fuckin shit for ah tick or two?!

Hopes and dreams!?

God damn!

Y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs don't got muh fuckin

Dick back at thah

Crib and shit!...

And my old Black broke sorry ass don't give not 

One flyin fuck!

How they say at thah club aftah havin ah night out drinkin?!

"It's 3am people. Don't care where you go? But y'all gots tah get thah fuck out of 


God damned


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

"Six people presumed dead after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses in Baltimore - Yahoo News" V

 Think about 


Roads, Streets and shit!


Think about


State and Federal 

Highways and muh fuckin

Bridges and shit!...

Do US not see thah evil elite degenerates' asses dastardly plan for sorry ass muh fuckin


With ah muh fuckin young niggah 



Please listen tah some shit?!

Like them Black muh fuckUS said back in thah muh fuckin day,

"Let White folks! Fight with White folks!"

Then aftahwards!

Clean that nasty ass evil shit up!


And today is anothah one of 

Our Father's

Witnessing of anothah 



Human days!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Putin Wins By A Landslide With 87% of The Votes..."

 My niggah!


He truly 




(Peace! More to come...)

US UbiquitoUS Secret Societies

 I mean! God damn!

Just take ah peek in yo muh fuckin


Yo muh fuckin

Backyard and shit!?

Ain't nothin new undah thah muh fuckin


Every US 

Family is ah sorry muh fuckin



I grew up in ah muh fuckin strict


Family and shit!

And doth 


Family's society shit

Hast many muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

CaUSe US Is Special?!

 Old ass Black broke muh fuckUS, like me and shit, gonnah sit up there and avow,

"I'm going to tell that young man a thing or two!"

Thee Holy fuck!

They ain't listenin tah their Daddies and Mommas

God damnit?!

Kindah muh fuckin shit!?


Please tell ah muh fuckin niggah?

How thah Holy fuck that shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

"Six people presumed dead after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses in Baltimore - Yahoo News" IV

 Currently, they reportin it happened at


And six people dead?!

I mean!? God damn!?


Them 's

Some evil degenerate sorry ass muh fuckahs!


Can't make this shitshow up




(Peace! More to come...)

"Six people presumed dead after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses in Baltimore - Yahoo News" III

 Six people dead?!


As opposed to all those muh fuckahs in those muh fuckin 


Containers and shit!


Sri Lanka, is ah

Child/Human traffickin axis of evil!

Like thah muh fuckin sorry ass 


But on ah more serioUS

Global muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

"Six people presumed dead after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses in Baltimore - Yahoo News" II

 And research muh fuckin

Sri Lanka my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?


There's gonnah be a lot of dead muh fuckin bodies in a lot of those

Shipping containers!

If...those evil elite LEOs degenerate monkeys don't get to them


(Peace! More to come....)

"Six people presumed dead after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses in Baltimore - Yahoo News"

 Thah muh fuckah was thah author of thah text tah 

"The Star-Spangled Banner" and shit!

And with this 


Eclipse comin 


US thinks that shit was ah

Coincidence and shit?!

On 03/26/2024?!


"Let the rain come down/ Let the rain come down, down...Prince"!...

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Fucking Legal!

 So I'm talkin tah my wife and shit! She asks me,

"So? What the fuck niggah? Yo ass can only write when you drinkin and shit?!"

Yeah. Pretty much.

"Oh Love! Don't say that shit?! Don't say that?!"

Shit Love! I done said it?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

P-P Diddy Done Fucked Up! Or Fucked Down?!

 Who thah fuck is thah muh fuckin ZJ


Yo sorry bout ready tah be raked ovah thah coals black sorry ass didn't

Fuck and/or


Name! Names! Muh fuckah!

Or yo ass gonnah take it up that black, 


Wide ZJ/Masonic owned gapin


(Peace! More to come...)

US AssUS Are Going To Die!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckUS talkin that muh fuckin shit,

"Shit! I wannah live forever!"


And my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass 

Wannah million dollahs!

And US broke assUS witnesin how that fuckin bullshit playin


(Peace! More to come...)

BPH: Oil of Oregano 150mg

Add it to yo fucked up broke ass

Prostate supplemental


Fuck "Flomax" et al!

Cycle thah shit!

Three weeks on!

One week off!

150mg TID



(Peace! More to come...) 

Kate Middleton! Ding-Dong That Bitch Is Dead All The Muh Fuckin Same!


Thee Holy fuck!?

Them evil elite nasty ass muh fuckin degenerates can fuck, drink the blood...of ah 



But them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs can't get their sorry ass mouths tah say 

"Oh! Kate?! She died sometime ago. We didn't think it was any of you poors' business!?"


(Peace! More to come...)

Eclipse: 08April2024. "Sign of The Times - Prince"! And Fuck That evil elite Totality Horseshit!


Lookin at jUSt normal numerology, not Gematria or no shit like that, jUSt simple numerology and shit:

04/08/2024 = 3 (4+8=12(3)) and 66 (2(6s)), masonic and Luciferian 



Then Victoria Nuland makes ah muh fuckin statement on, again simple numerology,

02/22/2024 = 6 (2+2+2) 66 (2(6s) about Russia and their fate?!



Is supposed tah hit 

Indianapolis, Indiana at

04/08/2024 @


US can do thah muh fuckin evil simplistic numerological,


Stay US's happy assUS 


And fuck that evil muh fuckin


Witnessin sorry ass fucked-up


Just suggestin some shit!?...

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

"Why Are Women Getting Punched In The Face On The Streets Of NYC? - BLAST"

Cause y'alls supersilly "Willy Wonka" muh fuckin asses are stupid as fuck!

This here US is ah big ass muh fuckah! 

Don't give two fucks!

Get thah fuck 


While thah gettin is muh fuckin 


I mean? Shit!

These evil muh fuckahs wannah report how bad

Chi' is and shit! And I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. 

Talkin tah these White Christians and Zionist Jews ex-Chicagoans and shit! 

"I love Chicago! I'm moving back as soon as my contract is over in Indianapolis!"



Fuck y'all!

Until I see in NYC? 

White Christians and Zionist Jews leavin that bitch in droves!?

Y'all White Christians and Zionist Jews muh fuckUS still livin in that US bitch!?

Are lyin like ah muh fuckah!...

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

Crazy? Insane?!...Shit! Join US's Mentally Ill US Party!? II

Are not US all?! God damnit!?

Mentally ill?!

Gots tah be! 

CaUSe US has witnessed!

Them evil elite degenerates wantin tah call every-muh-fuckin-body crazy and shit!

Save callin themselves fuckin maniacal lunatics!

Uhm! Anyway...

Well, that's muh fuckin broke!

Or close to thah muh fuckin broke ass shit!

I mean! Shit!

What US muh fuckUS gonnah do?!

Instantly become rich and shit?!


I mean?!


How's that sixty-hour workweek, lottery, casino, sport bettin... shit workin out for


(Peace! More to come...)

Crazy? Insane?!...Shit! Join US's Mentally Ill US Party!? Are Not US All!?

 Muh fuckUS wannah break it down on thah real and shit!


I can definitely dig that RighteoUS muh fuckin shit!

But check it?!

Are you not...crazy?!

"Well I take twenty milligrams of Escitalopram and shit. But that's just for management sake.?"



Thee Holy fuck!

Yo assUS crazy 


Muh fuckUS!!!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

I Ain't Said Shit And I Ain't Seen Shit! Amen!

 Got grown muh fuckahs hidin and shit!

"I don't drink alcohol!"

For real!? Cool!

I can dig it!

But check it?

I don't even go out that much at thah fuck at all!

See that same muh fuckah shakin ice in an almost

Empty highball and shit!

Their significant othah says some shit tah 'em and shit!

Then there comes a full icy drink with what looks like

Water with an olive in it!

Olive water!?

Shit! That's some RighteoUS  shit there!

CaUSe I love me some olive and pickle brine!

Sip it like it's 

"Fine Wine" and shit! 

Fuck yeah!

Then yo ol Black sorry broke ass 

Witnesses how they acitin, with that 

"Olive" water!

Thah muh fuckin deduction:



That ain't no muh fuckin "Olive" water!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, March 25, 2024

KIAs (Know It Alls)

 Ain't nothin fuckin worse!

God damn!

CaUSe ain't shit yo sorry broke Black muh fuckin ass can bring up!

Them muh fuckahs don't know

Shit about!

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, March 24, 2024

"Hot Dog Money... - Rolling Stone" Legal "NCAA" RidiculoUS Money Making Graft Is About Over!

Thah "NCAA" Graft money is about tah dwindle dramatically!

Does US honestly think old ass Saban would have thrown in thah muh fuckin towel, if there was still all that money on thah muh fuckin table?!



 Them evil muh fuckahs wrote thah shit as 

Traffickin these now





Still makin money off those






God damn!

In 2024!?

Can't make this shitshow up




(Peace! More to come...!)

US Dangers: KIA "Truthers"!?


Muh fuckUS always forgettin from 


Muh FuckUS came from and shit!

Can't tell thah

Now enlightened muh fuckUS shit!...


Nevah respectin thah days of




And not undah-fuckin-standin?

Ignorance is muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Conformity! Uhm!...Then Thy Death Shall Soon Follow!

 Muh fuckUS don't undahstand some muh fuckahs like me?


Shit, I'm not sayin that I'm anything special!

No shit like that?



I'm ah very ordinary muh fuckah believe it or not?! I jUSt write crazy! And shit, I don't mind bein crazy! long as I can control thah shit! Which, shit...Ain't no thang! Anyway...

There is some shit!

I ain't gonnah 


Don't give ah fuck!

Gets tah if these sorry ass evil degenerates have taken ovah for ah season and shit! Yo ass lined up like all thah othah broke assUS muh fuckUS that will not be complicit tah this now,

NWO future bullshit!

Taking all of thah evil vaccines, taking the monthly sum to do nothing and be happy, being used for evil Human consumption, Harvesting and 

Fucking! Fuck that noise!

"Kneel before me!" bullshit?

Fuck this shit!

Just get it ovah thah fuck with!

It's time fo my old Black sorry broke ass tah muh fuckin


Howevah y'all evil muh fuckahs goin tah do this ill ass shit! Gonnah be pain involved 


But shit,

Instant death or ah 

TorturoUS Twenty-four hours



I'll take eithah!

Instead of for muh fuckin years of my life,

Goin through that same muh fuckin 






Until my Black ass



(Peace! More to come...)

Reptilians?! Them Sorry Muh Fuckahs Ain't From Outer Fuckin Space! Guarantee That Sorry Ass Shit!

 Thee Holy fuck!

What thah fuck 'd old


The Preacher


"There is nothing new under the sun."!

Them evil  degenerate muh fuckahs didn't come from outah fuckin space!

They came from thah 

Middle of this muh fuckin


"The Middle Earth"!

Space my muh fuckin old ass wrinkly nuts!

But them muh fuckin sorry ass muh fuckahs are fuckin 

Stuck in this limited



JUSt like broke sorry assUS


Now that's some muh fuckin dope ass

Our Father's 


JustUS for that evil no

Good for nothin sorry muh fuckin nasty asses!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Still Cloaking

 US would think?

Grown ass muh fuckahs, given thah fact of this evil LGBTQ-Z world,

Evil muh fuckahs would 

Come out!

People in CIA ran Hollywood and thah entertainment industry still 

Hidin and shit!!...


And why pre-tell shall that


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Answer Is Within

 Thah only muh fuckin reason 


Seeks thah muh fuckin


Is because...

Thah muh fuckin 

Truth is within


(Peace! More to come...)

Getting My Driver's License II

 Well, Kirk, he had ah 1982 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Navy Blue with ah tan colored half rag! Shit was on point! Anyway... 

And now, aftah all of thah vehicles I have evah driven in my old ass fifty-eight years old sorry Black broke life...

That muh fuckah was so-so


(Peace! More to come...)

Getting My Driver's License

 Every time my Daughter and I drive is ah leap of faith moment!

But I remember when I started drivin and shit!

Kirk, my Brother, worked night shift at Kroger once he left thah Air Force!

Well sometimes he'd have tah book it tah Peru, Indiana tah get some shit done durin thah week and shit!

"You have no school today. Right?"


"You wannah drive me down to Peru?"



(Peace! More to come...)

What Is Next?

 My ol Black ass is tired!

Real tired!

"Well! That's what they want to do! Get you tired! Weaken you!"


God damnit!

Them evil sorry nasty ass elite muh fuckahs done muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Absurdity of Men"

 I ain't met ah muh fuckah yet!

That undahfuckinstands thah muh fuckin gravity of their ill behavior!

Blamin it on somethin anothah muh fuckah did tah have tah




Save for savin yo family's life or 



(Peace! More to come...)


 If my ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin ass dies 


I shall have no


(Peace! More to come...)

"Star of the County Down - Bela Fleck and The Flecktones" VI

 From thah first muh fuckin time I heard thah shit!

I fell in love with it!

I can see 

Good and


The music says it all!

I close my tired weary 


"Lets get ready to rumble!"


Yeah muh fuckah! 


Aftah all yo fancy low sinister sounds!

US gonnnah hit yah with those soft high melodic notes!

Then with thah low melodic notes!

Oh, yes! 

"This ain't our first evil rodeo!"

As I was musically expressing! Before I was so rudely interrupted!


(Peace! More to come...)


 Thah only muh fuckin

Day of thah muh fuckin

Week and in 



History that muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, March 22, 2024

Don't Ever Give Up On US!!!!!!

 US heard may???!!!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"To Our evil elite Expensively Paid Calculations..."

 Like 'Cool Hand Luke' confidently said,

"I can eat 50 eggs!"

For what?!

Tah prove ah sorry ass muh fuckin 



Ain't no broke ass muh fuckin winnahs in muh fuckin

Projections and shit!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

For Granted

 I USed tah pray that I saw this firmament thah way othahs show nuff did!

I watched in wonderment! 

Being not seen


Being not heard!

I was good at watching life as it passed by!

Still am!

But the one thing that has never changed:


Aloofness to this 




Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)


 Oh! US don't dare show it!

"Everything is fine! Went on vacation last week! It was great!"


Get back tah this muh fuckah?!

Life hittin that muh fuckin



How thah 'Clipse' song go,


Damn straight bout that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US...RighteoUS!...Shall Live Forever!







Satiates the 

Degenerates, the


(Peace! More to come...)

Vastness, Creating An Human Void

 Think about these evil muh fuckahs pullin off this evil psyop'ed shit!?

Then think about how many of US are involved in this 

Shitshow with all due


"CaUSe shit! I'm livin thah good life you othah sorry ass broke muh fuckUS!"

Go head with yo bad ass sorry ass 



There shall come ah muh fuckin 








Would have nevah preached, lived, such

Absurdity and




(Peace! More to come...)

To No Avail


What they say?!

"It's gonnah be ah brighter day!"

Damn muh fuckin skippy!

Can't hide effulgence!

Our Father's ever


(Peace! More to come...)

Finally, evil elite Hunting Season!

 There's a limit to everything!

Some evil of US

May think in adverse!?

A threshold,

If you will!?

But once the threshold is 


Where doth thy


(Peace! More to come...)

Calm Yo Happy Ass Down! US All Goin Through This Evil Shit! God Damnit!

 I talk tah ah lot of muh fuckin US on ah muh fuckin daily and shit!

I'm sure most of US do too!

But shit!

Have US noticed thah amount of complainin sorry ass muh fuckUS

Out here



God damn! goin tah be jUSt fine


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 21, 2024

"Panda Eyes"!?

Thee Holy fuck!

God damn! 

Them some sick ass evil muh fuckahs!


Our Father!


Eradicate this awful



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Pedophilic Nasty Elite!

 There is no Justice for


Lust US?!




Oh, Our Father!

Yo evil degenerate asses has fuckin faltered!

Now, y'all evil sorry asses have participated in 

Our Father's ultimate horrible


(Peace! More to come...)


( Peace! More to come...)

"Ill Mind of Hopsin 8 - Hopsin"

 That's this shit goin on now


Muh fuckahs forgettin about thah major muh fuckahs keepin them sorry ass evil degenerates


Them evil elite degenerates don't

Know thah hand that feeds those lazy no-good sorry nasty asses!


And with all that muh fuckin 



"Willy Wonka" evil nasty ass

Muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Thee Holy fuck!

If thah shit has gotten tah that muh fuckin point!

Muh fuckah rapin, murderin, cannibalizin...

Yo ass gots tah be dealt with and




This ain't no 





(Peace! More to come...) 

The ZJ's "Law of Return", US Complicity And Pederast Jeffrey Epstein (Still Living) II

 So I have ah muh fuckin theory!

Researched some shit, and found old evil 

Ghislaine is ah ZJ too!

Thee Holy fuck!

Them evil degenerates scramblin their sorry muh fuckin asses off of tryin tah figure out how not tah tell US,

She too!

Is exercising her legal right to

"Law of Return"!

Them muh fuckahs flummoxed cause yah can't say two sorry ass nasty muh fuckahs died by


Or can them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs?!


(Peace! More to come...)

"The (Official) Best Way to Reheat a Glazed Doughnut, According to Krispy Kreme - Allrecipes"

 I fell for thah sorry ass muh fuckin sorry ass headline!

Got about five sentences intah thah shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

Fuck it!

It's ah muh fuckin donut,

God damnit!

One sentence


(Peace! More to come...)

The ZJ's "Law of Return", US Complicity And Pederast Jeffrey Epstein (Still Living)

 If yah don't know?

Check it?

It'll wake that ass up

Quicker than

Quick and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Y'all Evil Nasty Asses Will Never Be Rich Enough To Buy Natural Human Behavior!

 The elite are dumb as fuck about


Like they have already coined,

"Educated idiots!"

All that muh fuckin money!

And them evil degenerates still don't 



(Peace! More to come...)

Megan Kelly He/She Bitch Ain't Shit!

 "Fake! Fake! Fake!"

Yo sorry ass muh fuckin sinful words about



And in color with yo nasty evil sorry muh fuckin ass!


And, thah oldah yo ugly evil sorry ass gets!

Thah more 


Shall ye


And I prayed on that shit!

Sorry ass muh fuckah!

Do yo evil sorry muh fuckin ass undahstand how many millions of children yo ass enslaved and Murdered with those three fuckin words!? God damnit!

May yo sorry evil good fo nothin ass burn in muh fuckin


Right next tah 

Your undahground


(Peace! More to come...)

Pederast Jeffrey Epstein And "The Law of Return"


Now that's one thing those muh fuckin ZJs couldn't pull thah fuck off!


Our sorry evil degenerate muh fuckin nasty muh fuckahs can't tell thah


"Jeffrey Epstein has legally exercised his 'Law of Return'. Thank you."

US be like? What thah Holy fuck that mean and shit?!

Yeah! So what psyop can US evil degenerates pull tah get that sorry ass pederast back tah Israel safe?

Got it!

He hung himself!...


Kindah fuckin shit!

US jUSt gullible as fuck!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Little Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands (Owner/Pederast, Jeffrey Epstein)

 Do US undahstand?

Islands are considered cities?

And his nasty ass shit was privately owned by

Pederast Jeffrey Epstein, himself?!

And US do undahstand thah one who governs and fuckin owns said

Island city?!

Is thah muh fuckin sorry ass


And thah nasty ass pedo perve muh fuckah had thah nerves tah start his sorry ass sick city's name...


Thee Holy fuck!

Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace More to come...)

Pizzagate Revisted

 And ain't no muh fuckin body went tah jail!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Save for that sorry ass psyop of that muh fuckah strapped allegedly goin intah thah muh fuckah tah shoot up some shit!? Now that's ah sorry ass muh fuckah! Fuckin crisis actors and shit! Shoot 'em all! Thah muh fuckah done allegedly shot "three" rounds in thah crowded muh fuckin sorry ass joint armed with an AR-15! What?! And not one LEO shot that muh fuckah?! Shiiiought! My old ass wrinkly nuts!

I'm sure that muh fuckah was promised three million, because he's ah muh fuckin Mason and shit, tah take one for thah lodge! We'll make it worth your while! Uhm! That's ah sorry ass muh fuckah! That muh fuckah fucked this shit up by takin thah muh fuckin money! God damn US! Anyway...

 "Comet Ping Pong" and Pedo/Child Trafficker/Rapist/Child Molester James Alefantis , still thrivin, still gettin 4.5 and 5.0 stars reviews, still fuckin ovah lil children and shit! 

The Podesta(Pedesta) brothahs still rapin, killin, eatin, drinkin thah blood of children! 

Thah Clinton's still free and shit! And yes, still fuckin ovah children!

Epstein alive and well, livin back on thah island! And yeah, still molestin children!...


And life goes on....

(Peace! More to come...)

PS: Our Father's speed!

US Idle Minds

 I look at this evil planned

US muh fuckin shit!


I can only witness upon it with

Total muh fuckin



And that ain't no good thing!

No good thing at thah fuck


(Peace! More to come....)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

MurderoUS US %s

 Them evil FBI muh fuckahs state that only 35% of thah murders that happen get justified: ergo, they arrest thah murderer and shit!

Then in othah thinktanks' studies!

They say that percentage is way too high!

So, what evil muh fuckahs?

Twenty percent?!

"Even Lower!"



I'm ah muh fuckin lonah!

Sans criminal record!

Ah muh fuckah bettah not

Fuck up me or


(Peace! More to come...)

US Bad Ass Relationships

 Shit, US knows how, if yah about anything at thah fuck at all, US always feels it was 

US that caUSed thah 

Fucked up

Break up!?

Well! In this muh fuckin instance!

It show thah muh fuckin shit ain't



God damned skippy with that righteoUS shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Sunset Road - Bela Fleck And The Flecktones"

 Dreary, rain soaked or winter filled day?

Get yo ass ah drink of muh fuckin somethin! Sweet Tea, Long Island Iced Tea, Beer, wine, lemonade...whatevahthefuck!


Sit yo tired ass down for ah muh fuckin sec!

Put the shit on replay!



And let this firmament melt 

Away for howevah 


While sippin!


Our Father!

Thah cheapest muh fuckin



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Music: An Auditory Euphoric Drug

 Shit! When I was running track! And if they let US wear buds durin thah 100 or 200!

Muh fuckUS!

Them muh fuckahs would say, 

"On your mark?"

I'd say aloud, 

"Nora Van Elken - Sequoia" in five seconds.

"Get set?"


Nora would kick in!

And whosever asses would be properly


Well...unless ol Johnson or Lewis was listenin tah thah same muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Earbuds: Cancelling US Out II

 "Well, mister dick! Why didn't you just have the earbuds in anyway? That would be a helluva lot more civil!?"

Shit! I undahstand! Believe me!? I do!

But check it!

You have thah music on while writing sans buds and shit! The environment is still auditorily defined!

Shit! Put them buds in niggah! While writin?! 


Until I stop thah muh fuckin 






This firmament does not exist until I'm finished with thah muh fuckin

Visuals tah my muh fuckin


And shit!

Oft times,

That can be muh fuckin



Scary as fuck!!! 

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Earbuds: Cancelling US Out

 I have ah tendency, when I'm writing, to keep replaying ah muh fuckin song as I write and shit!

Without thah buds!

Well, that shit's ovah!

My wife comes intah thah room and says,

"Niggah! How many times are you going to listen tah that shit!?"

My bad!




Buds are my best


(Peace! More to come...)

Yo Ass Ain't Perfect! And So Shall Be Yo Muh Fuckin Offspring(s)!

 If evah!

Ah muh fuckah came up tah me and avowed,

"Man! Your Daughter is crazy!"


Our Father!

I would hope I wouldn't have any beer in my mouth!

CaUSe that muh fuckin shit would be

Not ingested and


Shit! If yah haven't noticed!?

I'm crazy muh fuckah!!!...

(Love You Elaine! Come ohn naw?! You know yo Black sorry broke dad is an old silly ass muh fuckah! Shit! I'm just writin some shit! That's all! Love You!...)

(Peace! More to come...)

Spring Is Here! Muh FuckUS!


Our Father!

I have forever smiled when



Watchin shit regenerate and shit!

And thah best thing about that shit!


Soul and 





(Peace! More to come...)

Yo Free US Ass Don't Owe Nobody Shit! Save Our Father!

 Get an evil Satanic


Thickets of dour promises

With it!

But US throws caution to the wind, to

Forever sin!... 

Just to 


(Peace! More to come...)

PS: Our Father's Speed!

US Shall Always Be, Dust to Dust. Less...

 Why don’t US take the



Cuss to relieve the



JUStice is not for

“We the people…”


Steeples getting

Turned upside down!



Our Father around!


That will sure enough make US



(Peace! More to come...)

PS: Our Father's Speed!

Major Platform Internet Outages?

 And US ain't heard shit about why them muh fuckahs were down for hours and hours and shit!

That, what thah muh fuckahs reportin, affected


What happened sorry ass muh fuckahs!?

Muh fuckin



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Biden awkwardly wanders off stage at Arizona campaign event as he 'couldn't resist' a baby - Fox News"

 Ol nasty ass 



Pedophile muh fuckin 


At it thah fuck again! Thah nasty ass muh fuckah can't help his sorry muh fuckin ass self!

Why that pedo ain't in prison right now is beyond my ol Black broke ass comprehension! And he does thah shit in clear view of

US! And ain't nobody done shit about it!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Can't make this shitshow up my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!



(Peace! More to come...)

Fuckin Easy?!

 Shit! I love tah cook!

Don't know why? Just do! Anyway...

Ran across this recipe with a video for

"Easy Homemade Hallah Bread"!

Looked at the time of thah muh fuckah!

Twenty-one minutes and some muh fuckin change and shit!


Twenty-one minutes and some muh fuckin change?!

Show thah fuck ain't

Timed muh fuckin 


God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Jews! We Talkin These Zionist Jews, The New Jews?! Or The Beta Ethiopian Jews, The Real Deal Jews!

 Well I think I wrote before?

Shit I was born in an Apostolic/Pentecostal family!

I heard all while growing up:

“Oh! You don’t mess with the Jews! The Jews are God's chosen people!”


Thah muh fuckin ZJs done stole thah Beta Ethiopian Jews birthright!

Those BEJs are docile, humble... Our Father's fearin righteoUS people!

And even evil satanistic ZJ Netanyahu et al won’t fuck around with thah real historical Black ass muh fuckin



So I guess those A/P muh fuckahs were right after all!

Our Faher's speed!...

(Peace! More to come…)

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

"California church pastor arrested in $40k murder-for-hire plot - KTLA Articles"

 Them evil muh fuckahs nevah wrote how old thah muh fuckin Daughter was! Nor wrote how old thah muh fuckin boyfriend was!

But for some muh fuckin reason! 

I read thah muh fuckahs that were

"Murder -for-hire" muh fuckahs were

47 years old and

55 years old


Kindah fuckin shit?!

"Well what does it matter?"

ObvioUSly your're not ah muh fuckin parent! Because if my 16 year old daughter talkin bout, "Here's my boyfriend! Ramon" And that muh, I find out , is 32 years old?! Shit! That muh fuckah gots tah be dealt with!

Shitt! My old Black broke muh fuckin sorry ass is broke! And near death and shit! I ain't got time for thah muh fuckin courts! And payin sorry ass muh fuckaahs tah do what I know needs tah be fuckin done!

"Hey Sweetie! Ask your boyfriend if he could meet me for a drink or three?!


If that stupid muh fuckah says,


Shit! Situation show nuff


(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Shame! IDK! (23 Years Old, Marian Gold, Accountant, "Goldman-Sachs") Circa March 2008

 I don't know!

I jUSt  fucking




The numbers don't make sense!

I don't know what fucking happened!


Fuck  it!

I said that

Sacred muh fuckin sorry ass fucked up economic




Fuck it!...


 Our Father's Prayer





The Holy Bible states

"Pray in thine closet..."

It never mentions that I can't 

Witness about


Our Father's speed!...

Texting With Another "Truther"! God Damn!

 Shit D! You've told me shit and it has always checked out! So I deem you to be credible when you text some shit! Then I text you some shit and you text back, "Send me the satanic ritual shit". Shit, I'm like. You didn't know? Some shit I don't bother people with because I deem them, "In the know"! So why in the Holy fuck bother sending it to them? So I don't. Then you texted me that? And I was like, Bro! I thought you knew? I don't deem myself an expert on this evil ass shit! Everyday I'm grinding! Finding new shit every muh fuckin day! Now, that's what blows my old Black ass mind! But with you? I'll say some shit in person and you've alway said, "Yeah I heard/read/researched that." So shit! About ninety-six percent of thah time I run into some shit. Ill say to myself, "D already knows that." And keep it moving! Then you asked for me to send you this information, and I was like, Bro. This is some pedestrian shit that's been goin around for about three weeks, some shit?! Ain't no big fuckin deal. But I was surprised you asked because you've hipped me to some solid righteous shit! So I was just texting the shit I ran into. Not once. Not Twice. But many times about Kate Middleton. I was thrown off because I didn't think I was telling you anything new? You know how, if one is into basketball, let 's say Pacers, and one tells the other, "Yo Bro! You see that Halliburton son! He's the truth!" And the other, a lifelong Pacers fan says, "Halliburton? He, all right?" Maybe that's not even a good enough example. But I was just talking to you about some topical shit and based on your knowledge of this evil shitstorm, I just thought you'd ran intah thah shit too! But I wasn't prepared for no damn sendin shit! I am not technologically sound! I went to the T-Mobile store because my cell phone was acting funny and shit. The lady that was helping me asked another coworker, "Yo Ty? Check this out. This is weird?"

I'm thinkin, "Damn"! I ain't downloaded or looked at no inappropriate shit! Fuck y'all! I didn't say that shit because, thee Holy fuck y'all muh fuckahs talkin bout! I just waited.
"Sir. You look relatively young," Thanks, I guess? The young lady continued, "The reason why your phone is acting funny? Is, because you haven't updated anything? And I've never seen anyone with only fifteen 'Contacts' since working in this business? And Ty's my witness....
(Peace! More to come...)

Hallucinogic Writing

That’s what life is!!!

Isn’t it?!

Muh fuckah can be long gone!

Dead like ah muh fuckah!

Then yo sorry ol Black broke muh fuckin ass!

Takes out ah lettah, ah poem, ah short story…

That muh fuckah wrote,

With that

Dead muh fuckin




Our Father!

You’ve jUSt taken thah muh fuckin



Steps to 

True muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!....

(Peace! More to come…)

US: Mille Feuille

 Layers upon layers of evil elite muh fuckin deception!


It's high-time tah start cuttin up that sorry ass

USed tah be 


Now rancid muh fuckin



Pile of 



And throw it thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

"Nicole Kidman, 56, Looks 'Stunning' While Posing... - Parade"

Thee Holy fuck!


That muh fuckin dude?!


My old Black broke sorry ass wrinkly nuts!...

(Peace! More to come…)

I Understand

 I don't fuss with muh fuckahs no God damn more!?

I hear muh fuckahs talkin that bullshit,

"I'm gonnah tell that muh fuckah a thing or two!"

Good luck with that shit! 

Grown ass muh fuckahs can't be told shit!

Spoken with...Maybe!

Talked at!

Fuck you!

So tah me,

Speak yo muh fuckin grip!

After them othah muh fuckahs respond!

I heard that shit!

And  move thah fuck on with anothah muh fuckin 


Or get thah fuck on down thah muh fuckin road!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, March 18, 2024

"Brittany Mahomes Wows in $1890 Crystal Crop Top...- People"

 Ain't no muh fuckin





Now, that's ah homely muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

Dan Schneider

 evil servant of thah evil elite degenerates muh fuckah!

Which evil ass elite  did you forget tah suck off, you forgot tah fuck yah in thah ass or forget ta with yo sorry degenerate ass refused tah share ah muh fuckin child with?!

Cause God damn!

Yo ass 's, like P-P Diddy,

Yo sorry fat fuckin gross muh fuckin ass goin tah be ah broke ass, ashamed, sorry ass...muh fuckah aftah thah 

Smoke has muh fuckin 


But shit!

Rightfully fuckin so!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Hyper 1986-1987

It's fuckin weird as fuck thah lil shit I remembah in this life! 

Shit just like I wrote before. I was down at IU Bloomington when they won the National Championship and shit! Lived in thah muh fuckin same dorm as Daryl Thomas, Keith Smart, Dean Garrett and Tony Freeman.  I might be wrong about Smart living there, but I usually would see him with Thomas, Garrett or both. Freeman never seemed tah be around 'em. Anyway. Freeman bunked on thah first floor. The othah three bunked on thah second floor where I was but down thah othah muh fuckin side of the hall.. We all lived in this dorm called Ashton Johnson. 

They were nice dudes. Freeman though, he was kindah standoffish. I mean he didn't treat ah niggah wrong no shit like that. He just reminded me of ah niggah that said with his whole being, just leave ah niggah alone!

I mean I wasn't friends with any of 'em, no shit like that! But all I can tell yah from what I experienced down there that year, not one of 'em was ah muh fuckin dick! Not one! Any of 'em saw you they'd say, "Whaddup?" And keep it movin! Anyway...

I used tah play basketball in thah Hyper. I D'd-up pretty well, but my jump shot was for shit! Around six feet around thah muh fuckin basket, ain't no thang. Aftah that, ah niggahs passin thah muh fuckin rock! 

Well, I was on ah fuck-around team as usual. You know gettin exercise and shit! Well Freeman was on thah othah muh fuckin team! Like thah rest of US he was just fuckin around too. Well, my lil ass is 5'5" upon gettin out of my bed in thah mornin! After that, thah muh fuckin spine, knees, hips...starts compressin and shit, and maybe 5'4" when my muh fuckin Black ass goes tah fuck back tah sleep. Anyway...

And guess who got tah guard Freeman's muh fuckin ass? Yeah? But shit. 5'7" my Black ass! And this was about ten hours aftah I had gotten my young Black ass up! So compression had settled! Anyway... That muh fuckah lookin me dead in my eye! I moved my feet well in basketball on defense. But that niggah was goin around me like I was standin still and shit! Talkin bout ah quick ass muh fuckah! God damn! My pick-up teammates finally sayin, "Are you goin tah guard him or what?!" I said tah them, 

'Shit man we can switch?" All these muh fuckahs lookin down and shit! No muh fuckin takers! Yeah! That's what I thought! That muh fuckah was just out there practicin dribblin, drivin, shootin and defending. 

But ain't no way I evah could stop that muh fuckah! Shit! But when yah play basketball with muh fuckahs like that with those basketball skills! No mattah who thah fuck it is! Ain't no excuses! He tore my lil Black ass up! 


(Peace! More to come...)

Be Prayerfully Vigilante! Our Father Will Respond Most Assuredly!

Keep on 

Prayin my

Dear Sweet Sistahs and 


Thah shit 's startin tah work out for


One elite death at ah muh fuckin 


Shit! US'll take thah shit howevah US can get it!

Fuck it!

But, please

Our Father!

Make them evil sorry ass muh fuckin asses

Deaths come in 



Just puttin thah shit out there.

Our Father's speed...

(Peace! More to come...)

Kate Middleton. Ding-Dong That Bitch Is Dead!

 Them evil degenerates tryin tah hide thah shit!

Waitin for that clone tah be unearthed!

Died in a "Blood Sacrifice Ritual" that these sick ass elite bath in!

Got US lil muh fuckUS talkin that sorry ass pitiful bullshit,

"I want to be a princess or a queen!"

Uh, listen lil muh fuckUS!

Yo lil assUS really thah fuck 


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, March 17, 2024


 Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!



They are givin these muh fuckin Transgendered certain hormones so thah muh fuckin

MTF can lactate and chest feed ah muh fuckin newborn


Kindah fuckin shit!?

And thah muh fuckin "experts" reportin,

"Breast milk from a man is just as nutritional as women's breast milk."!

Thee Holy fuck!

Research thah muh fuckin shit!

Fuckin "Twilight Zone" contemporary muh fuckin shit!

Cause even old deceased 

Rod Serling would say,

"The year is 2024. This man. Turned female. Incredibly is breast feeding his child!...What?! Hold on now! What the fuck am I reading here?! I didn't write this shit! God damnit! No ones going to believe this shit!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's A Beautiful Muh Fuckin Another One of Our Father's Blessed Days!

 Schumer/Biden, et al v Netanyahu/Lieberman, et al!

What thah fuck is happenin in this altered muh fuckin



Zionist Jews talkin against othah muh fuckin

Zionist Jews!


Thee Holy fuck!

Keep those prayers comin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Eclipse: Mon08April2024

 Fuck thah muh fuckin sorry ass 


All kind of news outlets are reportin, them evil degenerates warnin our broke assUS bout some fucked up shit! They ain't puttin it out there like that and shit! Naw, can't get muh fuckUS panickin and shit! But it's thah fuck out there my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Tellin US tah have at least 

Two weeks of water, food and othah muh fuckin provisions!


By April 8th,2024!

US bettah have at least two weeks of water, food and othah muh fuckin provisions!

Cause them evil muh fuckahs at their many

Cauldrons and shit! 

Got ah spell conjured up for lil ass muh fuckin broke



Just suggestin some shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 16, 2024

"Inside Job - Netflix"

 If yah ain't hip tah this evil ass dastardly shit!

This shit they spittin, albeit animated,

Will get yo muh fuckin about tah be 

Enlightened assUS


(Peace! More to come...)

"Mike Pence's refusal to endorse Trump ignites MAGA rage - Newsweek"

Thee Holy fuck!? 

evil Pedophile Pence or Pee-Pee as he's so fondly known around thah oval muh fuckin office?!


Trump needs tah be thankin his lucky muh fuckin

American Stars and shit for that non-endorsin blessin!

But if Homo Pedo Lindsey Graham evah starts endorsin Trump's muh fuckin ass?!

Trump 's muh fuckin 


Son! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Cause Of Fire That Gutted Cara Delevingne's $7M Home Revealed - Blast"


Naw muh fuckahs!

It's called muh fuckin paid

Arson muh fuckahs!

"Pay thah lady!" 

Or whatevah thah Holy fuck 

Cara/Carl is?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Brittany Mahomes

Thah fuck wrong with that ugly ass muh fuckah!? I mean, God damned! Busted! Don't no muh fuckah wannah see that shit! No...muh fuckah except for Patrick's Luciferian ass! 

Again, remembah Clint Eastwood with that truth shit,

"A man's got to know his limitations"

'Well she's a woman!'

Shit! I undahstand!?


(Peace! More to come...)

"COVID helped to kill off a flu strain. Here's how that will affect influenza vaccines in the future - yahoo! life"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Bout died laughin!

Them evil muh fuckahs even callin thah sorry ass shit muh fuckin


Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

"March Madness!"

 Love thah muh fuckin shit! All these young folks in college gettin fuckin hyped!

Tah me? It's ah beautiful thang! Shit! I was down at IU when Keith Smart hit that buzzer beater that won IU thah National Championship that year! I ain't evah witnessed anything so mind blowin in my muh fuckin old ass Black broke sorry muh fuckin life! Muh fuckahs ran out of thah dorms, meetin right in front of thah muh fuckin Union building! Fuckin nuts!

Thah muh fuckin electricity in thah muh fuckin air is gravitatin and welcomin! Fuck!

Well, anyway. I'm watchin thah "Big Ten" tournament and shit! God damn!

I've seen thah muh fuckah before, but in thah tournament that muh fuckah's impressive as fuck!

This Japanese muh fuckah, Tominaga, on Nebraska's team got fuckin 

Game yo! And he plays kindah of free! If that makes sense?

He got this fucked up leftie, awkward style of sneaky, undah thah radar playin that works like ah muh fuckah! I mean thah way it's lookin? Nebraska may fall!?

But I'm like,

"I see you! You Japanese muh fuckin playah's muh fuckin playah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Love President Vladimir Putin! And Yes! I'd Vote For Him!

 Shit I'm ah muh fuckin American God damnit!

But that muh fuckah is how every muh fuckin president should be! He loves Russia and its Russian people! I honestly believe he cares about his people who voted for him!

He took 'Tucker Carlson" tah muh fuckin school!

But what I love about thah muh fuckah is that he was in thah KGB!

And bein in thah muh fuckin KGB!

Yo ass knows you can speak

English muh fuckah!

But his ass refuses to! Cracks my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass up! For real! "Look at this muh fuckah?! God damn!"

Cool and calm as shit!...


Don't give ah fuck!

I like that no-nonsense, confident, highly intelligent...muh fuckah!

Don't give ah fuck!

I can say that shit because why?!



CaUSe I'm ah muh fuckin proud, free


Well, that 'free' shit...for 

Now at least and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The truth behind those white streaks trailing behind jets in the sky - CNN"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Them evil muh fuckahs ain't shit!



Naw evil muh fuckahs that shits

Chemical Trails/Chemtrails! 

Contrails have nevah lasted that muh fuckin long, shit looming in thah sky slowly dispersin that evil ass shit!

Strontium, Aluminum, Barium and some othah shit! Ergo,

Chemtrails! God damnit!

And them evil ass muh fuckahs headlined thah shit on thah muh fuckin 12th of this month!

Damn! But shit, their sorry evil asses still lyin about thah  murderoUS,

"COVID Vaccine being safe and effective!" and shit!

Them some lyin ass no good sorry ass evil degenerate muh fuckahs!

US ain't evah gonnah get thah muh fuckin truth out of 


Propagandized sorry ass good-for-nothin evil ass






(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, March 15, 2024

Start Nourishing From Home!

 I wish I would have kept thah article. But I read some shit today about ah Mexican restaurant in thah "Mission" district in San Fran!

Well thah ownah statin that everything has went up so he had to raise his prices.

Now thah muh fuckah one day was sellin his burrito for

11 dollahs and some shit!

The next day he decides tah sale thah same burrito for

22 dollahs!

And thah article stated thah restaurant had a long line durin lunch!

A muh fuckin burrito $22?!

It's fuckin street/peasant food and shit?! Suppose tah be inexpensive tah get US bellies full and shit! On thah cheap!

Almost an hour and a half of pay for ah muh fuckin burrito?!


Fuck that noise!

They got some straight up muh fuckin suckers in


(Peace! More to come...)


 But I was through prayin six minutes ago. I forget sometimes.


I'm old!

But I pray at 10pm every muh fuckin day! Not braggin.

Just writin some shit....

(Peace! More to come...)

Fani Willis and Nathan Wade? NiggUS!?

 What them old Black ass muh fuckUS USed tah tell US's Black  old assUS back in thah day!?

"Let White folks fight with White folks!"

US Black ass muh fuckahs ain't listenin at thah fuck all!

Callin thah niggah bitch "Fawny"? Muh fuckah please, "Fanny"! Stupid ass muh fuckin shit!

Ol Wade got smart! Said,

"NiggUS I'm out! And fuck this fucked up White folks suppose tah be fightin with White folks shit! Fawny? Bitch! Please continue!"

Aftah all these muh fuckin 'free' years in this muh fuckah! US NiggUS ain't learned ah God damned muh fuckin thing! Even NiggUS with an 

"Esquire" thah fuck attached!

God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Black Man Arrested After Livestreaming and Threatening To Kill Whites In Ohio"

 Some muh fuckin bullshit!

Affect is all wrong!

Thah first thing these evil sorry nasty ass cowardly degenerates of thah muh fuckin elite want to do!

Is tah take US's 

Firearms off of 


This black ass muh fuckah was paid!

And this black ass muh fuckah ain't shit!

Just complyin and makin money off of their evil muh fuckin elite ultimate 

Agenda for


US Black ass


And anytime US hears somethin poppin off at Wally World!

Just remembah?

Founder Sam Walton was in Military Intelligence! Ergo, subsequently, CIA!

Thee Holy fuck!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Complicit Behavior

 I remembah readin about ah case this muh fuckah filed against thah 

KKK down south. One of thah many lawsuits that brought that tired ass shit down! Oh, thah muh fuckin KKK was ah FBI and ZJ originated operation! Read about ol Grand Dragon D.C. Stephenson of the Indiana Headquartered KKK located right here in Indiana, back in thah muh fuckin day! And the ZJ he raped and murdered Madge Oberholtzer! Somethin don't smell right about thah case! Just suggestin some shit! Anyway...Thah CIA came latah! Don't get it twisted! Anyway...

Thah muh fuckah was ah White muh fuckin attorney that took on that KKK shit in ah muh fuckin case! I do believe in thah early 1980's? And in his writings he talked about,


I looked up thah word at thah muh fuckin time! Instantly liked it! The word writes, to me, its definition.

Uhm! Anyway...

Is that not what


All practice



(Peace! More to come...)

MMA/Wrestling Ears? Where's The MMAWU (Mixed Martial Arts/Wrestling Union) II

 But look at those muh fuckahs!?

Sculpted bodies!

But God damn!

Thah face and ears lookin like ah muh fuckin

Train wreck!

And them muh fuckahs are mostly youthful and shit! Undah thirty-two and shit!

Think about thah physical and mental pains them muh fuckahs gonna go through in about

Fifteen years or so!

Ain't gonnah be nothin nice!

Nothin nice at thah fuck at all!

Fuck it! The pain them muh fuckahs feelin right thah fuck


Unionize supersilly, sculpted body with ah trainwreck face and ears muh fuckUS! That shit ain't sharp! At thah fuck all!

"Fuck that shit! I just love to fucking fight!"

Uhm! So I 

Witness by your affected fucked up muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

MMA/Wrestling Ears? Where's The MMAWU (Mixed Martial Arts/Wrestling Union)

 Shit! Always wanted tah partake in some shit! But yah start lookin at muh fuckahs ears, noses, teeth and shit! Fuck that noise!

But shit,

Them cauliflower ears yo?! 

God damn!

Muh fuckUS!?

Y'all deserve some muh fuckin

Compensation for that fucked up shit


"Well! No one forced them to get into the "Octagon" or on a mat?!!"

And nobody forced them

CTE USed tah football playin muh fuckahs tah get on that muh fuckin

Field eithah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Time Will Ultimately Tell!"

 My Brothah Hubert and I just was talkin bout some shit!

You know how shit goes between 


Men, since thah beginnin of this muh fuckah ain't evah agreed on shit!

But there's some shit I have tah agree on. Well I said my lil two cents. Then he says,

"Time will ultimately tell!"

I laughed so hard!

CaUSe God damnit!

Yo ass is so right about that shit my Brothah!

Damn right about that...shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Interrupted Thoughts! Is Interrupted Influence!

 Just ah muh fuckin suggestion?

Don't let anothah muh fuckah read shit for you!?

"What are you talking about! I can read! Why would I do that?! Duh!"

I undahstand my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! 

Okay. Lets say you're in ah muh fuckin business meeting!

Them muh fuckahs have this presentation, with different slides, clearly annotated!

Yet, they read thah shit to you?! Instead of showing you the annotated presentation, while presenting more relevant information, while yo sorry broke Black ass reads thah muh fuckin information US can clearly see tah read?!

Why would presenters/facilitators do that idiocy?!

Well, my theory is,

They are taking US inner-voice away from US! Shuttin thah inner-voice up so US can't make thah fuckin individual sense out of this rubbish, which yo ass presents!

Preachers, teachers, lawyers, judges, law enforcement officials...undahstand thah powah of 

Nullifyin US's 

Inner rational human reading voice!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Stormy Daniels Revisited

 Shit if that muh fuckah really wanted tah make ah shitload of money and infamy!?

All that 

Male to Female,

Transgendered muh fuckah has tah muh fuckin do is

Join thah many siren voices of thah 

LGBTQ-Z community!


Tell ol Trump's advisors, attorneys, marketin team...

"I'm about to come out as being transgender!" Shit!

Talkin bout muh fuckahs scramblin and shit!

Trump will pay that ass whatevah thah Holy fuck!

Quickah than shit!

Tah say yo MTF sorry ass was just

"Being silly? And I am a biological woman! Sorry LGBTQ-Z community! But a he-bitch don't wannah get fucked in thah ass nor suck an endless amount of dicks no more! Done! Well? Unless I want it done! Without getting paid for it of course! You know?!"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hidden Cities in Antarctica II

 Shit! Fuck it! 

Open that "cold" shit up!

Let US stake some muh fuckin well needed claims and shit on that muh fuckah!

With all this so-called

"Global Warming" garbage!


Antarctica seems like ah quaint and propah place tah muh fuckin 

Relocate to


Cause it shouldn't be


For muh fuckin too much muh fuckin longer!!!


(Peace! More to come...)

Influx of Haitians?

 Why thah fuck would they do some stupid shit like that.

Shit thah muh fuckin D-R on thah same island of Hispaniola! 

Aftah that? Hit up Jamaica and get high and shit! 

Then nomadically go ovah tah Cuba!

If yo ass still wannah get here aftah that with yo Broke sorry asses?!


We got thah ammo when y'alls asses start fuckin with 

US's shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

L' Etrange Fromage Dans Les Etats Unis?

 Thah Holy fuck!

I dare US! Fuckin dare, tah see how many menu items come with


God damn!

I mean my system rejects dairy now! But sometimes I say, "Fuck it!" Take a Benadryl aftah eatin "Enzo's", "Giorgio's" or "Manhattan" Pizza! I do thah shit about once ah month! If I do it more than that? My joints start hurtin. Strange, erratic bowel movements. Itchin and shit! Then thah Atopic Dermatitis starts happenin! Anyway...

My wife wondahs why I don't like goin out? Well, shit! They put cheese and dairy in about every muh fuckin thing! Sour Cream, milk, heavy cream, and on jUSt about every God damn thing!

Then you say, "Can I have the double cheeseburger with no cheese please?"

Their response,

"No cheese?"

Yeah muh fuckah! I don't see jUSt ah regulah muh fuckin burger on yo muh fuckin menu! So thah only muh fuckin option that makes sense is tah ordah ah muh fuckin double cheese burger with no cheese! But I don't say that shit. Believe or not!? I'm ah very civil muh fuckah! I just say,

"Yes Please. And extra pickles please."

Then seventy-percent of thah muh fuckin time! What do I see on that muh fuckah! Fuckin cheese! Two pieces in fact! So, I end up scrappin thah shit off thah best that I can. Cause American cheese is thah worst! My old Black ass noticed I itch like ah muh fuckah if I consume American cheese. I'm startin tah research that it is not only the dairy but the emulsifiers utilized. "Well, why don't you just take it back? And have them make another one?" I don't do that shit! Fuck it! I ain't makin thah shit! If I want thah shit thah way that I really wanted it, I wouldn't be at this muh fuckah orderin it from somebody else!? But that's just me! Fuck it! Scrape thah shit off! Anyway...

I say all that tah say. My old Black ass ninety-percent of thah time

Eats at thah muh fuckin'


(Peace! More to come...)

"Aaron Donald Retires at 32 - yahoo Sports"?!

 God damn!

That muh fuckah was/is ah muh fuckin beast!

Still had wheels tah track yo happy runnin or passin ass down!

Thah fuck happened?!


Bro! You were/are a bad ass muh fuckah! Don't know why you retired so young?! But shit! Ain't my business really! But thanks for some excellent defensive football playin! US'll show nuff miss you! And I ain't evah been ah 'Rams' fan! Evah! Well...shit, othah than when James Harris was startin! But I was show nuff ah fan of yours and his! Yo ass put in thah muh fuckin work! And running backs and quarterbacks around thah league suffered who opposed You!

Thank You!

Our Father's speed

Mister Donald!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ukraine, Israel...Take Care of Your Own Shits! Quit Fuckin Beggin From US!


That muh fuckahs toast!

Even sorry ass pedo Biden startin tah undahstand some shit now!

Evil ass ZJ Schumer lambastin anothah evil ass ZJ Netanyahu! What thah fuck is goin on?!

And Netanyahu still won't fuck with those 

Beta-Ethiopian Jews!

He's tearin those Palestinians up!

But those real Black ass

Beta-Ethiopian Jews,

He knows not tah fuck with!...

(Peace! More to come...)

'Clarkson v Blackstock - Blast'

 "Additionally, the settlement stated that Clarkson and Blackstock agreed to vaccinate their children from COVID."

So shit!

Basically, them two sorry evil divorced muh fuckahs decided tah murder their muh fuckin own children!


And it's all about thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Hidden Cities in Antarctica

 Antarctica; Area: 5,500,000 sq mi

United States; Area: 3,797,173 sq mi

Thee Holy fuck!

And only 1,000 to 5,000 people supposedly live on that muh fuckah?

Shit's biggah than thah United States and shit! Forbidden tah go there unless escorted or undah federal ordahs and shit!?


Thah muh fuckin evil elite wants US tah believe this

Overpopulation bullshit!!!???

Kinda Holy fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ordained Rabbi Solomon Friedman Owns PornHub!

Parent company Aylo HQd now in Canada (formerly MindGeek and Manwin HQd in Tela Viv)! 

Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!



Ain't none of this shit anti-semitic! Cause it's fucking true!

Them evil ZJs I'm tellin yah! Don't give ah fuck about US

Goys! ZJs own 80% of the muh fuckin porn markets!

Research thah ill ass fucked up nasty ass absurd shit for yo

God damned self!?

While US still can?!


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 14, 2024

This Ain't No Hollywood Muh Fuckin Movie!

 In Hollywood they would like to show when you shoot ah muh fuckah in thah leg! He can still somehow get up and hobble with that same muh fuckin shot up leg!

Hollywood?! Good lord! Believe me! You shoot ah muh fuckah in thah leg!? That leg goes numb! Ain't no muh fuckin hobblin on and shit! How thah fuck yo ass gonnah hobble on some shit yo brain can't even feel at this point, doesn't even recognize thah muh fuckah! Pow! Pavement muh fuckUS!...ain't no dramatic muh fuckin shit!

No, what yo shot in thah muh fuckin leg sorry ass is goin tah do!

Yo ass gonnah take them two working arms and that one good leg, for now! And claw, scrape on your elbows, hands and one workin knee! 

Tah witness ah muh fuckin anothah of


Father's Beautiful muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)


 I don't know anymore my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

Been researchin this shit called,

Compositing and shit!

The art of overlapping photos to make the scene seem

Real! Now that was with muh fuckin photography only! Not film! Or video!...


Now they got AI! Which encompasses combinin visual elements from separate sources into an image! Now that's fucked up! Remembah on "The Running Man" where they manipulated Arnold's character to make it seem like he killed all of these civilians, just by editing the video? Ergo, another example of Hollywood's perpetual predictive programming. Anyway...

Well, I've been lookin at some old footage of that sorry ass niggUS first walk of shame intah University of Alabama in thah early 1960's! My lord.


It does look muh fuckin

Staged and


Even back in the early 


(Peace! More to come...)

Best To Find Another Hustle? Better Yet, A US Proper Job!

 It scares thah Holy fuck out of me with these endless amount of

US jUSt kickin fuckin rocks Black broke ass muh fuckUS!


Y'all saw thah SNAP payments been cut in half , three-Quarters in some cases and shit?! 

Oh, you have?

But still no job in sight hunh?

US broke assUS do undahstand

Government's Big old voluptuous suckin

Titty time is muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Yo Muh Fuckin Ass Can't Pay Me Enough!!!

My ol Black broke sorry ass has worked at so many different places it ain't even funny! 



I remembah workin at "Kroger" as an assistant manager in Terre Haute. I took thah position because based on what I saw in middle management and based on my peoples' skills, thirteen months I'll be up out these muh fuckin stores! And in Corporate! Them muh fuckahs take you through thirteen weeks of management training and shit! I called thah shit, free money. Then I got put in thah Plainfield store off of 267. Aftah about three months there I was offered thah position in thah muh fuckin "Haute"! It wasn't no thang because I had went a year at Indiana State University and while attending worked at the "Sears" in Honey Creek Mall in Hardware. Anyway...

Well, first day at that muh fuckah! Kroger just off of I-70 west, Terre Haute Exit! Go to the Stoplight bust that left! Across from Honey Creek Mall, there it was located! Anyway...

First muh fuckin day. Muh fuckin stocker had an issue with the 'Bailer'. I and the Manager went back there. The employee pressed the button. "You see? I've tried to nigger rig it for the past twenty minutes."

I looked at thah manager. He looked down at the ground. I shook my head!

Left the store! Got into my  car and rode back to Indianapolis!

Never to be a "Kroger" anything evah again!

"But you still shop there right!"

I mean yes, but my ass talkin thirty years ago and shit! And shit what's ah broke muh fuckah goin tah do!? I mean at thah time yo ass had "Marsh", "Kroger", "Safeway", "Walmart"...I can't really remember more than that thirty years ago some shit? Anyway...

Thah point bein. I guess! 

I've always been ah muh fuckin 

Believer in thah fact!

Fuck yo muh fuckin money!

If yo ass ain't treatin ah niggah 


Shit! I had ah muh fuckin job when y'alls stank asses hired my broke Black ass!

And I shall find anothah!

But I'm here as ah witness my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

If US takes that route?


US'll show nuff die



Fuck it!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

MMK "Montana Mountain King"

 So every day I cruise thah headlines and shit on varioUS platforms and shit!


"Farmer faces jail for breeding 'massive mutant sheep' - The Telegraph"

Clicked on thah shit!

Interesting as fuck!

And thah only reason he's facin jail time because they hatin on thah muh fuckahs

"Creator's" skills!

Oh, he'll get some muh fuckin time!

And the evil Fed gonna swoop in and show nuff gonnah steal all of that sorry ass muh fuckah's research!


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Preserving Hard Written Copies of US Properly! Toujours!

 I hope thah fuck y'all appreciate that I write this shit on thah fly! Then I save thah shit in various spots! 

"The Cloud"!



That shit be dissipatin!...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

Try? An Optician As A Trade/Profession? (Fifty-Two Years Old, Oakland Smith - ABOC, NCLE, Las Vegas, Nevada) circa 2024

 I'm good conversing with people. Especially in my profession, what I do. Not bragging in the least. Just recognizing years of opticianry. Listening to peoples stories. My responses. Then their responses....A societal dance.

There is something to brag about in those learning years of what sales,


I, after thirty years of being an


And yes,

With over six million dollars of eyewear sold!


One understands people?!

One can sale that same people!

An eighty-five thousand dollar pair of 



Times Two! 

Cause yah got tah have polarized sunglasses!



 It's all about 



Can't you feel it?!

There have never been so many 

Believers in Human history to witness

Our Father as



Thine ruse 


(Peace! More to come...)

US Retrograde?

 How muh fuckUS say today,

"Basically! Muh fuckUS don't give ah shit!"

Amen tah that shit!

When muh fuckahs constantly say,

"But what does that got tah do with me?!"

And I ain't talkin bout no tampon tah thah othah niggah!


(Peace! More to come...)

The Human Cyclical Learning Curve

 Yeah! Shit I heard that?! Aid...Well

Fuck that shit! I mean God damn!?!

We talkin bout grown ass muh fuckahs in petty muh fuckin 

Wars and shit?!

Then can't fight thah muh fuckin fight which they

Brought without some major aid from 


Thah fuck!

"Yeah! I know you married tah thah bitch! But I fucked her! Straight fucked her! Oh! You don't like me fucking her!? Let me call on my Homies, the US! Yah see!"

I mean God damned!

I've been ah lil muh fuckah all of my life! Membah ol Dirty Harry talkin that truth shit,

"A Man's got to know his limitations!"

God damned Skippy! Anyway... Muh fuckahs would try tah bully me and shit! Well, they did! But, fuck it! Y'all ain't gonnah stop this muh fuckin mouth callin y'alls muh fuckahs all types of names! But yah see, I learned, bein ah bullied muh fuckah, sometimes...shit..If yo ass can't take that bullied pain that day! God damn! Shut thah fuck up! And thah pain miraculously goes thah fuck away!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An evil Nigh elite Requiem.





Them evil elite muh fuckahs are in a shitload of 

Our Father's prophesied muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

US Worker Bees and US Worker Ants! Standing The Test of Humankind!

 Fucking fascinating!

As too them insect muh fuckahs 


So do



Thee Holy fuck?!







Sacrifice is thah muh fuckin key tah 



(Peace! More to come...)

"Back To Back - Amy Winehouse"

 My Daughter loves her!

I've listened tah her subsequently!


That's ah depressed, unspoken, Lost...

Child of 

Our Father!

Shit! How you doin 





I'm so glad tah call yo ass


Our Father's speed


(Peace! More to come...)

I Miss You! But Have Fun! Seriously!

 My wife is on vacay!

I don't mind really!

I'm just not that niggah that bounds around this sorry ass 

Firmament! Anyway...

But all I can say!

Aftah three days!

This muh fuckin 


Show thah fuck is not thah muh fuckin 



Miss You


And of course...



(Peace! More to come...)

Alcohol Cessation?!

 So I'm lookin around for thah drink I just made. 

Two parts vodka

Two parts flavored "Berry" Seltzer water,

And a squeeze of lime!

Started puttin up dishes that I'd just washed that were dry. 

Looked around?

Saw this empty glass?

"God damn niggah! Yo ass can't keep drinkin so much!"

Turned and was going to wash some more dishes.

There! A tulip glass of what I put that shit in!

Thah muh fuckin empty glass had thah nerves tah say,

"Shit! Fuck you niggah! Just suggestin some shit!!"....

(Peace! More to come...)

Shit! Soon! There's Going to Be A Lot of Blood on US Streets! (Circa 2024)

 Do US really undahfuckinstand how many muh fuckahs are goin tah have tah die tah get this 

US shit 


Okay, the evil elite? That takes up thah eighty percent of thah one percent! Ain't no thing!

That leaves 99.2%! But on the real. Only about thirteen percent of that gots tah go! So 86% survival rate! But that don't want tah give US credit like that! Fuck! No! Anyway...

So! Shit! you have to throw in CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Law Enforcement Officials, Magistrates, Judges, Doctors, Teachers, Managers, Nurses, political know? Pushin that vax deadly shit!...



Five-sixth of thah 






(Peace! More to come...)

"Boeing whistleblower found dead in South Carolina - NPR"

 Whistleblower Protection Act?


Unless yah seek asylum out of thah muh fuckin 


Yo ass gonnah die by



Our Father's speed

Mister Barnett!...

(Peace! More to come...)

But, This Niggah?! Is Out!!!

 I knew I was different early on! Special? Please! No, just different! Always felt alien up in this muh fuckah! Seein shit and othah muh fuckahs like,

 "That's how this shit is around here niggah!"

I fuckin undahstand! But ah niggah can't be around 


No fucking more!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Always Be US Mandatory Tweaking





A muh fuckin 




(Peace! More to come...)

A Luciferian Verbal Agreement?

 "Now shit Johnson! I have your promise God damnit! That when we finally collapse this US pussy shit! That I will be one of the main players!" Biden demanded the oath.

'You have my word!" Johnson promised. Smiled inwardly because the old fart wouldn't make it past June. There were good bets all around the political arena.

Betting on:

The exact date the old mother fucker was going to die?!

And his ass had five hundred thousand on

June sixth!

And six million when thah shit's exacted!....

(Peace! More to come...)

This Shit Is Sure Enough, A Piece of You! And This Shit Is Sure Enough, A Piece of me! US! God Damnit!

 The Truth is out 


Waiting for US sorry broke assUS!

What them muh fuckahs say,

"Ain't no whinin in this here life!"?!

Damn skippy!

US! Is some grown ass muh fuckUS!

This shit's on US's grown assUS


These evil elite muh fuckahs fuckin this muh fuckah 

Up! God damn!


And what thah Holy fuck are US goin tah do about this 

US shit!?

Let me suggest somethin my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

If US honestly thinks?!

US gonnah get out of this fucked up shit!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs got 

US sorry assUS in?!


Blood being





(Peace! More to come...)

"A Silent Alarm" (Matthew Mixon, Thirty-Six Years Old, Black, Male, US Federal Government Accountant) circa Spring 2024 II

 He felt tired constantly! Even when he went to bed he was tired! But couldn't sleep? He'd sleep for an hour or two. Wake up for an hour then go back to sleep for an hour. Lying in bed. Tired. Up!? Go to sleep maybe forty-five minutes? Up for an hour and a half. Go to sleep...Then the alarm would sound. 

He thought to himself after more than three years of this,

"I can't take this shit anymore! I need to find out what I am doing wrong?!"...

"A Silent Alarm" (Matthew Mixon, Thirty-Six Years Old, Black, Male, US Federal Government Accountant) circa Spring 2024

 He was always tired, fatigued. And it didn't come gradually either. No, one day he had a verve for life? Then...perpetual tiredness!...


 I'll be God damned?!

They are mocking 

Our Father!

God damn?

Genesis 19:24!



(Peace! More to come...)

Thah Fuck's Wrong With Haiti!? Time To Do A Muh Fuckin D.E.W.?!

 Watchin this alt news show on "Haiti" and shit! Them muh fuckahs puttin up,

"Warning! Viewer Discretion Is Severely Advised!" Thee Holy fuck!? What them niggahs done done now? Shootin, rapin and killin more muh fuckahs and shit?! 



Showin muh fuckahs roastin Human legs on thah muh fuckin street munchin on those muh fuckahs!?

Thee Holy fuck! Haiti?! One of thah muh fuckin foundin membahs of thah UN and ain't one UN troop on thah muh fuckin ground? Thah fuck!? Thah fuck's wrong with this fuckin picture!? And why ain't these Haitian US niggahs up in arms about every country gettin help save their Black ass muh fuckin native country?! I mean shit US done gave ovah ah hundred billion dollahs in aid and countin tah Ukraine and Israel! But not ah muh fuckin cent to that Black ass country! And from what I'm witnessin that shit is in need of military asses on thah ground now! Shit! God damn! Unless this is all just some made up news shit like all thah rest of this news shit?! "But it's alt-news Silly?" Evah heard of Controlled Opposition?! Uhm! God damn! Anyway...

I done heard about that cannibalism shit, but I ain't evah saw ah muh fuckah do it! And that's some sorry ass shit! And if that shit has deteriorated that badly! Give muh fuckahs three days tah clear thah muh fuckin streets! 

Scorch thah fuckin earth,

Rain down fire from thah sky on that evil black ass! Fuck it! 

And I guaranfuckintee ain't shit gonna survive!

Cause ain't one roof there painted in muh fuckin


While y'all evil muh fuckahs at it, get two more of them muh fuckin


Send one ovah tah muh fuckin


Send thah othah ovah tah muh fuckin


Fuck it!

Wars, insurrections, uprisings...whatevahthahfuck!

Resolved with one clean successful muh fuckin



"Well that's so anti-semitic mister Dick!"

Thee Holy fuck!

Did yah miss thah muh fuckin point of scorchin that niggah sorry ass shit


Yah do know,

I'm ah professed and born

US Niggah!!!??? ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Buy Into US!

It doesn’t take much

To be unknowingly touched!

But you are still alive!

And so am I!


What ah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Thorough Augmentation is Priceless?

 I mean serioUSly?!

Where thah fuck them muh fuckahs comin up with these type of ends?!

Havin $500, 000 or more in surgeries!?

Imagine ah ghetto Black muh fuckah goin in on ah muh fuckin consultation and shit!

"Listen doc? I don't have the ends for this shit! But look at these titties?! I know! They need some help! Can I get on ah muh fuckin payment plan some shit?!!"

'I understand looking at your breast! They need some volume! Some life! What is it that you do exactly?'

"Well? I work at the "Starbuck's' not one block away!"

'Strippers, prostitutes...! Okay! 'Starbuck's' baristas? Listen? I'm sure you understand! I need payment in full!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Whatchatderenow! III

 I don't know my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

I gravitate tah these shows of Human morphism!?

I mean shit!

US takes thah individual 

Our Father's reign and shit!

Flips 'im off while doin it!

And sayin, stolen horse and all,

"Fuck you! I can make a better



'Happy trails muh fuckUS!'...

(Peace! More to come...)