Thursday, March 14, 2024

Yo Muh Fuckin Ass Can't Pay Me Enough!!!

My ol Black broke sorry ass has worked at so many different places it ain't even funny! 



I remembah workin at "Kroger" as an assistant manager in Terre Haute. I took thah position because based on what I saw in middle management and based on my peoples' skills, thirteen months I'll be up out these muh fuckin stores! And in Corporate! Them muh fuckahs take you through thirteen weeks of management training and shit! I called thah shit, free money. Then I got put in thah Plainfield store off of 267. Aftah about three months there I was offered thah position in thah muh fuckin "Haute"! It wasn't no thang because I had went a year at Indiana State University and while attending worked at the "Sears" in Honey Creek Mall in Hardware. Anyway...

Well, first day at that muh fuckah! Kroger just off of I-70 west, Terre Haute Exit! Go to the Stoplight bust that left! Across from Honey Creek Mall, there it was located! Anyway...

First muh fuckin day. Muh fuckin stocker had an issue with the 'Bailer'. I and the Manager went back there. The employee pressed the button. "You see? I've tried to nigger rig it for the past twenty minutes."

I looked at thah manager. He looked down at the ground. I shook my head!

Left the store! Got into my  car and rode back to Indianapolis!

Never to be a "Kroger" anything evah again!

"But you still shop there right!"

I mean yes, but my ass talkin thirty years ago and shit! And shit what's ah broke muh fuckah goin tah do!? I mean at thah time yo ass had "Marsh", "Kroger", "Safeway", "Walmart"...I can't really remember more than that thirty years ago some shit? Anyway...

Thah point bein. I guess! 

I've always been ah muh fuckin 

Believer in thah fact!

Fuck yo muh fuckin money!

If yo ass ain't treatin ah niggah 


Shit! I had ah muh fuckin job when y'alls stank asses hired my broke Black ass!

And I shall find anothah!

But I'm here as ah witness my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

If US takes that route?


US'll show nuff die



Fuck it!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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