Saturday, March 30, 2024

Please!? White Muh fuckUS!? Stop! The US White Sorry Ass Muh Fuckin Guilt Shit! For US's Future Sake? Yeah! I'm Blamin You White ZJ Conditioned Muh FuckUS!

 I guess it's comes down to

"What thah Holy fuck US want out of this muh fuckah!?"

I mean! God damn!

Now, my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass ain't givin one more fuckin

Cent tah thah muh fuckin plethora of 

Non-US beggars in this muh fuckah!

Don't give one fuck!

Then my ol Black broke sorry ass witnesses their black broke sellin sorry ass muh fuckin spiel tah White ass muh fuckUS! 

Them White muh fuckUS feelin all that guilt and shit! Witnessin them takin out their wallets and shit for these sorry ass lazy foreign niggahs and shit!?

Them White muh fuckahs I've winessed, givin them sorry non-US citizens ah dollah or more!

I'm muh fuckin thinkin?

If y'all White muh fuckUS stop givin their broke asses shit!?

They'll eventually take their starvin, can't make ah livin in thah muh fuckin US...sorry broke asses back


And US 'd still have ah muh fuckin




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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