Saturday, March 30, 2024

Human Herding


US IN IndianapolUS and shit!?

US IN INDpls are fucked!

Well, that's if US IN INDpls works downtown and shit!

Them evil city, state...muh fuckUS cut off downtown from the Westside on 30th Street!

Well, shit! How else ah muh fuckah gonnah get in and shit from thah westside, workin in downtown Indianapolis and shit?

Well yo ass got 65 South. And with all of these paper plates and newly acquired muh fuckin immigrants that don't seem tah know dick about drivin in US IN! Yo broke Black ass before gettin on that muh fuckah, like me, says ah muh fuckin prayah and fuck it!

56th Street tah Michigan Road or Meridian Street tah take yo ass US IN in?! But that shit ain't cool at thah fuck at all!

I mean shit! US IN INDpls can take 16th street all thah way tah work? Even stoppin by historical and delicioUS "Long's Donuts" tah make thah drive in ah little more bearable and shit!...

I mean?! Shit! God damnit!

Thirtieth street bridge is maybe one hundred feet max!?

And look how long they have shut that shit down?

And them evil muh fuckahs still talkin at thah least 

Fall 2025?!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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