Friday, March 15, 2024

Interrupted Thoughts! Is Interrupted Influence!

 Just ah muh fuckin suggestion?

Don't let anothah muh fuckah read shit for you!?

"What are you talking about! I can read! Why would I do that?! Duh!"

I undahstand my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! 

Okay. Lets say you're in ah muh fuckin business meeting!

Them muh fuckahs have this presentation, with different slides, clearly annotated!

Yet, they read thah shit to you?! Instead of showing you the annotated presentation, while presenting more relevant information, while yo sorry broke Black ass reads thah muh fuckin information US can clearly see tah read?!

Why would presenters/facilitators do that idiocy?!

Well, my theory is,

They are taking US inner-voice away from US! Shuttin thah inner-voice up so US can't make thah fuckin individual sense out of this rubbish, which yo ass presents!

Preachers, teachers, lawyers, judges, law enforcement officials...undahstand thah powah of 

Nullifyin US's 

Inner rational human reading voice!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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